35.71% Powers of Majin Buu in a Fantasy World!? / Chapter 15: The Second Step For Majin!

章 15: The Second Step For Majin!

Majin flipped her test over and began answering the questions. She didn't have much trouble answering them thanks to her increased intelligence gained by absorption. The questions were sometimes simple like what is an Alchemist or does Alchemy require magic to succeed, but sometimes they were really outlandish. One question even asked if the Demon Lord became an alchemist would he have an easier time dominating the mortal race or not. Strangely enough the answer was in one of those three books she read on the very last page. The answer was yes, and from this question Majin realized that maybe Alchemist were really stuck up and had a high opinion of themselves.

A few minutes later and she finished the test before anyone else. She purposely put down her writing utensil loudly so everyone could hear and grinned when they looked at her annoyed. She even made a mocking face at the two geniuses before one of the examiners took her paper and escorted her out of the room.

'Aw what? No disbelief at my finishing so fast? No throwing away my paper because there was no way I could get done so fast? I could have had an easy comedic face-slapping moment..' Majin thought slightly let down.

She was escorted to the next portion of the test. Inside the room was a purplish orb. They told her to infuse mana into it and she did. The orb then started to wildly suck out her mana and Majin nearly smashed the thing with her hand, but instead of doing that she forcefully regained control over her mana and started to make it flow back out until all her mana was returned to her. The orb shattered into pieces and the examiners smiled. They took her to the final portions of the test inside a room full of black cauldrons, like the kind you'd see from an evil witch in the forest.

"Make a cure potion, pain-relief potion, and a harming potion. Once you make all three bring your finished product to us and we will judge it. If you passed the apprentice test, we will tell you. If you fail, we will ask you to leave."

"So, if I don't make an acceptable potion but pass the other two tests I still fail?" Majin asked slightly bewildered.


"So, what's the point of the other two tests if they don't even matter?"

"If you fail any of the tests, you will not be able to proceed to the next one."

"Oooooh okay. I'm ready now. Start the timer!" Majin told.

The clock on the wall began to move as Majin filled her cauldron with water. She boiled it with a little fire magic and her pot was ready for making potions. She grabbed the ingredients for the harming potion and dumped it into her pot. She noticed the examiners shaking their heads and she sneakily grinned.

'You old coots are about to get the shock of your lives.'

Her pot immediately started shaking and jumping as if an explosion was imminent any second now. The liquid inside turned into swirling red while also threatening to spill out. Majin laughed out loud as she delicately controlled her pot with gravity magic so that even with it's uncontrollable movements, not a single drop of the liquid inside would fall. The swirling red liquid started bubbling and flowing out a red mist.

"Impossible…." One of the examiners whispered.

Majin took a wiff of the gas and nearly choked.

'That hurt the inside of my nose!'

Her cauldron calmed down and stabilized. The result was viewed as a nice beautiful rose red liquid. She took one of the vials and a spoon to pour the potion inside the vial. She put it to the side and drained the pot. Once that potion was out of the way, Majin got started on the cure potion. She refilled the pot and started the process all over again! But unlike last time where her pot had a fit, this time it was more controlled. When Majin poured all the cure ingredients inside the pot, she immediately started stirring the pot with a large spoon. She saw the examiners getting nervous as if expecting a repeat from the first potion but luckily for them the only thing that happened was another gaseous rise from the pot and a pure white colored liquid inside the pot. By this time the other test takers made it inside and got started on the same potions.

The way they handled their cauldrons was much more delicate and refined compared to Majin. Instead of dumping their ingredients in all at the same time, they threw them in at certain times while swirling the pot slowly. When it seemed things were going to go out of hand, they poured more water inside their pot which seemed to calm the pot. But this made the examiners shake their heads. So, doing that must have some sort of effect on the potion overall.

Unfortunately, Majin didn't get to see any test taker fail awesomely. Not a single cauldron exploded or caused an explosion and Majin easily finished up the cure potion and pain-relief potion before the rest. She handed in her potions and she moved to a room to test her potions. Inside the room was a single object with a hole inside of it. The examiners poured her harming potion inside before magically displaying some words.


They expressed brief looks of shock before taking a double look at Majin. Majin just grinned cheekily and told them to continue. They poured her curing potion.


"Impossible….." One of the examiners mumbled under his breath while the other one poured the pain-relief potion in.


The examiners whispered to each other before facing Majin.

"You passed Ms. Majin. You are now part of the Alchemist Guild and will be treated as such. Since you have passed the apprentice exam, you are able to visit the 0-star vault, buy materials from the guild, and rent rooms to practice your alchemy."

"You may leave now." They told her after handing her a red badge with the letter A on it.

She left the Alchemist Guild and started headed straight towards Itachi Uchiha! So, she could steal his eyes in a Destiny Battle. She doesn't really need the sharingan but the Rinnegan is another thing. The ability to create chains, summon animals, take souls….

'Wait a minute….. I don't need the Rinnegan at all! I can do most of the stuff right now! I can already use gravity magic. I can use soul magic, so figuring out how to revive the dead and such won't be that hard, I can teleport and create portals but I can't summon things quite yet only go places and take things to places, and the other stuff isn't important.' Majin realized.

"I don't need those eyes at all!" Majin laughed before one of her captured souls told her about a masked figure following her. She turned into a shady alleyway and stood there waiting for her follower. The guy somehow teleported behind her and tried to slice her head off from the back with a strange sharp green glowing dagger.

Majin blocked with her antenna and took a good look at her assassin. It was another champion. He aimed for her throat after failing to slice her neck and Majin just blocked it again with his antenna. He sliced, slashed, pierced, and cut at her figure rapidly and failing each time.

"Too weak. I'm not even using magic to make my skin harder. What kind of wasteful wish did you wish for? You also should know that we aren't able to kill each other outside Duels right?" Majin conversated.

Talking to him only seemed to make him angrier and Majin was getting bored. She was happy assassins were after her though. It means nobles were taking an interest in her! After blocking more attacks from the weak assassin, she thumped his forehead and watched as he flew into the wall and dropped unconscious. Majin left him in the alleyway and started thinking.

'I might leave the academy soon after I scout out all the Champion abilities. I think I have enough techniques necessary to become great no matter where I go in this world. I have enough information about the world and no bonds keeping me here. I also have to explore the demon world! Absorbing that imp from the Devil's Scroll gave me control over blue undying flames. I can't imagine what other abilities demons could have that sets them apart from humans. I wonder if some Champions transmigrated into demons..' Majin thought while returning back to the Academy.

She couldn't get her souls to look for Champions because Champions are known bringers of destruction or change. And finding a Champion is nearly impossible without them telling you they are or one of the gods give one of their followers' knowledge. So, she would have to look all over the school for champions that weren't in the S-ranked classes. But she knew for a fact that all of them were freshmen like her.

She made herself invisible with light magic and started to dash all over the Academy.

"DUEL ME!" Majin said as she caught the mana battery girl and revealed herself.

"Huh..? No…"

But Champions aren't able to refuse duel requests and Majin soon battled her in a chess match.

'I guess not every duel would be in a combat situation. I'll have to be more careful of those I challenge then. If I try and challenge someone with the Flash's powers and he decides on a race battle, I'll definitely lose.' Majin thought.

Although the chess match took her by surprise it wasn't anything difficult. With all the people she's absorbed, her intelligence has skyrocketed from before. She won and absorbed her. Taking her infinite mana cheat for her own. The prize from the three choices she got was a Magic Helmet. She gave it to Tuff and suddenly realized a fatal plan in her current quest.

'How in the world would I be able to know what kind of wish they made with their god?' Majin thought to herself while taking a seat on the nice grassy ground.

'The only champions I know are from my class and the second S-rank class….' Majin thought long and hard before eventually giving up due to irritation.

"Forget it! I'll just absorb Daiko and then leave on my own. I think I experienced enough of the magical academy life for now. Maybe I'll go to demon school when I visit the demon world. But after I absorb Daiko, learn about rune magic, and pack some stuff, I'll go create a little monster empire that will.." Majin stopped..

"I need to choose a side… in this world. There are monsters, Demons, mortals, and gods. I'm going against the gods in the end but which choice should I side myself with.. Monsters sound fun. Demons and mortals go against each other and won't stop until one side wins or eradicate the other. Monsters just do whatever they want. The problems and trickery of mortals and demons sound a bit more thrilling than constant war and selfish desires of monsters but I really want to make a monster empire.." Majin mumbled to herself before smacking herself on the forehead and causing Tuff to worry about her.

"Why not join all three?!" Majin shouted.

She realized that she could split herself into three and do all of them! One of her can make her monster empire, the other can start a tiny village in the middle of nowhere and build it into a kingdom that towers over this one, and the last one can join the Demon Lord's army and eventually take over the Demon King's army. She laughed in glee and went to find Daiko.

She found him emerging victorious against a Champion in a duel. He looked at her with his new one tomoe Sharingan and Rinnegan. He grinned.

She grinned back.

"This won't be like last time where I had to resort to tricks to defeat you Daiko!" Majin pointed at him.

"Your tricks will be worthless against me regardless! Fight me Majin El!" Daiko shouted.

Majin decided on a simple battle arena and the conditions for winning would be to kill her or be killed by her. They were transported to the arena and stood on opposite sides of the arena stage. Daiko charged up into his legendary form immediately. Majin smiled before dashing towards Daiko. Daiko attempted to smash her in the face with his boot, but she dodged as she grabbed for his face. He swayed his head to the left and suddenly couldn't move.

"Hehehehehehe." Majin giggled as she held a green spirit with Daiko's face on it.

"What did you….." Daiko angrily questioned while trying to gain control of his body.

"Dragon Ball characters don't have defenses for their souls… I could easily take hold of it and do whatever I please with it." Majin informed before throwing a piece of her on Daiko and having it absorb him.

"COWARD! FIGHT ME PROPERLY!" He shouted outraged.

Her goop soon took over his entire body and she willed it to return to her. It splashed all over her and soon she began to absorb Daiko, the saiyan with the ancient saiyan bloodline and legendary saiyan bloodline mixed together. After a few lewd moans that only herself could possibly hear, she emerged slightly different in appearance but massively stronger in abilities. Her antenna grew long enough to reach past her petite pink butt and was nearly long enough to drag on the ground. Her eyes appeared sharper and she grew an extra finger, adding up to a total of 5 on each hand.

[Gained Daiko Jin's unlimited supply of senzu beans]

"No wonder that jerk was so strong at first! He was using zenkai boosts to power himself up so quickly. He would've became a serious problem in the future for me! The gods must lack wisdom if they allowed him a saiyan biology and those senzu beans. He could have easily taken them down if given enough time." Majin talked aloud to herself.

She gained a small green bag on her waist that held senzu beans inside. She dashed back towards the city and arrived inside the Runic Guild. She walked up to the receptionist.

"Hey where do I learn how to become a rune mage?" Majin asked nicely.

"To become a Rune Maker, you must study the language of the ancient mortals. To learn more, you would have to buy the guild recommended book."

"How much is it?"

"25 gold."

"That's a lot but that's fine. Here you go." Majin handed her a bag with the money inside and she received a very large book with the title "Runic Art."

Majin stuffed the book away and reached the city gates with Tuff. She left the city of Hazamund behind and traveled on the main road for a while before suddenly stopping.

"Alright, come on out already. I'm sure we're away from any innocents." Majin said to the silent trees and bushes.

"If you don't hurry you'll miss your only chance of revenge. I'm not returning back to the city for a long time." She warned.

From the trees and bushes, a number of assassins appeared. They surrounded her completely and even had mages along with them. A man wearing an eyepatch walked up.

"Majin El. The bounty you gave yourself is large enough to force an old man like me into coming out."

"Am I suppose to know who you are Mr. Assassin? I thought the whole point of being an assassin was so that people didn't know you."

"You don't have to know who I am. But understand that only 2 people have survived being my targets."

"That doesn't mean anything dummy. You could have had actual insects as targets."

"Before I kill you, tell me why you made enemies with the upper echelons of the kingdom?" He asked.

Majin just blew a raspberry from her mouth.

"I'd rather die than keep hearing you talk. What kind of assassin kills by talking their target to death? Hurry up and fight me cowards." Majin taunted.

This infuriated the eye-patch leader and he sent his men after her.

"Kill her! Painfully but make sure the body is still recognizable." He ordered.

They swarmed her with sharp weapons and tools.

"Finally. Leaving this city wouldn't be the same without a good send off ya know. I was almost worried for a second." Majin told him as the assassins attacked her at the same time.

And within the time it takes for a person to blink, the assassins were knocked away, incapacitated. The mages took a few seconds to register what happened and then they immediately started firing their magic at her. She was about to take them out as well until she realized that Tuff was handling them for her. She stared at the assassin leader and guessed that his rank in adventurer terms would be about peak A-rank or borderline S-tier. S-tier ranking is only classified for heroes or calamity-bringing beings.

Even a group of peak A-ranks wouldn't be able to take down a low S-rank. The difference in tiers isn't to be underestimated except at the lower levels. Majin dashed at the leader. He blocked her attack and swiftly countered with his own attack towards her chest. She deflected his punch with her other hand and kneed upward towards his chin. The leader back flipped away and took out a dagger coated in mana. He appeared behind her and stabbed towards her spine. Majin used her antenna and wrapped it around his arm. He dislocated his own arm and slipped away from her grasp.

"Don't run yet. I can be even scarier you know." Majin smiled dangerously while coating her fists in mana.

Majin appeared in front of the leader and smashed the ground below him, causing the ground to split apart and start swallowing the trees down into the earth below. He managed to dodge in time and looked at her with slight shock in his eyes.

"No wonder the bounty was so large… With abilities this strong at your age, becoming a threat to them old crooks isn't a problem. I'll have to take this more seriously.."

Majin smiled at the destruction she caused before seeing the leader rip his shirt off. The tattoos on his body began glowing red. His eyes also took on this trait before he suddenly vanished and appeared next to Majin. He tried to slash her throat but was countered by Majin's antenna. She blocked it without trouble and grabbed the leader by the throat.

"I could've ended this fight at any time you know. I just wanted to see how strong the leader of an assassin guild in the strongest city was. It'll be easier to take over the kingdom if I know the strength of it's inhabitants at the top. Although I still need to face a S-rank adventurer or S-tier something at one point." Majin said to the choking leader.

She ripped out his soul and added it to her collection just as Tuff was finished with the mages.

"Aw, Tuff you little red fluff of cuteness. You got a cut on your arm.." Majin said while healing Tuff with light magic.

She sucked out all the souls of the assassins and mages and also added them to her collection.

"I guess this is where the second part of my adventure in this world begins! Or second, third, and fourth."

Majin split herself into three and altered her skin color. Monster Empire Majin turned her skin greenish to match the forest or nature. Mortal Empire Majin changed herself into a human form with Illusion magic layered on top of each other. Demon Army Majin changed her skin into red and added two tiny horns on her forehead. All three of them looked at Tuff who looked very confused.

"Which Mama do you want to go with?" They asked.

Tuff seemed confused and started patting and hugging each Majin before deciding on Mortal Empire Majin. He hugged her leg and she patted his head.

"Okay girls! Time to have fun and take over the world at the same time! Even if we're weaker apart than together, with our abilities it'll be easy to get stronger!"

They took off and vanished. Each clone going to a different part of the world and experiencing it in a game of conquest and adventure. Looking for thrills, excitement, and fun along their way! Making friends, enemies, allies, and even subjects and pets! This is the true beginning of Majin El's conquest of this fantasy world.

CaptainBoyHole CaptainBoyHole

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible things you want (story wise, maybe an OC (short term), elements, quests, special items/object scenarios) No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there.

If you're giving an idea of a cheat or power for a transmigrator to have, please explain what series it comes from and the abilities of it. I don't know every series out there haha.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


