As they rode home in the taxi cab, Li Hua and Chang remained silent all the way to their house. Staring out the window, Chang traced her finger on the small droplets of moisture outside that captured bright bits of light from the surroundings. Tracing from her memory she drew his smile on the window, smiling a little herself at the memory until they came to a stop.
Once they had arrived, Chang offered the man who drove them a little extra to help her with her mother as they hadn't been able to take her wheelchair with her. At the airport they had used one that the airport itself provided to make it to the cab. Smiling though the man declined and gently helped her mother up the steps and into their house.
'I'll have to get Mom something else soon.' Grateful for the help, Chang payed the man before entering the cold house, carrying only the picture and a small wad of cash.
"Brr, it's so cold in here! Even for November!" Lihua complained from the sofa. "Xiao Xie will you turn the furnace on and up?"
Chang nodded wordlessly, first draping a blanket over her mother that had been lying on the back of the sofa.
"Ah thank you sweetie." Li Hua smiled sweetly at her daughter, her heart breaking to see the latter's drawn and pained face. "I'm sure it will be OK?"
"Will it though? I wrote him a coded letter like I used to do with Dad, this little written word games in our notes. The more I think about it though, Jian probably wouldn't understand. I don't remember if I even told him about that. I don't even remember what I wrote, I was so stressed but I think I said something like I don't love you and some other horrible things.."
Big fat tears started to fall over and over. "Mom I don't think I ever told him I love you, and I do. I love him very much. I'm still worried about him leaving, what if he never even reads it at all? What if he died already, and I'll just never know?!"
"Come here, hey, calm down. You're working yourself up." Chang sat down by her mother, who tried to brush away her tears. "First off all, I highly doubt that he died, that boy is far too tenacious to be taken down so easily.
"Secondly I think he knows, but you should tell him that in person WHEN you see him. And you will, after everything he's done and been through, I highly doubt he would just let you walk away, even if he doesn't understand your letter.
"In that case he's probably going to be pretty angry and hurt, and you'll have to be prepared for that when you see him. You will see him again so stop worrying, you just need to be patient and wait right now."
"Just how long will I have to wait?"
"I can't tell you that sweetie, you'll just have to be strong."
Chang sniffed while holding her mom, "I'll try mom."
Two weeks quickly passed by her even though every day seemed to drag. Every time the doorbell rang or the phone went off she would fly to it, waiting for Jian.
Still there was no word.
Thanksgiving was a rather dreary affair in their household that year, unlike previous years, excluding the one right after her dad passed. Every holiday that year had been painful. Her mother tried to encourage her to think positively and she tried. She really tried but it became harder each day.
Chang became really good at smiling even when she felt like falling apart and crying. Her mother's strength of kindness inspired her to work harder, to be better support for her mother.
'He' s not coming anymore, I just need to accept that and move on. For now I need to make the most of this time with mom.. '
The predicted date was quickly advancing on them whether they wished it or not. Chang could only watch as her mother slowly lost almost all of her functions and come to need assistance with everything.
LiHua' s speech was one of the last things that started to be affected. Spurred on by this Lihua began to open up to her more, as if wanting to pass all her memories and knowledge on before she lost the ability to.
Liang Jian Amal galloped his horse through the field outside the capitol, letting the wind whip wildly across his face. He gripped the mane of the animal in his fists as he gritted his teeth.
Zawbiae threw his head proudly enjoying the freedom after having been cooped up for so long. Every time the horses hooves hit the dirt the healing wound in his calf would throb, but it was a welcome distraction.
'Why would she say that?'
The severely creased and worn letter sat in his pocket, where he had kept it. The words were almost etched into his mind at this point, yet he kept reading it, looking for something different than what was there.
Yet the words didn't change nor did they start make sense to him. After everything was cleared up he intended to clarify the matter, but for now he couldn't. His Jid needed his help greatly.
The last two weeks had been consumed with sorting the mess left behind by his father and uncles.
Over a thousand men had to be buried from their side, as such most of Muzdahir, including the palace, was in a state of mourning.
To the south of Muzdahir a large area of woodlands was cleared to make room for the mass graves that had to be dug, leaving a hole in the land, as well as the city, with all the missing lives.
After they had won, half the forces stayed to take care of the bodies of the deceased, while the other half had raced to their home to ensure its safety.
Liang Jian Amal, as well as Erol, were among those who rushed home. Even though his leg had long gone numb, Liang JianAmal had felt himself driven on relentlessly, needing to know that his home was safe.
The day was drawing to a close by the time the few hundred men had returned to their home. Even though the city looked untouched, it was eerily quiet throughout the entirety. The buildings cast long shadows across the streets as he ran between them, dread building.
In his haste Liang JianAmal had slowly started to leave most of the others behind, as some stopped to check on their homes and families as well.
As he came up the rise he saw the exquisitely planted courtyard was in shambles, torn through, trampled, and utterly defiled. Fearing the worst, Liang JianAmal had tried to rush in through the front entrance only to meet resistance.
He had thrown himself at it repeatedly until Erol and a few of the other men caught up to him. With their help they were able to break down the door. Spilling into the doorway, the men saw that they had been blocked by a bunch of furniture, that now lay strewn on the floor.
"Chang! Jid!" Silence had reigned through the halls that looked to have been ransacked. Pieces of broken furniture as well as pottery lay haphazardly on the ground as he hurried through, looking for any sign of life.
His heart in his throat Liang JianAmal had rushed to their room first and checked thoroughly, but thoroughly enough as he completely overlooked the envelope sitting on the bed. Hurriedly leaving the room Liang JianAmal searched every room along the way to his Jid's chambers, looking for any sign of them.
Right inside the antechamber lay a well-dressed corpse of a man, a pool of blood surrounding him like the petals of a flower.
"Jid?" He had called out worriedly venturing further to find the older man and several of the maids surrounding an ashen Jari Maan al-Hassan. Yet there was no sign of Hao Jin Ying, Li Hua or Chang.
His Jid seemed to have aged significantly over the course of the day since he had left, worrying him. Erol arrived shortly after him exclaiming he couldn't find anybody anywhere except for corpses until he saw the group gathered. With his help they carried the barely alive man to the medical building in the hopes that it was untouched.
"Jid where is she?" As they had carried Jari Maan al-Hassan Liang JianAmal had questioned the older man.
With a wearied face Hakim al-Hassan only told him bitterly "Liang Ju-Long."
They were barely able to rescue Jari Maan al-Hassan, due to the fact he had lost a significant amount of blood from torn stitching and already exhausted body. At the news he would live, the elder man wept, grateful he would not be burying two sons on the same day.
Hakim al-Hassan tried to have him stay and get checked out as well, mentioning his bloodied face, leg, and dust encrusted figure. Liang JianAmal had refused, everything else could hardly matter to to him at that moment, whatever else could wait.
He had immediately left for his chambers, to grab his stuff and take off after his father. It was then he noticed the envelope sitting on the bed.
After reading he slumped to the bed all his energy instantly gone. 'I don't love you.. Don't seek me out.. We are not something that was meant to last..'
'No, I can't accept that, this has to be because of my father.. He must have done something to her or threatened her..
'I will find out the truth, until then please wait for me, Chang, I will come.'