71.6% Peerless God in Martial Art 123 / Chapter 343: 1881-1890

章 343: 1881-1890

Chapter 1881: You're My Second Choice

Lin Huang was a little confused when he heard what the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said. "As the Heavenly Dao, can't you make a couple of innate Peerless rank-10 living beings and cultivate them?"

"I can't do that because I'm the Heavenly Dao," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said rather helplessly, "Heavenly Daos cannot intervene in the operation of the world directly or indirectly. I'm already on the verge of breaking this rule by getting First Liege to found Heaven's Secret."

"If I could really take action, I wouldn't have to train First Liege at all. I could just kill Aza myself. The thing is that there is a rule that prohibits me from doing so, which has existed since I was born. Just like computer programming on Earth, I can't bypass this programming rule that has been configured from the beginning."

"Got it." Lin Huang understood it completely now when he heard that example.

"What's First Liege's current ability?" He asked instantly.

"Although he's an innate Peerless rank-10 living being, the number of chaotic cosmoses his Kingdom can contain is limited. Also, we've tried all sorts of ways, but the efficiency of his integration is still limited. Throughout the tens of eras, he could only integrate one septillion chaotic cosmoses forcefully."

"One septillion is still not enough to fight Aza?" Lin Huang was actually comparing his ability at the same time by asking this question. He had reached one septillion chaotic cosmoses ten days ago. Although he was at five septillion now, there was no significant difference in nature.

"When Aza was sealed, He had only mastered some one septillion chaotic cosmoses. However, during His deep sleep, when He was sealed, He sent out countless clones in His dream. Throughout the tens of eras, some of His clones' ability might have even surpassed His Primordial back then. If He integrated all of His clones once again, it's difficult to imagine how powerful His ability would elevate to then."

"How many clones did He make exactly?" Lin Huang frowned lightly.

"I don't know. Although I know most of the things in the infinite universe, I can't probe the information inside the dominator-level powerhouses' Kingdoms. He made His clones in His Kingdom and sent them out. I have no idea how many He made exactly. Also, His clones have all sorts of identities when they were projected directly, and their trajectories are on different timelines. I have no way of finding out at all."

"Since they're clones, you should be able to find out something from their memories." Lin Huang voiced his opinion after thinking for a moment.

"Do you mean checking all of the living beings in the entire infinite universe?" The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao was speechless. "Do you know how many living beings there are in the infinite universe? If we were to check like that, we wouldn't be able to complete it even if we had tens of thousands of years."

"No need for all that trouble, just check the powerhouses at dominator-level. In reality, those that are below dominator-level are not a threat." Lin Huang suggested a new idea. "If there are too many dominator-levels, start checking from powerhouses on and above dominator-level rank-5. Even if you include all of the timelines in the entire infinite universe, there should not be too many powerhouses above dominator-level rank-5."

"Your idea is doable indeed, but I think the success rate might be low." The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao voiced its opinion anyway. "Aza wouldn't make such a mistake. His clones are probably projected through reincarnations. Those who are projected in this way wouldn't have any memories of Aza at all. Their memories would only be awakened when Aza wakes up and activates them."

"Even if I probe their memories one by one, it'd be useless. The reason being is that even they themselves are not aware that they're Aza's clones."

"Can you probe the memories of their past lives?" Lin Huang asked instantly.

"Dominator-level powerhouses are more unique. On a certain level, the chaotic cosmoses in their bodies actually exist in the infinite universe semi-independently. There are many levels of dominator-level powerhouses that I can't probe. I can't probe the secrets in their core even in the memories of their current lives, let alone the memories of their past lives," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao explained rather helplessly.

"Then there's nothing that we can do. If it's really as you said that Aza prepared in advance to have projected His clones through reincarnation, we can only wait for Him to wake up." Lin Huang was not aware that dominator-level powerhouses were so unique. "However, I still think that you should try it. If Aza overlooked that, it could be a breakthrough point where we could crush Him completely."

"Hmm, I'll try that on powerhouses above dominator-level rank-5." The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not reject the suggestion.

"So you were thinking of training First Liege to fight Aza?" Lin Huang asked further.

"That's right," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao replied, "Before you showed up, he was the only powerhouse who had sufficient ability to fight head-on with Aza."

"What if Aza integrated His countless clones?" Lin Huang asked, "What's your plan, then?"

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "I'll get First Liege to try his best to integrate me…"

"One can master the entire infinite universe just with one septillion chaotic cosmos and integrate with you?!" Lin Huang voiced his doubts.

"That's naturally impossible. Otherwise, Aza would have succeeded tens of eras ago. He wouldn't need to start a war now either," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao explained immediately, "With my initiation to cooperate, the one septillion chaotic cosmoses would forcefully become the center to activate a small portion of my power and he will be able to borrow a small amount of the infinite universe's Infinite Power. However, First Liege would only have one chance to attack as soon as he integrates with me. No matter if he wins or loses, his body would explode after that attack, and he would then die."

"Does First Liege know that?" Lin Huang raised his brows.

"I told him that, and he has agreed to do it," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao replied.

"What if he fails to hit the target? Or for some other reason he failed to kill Aza?" Lin Huang continued to ask.

"That's why I wanted to meet you," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao said honestly, "Because… You're my second choice."

Lin Huang was quite surprised with the answer, but he soon thought it made sense.

After all, apart from First Liege, in the entire universe, he was the only one who had the ability to fight Aza at the moment.

Moreover, apart from First Liege, he was the only one who could use the Kingdom in his body as the center to activate the infinite universe's Infinite Power.

"Before you appeared, I only had one option, which was First Liege. If he fails, nobody in the entire infinite universe can fight Aza and He'd be the final victor."

"However, you appeared out of nowhere and rose to a level powerful enough to fight Aza within an extremely short period of time. If First Liege fails, you'll become the person who can kill Aza completely!"

"How should I put this…" However, Lin Huang shook his head. "I actually don't really agree with your plan."

Chapter 1882: The Worst Outcome

"I'm not afraid of death, but I don't think integrating with you is the only way to defeat Aza."

Lin Huang told it his thoughts directly.

"Have you ever thought that, since there's an Aza now, there might be a second and third "Aza" appearing in the future? As long as mastering the entire infinite universe is an option, someone will try to do so sooner or later."

"Without eradicating the root problem, even if Aza is killed, there will be people who will be on par with, or even more powerful than Aza, showing up. What will you do when that happens? Train another First Liege?"

"After killing the second one, what if the third one shows up? You'll train a third First Liege?"

"Will you descend into the cycle of repetition from now on?"

What Lin Huang said made the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao fall silent for a long time.

"Someone must escape the cycle to eradicate the root problem," Lin Huang said, "Aza was sealed by Virtual Sovereign in the beginning. If someone could reach Virtual Sovereign's level and become a Transcender, no matter whether it is the current Aza, or the people who come after, they will all be suppressed easily."

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao fell silent for a long time after hearing that. It only spoke again slowly a while later.

"You want to know the way to become a Transcender from me?"

"Do you know the way?" Lin Huang asked calmly.

"To be honest, I don't," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao answered directly. "If I did, I would cultivate First Liege into a Transcender directly."

"Then what do you know about Transcenders?" Lin Huang asked further.

"I've only seen one, which was Virtual Sovereign." The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao thought about it and organized its thoughts. "I don't know where He came from, nor could I probe any information from him. He gave off the feeling that He's a gigantic black hole, into which all probing methods would simply dissipate into nothingness. I couldn't even sense any fluctuations common to living beings from His body."

"I think the power He has isn't a level that one can reach by relying on cultivation. He should've been born as an existence that surpassed the infinite universe. He might've created the infinite universe."

"Where did He go? Do you know?" Lin Huang asked further.

"I don't," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao answered instantly, "He suddenly vanished after He ended the war."

Lin Huang fell into a long period of silence after hearing that. Nobody knew what he was thinking about.

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao did not interrupt him.

Lin Huang only spoke after a long time. He did not dwell on Virtual Sovereign. Instead, he asked a strange question, "Is there a border to the infinite universe?"

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao answered his question directly without even thinking about it.

"The infinite universe has no border because it's a combination of all substances, spirit, time and space. Everything, even if it's only the figment of the imagination of a living being, would be projected by the infinite universe. Therefore, it's expanding frantically at all times."

"This is also why I don't think anyone can surpass the infinite universe by relying on cultivation. The reason being is that all of the cultivation methods, even if it's only part of your imagination, are included in the infinite universe."

"If that's the case, how do you explain Virtual Sovereign's existence? Since He exists, He shouldn't be able to escape the inclusion of the infinite universe," Lin Huang raised a paradox.

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao fell into a moment of silence again before raising a doubt slowly, "Can it be that He doesn't exist?"

A light flashed through Lin Huang's head when he heard that. "It's not that He doesn't exist, He must be beyond existence!"

"Therefore, the nature of a Transcender is actually beyond existence…" Lin Huang suddenly caught onto a crucial point.

However, he still could not find any clues to become a Transcender after thinking for a long time.

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao seemed to have fallen into deep thought as well.

The two of them were silent for a long time. The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao could not help but say, "Is there anything else that you'd like to ask? If not, I'll send you back."

"I don't, but if you discover Aza's clones, please inform me immediately." Lin Huang thought about it and spoke again, "Rather than Aza when He has absorbed all of His clones, I think that killing His clones first is the key to win this war."

"I'll try my best to find them," the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao responded quickly. "I'll inform you by then whether I found any or not."

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao sent Lin Huang's consciousness back as soon as it was done speaking.

Lin Huang instantly understood what had just happened when his consciousness returned to his body.

He smirked. "So my current ability surpassed Aza's Primordium. I wonder how many clones He has exactly, and how powerful He will become after absorbing the clones…"

Lin Huang did not slack off at all. Instead, he seized every minute and second to continue integrating more chaotic cosmoses.

Time passed by.

Almost a week later, the number of chaotic cosmoses in his body had grown to 18 septillion. In terms of quantity, he should be 18 times more powerful than Aza and First Liege.

In terms of ability, he should have reached a standard that could suppress Aza's Primordium with ease.

The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao finally sent him a message on this very day.

It sent Lin Huang voice transmission this time, "I've tried using your suggestion over the past few days, but I couldn't find anything. I tried it on all of the timelines on powerhouses above dominator-level rank-5. Then I probed through dominator-level rank-1 to dominator-level rank-5. Turns out nothing is unusual about everyone's memories. Therefore, my first speculation was right. Aza has prepared for this in advance. He should've projected all of His clones through reincarnation."

"Oh well, there's nothing we can do then…" Although Lin Huang had expected that outcome, he could not help but feel helpless when he received the confirmation from the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao.

It was undoubtedly the worst outcome. It meant that, before Aza woke His clones, they could not locate His clones' coordinates in order to kill them in advance.

It would also mean that Lin Huang and First Liege might have to face the real and complete form of Aza. An Aza who had absorbed all of His clones would definitely have a level of ability more than one septillion chaotic cosmos, unlike His Primordium. He might end up mastering tens of thousands of septillions of chaotic cosmoses or even more.

"I still hope that you'll accept my suggestion. If First Liege fails, you're the only person who can integrate with me…" The Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao brought up the preventive solution again.

"I'll think about it." Lin Huang fell silent momentarily. He did not reject it outright.

He was never a person who feared death. If that was really the last resort, he knew that he would definitely show up. However, he did not agree directly because he thought the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's suggestion was not the only way to solve the issue.

"Seems like it'll really be a tough battle…" Lin Huang frowned.

Chapter 1883: The War Has Begun!

Time flew by. Very soon, over 20 days had passed.

During the past 20 days or so, two dominator-level rank-9 mystic territories had opened in the infinite universe one after the other.

The masters of those two mystic territories had abilities on par with K'thun.

Lin Huang sent his will projections to enter the mystic territories and killed the two masters.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang's Primordium had integrated more than 1,000 septillion chaotic cosmoses. The difference between his current ability and that of 20 days ago was like comparing heaven and earth.

Though that was the case, he did not think that the current him had sufficient capability to fight Aza when He was in His complete form.

He did not halt his cultivation just yet. Instead, he seized every minute and second to integrate more chaotic cosmoses.

On this day, the entire infinite universe suddenly trembled intensely.

Lin Huang's vision pierced through space. He looked at the source where the tremor had originated.

His pupils shrunk the next second.

"He's coming?!"

A mystic territory containing a terrifying aura had arrived.

It was hidden within a gray fog. Compared to other mystic territories, there was a gigantic door outside the fog.

It was a jet-black door whose size had even surpassed the size of a chaotic cosmos.

The black door consolidated quickly at speed that was visible to the naked eye.

A moment later, the door seemed to be pushed open by an invisible hand.

After that, a massive amount of Abyssal creatures rushed out from within…

At the same time, tens of thousands of mystic territories opened at the same time in the infinite universe. They released countless Abyssal creatures in all directions…

Lin Huang had a rough idea regarding the identity of the master of mystic territory behind the black door.

"There are at least close to a hundred dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses, and there are more than 10,000 dominator-level powerhouses in total…"

Although Lin Huang did not sense Aza's existence, he was still shocked by the sheer number of dominator-level enemies.

"There's an aura whose strength has reached the level of having mastered ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. This aura doesn't seem like it belongs to Aza's clone. It should be one of the three Outer Gods."

"Aza's aura isn't present, nor are the two other Outer Gods…"

At the same time Lin Huang noticed the mystic territory, almost all of the dominator-level powerhouses in the infinite universe sensed the unusual fluctuations. Many of them spread out their Divine Telekinesis to probe.

However, they could not see what was behind the door. They could only see the Abyssal invaders that were pouring out in waves.

The first batch of invaders were basically led by Lords. There were many Heavenly Gods, True Gods and Virtual Gods under their command.

There was not even one powerhouse below virtual god-level, not even one demigod.

Clearly, to Aza and the others, the entities below virtual god-level were not even worthy of being cannon fodder.

The armies led by Lords spread in all directions quickly. They scattered themselves all over the infinite universe.

Lin Huang did not stop them when he saw that.

The remaining dominator-level powerhouses did not take the initiative to attack them either.

The reason being was that this was not their battle.

However, all of the dominator-level powerhouses informed the Lords under their command to fight almost instantly!

Lin Huang contacted the Sword Alliance under him as well, as well as opening a door that connected the infinite universe in his Kingdom. He released a massive amount of Lords, Heavenly Gods, True Gods and Virtual Gods.

As all organizations in the infinite universe rapidly assembled god-level powerhouses to fight, the first battle between the infinite universe and the Abyss had officially begun!

After releasing the first round of Abyssal creatures, on and below lord-level, the Abyss fell silent.

Lin Huang and all of the dominator-level powerhouses knew that it was not because they were done, but rather because they were observing their response secretly.

After all the organizations began implementing the first round of preventive measures, Heaven's Secret soon sent out a message.

Their Second Liege dragged all of the dominator-level powerhouses leading the infinite universe's organizations into a video conference.

Naturally, Lin Huang was invited too. Without hesitation, he released a will projection to take his place at the video conference.

The meeting room was like a huge meeting hall.

There were hundreds of people connected to the video call, and this number was still growing.

Lin Huang found out that he, Xue Luo and the others were seated on the first row. There were less than ten people on that row. Apart from Xue Luo, Lin Huang saw the golden-robed young man from the Dragon Tribe and the white-bearded old man from Sword Palace. Their displayed combat strength was basically above dominator-level rank-7.

Meanwhile, the people who were seated on the second and third rows basically had combat strength between dominator-level rank-5 to dominator-level rank-7.

Those who were seated in the rows behind were below dominator-level rank-5.

Heaven's Secret's Second Liege and Old Man Heaven's Secret faced everyone as they stood on the podium in front.

The number of people taking their seats in the hall was still growing. Heaven's Secret's Second Liege and Old Man Heaven's Secret did not stop them from communicating. Instead, they waited patiently.

Not long after Lin Huang took his seat, Xue Luo's voice transmission came to his ears.

"Have you met Heaven's Secret's chief liege already?"

"I have." Lin Huang nodded lightly.

"What did he say about the crisis?" Xue Luo asked rather curiously.

"He suggested a plan." Lin Huang's reply was simple and short.

"Can you tell me?" Xue Luo asked further.

"He wants me to keep it a secret." Lin Huang shook his head.

"Alright, then…" Xue Luo seemed to have expected that answer. "Then, do you think that… his plan has a high chance of success?"

"The risk is great, while the chance of success… is approximately 50%." Lin Huang did not reveal more details.

"What if it fails?" Xue Luo continued asking.

"There's no further plan for now," Lin Huang told her the truth.

"Which means that if the only plan he has fails, we'll have no chance of turning the situation around at all?!" Xue Luo did not expect that outcome.

"Not necessarily. We still have time." In reality, Lin Huang, who disagreed with the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao's plan, had not given up looking for an alternative plan.

He had even told Bloody and Grimace everything in order to come up with another plan, getting them on board with the brainstorming process. However, throughout the past 20 or so days, they did not reach a certain outcome after discussing with his Primordium.

"Also, his plan might not fail," Lin Huang comforted her.

However, Xue Luo had fallen silent. She did not continue asking.

Nobody knew if it was because she was disappointed by the news from Lin Huang, or for some other reasons.

After they were done chatting, close to 1,000 people had gathered at the meeting around five minutes later.

Second Liege, who was in plain white robe, finally spoke when he saw that most of them had arrived.

"I'm sure everyone knows why we gathered you for this video conference."

"Firstly, the war of invasion has begun. I hope that everyone can put aside your tribes, organizations and personal grudges for now. Let's unite and fight the Abyssal invaders together!"

Chapter 1884: Nobody Is a Winner in a War

"Everyone should have more or less found out about the matter of Aza waking up. However, perhaps most of you don't know much about Him. We've just compiled the details of Aza and the powerhouses under His command into a document and sent it to everyone. You guys can take a look at it later."

"We'll focus on the preventive strategies and follow-up arrangements for the invasion this time around."

"Today is the first day of the invasion. It's actually the first test Aza is conducting."

"Everyone should've noticed that this round's invaders have combat strength below dao-level, and that there are many of them. I know that most of the organizations present should've sent their respective members to handle them."

"To encourage everyone to join the war with enthusiasm, Heaven's Secret has decided to open up our treasury with the Heavenly Treasure Trading Company and the Qian family. During the war, you can trade your war contributions with the items in the treasuries."

"The war contributions are divided into three categories. You'll obtain bronze medal points if you kill powerhouses below dao-level. You'll obtain silver medal points if you kill powerhouses at dao-level, and gold medal points if you kill dominator-level powerhouses."

"You'll receive different authorization for trading items under these three categories of contributions. The bronze medal has the lowest authorization, while the gold medal has the highest. Check the document we sent over for the exact details of the points you'll obtain for the respective hunts."

"Apart from the three categories, you can take any item you want in the treasuries when you kill any dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse. There's no limit to the value, and you can do anything you want with the carcasses of those you killed."

Countless people could not help but stop breathing when they listened up to this point.

Second Liege glanced through everyone present. "If anyone kills any of the three Outer Gods, you can take any 100 items from the treasuries. As usual, there's no limit to the value, and you can do anything you want with their carcasses!"

Lin Huang could not help but raise his brows as he listened up to this point.

Naturally, he knew that the Qian family was the well-deserved number one business family in the infinite universe. Meanwhile, the Heavenly Treasure Trading Company was a trading company that gathered a few top organizations like the Star Palace and Sword Palace. It was also undoubtedly the number one trading company in the infinite universe.

Also, Heaven't Secret's business model was so big that it could be ranked among the top three in the infinite universe of the individual organizations. Not only that, Heaven's Secret had always been very mysterious. Many people believed that the Heaven't Secret's treasury contained a lot of good stuff, to the point where it might even be more than that of the Qian family.

One had to know that, apart from the mysterious Heaven's Secret, the Qian family and the Heavenly Treasure Trading Company would not sell their items to outsiders.

The Qian family had many precious treasures that would only be traded with the top organizations that had close business ties with them. Outsiders had no opportunity to get their hands on those precious treasures at all.

Meanwhile, the Heavenly Treasure Trading Company's precious items were only for its internal members. They were not sold to outsiders.

Now, the three treasuries were being opened up to the public. It undoubtedly stimulated the hearts of everyone present significantly.

While the people were still shocked, Xue Luo, who was in a white dress and veil, suddenly spoke up.

"We're opening up the treasury of our Snow Domain's Snow Palace to the public as well. The rules will be the same as Heaven's Secret's!"

Heaven's Secret's Second Liege was slightly stunned when he heard that. Snow Domain had been a hidden organization that had hardly connected with the outside world. They would only contact others occasionally for business. Therefore, Heaven's Secret did not shamelessly talk to them about it.

Never had they imagined that Xue Luo would participate on the spot when she heard the news.

"Thank you Palace Master Xue for your kind support!" Second Liege and Old Man Heaven's Secret bowed toward Xue Luo sincerely.

"Although my Snow Domain's treasures aren't as abundant as Heaven's Secret's, I thought I'd just give whatever I can at times like this. If we're defeated in the war, it's useless to hoard those treasures." Xue Luo nodded at the two of them and told what she thought.

"Palace Master Xue is so bold! Then our Dragon Island's Hidden Dragon Palace will be opened to the public too!" The golden-robed young man from the Dragon Tribe said loudly, "This isn't a private matter regarding a single tribe or organization, but a calamity for everyone in the infinite universe! If we really lose the war, then my Dragon Tribe won't be able to survive as well!"

Someone could not help but hiss in exclamation among the crowd.

Dragon Island was different from Snow Domain. They were known to be wealthy.

There had been rumors in the infinite universe that the Dragon Tribe possessed the largest fortune among all of the tribes, and that no one could compare to them.

However, the Dragon Tribe did not possess any large-scale business organizations. Their members only ran their own private or family businesses. Therefore, they did not rank among the top of the infinite universe in terms of business.

However, nobody doubted whether there were many rare precious treasures in their Hidden Dragon Palace.

As Snow Domain and Dragon Island spoke up, some other organizations joined one after the other.

Second Liege had to stop the registration temporarily, and asked everyone to contact them via message later.

However, Lin Huang's Sword Alliance did not participate.

It was not that he was being petty, but the current Sword Alliance was really poor.

Most of their funds had basically been used on Lin Xin and others, as well as the Sword Servants' cultivations.

None of the Abyssal creatures the Sword Servants killed were traded for resources. They basically refined all of them.

Meanwhile, there was nothing much inside the Sword Alliance's treasury.

Lin Huang really could not provide anything, so he was too embarrassed to open the treasury to the public.

If someone really went to trade items with their points and saw that there was nothing inside the treasury, they would probably call the Sword Alliance petty, spreading rumors that they hid their treasures.

Seeing Old Man Heaven's Secret looking at him with a smile, Lin Huang said through voice transmission directly, looking helpless, "Our Sword Alliance is really poor. It'd be a joke if we participated."

"I know. That's why I find it funny," Old Man Heaven's Secret said while smiling.

"You…" Lin Huang did not expect this old man to be so annoying. He secretly complained, 'Tease me all you want. Our Sword Alliance will kill a bunch of dominator-level powerhouses and take everything that's valuable in your treasuries!'

Old Man Heaven's Secret seemed to have seen through what Lin Huang was thinking, after which he said through voice transmission, "Just kidding. I think Mr. Lin's Sword Alliance might be the biggest winner in the war."

"Nobody is a winner in this war. No matter what the final outcome is, Aza won't be the winner, and neither would the Sword Alliance and Heaven's Secret," Lin Huang said in all seriousness.

"Indeed." Old Man Heaven's Secret put away his smile and nodded. He said nothing else.

Second Liege was still giving his speech on the podium.

"Opening up the treasuries is just an incentive. Our intention and hope is that everyone participates in this war enthusiastically and fights the powerful enemies we are facing together. I hope that there won't be any vicious competitions in order to obtain more points."

"We should be united at such a time instead of fighting internally! We also hope that everyone can put aside their personal interests and place hunting enemies as their first and foremost priority. We must put the infinite universe's future first!"

Chapter 1885: A Strategy to Stall!

Heaven's Secret's meeting lasted for over three hours.

Second Liege's main goal of holding the meeting was to get everyone to participate in the war.

After all, everyone was selfish. Some organizations might be located further away from the main warzones. They would possibly want to stay away from the trouble and be unwilling to participate in the war. Perhaps some organizations only wanted to participate by putting up a front before taking advantage of the chaos.

Heaven's Secret speculated that it would happen, which was why they collaborated with so many organizations to open their treasuries to the public as an incentive.

As soon as the incentive was revealed, it would encourage organizations to participate in the hunt. The more Abyssal creatures they killed, the more rewards they would obtain.

Those organizations that initially wanted to stay away from trouble would naturally not be able to sit still.

Those who wanted to take advantage of the chaos would naturally become enthusiastic.

Although this initiative would result in a great loss to their treasuries, Heaven's Secret and the organizations that participated in the opening of the treasuries understood that they would lose everything if they lost the war.

After some encouragement, Heaven's Secret's Second Liege very soon briefed them regarding the overall plan for this round of the war.

Facing the enemies below dao-level, Heaven's Secret suggested not sending powerhouses on and above dao-level as well. They did so to prevent the war from progressing too quickly. On the other hand, they also wanted to prevent the Abyss from probing the number of powerhouses on the infinite universe's side.

In reality, only Lin Huang knew the real reason for the plan.

The reason being wasthat he informed the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao, getting it to stall as much as it could.

To Lin Huang, each day he was able to cultivate would result in the number of chaotic cosmoses he integrated with skyrocketing.

Everyone had no objections to the plan Second Liege suggested.

In reality, everyone was not ready for this war, and most of the powerhouses needed time to prepare.

For instance, the equipment, elixirs, Odyl crystals and other resources that would be exhausted during the war had yet to be prepared. Some even wanted to seize the available time to break through.

After the meeting ended, everyone turned off the video and returned to their positions.

A small number of organizations that did not send their members to participate in the war earlier began to send members below dao-level to the closest warzone instantly.

Meanwhile, many of those that had already sent their members sent even more.

Many organizations sent almost all of their members that were below dao-level.

Even Lin Huang hesitated about whether he should send all of the remaining gods in his Kingdom to participate in the war. However, after some careful thinking, he gave up on the idea. If too many of them died, it would be terrible in the sense that it would result in a discontinuity in quantity among dao-level powerhouses for a period of time. The number of dominator-level powerhouses would be affected as well.

He had also considered whether to send the Bug Tribe, but he denied that idea instantly.

After all, the Bug Tribe was still an unpopular third party to other tribes at the moment. Moreover, judging by the current situation, it was unnecessary. The Bug Tribe could totally appear at a crucial moment as a special force.

After giving the Sword Alliance's current battle strategy some thought, Lin Huang got Bloody and Sword 1 to take over entirely.

Meanwhile, he focused mainly on integrating chaotic cosmoses.

War had begun in the infinite universe.

Within a day, almost 50% of the entire infinite universe was engulfed in flames of war.

At that moment, all of the mystic territories became teleportation portals for the soldiers the Abyss sent.

Time flew by, and half a month soon passed.

At that moment, war had broken out in over 80% of the entire infinite universe.

The major organizations aside, even some of the minor organizations that did not have dominator-level and heavenly dao-level powerhouses participated in the war as well.

Although some of them did that completely to earn war contributions to access Heaven's Secret's treasury, many of them were very much aware that everyone would be doomed if they were defeated in the war!

Throughout the half a month period, although the infinite universe had the upper hand, the mystic territories continued to send more and more Abyssal creatures to join the war everyday.

They seemed to be endless.

At first, all of the powerhouses were quite happy.

After all, the more monsters they killed, the more bronze medal points they would obtain, and the more treasures could be traded from the treasuries.

However, as time passed by, everyone suffered differing levels of exhaustion.

The chaotic scene of them fighting to kill monsters at the beginning had slowly turned organized now. Many areas even operated in shifts. While one team was fighting, the other team would be resting. Two other teams would replace them on the second day, and they would take over the shift once again on the third day…

Lin Huang thought that it was quite funny when he saw that.

As the rotation system began to spread, everyone became more and more familiar with handling the Abyssal invaders.

However, this situation only lasted for a few days.

On the 18th day after the war began, the Abyss finally released dao-level monsters.

At that moment, Lin Huang had integrated over 20 octillion chaotic cosmoses.

Minor dao-level and major dao-level Abyssal monsters joined the war one after the other.

When the organizations saw that, they got their god-level armies to retreat from the frontlines instantly and sent minor dao-level and major dao-level powerhouses to join the war effort.

As the dao-level powerhouses had been sitting on the bench for 18 days, they had been observing the war this entire time, and were excited that it was finally their turn. They participated in the war enthusiastically.

Naturally, the Sword Alliance sent over many dao-level powerhouses as well.

However, the Abyss remained the same.

The number of dao-level powerhouses that were sent into the war was growing everyday. There would be dao-level powerhouses rushing out of all the mystic territories everyday. Although the number was less than one-hundredth of the god-level powerhouses that were sent before, throughout the half a month period, the number had surpassed the total number of dao-level powerhouses the infinite universe had.

Just as the organizations were hesitating about whether to send heavenly dao-level powerhouses to the war, Lin Huang sent one-third of the dao-level powerhouses he had in his Kingdom.

It almost doubled the number of the dao-level powerhouses the infinite universe had.

This batch of dao-level powerhouses relieved the pressure on the situation significantly.

Many dao-level powerhouses were curious about the origins of the dao-level powerhouses coming from Lin Huang's Kingdom. All of them said that they were from the Sword Alliance.

Since then, almost all of the dao-level powerhouses found out about the Sword Alliance.

Almost half a month after Lin Huang had released the dao-level powerhouses from his Kingdom, the infinite universe's dao-level combatants had fallen into a state of exhaustion.

Noticing that, Lin Huang released yet another one-third of dao-level powerhouses in his Kingdom. This relieved the pressure on the situation once again.

Three days after that, the Abyss finally could not hold back and released heavenly dao-level powerhouses into the war.

All of the organizations in the infinite universe reacted instantly. They got the minor dao-level and major dao-level powerhouses to retreat from the frontlines and began to send the heavenly dao-level powerhouses, who had been prepared since the beginning, into the war!

Up to this point, Lin Huang had integrated 260 octillion chaotic cosmoses.

Compared to over a month ago, he was undoubtedly countless times more powerful now.

However, he did not slack off at all. He seized every minute and second before Aza personally came to continue elevating his ability.

Chapter 1886: Nyarlathotep

Heavenly dao-level powerhouses were basically the top existences below dominator-level.

The level was the final goal most talents and geniuses aspired to get to.

Those who were lacking innately could not make up for it no matter how hardworking they were.

Those who could achieve dominator-level had to be at least at Aeon rank-8 in terms of life level. This was the main reason why there were many outstanding entities in history who were stuck at heavenly dao-level.

Life level decided the strength of one's physical body and God's soul and, to a certain extent, decided the toughness of one's Kingdom.

If one had a lacking life level, they would only be seeking death if they tried to break through forcefully.

Therefore, many powerhouses in the infinite universe were stuck at heavenly dao-level. Their number was merely slightly lower compared to the number of major dao-level powerhouses.

Since the heavenly dao-level war broke out, it almost seemed one-sided for the first few days.

All of the heavenly dao-level powerhouses in the infinite universe had over a month of preparation before joining the war.

From the two previous rounds, all the organizations had found a suitable approach. From the beginning, they would get all of the heavenly dao-level powerhouses to fight in two shifts. They would no longer fight alone. Instead, they were divided into groups of three to five.

Moreover, they would not wait for those invaders to scatter. They stood by at the entrance of the mystic territories where the invaders were being teleported out of.

This resulted in a situation of the Abyssal creatures being killed one-sidedly by the infinite universe's powerhouses for the first few days after the third round started.

However, the Abyss very soon discovered the problem and began to send over more and more heavenly dao-level powerhouses.

Within a week, everyone started to feel the pressure.

The reason being was that there were too many heavenly dao-level powerhouses coming from the Abyss.

Lin Huang released one-third of heavenly dao-level powerhouses in his Kingdom to join the war when he saw that. It doubled the number of heavenly dao-level powerhouses in the infinite universe again and instantly relieved the pressure on the situation.

Meanwhile, the Abyss began to send more heavenly dao-level powerhouses when they realized the unusual situation that was unfolding.

Less than ten days later, the number of heavenly dao-level powerhouses from the Abyss suppressed the infinite universe again.

Lin Huang released another one-third of the heavenly dao-level powerhouses from his Kingdom into the war.

Less than a week later, the heavenly dao-level powerhouses from both sides reached a stalemate. The war fell into a stagnant state.

However, the stagnant state did not last even a week.

The Abyss finally could not hold back. A commotion broke out again.

However, they did not continue to release more heavenly dao-level powerhouses this time, nor did they enter the next phase, which was to send dominator-level powerhouses to the war.

This time, the commotion originated from the source of the war—the biggest mystic territory in the entire infinite universe!

The moment it happened, Lin Huang looked across space. He looked at the jet-black door that was comparable to the size of a chaotic cosmos.

There was thick, black fog behind the door, which shielded it from all kinds of probing techniques from the outside world.

A gigantic, skinny figure walked out of the thick fog.

The door that was comparable to a chaotic cosmos seemed just right given its height.

It wore a luxurious and colorful robe, and there was a tall crown that dazzled with golden light on its head.

It looked like a beautiful man, but there were endless squirming tentacles under the robe…

Sensing the countless Divine Telekinesis that tried to probe him, the skinny man's red lips, that seemed to be dyed with blood, smirked.

The next second, countless powerhouses recalled their Divine Telekinesis in fear.

Those who failed to recall their Divine Telekinesis in time were smiling like they had been turned into fools.

A moment later, the heads of the people who were smiling like fools exploded directly. Tentacles appeared out of their necks at a frantic pace. They were spreading in all directions…

Lin Huang stared at him without blinking. He was not affected at all. However, he sensed the strange technique that the man had used clearly.

It was a psychic attack, but it had also combined the Abyssal contamination and some of this man's unique characteristics.

"Nyarlathotep…" Lin Huang called out his name softly.

He was Nyarlathotep, one of the three Outer Gods!

The most powerful one under Aza's command!

He was also the owner of the aura that Lin Huang had sensed in the large mystic territory.

Lin Huang could not help but frown when he saw him appearing.

It was not that he was afraid of his ability. After all, Nyarlathotep's ability was similar to what Lin Huang had speculated before, which was having mastered ten quadrillion chaotic cosmoses.

Lin Huang frowned because of what it meant for him to appear.

If this guy joined the war directly, it would mean that the war had progressed to the second last stage before Aza came.

It also meant that Lin Huang did not have much time left.

While he was still thinking what would happen later on, the skinny Nyarlathotep spoke while smiling, "I've been so bored over these two months before my master wakes up, so I thought I'd have some fun. Everyone seems to be enjoying the three rounds of games. I'm happy because I brought everyone so much joy…"

His voice echoed crystal clear throughout the entire infinite universe. All of the dominator-level powerhouses heard him.

Everyone could not help but undergo a slight change of expression when they heard the voice.

"However, now that my master is waking up, I can only seize this final bit of time to play this last game with you guys."

"You can treat this game as a warm-up before the war officially begins."

A hum came from the door behind Nyarlathotep again as soon as he was done speaking.

A gigantic ball slowly squeezed itself out of the door.

The ball was totally comparable to the size of a chaotic cosmos.

However, it looked like a gigantic sarcoma with an uneven surface. To be exact, it looked more like a sarcoma with countless tentacles.

All of the powerhouses who were watching from far away had a bad feeling when they saw the sarcoma appear.

It was clearly not a living thing, but it exuded an extremely ominous aura.

To a certain extent, everyone even had a faint feeling that this thing was even scarier than Nyarlathotep, who was standing next to it.

"I'll give everyone a brief explanation before commencing the warm-up game."

"This is an ootheca. For now onward, it will breed all sorts of dominator-level Abyssal creatures continuously."

"The rule behind its breeding is simple. On the first day, it'd only breed a single dominator-level rank-1 powerhouse. On the second day, it would breed two dominator-level rank-2 powerhouses. On the third day, it'd breed four dominator-level rank-3 powerhouses… On the ninth day, it'd breed 256 dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses. On the day after that, the number of dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses would be doubled."

"On the 11th day, there will be a slight change to the rule. It'd breed one dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse, but this dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse would have mastered over one billion chaotic cosmoses. On the 12th day, the breeding number would be doubled. On the 13th day, it'd continue to be doubled… It will continue like that until the 20th day."

"On the 21st day, it'd breed one dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse again. This dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse will have mastered over ten billion chaotic cosmoses. The number of dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses would be doubled on the 22nd day, the 23rd day… All the way to the 30th day…"

"The breeding rule would then be repeated. Every ten days, the ability of the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse it breeds will become one level higher."

"Of course, you guys can try to attack the ootheca directly…" Nyarlathotep's smile was rather eerie when he said that.

"Lastly, I hope that not all of you will die before my master wakes up."

As soon as Nyarlathotep was done speaking, He turned around and stepped back inside the jet-black door.

The gigantic sarcoma was the only thing left there. Its tentacles looked like they were squirming slowly.

Chapter 1887: Nyarlathotep's Overt Plot

"This is a test!"

Bloody spoke to Lin Huang through voice transmission instantly.

"Regular dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses definitely can't destroy the ootheca. He left it here intentionally, most probably as a threat, to test whether we have any powerhouses who can destroy the ootheca."

"To them, someone who could destroy the ootheca should be viewed as a great threat. If nobody could destroy it from the beginning and resolve this crisis, it would basically mean that nobody in the infinite universe is a threat to them. However, if anyone could destroy it, they would plan a strategy that focused on the powerhouse that destroyed the ootheca."

"He even told the breeding rule of the ootheca on purpose to let us know that their ootheca would breed more Dominators, and that they would grow more powerful over time. They're forcing us to send enough Dominators to fight them."

"Him using this ootheca is enough to test how many Dominators there are in the infinite universe. They could even find out how many dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses we have exactly and how powerful their abilities are."

"Because on the ninth day, the ootheca would breed 256 dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses. On the tenth day, it would breed 512 dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses. The total number of dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses we have is less than one-tenth of this number. It means we can only send the more powerful dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses over in order to suppress them."

"Later on, the dominator-level rank-9 powerhouses the ootheca breeds would become more powerful every ten days. It's forcing us to show our trump card over and over again."

"When they've seen through our trump cards, it'll be time for the Abyssal army to descend completely!"

"So what do we do now? Maybe I'll kill that ootheca directly?!" Lin Huang frowned and suggested this idea to resolve the situation.

"That would only cause the Abyssal army to arrive even sooner," Bloody denied the suggestion directly. "What you need most now is time."

"What else can we do to resolve this situation?" Lin Huang asked further.

"Actually… we don't have to resolve it," Bloody aired her thoughts directly, "Since they are trying to find out the infinite universe's trump cards, then just let them be. We need the buffer time as well."

"No matter how they test us, as long as you don't attack, you'd be our final trump card!"

Lin Huang fell silent momentarily. "Then many people might die…"

"If you attacked, Aza would arrive even sooner. When that happens, if you can't defeat Aza, all of the living beings in the entire infinite universe would be contaminated and be transformed into Abyssal creatures."

"The only thing we can do now is to buy as much time as possible for you. The more powerful you become, the more hope we have to defeat Aza." Bloody was very determined.

"Even if I don't fight, First Liege will definitely attack." Lin Huang very soon thought of another factor.

First Liege's ability was on par with Aza's Primordium.

With his ability, it was not a big problem to kill this ootheca.

"He will not appear so soon as well," Bloody said with certainty, "Since Heaven's Secret treats him as their trump card to fight Aza, they'll definitely hide his real ability until Aza shows up. Because only by doing that can they catch Aza off-guard! Also, those people from Heaven's Secret are well aware of what Nyarlathotep is plotting."

Lin Huang fell into a long period of silence after hearing what Bloody said.

He knew very well what would happen in the end if First Liege and him did not fight.

However, he also knew that, in order to secure the final victory, there were some sacrifices that could not be avoided.

"I suggest that you don't observe the movements of this ootheca for now," Bloody reminded.

She worried that Lin Huang would fail to hold back his desire to fight when he saw many powerhouses dying.

"Don't worry. My will isn't that shaky." Lin Huang shook his head lightly.

Bloody's voice transmission ended quickly, while Lin Huang looked toward where the ootheca was again.

There were some Dominators gathered there.

Since they heard about the ootheca's breeding rule from Nyarlathotep, naturally, many of them had the same thought as Lin Huang did, which was to destroy the ootheca before it bred Dominators that were a threat to them!

At first, everyone stayed far away. They only dared to observe from a distance.

However, some of them soon began to approach it slowly. They were 100 kilometers around the ootheca, yet they had not been attacked.

"This thing doesn't seem to attack consciously," a dominator-level rank-1 powerhouse who entered the 50-kilometer-radius around the ootheca could not help but yell.

"You can only say that it doesn't have the intention to initiate attacks," someone faraway corrected, "But it definitely has a defensive mechanism. Otherwise, it's impossible that Nyarlathotep would leave it here just like that."

"Isn't it just a big piece of meat? There are no scales, wings or hair. It doesn't even have skin. Its defense should be rather low," someone objected quickly.

"Hit it and see!" Someone faraway yelled while smiling, "If you can destroy it directly, you'll earn yourself a lot of credit!"

"Watch me!" It was a plump and short sword cultivator who said that.

His combat strength was at dominator-level rank-2. He was actually considered among the more powerful of those gathered here.

After charging the long sword in his hand, he swung it.

A golden sword gleam shot at the ootheca like a crescent moon.

It hit the ootheca almost immediately. However, it vanished as if the attack had hit something unshakable.

Most importantly, they did not see any defensive mechanisms outside the ootheca.

The dominator-level rank-2 sword cultivator's close to full-force attack did not leave a mark on the ootheca at all.

"It took the attack just like that?!" Someone among the crowd mumbled softly.

Right at that moment, something strange happened.

A thick tentacle on the ootheca suddenly subdivided itself into a whip that was the size of an arm. It was shot out quickly, slicing the plump man who swung the sword gleam into half cleanly.

Almost at the same time, two whips came out from the same tentacle. They turned into two pipes that pierced the man's sliced corpse at blinding speed.

The corpse began to dry up at a speed that was visible to the naked eyes. Shortly after, the corpse turned into dust altogether.

The Dominators who were closer to the ootheca retreated quickly when they saw that. They retreated hundreds of kilometers away.

However, those tentacles did not go after them.

They seemed to only have attacked in response to the man's earlier attack.

Lin Huang saw everything from faraway.

The attack from the whip gave Lin Huang a rough idea of the ootheca's level of ability.

"Judging by the strength of the attack, it's at the level of a dominator-level rank-9 powerhouse that has mastered close to quadrillion chaotic cosmoses. In order to break through its defense, perhaps only powerhouses who have abilities on par with the Outer Gods are capable of doing so…"

Chapter 1888: Testing and Watching

Seeing the ootheca's attack, Lin Huang was even more certain regarding Bloody's speculation about the Abyss testing the threat levels posed by the infinite universe.

The reason being was that only powerhouses with abilities at least on par with the three Outer Gods could destroy this ootheca.

If anyone could do it, it would mean that this person would be a threat to the Outer Gods.

'Perhaps we can destroy it if many Dominators form a battle formation.'

Just when Lin Huang had that thought, the people around the ootheca began a new attempt.

"If a dominator-level rank-2 powerhouse can't break past its defense, perhaps only powerhouses at dominator-level rank-4 or dominator-level rank-5 can destroy it!"

The Dominators who had lacking abilities did not realize how terrifying the ootheca's attack was earlier. They thought if a dominator-level rank-2 could not break past its defense, dominator-level rank-4 or dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses would be able to do it.

"Let me try!"

A saber cultivator walked out of the crowd.

He looked like he was in his early 30s. He had a ponytail, and his aura was clearly at dominator-level rank-4. The saber in his hand was clearly a chaotic supreme treasure.

After seeing the dominator-level rank-2 being killed earlier, this man with a ponytail did not dare to approach the ootheca again.

He held the saber and attacked from hundreds of kilometers away.

A purple saber gleam shot out like lightning. It landed directly on the surface of the ootheca.

A moment later, there was still no mark left on the ootheca after the saber gleam faded.

The crowd that was watching underwent a slight change of expression.

At that moment, a tentacle suddenly moved. A thorny whip appeared from the top.

When the man saw that, he retreated frantically without hesitation. He retreated tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Just when he thought he was safe at that distance and slowed down his speed, turning around to look at the situation, the thorny whip disappeared.

However, Lin Huang saw that it did not really disappear. It was just that its speed was too fast; so fast that it exceeded the speed that everyone could capture with their naked eyes.

Almost the same instant when the thorny whip disappeared, the man with a ponytail sensed a fatal threat to his life.

He swung his saber directly without hesitation, but he was still too slow.

Before he managed to swing his saber, a hole that was the thickness of a thumb appeared on his forehead.

The thorny whip pierced between his eyebrows accurately and began to suck all of the nutrients out of him.

The man's corpse began to dry up quickly at speed that was visible to the naked eye. It was the same as what the plump man had experienced from the beginning to the end, whereby he turned into dust and vanished.

Not only did a dominator-level rank-4 saber cultivator fail to break past its defense, he was killed instantly.

It was undoubtedly shocking to everyone present.

Although they were pretty sure that the ootheca would not initiate attacks, the people who were surrounding it retreated hundreds of thousands of kilometers away on their own. A small number of them even retreated millions of kilometers away.

"This thing's defense is invincible," someone spoke through voice transmission, "A dominator-level rank-4 saber cultivator's full-force attack didn't even leave a mark. It proves that it's basically impossible for even a dominator-level rank-5 powerhouse to destroy it."

The man with a ponytail's attempt finally made the people realize that the ootheca could not be destroyed by people of their level.

"Although all of the major organizations only have dominator-level rank-5 powerhouses on the surface, many people should know that some of the top organizations have dominator-level rank-6, and even rank-7 powerhouses, among them. If they're willing to fight, they should be able to destroy this ootheca." It was a white-haired old man who spoke this time. He had still underestimated the ootheca's strength.

"So what do we do now? Inform the few top organizations about the situation?" Someone asked.

"No need. They must be watching now. I'm sure that all of our actions are being watched," someone spoke the truth.

"So what do they mean by not sending anyone here? They're trying to hide their abilities? Or do they also think that they can't destroy this thing, so they aren't showing themselves?" Someone questioned.

Lin Huang heard those people's discussion, but he did not plan to participate.

Fortunately, the people were only discussing it. After finding out how powerful the ootheca was, nobody dared to try attacking it as they wished.

About half an hour later, Heaven's Secret finally sent someone.

It was Eleventh Liege.

He had shoulder-length hair and, although he was a man, he was so pretty that he looked somewhat androgynous.

He spoke to everyone through voice transmission as soon as he arrived.

"This ootheca is scarier than you guys imagine. Please stop observing it. Even though it's only fighting back when it's attacked now, we cannot rule out the possibility of it initiating attacks completely."

"Where are Heaven's Secret's First Liege and Second Liege? Can't they come over to kill this thing directly?" Someone asked directly.

Eleventh Liege turned his head to look at the person who spoke and explained, "We're still exploring solutions to handle this ootheca. Before that, we hope that everyone can cooperate to kill the Abyssal creatures that it breeds."

"Have you guys spoken to the other top organizations? Star Palace, Sword Palace, Dragon Island and Snow Domain… Can none of them handle this ootheca?!" Someone asked further.

Everyone looked at Eleventh Liege as soon as that was said.

"I can only tell you guys that Heaven's Secret has shared the preliminary analysis of this ootheca to all of the top organizations."

"So what you're saying is that nobody is fighting now because all of the major organizations have no confidence in killing this thing?" Someone questioned instantly.

"We don't know what's the current situation with the other organizations," Eleventh Liege could only give an official answer.

However, such an answer undoubtedly caused dissatisfaction to many.

The people asked more questions one after the other, and some even said harsh words toward Heaven's Secret.

Eleventh Liege remained gentle from the beginning, but his answers remained very official.

Lin Huang did not know what to say when he saw that.

He understood how difficult it was for Eleventh Liege and Heaven's Secret, but he also understood the people's rage and unease.

After all, the ootheca was like a guillotine that was dangling above everyone's head.

What Eleventh Liege said now was akin to telling everyone that there was no way of removing this guillotine for now. They could only allow it to continue dangling above their heads.

However, that was the only thing Eleventh Liege could say. The reason being was that he and Heaven's Secret knew that everyone was being watched by Nyarlathotep.

He could not reveal news that someone could destroy this ootheca. That would make Nyarlathotep and the others make preparations in advance. He also could not let the powerhouses in the infinite universe fall into despair by lying that nobody could handle this thing.

After Eleventh Liege explained and reminded them, he closed his eyes and mouth while hovering a million kilometers from the ootheca.

The rest could only shut their mouths while feeling a little helpless when they saw that.

After all, they knew that they were not Eleventh Liege's match in terms of ability. Although he only gave official answers, he remained gentle all the way. Even though some of them were being harsh, and even mean to him, he never fought back.

A small number of them could tell that Eleventh Liege definitely knew something, but he could not say it for some unknown reason. They speculated that it must be tough for him too.

After the chaos ended, most of the crowd who were observing left.

Apat from Eleventh Liege, only five people stayed where they were in the end.

At midnight, a black fog suddenly lingered around the surface of the ootheca. The countless tentacles began dancing.

Everyone stared at the ootheca's changes without blinking.

Naturally, Lin Huang was no exception. He scanned the ootheca over and over again with his Divine Telekinesis, observing all of the changes it was undergoing in detail.

"So this is it?"

Lin Huang saw life breeding inside of ootheca quickly. After that, the thing that had just been formed was transferred into one of the tentacles directly. During the transfer, its aura began to skyrocket. By the time it had been transferred from the root of the tentacle to the tip of the tentacle, its aura had been stabilized at dominator-level rank-1.

However, the rest could not see the process behind it. They only saw that, at the tip of one of the tentacles, a dominator-level rank-1 powerhouse was suddenly "spat" out…

Chapter 1889: The Ootheca Hatches

It was a short and plump red man. It had a human-like form, but in the place of its left hand was a strong, sharp claw, while its right hand was a sword.

The people who were observing the situation unfold were stunned when they saw the monster.

It was for no other reason than the fact that the monster looked 50% to 60% similar to the short and plump sword cultivator that the ootheca had killed not long ago.

It felt as if the monster only looked because the ootheca had absorbed the sword cultivator.

Naturally, the one thing that was different from the sword cultivator was that this Abyssal monster's combat strength's aura was clearly only at dominator-level rank-1.

When Lin Huang saw the Abyssal creature that was bred, he had some guesses regarding the ootheca's function.

After the tentacle spat out the short and plump monster, it stood there in a daze for a while.

A moment later, it seemed to have recalled its objective and spread out its Divine Telekinesis. It soon locked onto a dominator-level rank-1 powerhouse who was watching.

It turned around directly and exerted strength into both its feet. It attacked that observer.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows when he saw that. "It didn't attack the target closest to it. Instead, after spreading out its Divine Telekinesis, it targeted someone who was farther away, but had the weakest ability…"

The monster looked ferocious. It arrived before the dominator-level rank-1 powerhouse instantly and swung its sword arm like lightning.

The dominator-level rank-1 powerhouse dodged immediately and barely dodged that sword gleam.

Just when the people thought that there would be a battle, the monster did not go after the powerhouse any further. Instead, it suddenly turned around and ran far away from the people.

"It's running away!"

The Dominator who had been attacked screamed instantly.

However, at the same time, the monster froze.

A dominator-level rank-2 powerhouse who was close to it attacked without hesitation. He blocked the monster's path with his spear gleams.

He might not have intervened if the two had kept fighting. However, now that the monster was running away, he could not just ignore it.

Watching the spear gleams closing in on it, the monster was fearless as it swung its sword arm over and over again.

In the air, countless sword gleams and spear gleams collided. The sword gleams were not destroyed. Instead, they faded away together with the spear gleams.

The dominator-level rank-2 powerhouse had a slight change of expression when he saw this. He was not surprised, but felt a little humiliated.

After all, he was a dominator-level rank-2 powerhouse. The strength of his Dominator Power was several times more powerful than the monster, but his attack had been successfully defended against by the monster.

However, he also saw through what trick the monster used.

The monster clearly knew that its sword gleams could not defeat his spear gleams. Therefore, each of its sword gleams were superimposed with over ten sword swings.

It was not only the spear cultivator who noticed this, everyone present saw that through it.

At that moment, nobody was making fun of the spear cultivator. They looked rather terrible.

The reason being was that it meant that the Abyssal creature the ootheca bred was not a mere mindless puppet who was at dominator-level rank-1. Instead, it was a monster with powerful combat sense and abilities.

If all of the Abyssal creatures the ootheca bred were like that, it would mean that the opponents they would have to fight would be tough.

After handling the spear cultivator's attack, the monster glared viciously at him and then charged at him directly.

A ferocious gleam flashed across the dominator-level rank-2 spear cultivator's eyes. He charged forward without hesitation.

The monster took the lead to attack when it saw that. A sky full of sword gleams appeared, which enveloped the spear cultivator.

A gleam was charged from the tip of the spear cultivator's spear. The powerful, cold gleam crushed the sky full of sword gleams entirely.

However, when the sword gleams were destroyed, he did not see the monster.

He spread out his Divine Telekinesis and discovered that the monster had gone around him and ran far away.

"This guy…" The spear cultivator was furious that he had been tricked by the monster twice.

Just when he was about to go after it, he saw that another dominator-level rank-2 powerhouse had blocked the monster.

It was a saber cultivator who attacked this time. He did not stop the monster. Instead, he attacked decisively.

Saber gleams enveloped the monster instantly.

He did not make the mistake the spear cultivator made. The endless saber gleams only faded away after crushing the monster into a pile of mush.

Although the saber cultivator suppressed his opponent without mercy, there was no joy on his face at all.

The rest were the same. They all looked quite solemn.

It was just a dominator-level rank-1 monster, yet it had been so cunning.

Were it not for the fact that there was more than one person guarding this place, it might have really escaped into the infinite universe.

It was a dominator-level powerhouse. As soon as it invaded the infinite universe, nobody knew how many chaotic cosmoses would be in trouble.

Lin Huang watched the entire first battle. He could not help but frown.

"What exactly is this ootheca? The monsters it breeds seem to have higher levels of intelligence compared to regular dominator-level Abyssal creatures…"

Most of the dominator-level Abyssal creatures Lin Huang met had crazy and mindless thoughts.

Most of them were the same even if they were at dominator-level.

As soon as they fought, they would not intentionally pick someone weak as their opponent, nor would they run away. Most of them would only have one battle mode, which was to attack its target maniacally!

Lin Huang was not the only one. There were many powerhouses who were secretly watching the whole battle unfold.

The people all realized that the next battle might be even tougher.

Ever since the ootheca bred the first Abyssal creature, it had fallen into a completely silent state.

However, powerhouses in the infinite universe did not feel at ease because of that.

Almost all of the dominator-level powerhouses were staring intensely at the ootheca.

After observing the first battle, many organizations sent members to guard the million-kilometer radius around the ootheca.

The Sword Alliance sent over two sword servants to guard as well.

However, nobody tried to attack the ootheca again. The reason being was that all of them realized that it would be simply seeking death to do so.

After a day of silence, it was soon midnight, and the next day had arrived.

Almost at the same time as the day before, a faint black fog began to linger on the surface of the ootheca again. Countless tentacles began to dance and squirm again.

This scene seemed to be an exact replica of the day before.

Lin Huang looked across the sky and saw two lifeforms breeding quickly inside the ootheca. Later on, they were transferred to two different tentacles. During the transfer, the auras of the two lifeforms began to skyrocket.

During the transfer process, from the root of the tentacle to the tip, the auras were stabilized at dominator-level rank-2.

Meanwhile, the rest merely saw the black fog lingering for a while before the ootheca spat out two dominator-level rank-2 Abyssal creatures from its two tentacles…

Chapter 1890: All of Them from the Sword Alliance Are Monsters

Very soon, the people noticed that there were two dominator-level rank-2 Abyssal monsters that the ootheca spat out this time. One of them looked 60% to 70% similar to that saber cultivator with a ponytail that the ootheca had killed previously.

Not only was its body and appearance similar, even the ponytail looked almost exactly the same.

The difference was that this Abyssal monster's arms had taken the form of sabers. Meanwhile, its body was covered in a layer of dark-red scales.

The other monster was a monster with a human-like form whose body was covered in a layer of dark-gray feathers. It had no arms, which had been replaced by a pair of broad wings.

Its head was the thing that caught everyone's attention. It was not the head of a bird, but rather a human man's head that was bald.

It was so smooth that it was reflective.

However, nobody present could recognize that face.

The two of them spread out their Divine Telekinesis quickly after they were spat out by the ootheca.

They moved almost at the same time the next second.

They moved in different directions, each attacking a separate dominator-level rank-1 spectator.

Sensing that they had been locked onto by the monsters' Divine Telekinesis, the two spectators ran away immediately.

After all, they were at dominator-level rank-2. They had the upper hand of suppression when fighting dominator-level rank-1 powerhouses.

Seeing its target running, the pony-tailed monster created countless saber gleams from its saber arms as it chased after the target.

However, the gleams faded in the next second.

A dominator-level rank-3 sword cultivator blocked the monster's way.

Meanwhile, the feathered monster on the other side that had yet to attack was stopped by a dominator-level rank-3 golden-robed man.

With the experience from the day before, the two dominator-level rank-3 powerhouses who attacked this time did not hold anything back.

The two dominator-level rank-2 Abyssal monsters were killed directly. They did not even have the opportunity to try to escape.

The ootheca displayed no reaction toward the death of the two dominator-level rank-2 monsters.

At midnight on the third day, a commotion arose again at almost the same time as before.

After the black fog faded, the ootheca spat out Abyssal monsters from three tentacles this time.

The three Abyssal monsters clearly had the combat strength of dominator-level rank-3.

After they arrived, they repeated what those other monsters did during those past two days. They locked onto their targets and attacked directly.

Meanwhile, the infinite universe already had two experiences of handling the monsters.

Very soon, someone attacked directly.

The three Abyssal monsters failed in their attacks and were killed on the spot again.

On the fourth day, at midnight, black fog lingered over the ootheca at the same time again.

It spat out four dominator-level rank-4 Abyssal monsters this time.

The four monsters were quickly besieged and killed by the people in the infinite universe.

The day passed by peacefully again.

On the fifth midnight, the black fog lingered on the surface of the ootheca again.

This time, just like the breeding rule Nyarlathotep described, the ootheca spat out five dominator-level rank-5 Abyssal monsters.

Sensing the aura emanating from the five monsters, many people present looked extremely solemn.

The reason being was that, on the surface, dominator-level rank-5 was already the strongest force in the entire infinite universe.

Meanwhile, the ootheca had spat out five at once.

What was more terrifying was that, if the ootheca's breeding rule was just as Nyarlathotep described, then it would breed even more powerful monsters later on.

As soon as the five dominator-level rank-5 Abyssal monsters appeared, the powerhouses from the infinite universe initiated their attacks before the monsters could do anything.

There were many people gathered around the ootheca these days. If they allowed the Abyssal monsters to attack first, others might not be able to rescue them in time.

The Sword Alliance's sword servant, Sword 28, also participated.

He was already at dominator-level rank-6.

Meanwhile, Sword 3, who was from the same organization, did not fight. He was already at dominator-level rank-7.

Sword28 blocked a half-bug, half-dragon monster with his sword in a flash.

It looked a little like a giant centipede with countless arthropods. Its back had both the shell of a bug as well as scales.

What people found strange was that its head was clearly shaped like a dragon. However, there were sarcomas all over its neck under the head. It looked rather mutated and ghastly.

Meanwhile, the powerhouses from the top organizations stopped the remaining four Abyssal monsters.

Sword 28 was the only one who looked unfamiliar to everyone.

Therefore, his appearance instantly caught the attention of many spectators.

He did not look outstanding, nor was he tall. He was approximately 1.78 meters tall. He did not seem to bother about what he wore. He clearly had not combed his messy hair. There was stubble all over his chin. He dressed simply in regular dark-blue samurai attire. He wore a pair of canvas shoes that had no designs on it at all.

However, not many people doubted his ability since he dared to show up at such a time.

The reason being was that he had been disguising his aura as a dominator-level rank-5 over the past few days.

Sword 28 ignored everyone's stares and focused on his target.

He pressed his right hand on the sword on his waist.

The dragon head arthropod monster sensed the threat emanating from him. It raised the front part of its body high. Its body was 100 meters tall and almost looked like a mountain.

The next second, the mountain-like body charged directly at Sword 28.

Sword 28 pulled out his sword lightly. He only drew it out of its scabbard some ten centimeters or so before putting it back quickly.

Later on, he stood upright. He watched the Abyssal monster coming at him as he stood still.

Once the gigantic monster was around ten meters away from him, it suddenly froze.

Its body froze as if time had stopped. The next second, a smooth cut sliced it from the middle of its forehead, spreading downward.

After that, the people saw a terrifying scene.

The dragon head arthropod monster's gigantic body was sliced into two directly.

It was like a sword slicing it from the middle of its head into a perfect two halves.

With merely one attack, Sword 28 instantly completed the kill.

Countless people present were shocked by his sword attack.

"Who is that?!" Many people asked.

"Someone from the Sword Alliance, but I don't know his name," someone who knew answered immediately.

However, not many knew more information about Sword 28.

After all, Lin Huang had over 300 sword servants under his command. Among the over 300 people, perhaps Sword 1 was the only one who had appeared in public.

The rest of them basically spent most of their time in closed-door cultivation.

Apart from the people who were present, the higher ups of some of the organizations saw Sword 28's sword attack as they watched secretly. They could no longer hold still.

"His way of pulling out his sword to kill is quite scary. Given this guy's ability, I wonder how he ranks in terms of strength in the Sword Alliance?"

"Don't tell me all of them in the Sword Alliance are monsters like this?!"

"I wonder how loyal these powerhouses from the Sword Alliance are. Is it possible to poach them…?"

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