90.26% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 101: Issue 101: The Amazing Web Part 15

章 101: Issue 101: The Amazing Web Part 15

When they appeared on the other side, everyone was in awe of the view surrounding them. They could see the buildings on the opposite side of the ring, the plains that stretched out hundreds of miles, the pure water oceans, and even artificial clouds.

"This has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen," Scott spoke up.

"Well, don't get too comfortable. We have a message to send," Peter said as Tony came flying in.

"This place is the best! You have to make me one. Make me one, please?"

"Make it yourself," Peter replied while he looked out into the vastness of space, "Looks like the fastest one got here first."

The massive egg-shaped ship suddenly slowed down in front of the massive ring before Peter activated the new satellite that projected a massive image of him.

"Warning, you have entered the Border of the Sol-System's star. Further encroachment will result in lethal force if you do not dock at the nearest satellite and register your purpose for arrival. You must submit to a background investigation, and if everything checks out, you will be allowed to pass."

The egg-spaceship seemed to agree to the demands and started to approach a large landmass within the ring. 

Peter and the Avengers all made their way over and took in the sights. Before they arrived, the Stellar Sword appeared from a warp gate and docked directly in the center of the ring.

They stopped at the strange white ship before it opened up and revealed two aliens walking out with their hands up.

"Sorry for the intrusion," a ruggedly good-looking man with a brown beard slowly got closer to the group. He was wearing a red and mostly black suit that looked militaristic in origin. "My name is J'son Spartax. I come in peace. My reasons for being here is to look for my son."

The person beside him was a young pale green woman with two antennae at the sides of her forehead. She had bright-looking wide eyes, a small nose, and blue colored lips. She wore a black sleeveless vest, tight black leggings, and what looked like army boots.

"I am Mantis. J'son's escort and medical officer."

"My name is Peter Parker, and…"

"Son!" J'son shouted as he looked at his kid.

Quill looked around while everyone stared at him.

"What? He's not talking about me."

The father walked over and hugged Peter Quill while laughing, "You look just like me! You even have your mother's eyes. Tell me, how's Meredith doing?"

Quill shoved him away as he said, "She's dead. Died of cancer a while back, and no one but my uncle was there to look after her. I don't suppose you would, seeing as how you abandoned us."

J'son looked genuinely hurt as he looked away and said, "No…that can't be…my little star is gone…"

"Maybe not the best time for this," Peter coughed into his hand, "If you'll wait here for a moment, I have some issues to deal with."

"No…that's fine…I'll be inside my ship…" 

"We'd prefer you stay outside. At least until we deal with docking everyone else," Iron-Man stopped him before hundreds of smaller ships came flying into view.

The message replayed, warning them to dock, but some tried to arm warheads. 

"Fire the warning shot," Peter gave the command.

The massive ship in the center of the ring lit up and hummed with energy before a large dish appeared at the front. A simple press of the switch triggered a massive wave of radio waves that not only disable the weapons but completely shut down their ships.

"That was your one and only warning shot. The next will be with lethal weapons. Comply or face the edge of the sword."

Once the Sovereign species regained control of their ships, they played it safe and docked one by one. 

Tony looked at Ant-Man and said, "You can shrink right?"

"That's my thing…why?" Scott replied.

"I want you to sneak on the ship and take pictures of everything. I'll pay too."

"How much?" Scott lifted a brow.

"100k for every picture, 5mill if you get me a complete schematic, oh, and I'm not buying duplicates."

"Right…well, if you just excuse me," Scott moved out of sight before shrinking down to sneak on board of the golden colored spaceships.

Peter walked over with Rocket and waited for one to get out.

While he stood there, Rocket continued to complain, "Don't see why I have to do this."

"You know why,"

"But you don't get it, Pete, these guys s-u-u-u-u-c-k,"

"I will make copies of the batteries for you after they leave. Until then, you have to say sorry," Spider-Man shook his head.

"Ugh…are you sure there isn't some other way to resolve this. I mean, they're all out of their ships, we could…you know…light em up. I have a few bombs I could put to good use."

"Would you stop?! We're not blowing them up! Suck it buddy, you came to me for help, this is how I'm going to help," Peter crossed his arms and stared at the trash-panda with a serious expression.


"Look, if they don't take the apology and demand your arrest, I'll stand by you. Even if the whole Sovereign species threatens me, I'll be here for you, even if I have to fight every last one of them."

Rocket lowered his head, "Fine…I'll ugh…say s-o-o-o-r-r-y…blugh…"

Finally, one of the pilots opened up their ship and walked out with a wrist device that displayed an image of their leader.

The golden skin woman looked at Peter and lifted a brow, "I was not aware of that Terran apes had become so advanced. I am the leader of the Sovereigns, High Priestess Ayesha."

"We go by Earthlings, I am the leader of this strike force, and the tech isn't anything to be too surprised about," Peter held his hands out, "Now, what brings you to my part of the galaxy?"

"You are harboring criminals that stole from us," The high Priestess looked at Rocket.

"Rocket, return the nice lady's things."

"Fine…" Rocket tossed over the batteries, "Don't see why you're so stingy. I only took a couple."

The soldier caught them and fumbled keeping them all in his hand.

"Is that all of them?" Peter lifted a brow.

"Grrr…no…" Rocket tossed over the last two and said, "I hate this."

"Now what do you say?" Peter nudged his shoulder.

"Really? I gave them their stuff back,"


"Fine…I'm sorry…"

"As you should be," Ayesha said while her soldier struggled to stabilize her image, "But you will be brought back and dealt with on our terms. If you would please hand the animal over."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. As upsetting as it is for you, Rocket is of Earthling origin. He is a citizen of our cradle planet. I cannot hand him over to be killed by another race. So, either you take your stolen goods and fuck off or we do this the violent way."

The Priestess was about to complain but Peter held his hand up, "Before you say, you're out numbered, we have the advantage, yadda, yadda, bla-bla-bla, just know that if I wanted, I could atomize every last member of your race right here, right now."

Countless guns and turrets appeared from the bottom of the Stellar Sword.

"Are willing to go to war over that…rodent?"

"Lady, I would burn a planet to ash for one of my own, even if he has issues with STEALING STUFF that he doesn't need." 

Rocket cringed, lowering his shoulders as he looked away.

"This won't bode well for you. Our numbers are not something that can be overlooked. You're a planet that has just joined the stars while we are hundreds of trillions in number. War, is not a wise choice."

"You say that, but you have no idea what we're capable of. Rather than take the risk on war, how about we come to a compromise?" Peter raised his finger.

"What could you possibly offer?"

"Money…" Peter held up a card that still had all of the Collector's wealth. It was a little over 1,5 Trillion, so he was sure that he could easily pay off any fines, "I'll pay the cost of any damages and fines you have for his theft."

The Priestess pondered over the idea for a second, "Very well…it will cost 10-Billion credits to repair everything and another 15-Million for the rodent's transgressions."

Peter didn't know if he was being ripped off, but he wasn't about to back down.

"Very well," He walked over to the Soldier who scrambled to put the batteries inside his ship and approached Peter with a device.

He slid his card through it and smiled as he said, "So we're done here, correct?"

Once Ayesha acquired the funds, she nodded her head and said, "Yes, very well. However, this act does not paint you favorably. Should any of your kind ever be in our quadrant, just know that you will not be welcomed."

"Oh, boo-hoo, I'm shaking in my boots," Peter rolled his eyes as he looked to the rest of the group, "Alright, you can leave now. Get out of here."

The men all boarded their ships and started flying away before Ant Man suddenly popped up to regular height and stared at Peter, "Couldn't you have kept them busy for a few more minutes?"

"Really?" Peter lifted a brow.

"What'd you get?" Tony asked.

"About 30 photos of their engine and a 5 of their weapons," Scott held out a flash drive.

Tony injected into a port in his suit and looked at the images, "Pretty good work. I'll send you the cash. About 10 of the engine pics are useful and all five the weapons I can use. 1.5-Million isn't a bad payday."

"It could have been so much more," Scott lowered his head as he gave Tony his credit card, "You're not going to rip me off or anything? Are you?"

Tony expression basically said, "Really, dude?"

"Sorry, I have issues with some powerful people that have too much money. One of them sent me to prison because I blew their scheme out of ripping off people."

"What company did you work for?"

"Roxxon," Scott sighed.

Tony's eyebrow twitched, "You don't say."

"Uh-oh," Peter thought as he looked at the two.

"Say, clue me in on what you discovered. I would love to help you out. Maybe even clear you name."

"You'd do that?" Scott went wide-eyed.

"Sure. I'm not a big fan of that company either,"

"Well Roxxon, I guess your days are numbered now," Peter shook his head and chuckled.

Once he had dealt with the Sovereigns, Peter walked back over to see the Guardians of the Galaxy chatting about Quill's father.

"Do you think he's really your dad?" Drax questioned.

"The odds of someone knowing my mom's name…yeah, he probably is."

"Why do you think he showed up now?" Gamora asked.

"Probably wants something from ya," Rocket said as he hopped off Peter's shoulders and jumped back on Groot's.

"I am Groot?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's settled. Let's talk about Quill instead. I mean his dad showed up," the fuzzy raccoon tried to change the subject.

"I am Groot."

"I'm not deflecting!"

Peter looked to Quill and smiled, "So, they won't bother you as long as you don't mess up again. However, I wouldn't expect to get any jobs from that region anytime soon."

"Right, well we're better off without jobs from a bunch of stuck-up prunes like them," Rocket crossed his arms.

"Rocket, we need to talk about this,"

"No, we don't, we need to focus on Quill's father,"

"Hi," J'son said as he stepped into the conversation.

"What do you want?" Quill frowned.

"Look, I know you don't think of me much. But you have to know I wanted to come back. I really did. But…look, just come with me. I'll explain everything."

Peter lifted a brow and had Webster scan his father. He was fully expecting to see the readings of a Celestial. However, the readings came back as something that made him tilt his head in confusion.

"Odd…really odd…it's like the Celestial genome has been grafted into him. Underneath it, the structure is completely Spartax."

Peter couldn't make heads or tails of the situation, but he was curious to see where it led.

"Look, if you come with me, I can explain everything. I can show why I was gone for so long. You can even bring your friends," J'son announced as he looked at the Guardians of the galaxy.

"I'm down to see another planet or two," Tony popped over with an interested expression.

"Of course, you are," Steve chuckled.

"So did we come out here for nothing?" Erik asked while crossing his arms.

"No, you're back up was most certainly necessary. We still have those guys to deal with," Peter pointed at the Ravagers Ship.

"Ravagers…nasty group. I hear they eat people… You want my help?" J'son offered.

"No," Peter answered with a dull tone.

The newest group to arrive at the ring was given the same warning as those that came before them, and just as Peter thought it would happen, they refused to disarm, and tried to attack.

Dozens of attack ships came out of their mothership and started to try and approach, but a simple radio burst was enough to hack into their systems and shut them all down.

"You're going to help me arrest every last one of these guys and confiscate everything," Peter said as he looked at the avengers.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense. I'll take care of the big one," Magneto declared as he raised his hand and started pulling over the flag ship.

Peter then looked at the Guardians and said, "Well, you ready to pay me back for bailing you out?"

"Sure…J'son, just stay here until we finish. We'll hear you out later," Quill pressed his chest and made his mask appear, "I feel like punching something anyways."

Gamora looked a bit worried but sighed and stood by Quill.

"Finally, can we stop standing around?" Rocket grabbed his Multi-Gun.

"Tony, take care of the stragglers, we'll deal with the flagship,"

"Got it," Tony took off and started grabbing the fighter ships before bringing them back to knock out the pilots.

Once Magneto moved the flagship close enough, Quill invited everyone aboard the Milano. However, Peter just opened a portal and said, "My way is quicker."

"Come on, let's beat up some pirates," Rocket cheered as he hopped through.

"Hey Rocket," Peter threw the Raccoon a gift.

"What's this?" Rocket asked as he grabbed hold of the vial of glowing liquid.

"I cloned the battery. I left a trunk in the Milano,"

Rocket grinned, "Cool,"

"You spoil him," Gamora said as she jumped through the portal.

"I like the little kleptomaniac, sue me,"

"Let's goooo!" MJ cheered as she hopped through.

The others joined in and hopped into a very confused crew of Ravagers.

"Avengers, take em down," MJ shouted as she jumped into the battle.

The enemies raised their weapons and fired into the crowd.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C101
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


