89.38% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 100: Issue 100: The Amazing Web Part 14

章 100: Issue 100: The Amazing Web Part 14

A group of Sovereign ships were closing in on their location while not too far behind a group of what looked like Ravager Ships stealthily followed after.

"Yondu…what's he doing here?" Quill clenched his jaw.

"Tony, Hail Sword and gather a team of Avengers. If we're going to have issues with the Conclave, we can't show weakness. The Ravagers especially since they're a group of criminals,"

"Got it," Tony nodded his head as he got out of the captain's seat.

"Does this thing actually have teleportation modules?" Rocket asked as his eyes gleamed through the information on his screen.

"Yeah, you're kind of slow on the uptake, huh? It only took me a minute to learn everything about this place. Now move over, Rocket, right?" Tony started typing next to him.

"I did it 40 second, and it's Rocket the Raccoon,"

"I was curious about that, how'd a raccoon end up in space, you are from Earth, correct? My gene-scanner has matched most of your genetic sequences as Earth in origin," Tony looked over the fuzzy creature with a fascinated expression.

"Don't know, don't care,"

"He and Quill have a lot in common, they were both taken from Earth," Peter replied.

"Yeah, we figured that out during our last visit, but by who, that's the question he won't answer," Quill spoke up while the rest of the crew gave him curious looks.

Rocket clenched his fists, "Doesn't matter,"

"I beg to differ, but everyone needs to move at their own pace," Peter patted Rocket on the head.

"Stop it!" The space raccoon swatted Peter's hand away.

"I am Groot,"

"I do not like the way it feels!" Rocket growled.

"He says that, but when he got drunk a while back,"

"Quill, if you finish that sentence, I'll tell everyone about your search history,"

"I…have nothing more to say,"

"That's what I thought," Rocket hopped out of his seat, "Come on, Groot, I show you were all the good dirt is."

The two walked out of the room while Drax shrugged his shoulders and followed them.

The large holographic screen popped up showing Fury on the other side of the call.

"What's happening now?" Fury looked up from his desk.

"Oh, the usual, a possible alien invasion and new friends. How's the Stellar Sword prep,"

"Fully stocked, fully staffed, and waiting its first mission,"

"Tell Colson I said hi,"

"Tell him yourself. I'll start on setting up the team."

"Hey, send the new guy, his Quantum Tech is perfect for what we need,"

"You planning on snagging more tech,"

"I'd be a fool if I didn't," Tony grinned.

"Come on, we got work to do," Peter nudged Tony to hurry up.

"Right, right, I'll find the perfect place to set up a colony and you build it," Tony started tapping away.

"What's he doing?" Quill asked.

"Building schematic for a battlefield," Peter grinned.

"And you'll use your magic to make it?" Gamora lifted a brow.

"That's the plan. How far are they?" Peter asked.

"We popped out a dozen light years away, so it should take them some time to catch up. After all, the Milano is the fastest ship in the universe," Quill smirked with pride.

"I know, I built its engines," Peter bragged.

"We have ten hours before they arrive…Huh?" Gamora frowned at the readings she was looking at.

"What?" Tony asked.

"There's another ship breaching subspace," 

An egg like ship shot past all the others and was rapidly approaching their star system. Based on Tony's calculations, it'd arrive within the next thirty minutes."

"The hell is that?" Quill furrowed his brow.

"A very unwanted guest," Peter frowned, "I guess I should pull out the big guns for this one. Tony, how fast can you design that thing?"

"I'll have it finished in less than ten minutes,"

"Good, I prepare the portal and debrief the team," Peter looked over at the remaining two Guardians of the Galaxy in the room, "You two are with me."

"Right, who's the team?" Gamora questioned.

"You'll be meeting the leader of your affiliate team Sword in a bit, but we're going catch the Avengers up on the situation."

"Oh, the Hero team you talked about last time? I can't wait to meet them," Quill's eyes sparkled.

"Speaking of teams, where's Nebula?"

"She's…back on Nowhere," Gamora spoke up.

"Really? Why?"

"She had business there before this whole Rocket issue popped up. Someone double booked us," Quill looked at Gamora.

"My sister can take care of herself. She knows where we are. The Eternity Forge isn't something we can overlook. If Thanos' men are searching for it, we need to find it first."

"Hold up, did you say Eternity Forge?" Peter's eyes widened.

"Yeah, you know about it?"

"Not really, but it was rumored to have been created by the personification of Eternity itself. If that's true, it's an item that can rival the power of the Infinity Stones."

"I take it that's bad," Quill cringed as he looked at Gamora.

"If Thanos gets his hands on it, very," Peter nodded his head.

"Right…maybe we should have focused on the Forge."

"No…neither of us were wrong, Quill. Gathering allies to aid in our fight against Thanos is just as important," Gamora showed a frustrated expression.

"Are you two dating?" Peter grinned.

"What?" Both Gamora and Quill looked at him with surprised expressions.

"You sound like a couple that had an argument recently,"

"Well, we did have a little fight,"

"I don't recall trying to hit you," Gamora made Peter laugh.

"That's not funny," Quill's eyebrow twitched.

"He wasn't being literal," Spider-Man forced himself to hold in his giggles.

"I know, I just do that to annoy him," Gamora grinned.

Peter lifted a brow and said, "You also didn't answer my question."

"Things…are complicated," Gamora shook her head.

"I think we're dating, she's still unsure," Quill mumbled.

"Can we not do this now?"

"Fine, looks like we're here, anyways," Quill rolled his eyes.

Peter opened a large hatch door leading to a large circular ring on a platform.

"I have the open the line up with Avengers Tower, so it'll take me a few minutes. Can you two behave?"

"Yeah, not a peep," Quill raised his hands as he leaned against the wall.

"I didn't say don't talk, just don't throw any punches," He joked as he walked over to the computer and started tapping away, "Folding Space requires a lot of sequences and calculations, can't have you breaking my equipment."

"Right," Gamora sat next to Quill.

Just as promised, three minutes later, the portal was opened, and people started walking through.

The team Fury sent was MJ, Captain America, Magneto, Charles Xiaver, Ant-Man, Wasp, Hulk, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch.

"Hey honey," MJ gave him a kiss on the cheek before spotting Gamora and Quill, "What's up guys?!"

"Sir," Steve gave a salute.

"Steve, that's not necessary, we're both council members."

"Still, you've done a lot for Earth, and let's face it, you're the unofficial leader of this whole band," Steve patted his shoulder.

"Still not a soldier, Steve," Peter shook his head.

"Don't have to be one to get my respect," Steve replied.

"Oh wow, you're him," Ant-Man spoke up as he held out his hand, "Scott Lang, nice to meet ya. My daughters a big fan, can we get a couple of autographs…for my kid of course."

"Ant-Man, Wasp, glad you two finally decided on joining," Peter shook their hands, "I'll see what I can do about those autographs."

He turned to Eric and Charles, "Glad you two could join us. Your powers will be the most helpful."

"You say that as if you don't have our powers already at your disposal," Magneto smirked.

"I sure you could easily solve this issue without us considering your power."

"Yeah, but it's good practice for everyone. I can't always be around to deal with this stuff," Peter looked to Wanda, "Do you have your powers under control?"

"Master said it was safe for me to return to duty," Wanda grinned as she showed off her chaotic magic circle.

"How's the power up treating you, Speedster?" 

"Faster than ever, boss," Pietro replied.

"Holy crap, it's the real Captain America. The first hero! I collected all your comics and toys when I was a kid," Quill held his hand out to one of his idols.

"Always nice to meet a fan," Steve nodded his head and shook, "So, who are you?"

"I'm Star-Lord. Peter Quill, born and raised Missouri, space traveler, treasure hunter, mercenary, soldier, we have lot in common. I'm basically you but in space."

"Really, I'm sure you have plenty of stories to share," Steve looked over at MJ who was chatting away with Gamora.

"Alright then, time is limited, so I'll fill you in on the situation," Peter started speaking as he pulled up the hologram of their plans.

"In a few minutes, some guest will arrive, and I want you all to act normal, as if nothing can surprise you. I'll explain about him at a later date, but we need to focus on the attack force coming towards our star system. Aliens have known of Earth for some time now, but none of them know how advanced we've come in just a few years, so we need to send a message to everyone out in the galaxy. Don't mess with humans."

"What exactly are we doing?" Steve asked.

"A warning shot, try negotiation, and if all else fails," As Peter spoke, a massive ship floating above the lunar base suddenly came into view, "We defend our planet with lethal force."

The ship Stellar Sword was a warship Tony, Peter, and MJ developed together for future space encounters. With a combination of Skrull, Kree, and Chitauri Technology, this lone ship could stand up to an armada of Thanos' forces.

It was larger than a city and carried weapons that could destroy almost any force Peter could imagine, even glassing a planet was possible should Peter remove its restrictions.

"Sir, this the Captain of the Stellar Sword, docking will commence in two minutes."

"Good to hear your voice again Coulson," Peter smiled.

"Glad to be heard," Coulson replied with a smile on his face.

"Holy crap," Quill gasped as he stared out the window.

"You guys weren't the only ones preparing for Thanos," Spider-Man suited up as he walked towards the bridge.

"Where are we going?" MJ walked beside him.

"To the command center and then to a new base at the edge of our solar system," Peter said as he started walking alongside the Avengers.

"And I thought the moon base was impressive enough already," Steve said seconds before Tony's voice echoed out over the coms.

"Uh, Peter, we have neighbors that want to talk to you,"

"Neighbors? Oh crap, I forgot that Bolt moved his kingdom here,"

"I'll take care of it," MJ winked, "I have some pull with the royal family."

"Glad to hear,"

The group showed a confused expression before Peter said, "There is a group of early meta-humans that existed a long time ago. They've been in hiding much in the same way Wakanda has. They made a decision to move to the moon some time ago."

"Ooh, that make's sense," Scott nodded his head before whispering to Jannet, "I didn't get any of that."

"Are you saying there were ancient mutants? How far back are we speaking?" Charles questioned with great interest.

"Along time ago, a species of god-like beings came to earth and messed with our genetic coding because they were interested in our potential. The first of the Mutants to develop powers were born in roughly around the Stone Age. Possibly even earlier."

"Ah, so that's what you mean by Quill not being the first to go into space," Tony's voice echoed on the coms system.

"That's right, Tony. Some were taken for further research, others developed their powers to move to new planets, and the rest stayed on Earth."

"Well, that's a bummer," Quill huffed, "So much for my achievement of first human in deep space."

"Relax, it's still a worthy title for you," Peter placed his hand on his shoulder, "After all, you're the first Hybrid to be born on Earth. In fact, there are many aliens out there that share common ancestry with us, but you're the first to be born on Earth."

"To think our people had such history. So, we owe our powers to these beings?" Magneto questioned.

"No, they just sped things up a bit. The X-Gene has always been dormant within our species," Peter answered.

"Who were these god-like beings,"

"Celestials, Eternals, they have a few different names. However, we shouldn't get involved with them yet. How many DC fans are there in the crowd?"

"I read them! Super Man is my favorite," Scott spoke up.

"Well, the Eternals basically have their own Super Man."

The crowd went silent.

"That's crazy," Pedro spoke up.

"What's a Super Man?" Wanda asked.

"You're kidding, right?" Tony's voice became clear as they walked into the central control room.

"Imagine a God, now imagine that there's an alien who can beat up gods and you have Super Man," Scott informed.

"And they see as threats?" Charles lifted a brow.

"That is frightening to think about," Wanda admitted. 

"You're telling me, and oh, most Eternals see us as threats to the universe, so my advice is to tread carefully should you ever encounter one. Depending on how you act, it will either result in them declaring a purge of our race or whether we can deal with this through peaceful means."

"We'll keep that in mind," Tony said as he pointed to the schematics of the new ring-world he designed.

"Good work, Tony," Peter stated as he began to memorize all the data in front of him.

"Defenses look good, weaponry should be more than enough to get our point across," MJ said as she looked through the blueprints.

"Yo, Red," Rocket announced his presence as he strolled into the room.

"Rocket, you look healthy," MJ hopped over and scratched behind his ears.

"Would you all stop that?!" Rocket pushed her hands away and jumped on top of Peter's shoulders.

"Is that a talking Raccoon?" Scott asked while the others showed shocked expressions.

"You got a problem with that?"

"I am Groot," The giant tree man walked into the room.

"I am not being mean!"

"I am Groot,"

"I said I'm not!"

"A talking tree?" Janet showed a look of fascination.

"Guardians of the Galaxy, meet a portion of the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes,"

"We're down one right now, but she should join us in a few days," Drax stood next to his crew and crossed his arms, "With the exception of the Green one, you don't look too tough to me, I think the Man-Spider has spoken overrated praises."

"Hey Drax, wanna find out just how strong they are?" MJ's clenched her fists and hit him on the side of the head.

"I do…why did you hit me?"

"What you just said was kind of offensive man. Besides, you should never judge someone's strength on appearance alone," Peter shook his head.

"I see, I was being dicky,"

"Cocky, the word is Cocky!" Star-Lord face palmed with an annoyed expression.

"Alright, enough of that. MJ let's get started," Peter opened a portal in front of everyone and started creating the materials needed to build their latest base.

Spider-Woman stood by his side and used her Technokinesis to create the massive structure that was mankind's first artificial living space.

Tony started to hum the Halo theme as the structure started to take shape. Peter conjured land, water, plants, and buildings all in mere minutes before a complete Ring-World appeared in the empty vacuum of space.

"Incredible," Those who hadn't seen Peter and MJ's powers gasped in awe.

"I feel like a kid again," Tony smirked as he put his suit on and flew through the portal.

Peter rolled his eyes and closed the portal before opening another on the land.

"Come on, time is limited,"

The group looked at each other and nodded their heads before hopping through the portal.


Author Note: That's all I have so far. I'll work on dumping them around 20 Chapters at a time or try to do it Saga by Saga. I'm also going to be dropping a few different Fan-Fics I've grown tired of or just ran out of inspiration. I'll probably put them up for adoption. The ones I'll be releasing is a Spider-Man x Dragon Ball fic called the Web of Dragons, Final Fantasy x Berserk Crossover called A Red Warlock in a Berserk World, and a more light hearted Jaune Gamer Fic. Like a seriously Busted OP Jaune centered story and it'll be my first Harem Story. I also have more chapters to release for my other stories. For one, I think I have 100,000+ words for my RWBY story, I've completed up to the Granola Arc with my Vegeta Story, and I'm almost at the End-End of Narutoverse. I just can't think up much of an ending, so the Mass Release for the Narutoverse will be the end of the series.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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