18.18% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 8: The First Day- Chapter Five (2)

章 8: The First Day- Chapter Five (2)


" let's go guys!" I yelled up the stairway.

"We're coming! Just wait a sec!" Violet yells back at me. I sigh and take out my phone to check my notifications. Well, the good thing is that Mike no longer tries to contact me. The bad part being we still don't know who Emily is working with, or if she did it on her own.

"Ok! we're done!" Ivy exclaimed running down the stairs.

"Took you long enough." I mumbled. When they came down stairs we were all wearing the schools uniform, except our hair was tied up differently.

Ivy had the front of her blonde hair pulled back and tied with a pink hair tie while the rest of her hair was flowing down her back. Violets hair had been packed into a small bun on the top of her head, she had braided a small portion of her hair with the braids scattered among the rest of the hair that was resting on her back. My hair was simply parted at the front with a small section tucked under my ear, with a glittery red hair clip that kept it in place.

"well? lets go! I'm gonna be late because of you two!" I said , grabbing my backpack and walking out the house.

The house was fairly close to the school, so we would walk from my place to the school. Or, we would meet up somewhere in the school.

When we first got there, there were booths scattered right in front school entrance with people in the schools uniform checking in to them, showing off their powers to the people running the booth.

"ugh, the only part I hated about the school. the check in." Violet said with a disgusted face. Ivy started giggling.

" That's cause last year you almost blew up two of the booths, you probably have a special one this year." Ivy said chuckling.

" Yeah? well maybe cause those idiots who run the booths were asking to many things!" Violet yelled, but Ivy just rolled her eyes.

"sure, blame it on the questions." she said sarcastically.

"Guys look, that booths open." I said pointing to a open one. They simply ignored me and kept on bickering with each other. I rolled my eyes before knocking them both on the head and repeating what I said.

"okay okay! jeez." Violet mumbled under her breath. Ivy just stood there rubbing her head with a pouty face.

" you could have just tapped us.." she said with her eyes watering. I felt guilty.

"Aww, I'm so sorry Ivy. I'll buy you ice cream after school okay?" I said squeezing her tightly.

"hey! what about me???" Violet exclaimed. I looked at her with a solemn face.

"what about you?" I said.


she looked at me as if her vein in her head had popped.


"Hi there ladies! what are your names?" the person at the booth asked.

" Sara Bearens." I answered " No H."

"Ivy Tulip. " Ivy said.

"Violet Shearmen." Violet said. The person running the booth had a slight tint of red on his face. Was he sick?.

"R-Right well, you're all in the system! head to the west building to collect your tablets, they'll help you navigate through the school." the man said, but his face was still red.

"right." Ivy said, probably seeing the mans face as well. When we walked away from the booth , I lean in to Ivy and Violet and whisper once we're far enough.

"Was something wrong with his face?" I said.

"yeah I saw it too!" Ivy says.

"was he drunk??" she says again, but with a creeped out face.

Violet starts laughing at our comments, I look at her with a annoyed face. " do you know?" I asked. She then looked at both of us with a smile.

"He was obviously blushing!" She says smiling.

Ivy looks at her with disbelief in her eyes " Blushing at us??? " She asked.

"What? you don't believe it? I mean, look at us! we're goddesses!" Violet said proudly.

"lets not take it that far." I said,

"we might look good but we're definetly not goddesses." I say.

"I disagree with that." a voice said, coming from behind us. I jumped at the voice and ran to Ivy. When I looksd I saw three guys looking back at us, the three same guys we saw at the park. Violet had a slight tint to her face, same with Ivy. I coughed abruptly and stepped forward to see Alex looking back at us.

When I looked around I found some guys and girls looking at us, with jealously or anger.

"pleasure to see you guys again!" Alex said with his usual grin.

"s-same here." Ivy said, blushing furiously.

I widened my eyes and stared at them "wait, you guys go here?" I asked.

Alex nodded his head before answering " yep! we were just as suprised to see you guys here! mr.lover boy over here said that we should come talk to you guys, believe it or not." Alex said pointing to Jacob, who ignored his every comment until now. Jacob looked up from his phone and gave us a bright smile before going back on his phone, Violet dug her nails into my arm and kept staring at him with a stupid smile on her face.

"ow ow ow ow s-stop!" I whispered in her ear, trying to tap out. She soon relized what she was doing and moved her hands, looking at me with an apologetic look. I rolled my eyes again.

"s-sorry for that hehe." she said rubbing the back of her neck with her hand . I ignored her and started rubbing my poor arm with my other hand.

"anyway, which class do you all have?" Ivy asked. " Violet and I are class 4." Ivy said showing them her paper."

"wow! same here with Jacob and I!" Alex said with a shocked look, and started talking to the two girls, while jacob would make a comment here and there, showing he was still involved. Luke chuckled before looking at me.

"what about you?" He asked. " I'm class 1." he then said.

"ah! same here!" I said with a smile.

"Nice! by the way, just being the curious person I am. What type of powers do you have?"

I looked at him with a dark face, his smile instantly disappeared .

" if I told you, I'd have to kill you." I said in his ear. I giggled before backing up, he looked flustered but quickly composed himself. I look at him with a goofy grin.

" Just kidding! you should have seen the look on your face! " I said laughing at him. He looked at me with a upset and annoyed face.

"Thats wasn't really funny, don't you remember the last time you played a prank on me?" he said.

My goofy grin was instantly replaced with a scared face.

" I didn't mean-" I started but he cut me off with laughter.

"you should have seen the look on your face," he said. He then patted my shoulder and smile at me.

"c'mon, lets get to class." he said




( hope you enjoyed!)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


