85.84% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 96: Issue 96: The Amazing Web Part 10

章 96: Issue 96: The Amazing Web Part 10

The group sat across from a very silent, and by the look of it, a very annoyed tourist guide.

"Uh…so, it's nice to see you again," Peter held out his hand.

Oyoke was tapping her foot against the ground before saying, "This is not how the leader of Wakanda's most elite taskforce should be spending time."

"Think of it like a break," Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't take breaks, provides an enemy to slip through my security parameter,"

"Think of it like a…short…vacation?" Benji said as if it were a question.

Oyoke lifted a brow as if to ask him if he were serious.

"Dude, somebody say something and make this less awkward!" Richie looked to his right.

"I don't know, man. I'm still freaked out that she didn't freak out over the whole multiverse thing." Morales whispered back.

"This chick a stone wall," Davis replied.

"You're two feet away, whispering does no good," Oyoke lifted a brow.

"I got it. Wanna hold my baby?" Benji held out Mayday.

"Ooh that's a great idea!" Richie joined him.

The two babies blinked with wide eyes before smiling and grabbing out to Oyoke's face.

"Ahem, while they are quite adorable…"

"If you're anything like my Oyoke, I know you can't resist this cuteness," Benji added.

"Give it up and hold the babies, just let it happen," Richie nodded his head.

"It's cathartic!" The two fathers spoke in unison.

The two babies giggled with an innocent smile that melted her heart in an instant.

She took both Annies and smiled at them, "A child is a treasure, you shouldn't be handing them out to anyone."

"It's a good thing we know you aren't anyone," Benji and Richie MJ smiled across from the now doting Aunty they remembered.

"You two are so cute!" Oyoke felt them grab her finger, "And quite the grip."

"She inherited more than her dad's smarts," MJ said as she made funny faces to get more giggles out of the babies.

"So, they are Spiders like yourself?"

"Yep, and the cutest ones I've ever seen, yes you are," Spiderette scratched one of their bellies with her finger.

They took turns holding the babies and playing with them until they arrived at the capital and the biggest shopping district in Wakanda.

Of course, money wasn't an issue, and they ended up going on quite the spree.

Peter spent roughly half a million in just one day. They didn't hold back at all and bought whatever caught their eyes.

"When they all took a coffee break, they treated Oyoke and chatted back and forth about their lives.

"So, what'd you buy?" Noir asked.

"Same as you, Books," Peter replied with a smile.

"Why though? Everything is digital these days," Miles Morales scratched his head.

"You kids just don't understand the allure of words on papers," Noir sighed.

"There's just something about turning the page that hits different than scrolling on a tablet," Peter added.

"Boomers," The Gwens and Miles smirked.

"That is the dumbest thing you two have said yet. I hate people who do that crap," Peter's eyebrow twitched.

"Seriously, who does that, classifies an entire generation based off record birth rates and not accomplishments? You know why so many had so babies back then? Because the economy was at its best. I mean, we stone-age, bronze-age, iron-age, industrial-age, yet we get called boomer age?" Benji shook his head.

"Shame the kids these days had to mess it up, it was pretty much a golden age in America history. That's what we should call it, the golden-age."

"Hey! I'm working on fixing it. I'll have you know that due to the advancements of technology, schools in America have improved greatly. There are tons of new jobs, crime has dropped significantly, and we've managed to weed out countless corrupt politicians and government officials. With the Avengers, I helped make the new golden age. In comparison, your age was…silver at best." Peter shook his head.

The group started laughing while Oyoke nodded her head, "Respect your elders, kids. They've lived longer so they have great wisdom to impart, the good ones anyways."

"We'll keep that in mind," the Gwens and Miles replied as they saw her give them a harsh stare.

They shivered a little, but all that tension faded when she went back to feeding the two babies.

"Say ahhh."


Peter took a few pictures and sent them to the others, who then in turn thanked him for it.

After a few minutes of joking around, Peter returned with the others and sent them home for the day. He then worked with MJ and Shuri on making plans for the new city extensions.

They spent four days spreading information to the various villages and towns until a group from the X-Men arrived. All who were of once natives of Africa. With Storm helping to spread the word, they were finally able to make their move.

He summoned back his friends and gathered them alongside the new super enhanced members of the royal guards.

Oyoke was the first one who had gotten the S.S.S upgrade and stood with a smile on her face as she was debriefed on the situation.

"Keep in mind, some of these enemies we'll be facing today have extraordinary powers. I've given out a list of targets that contain weaknesses and strategies for handling them in a fight."

"I expect you to spend this day going over and memorizing the information. A quarter of our forces will be for relocating new citizens in newly constructed parts of the city. From this day on, Wakanda will save Africa from itself," The king announced as the men and women cheered.

Oyoke has been waiting for this moment her whole life. She was a supporter of T'Chaka's father's dream to unite South Africa under a single king, but she was also very loyal, so she'd never voice such an opinion. She didn't know how Peter had done it, but she was more than happy to finally have a chance to rid the great plains of the scum that have plagued it for so long.

"These brave heroes have chosen to join us in our endeavor," Benji, Richie, Noir, Porker, the Gwens, and both Miles stood up in what looked like a Panther Style Spider Armor.

"We must keep their true identities a secret until the war is over, but know this, they have your King's trust and promised to do everything in their power to help up complete this impossible endeavor."

They had doubts, not of their king's judgment, but of the new strangers' level of skill. When Oyoke walked up and shook their hands, the doubts faded in an instant. If their leader trusted their abilities, then it was more than enough for them. The guards let out a cheer as the King commanded them prepare for war.

"Well, I got work to do with MJ, you guys ready for tomorrow?"

"I won't lie, we're pretty nervous."

"First War?" Benji asked as he sat next to Davis.

"You've been in a war?

"A few, one that was completely secret too," Benji chuckled.

"Did you,"

"No, I kept my vow. I didn't have to kill, and you won't either. Just focus on doing what you've always been doing."

"Which is?" Davis lifted a brow.

"Being a hero," Richie came over and sat next to him.

"What'cha up to?" Ghost-Gwen popped her head down from the ceiling.

"Hey Gwen, how are you not nervous?"

"Who said I'm not. This is definitely the biggest operation I've ever take part of, yet, when that guy is calling the shots, it's just easier to go with the flow."

"Relax, me," Morales sat on his other side, "Confidence is key."

"I can see your knees shaking," Spiderette chuckled.

"I'm just excited," Morales looked the other way.

"We may be part of the attack force, but it's nothing we haven't done before. Beat up the bad guys, arrest them, save people," Richie said as he gave him a nod of confidence.

"But most of all, stay safe," Benji rubbed his head before getting up.

The Parker from another universe then walked up to Peter and asked, "So, you got everything you need."

"Yeah, Benji. I do," 

"Having second thoughts?"

"No, I know this is the right move. The longer I sit on my hands, the more people will suffer for it. I believe this with all my heart. I'm just worried about if things get out of control. I guess I have to put my trust in T'Chaka's army," Peter sighed as he started walking away, "I've got a few cities to build. Take care of those rookies and I'll give you all something special before you go home."

"Alright boss,"

Peter met up with MJ and Shuri to head out ahead of time and get started, and within minutes of flying on their air-ships, they were flying over the very edge of the barrier.

"Here are the plans," Shuri held up a file on the tablet with an excited expression,

"I'll take East, you take west," Peter said as he held out his hand and took the tablet.

He then created everything MJ would need for her machines before he jumped out of the aircraft. 

While Shuri marveled over the components he made, MJ used her ability to make the young princess' eyes shine as bright as stars.

"Soo cool!" Shuri walked around the large 3x3ft cube shaped box.

MJ smiled at her and said, "Can you take me to the drop points? We're going to have to hurry if we want to match his pace."

A series of buildings popped up out of nowhere, drawing everyone's attention. A river formed instantly, trees sprouted like magic, and healthy green grass spread out everywhere the eye could see. Animals and fields of food started popping up in various locations alongside the buildings and equipment need to run them. 

"Hey, think you can keep up? I might finish before you guys leave!" Peter said over the coms.

"So, it's a race huh? Move the ship to the marked locations," Shuri pulled up a screen with all the locations they'd need to visit in just 7 hours.

They flew off to the far end of their construction zone and started dropping more and more of the boxes to the ground. 

The moment they hit the dirt, the machines turned on instantly and grew legs and arms before it suddenly started converting the area with Alchemy into various materials needed for building. MJ then downloaded the schematics Shuri had sent her and watched as it started constructing entire buildings for residential sectors alongside planting and growing dozens of different types of trees and grass.

"You have to let me take one apart." Shuri begged with her eyes.

"Sure, when we're done. On to the next location,"

In total, she made roughly 500 black box building machines that roamed Africa. Besides constructing entire cities, it was expanding the barrier of Wakanda bit by bit until it covered almost every last bit of open space they could take.

At the crack of dawn, MJ and Shuri had returned to the center of the project and saw Peter waiting for them.

"Aw, come on, I thought we made great time," Shuri cried out.

"You did, I only finished 3 hours ago," Peter chuckled.

"It looks good," MJ said as she saw the spiraling buildings made with Vibranium and other various rare materials.

"How's your side look?" The Spider-Hero asked.

MJ passed over the tablet and he looked through the images.

"Sweet, you redistributed the natural resources and made a big hole for water storage. 10 of them are about 2.5x2.5 kilometers holes."

"I used alchemy to draw water from the air and environment while the dirt was transformed to stone basins filled and capped off. There's enough clean water for them to drink for thousands of years."

"Not bad for only using materials that are on site, these things can probably be used to terraform entire planets if we tweak them a bit here and there."

"We could use magic to create materials like water and air," MJ said as they started geeking out.

As their discussion became more complicated, the pilot looked at Shuri and asked, "These are the most popular American Heroes?"

"Yeah, aren't they great?!" Shuri grinned as she absorbed the information from their conversation.

They eventually flew back to the city around the time the migration and assault squad were moving out.

Peter played the part of man in the wheelchair and oversaw the entire operation. Richie and Benji worked together in taking down every last drug den and corrupt enterprise funding them with a team of the new Assault Panther Quadrant. 

With their years of experience fighting against drug lords and Kingpin on top of having their locations and weaknesses, it was rather simple for them to track down and remove their targets with ease. But they didn't stop there, they went after any big-time villain they could get their hands on.

In just one day, they managed to take down Moses Magnum, Radioactive Man, the entire Sons of the Serpent Cult, and some seriously messed up serial killers.

Miles and Miles teamed up with Porky to hit drug money and stashes all across the African Continent. They took the money and stored them in spatial rings made by Reed and Peter and turned them over to the allied forces. The money would be returned to the people while all the drugs were destroyed.

They had to take down quite a few goons, but with cartoon powers, advanced tech, and mechanical Symbiote empowered Spider-Sable, they stood very little chance. There was a guy calling himself Lord Karnaj that had some interesting sonic tech, but he went down in a single blow.

Gwen and Gwen went after criminals of all sorts. She cleared out villages with the rescue squad and got them aid when they needed it most. Sometimes that included taking down warlords that were terrorizing the place or several villains from the Black Panther Rouge Catalog.

However, they were surprised to meet a man by the name of Tetu. He was an older man, but his powers to manipulate nature aided them in a fight against a giant white ape.

Tetu was once a Wakandan warrior, but he left to search for something greater than himself, discovering wild magic that allowed him to manipulate the very nature around him.

He showed a keen interest in what the Wakandan's were up to and decided to act like an ally until he saw what was going on.

Until then, Gwen and Gwen made their way cross the African Continent rescuing impoverished villages and beating up bad guys with plenty of ease. They even managed to successfully recruit Brother Voodoo into the ranks of Wakandan citizen. 

When they hoard of ships finally completed their journey, they ended up in a massive prebuilt city big enough to hold roughly 2 billion people.

Brother Voodoo and Tetu couldn't believe their eyes as they walked into the city limits. Houses were given away and land rights with them, farms, schools, factories, everything was provided for. Of course, this was only for the migration. Once everyone settled in, they would have to pay taxes and work, just like any other living city. 

Luckily, their new rulers were kind and just. With the tech provided by Wakanda, it would be easy to teach them how to live and work in this place.

Noir and the White Wolf worked together with their perspective squads tying up communications for several factors while spreading false information. Occasionally, they had to bust up some spies and politicians that were catching on, even going so far as to hijack a few satellites to feed it doctored photos and video feed.

Black Panther, Oyoke, and her crew of Super Soldiers took down hundreds upon hundreds of slavers, raiders, entire warlord factions, destroyed the facilities built to steal African resources such as rare metals and minerals, and took down some of the biggest villains in his Rouge Gallery.

Before, they may have given him trouble, but with the extra boost from the Super Soldier Serum, the Black Panther and his Assault Squad were able to handle them with ease.

When Peter saw the results, he couldn't help but smile as he thought, "Man, they weren't kidding. An army of these guys could destabilize an entire nation. I wonder how long until Fury notices."

Peter continued with the operation, and it went on well into the next day without any major issues. He even joined the recruitment and rescue squad now that the building and terraforming was finished.

MJ went with the migration squad and met up with Storm and the other X-Men that came to help.

Needless to say, it continued to their way, right up until the third day, both surprising and upsetting Peter.

Surprised that they managed to keep it under wraps longer than expected but pissed that the South African King called in the Avengers claiming that the Wakandan's were an alien force attacking.

He called up Fury and was tapping his foot against the grated floors of the aircraft he was riding in.


"Ignore what's going on in Africa. The tech is terrestrial in origin. And on another note, why in the hell did you even agree to meet with that asshole?"

"It's our job…wait, how do you know what's going on in Africa is human in origin?" Fury pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Samantha, Deep Winter Protocol,"

"Going dark mode," The A.I answered.

"The hell was that?"

"A private and secure setting for our call,"

"We have that?" Fury smiled.

"Ever hear of a place called Wakanda?"


"Well, they're like the African version of Atlantis or Eldorado. Ancient, powerful, sitting on a mountain of mythical metals, and have highly advanced technology. Now do me a favor and pull back all Avengers."

"Do you have anything to do with this?"

"I think it'll all be made clear in a couple of days. Until then make sure they know that it isn't an alien attack. A lot of shit is about to hit the fan, and I don't want the Avengers anywhere near fan. I'll send some files to let you in on a prisoner transport log to use for the new prison we've been talking about."

"You finished it?"

"Yeah, it's done,"

"Alright, let's see this list…"

Fury wasn't a dumb person. It only took him a bit to figure out Peter's plan after seeing the hundreds of criminals scrolling past his eyes.

"Spring cleaning, huh? You're going down a tightrope, son. This is a risky play,"

"I know. Do you disapprove?"

"Hell no! I know you're not one to start something you can't finish. So, fuck em up Avenger. Only wish I could be there to help," Fury grinned.

"You want to. I can portal you over. We're almost done with the migration."

"You know what, things have been pretty lax around here since Tony and you completed the Worker A.Is programming. I haven't had a chance to dust off my knuckles in a week."

"Hahaha! Well then," A portal opened up in the aircraft, shocking some of the squad units traveling with him.

Fury stepped through, "Huh, this is quite the operation you have going. Reminds me of early days."

"Quit showing off, that's my bit," Peter smirked and hung up the call, "Deal with the Avengers. I got citizens to save."

"Well, this is your mission. Alright, I'll follow lead kid, just this once."

"Glad to have you on board. Wakanda Warriors, this is Fury, Co-Leader of the Avengers and 1st council member. Fury, say hi to the Wakandan Warriors."

Fury gave a polite nod, "So I hear were going to kick a dictator off his throne. I haven't done that since 67."

"Put that one together quick, didn't ya?" Peter sighed.

"How long you think I've been at this, kid?" Fury put his hand on his earpiece, "Hill, get me Tony. Tell him to set up a press conference."

"Ooh, there's a good idea. Convince the public by getting the expert to inform them," Peter chuckled.

"Also, I'll be sending you a file through my deep winter profile. You know what to do,"

Peter looked up at him, "Deep Winter?"

"What, you think you're the only one with a secure method of communication? Deep Winter is the best you could come up with? Do you have any idea how common that name is in the military? I like the way you work, kid, but you still have a lot learn," Fury grinned.

"You played me, how long have you known about them?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Fury smiled.

"Ooh, might as well get you suit, how a gunmetal color," Peter snapped his finger and put Fury in a Silver-Panther outfit, "You do know how to mimic a cat, right? Meow?"

Fury looked rather upset before he pointed his finger.

"Remember, I'm in charge," Peter's grin grew wider.

"I shouldn't have tried to play with you like that, should I?"

"Oh, he's learning," Peter laughed.

"Seriously, what's with the cat outfit?"

"It's the sacred animal of the Wakandan People. Their leaders and most powerful warriors take on its aspect though their own Super Solider creation method."

"So, their nimble, flexible, and they always land on their feet. I think I can pull that off, and give me back my damn gun,"

"You don't need it, that suit there is completely made of Proto-Adamantium and can absorb, store, and eject kinetic forces. Guns put holes in people, there's no killing in this mission."

"Right…give my damn gun,"

Peter handed it over, "I mean it Fury, don't shoot anyone."

"It can't be traced,"

"That's not why I don't want you to shoot them!" Peter pinched the bridge of his nose, "Look, we're going after a Warlord by the name of Bosco Ntanganda. He's also known as The Terminator by his men, he's something of a warlord for rent, the King's personal slaver too. After helping to overthrow the Hutu-led government in Rwanda during the much-publicised civil war, he set his sights on Congo, where he helped overthrow the government there as well and was made head of their military. Bosco is responsible for somewhere in the region of 800,000 combined deaths, not to mention the countless human rights abuses. Any time an African revolted against their rule and tried to set a democracy, the King would send this guy in to wipe them out."

"Sounds like he needs to meet my timecop."

"I can't believe you named you gun that,"

"Don't diss time cop,"

Peter looked at the map and pointed to it, "He's expected to have around 5,000 men in his encampment. We're going to make them disappear."

"You're already going after the King's pawns. I came in at the Endgame?"

"Save the best for last."

"The firing pin," Fury held out his hand.

"No shooting! This is pay back for me hiring Deadpool, isn't it."

"Oh, he's an effective agent, and I've put with worse, but yes."

"I mean it Fury, I don't want to heal scum, don't make me."

Daoist_Over_God Daoist_Over_God

A Special Thanks to Kurotora for picking up on the Grammer Mistakes in previous chapters. I'll go through it later and fix them all up.

Isaac_Gubat Congratulations on winning one imaginary dollar, what are you gonna do with all that faux-mony?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C96
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


