79.64% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 89: Issue 89: The Amazing Web Part 3

章 89: Issue 89: The Amazing Web Part 3

While the group was waiting on the warrant, they all gathered at the rooftop of Miles Davis's apartment.

The two Spider-Sables were looking at each other with a look of intense curiosity. Miles Davis was out of uniform and hanging with the rest of his family while Miles Morales stayed in his suit.

"Soooo, why're our last names different?" Miles mentioned.

"Actually, I think I know. When my parents got married, ma didn't want to give up her name and neither did dad. So, they flipped a coin, whoever called it…" Spider-Sable added.

Miles Davis had a look of realization appear on his face, "I remember this story, a coin toss decided…huh? Neat,"

"Man, this is confusing," Gwen said as she shook her head.

"Tell me about it," The voice of another Gwen echoed out from behind them.

Everyone turned around and saw her in half civilian clothing, a baggy jacket and loose-fitting jeans with tears on the knees.

"Gwen?" Miles' eyes sparkled as he gave her a hug, "You my Gwen, right? I mean, not that you belong to me or anything like that. I mean the Gwen that helped,"

Gwen chuckled as she poked his lips for him to be quiet, "Yeah, I'm the same Gwen, see?"

Everyone looked at where she was pointing and saw the stabilizer MJ and Peter gave her and smiled.

"Good to see ya again, Kiddo," Peter smirked.

"Why did you guys get so much older?" Ghost-Spider asked.

"We've used the time room trick a bit too much," MJ said with a smile.

"Cool, wish I could use Kamar-Taj's cheat and grow up in an instant," Gwen huffed.

"Sup, kiddo? Something happen?" Peter asked, "Hah, I get to call you guys kids now."

"Dad…found out."

"Ooph, that's a hard pill to swallow. I take it he didn't react very well," Peter patted her shoulder.

"He tried to arrest me," Her words caused everyone to cringe.

"Captain Stacey's always been hardheaded…in several realities," Peter shook his head.

"Tell me about it," Ghost-Gwen sighed.

"Miles! Everyone's on the way! Where's the cake?" The mother of Miles called out, making them both jump out of habit.

"Aww, crap! The cake!" Miles Davis grabbed his head with a frantic expression.

"I got ya," Peter opened up a portal to the cake shop as looked at his Infinity Search Bar and thought, "Hmm, that's the right address, so nothing is wrong with the Merlin Gemstones."

"I can't wait until I'm old enough to travel! I need learn to do this!' Miles hopped through and ran into the shop.

As he walked out of the store with cakes in hand, a dude not twenty feet away tried to rob someone.

"Gwen, help em out,"

"Got it!" Both Gwen said as they looked at each other.

"Sorry, Spiderette, Our Gwen. You're out of costume right now, so maybe not the best place to suit up."

"Right, hehe. Spiderette, huh? That actually sounds a lot cooler than Ghost Spider."

"You had Spider-Woman!" Peter slapped his own forehead.

It only took Gwen a few seconds to help out as both of them hopped back through the portal.

"Thanks for the lift," Miles smiled.

"No problem."

Spiderette tilted her head and asked, "But what do we do about the suits? It's not exactly suitable for parties," 

Peter rolled his eyes and transformed into what looked like Tobey Maguire with Tom Holland's face and MJ took on the appearance of Milla Jovovich but kept her figure as is.

"Call me Tom Maguire."

"Amelia Maguire."

"Can our Symbiotes do that? Can you do that?" Spiderette asked Sleeper.

Within a few seconds, Gwen took on the appearance of her cousin, Jill Stacy.

"Holy crap, you look just like Jill!" Ghost Spider commented.

"Then you should probably call me as such while we're here."

"Good idea, Jill."

Miles Morales tapped his watch and took on the image of Denzel Washington, "Just call me Morales. It'll be less confusing that way."

"What, you don't have one?" Miles asked.

"No, I didn't want one. The idea of sharing my body kind of creeped me out. I took the tech route. My suit is made of nanobots,"

"You get used to it," The Pro-Symbiote crew said in unison, which was everyone but Morales.

"I'll stick to tech."

"You replicated that with Tech?"

"Well, sort of. I had couple of my teachers help," Morales replied.

"What kind of school teaches you how to build that?"

"Oh, I'm an Avengers Academy second year student. When I graduate, I can choose to go solo or be part of Sword, Shield, or the Avengers."

"Get out of here, your Avengers has an Academy?" Davis felt some conflicted feelings.

"Yeah, yours doesn't?"

"MIHO! Get down here and help me with the food!" 

"Ooh, food, I'm starving!" the one calling herself Jill said while grabbing her stomach.

"Double that," Gwen's stomach growled.

"We're a weird bunch," Miles laughed before shouting, "On my way mom!"

He placed the cakes on the table and rushed inside while the group waited around.

Peter scratched his head as he once again came up blank when he tried various search methods to find Spot, "This doesn't make any sense,"

"Still not working?" MJ asked.

"No, the only way I can even imagine this happening is a higher being messing with the results. But you need to be one big ass kahuna to pull off messing with my magic."

"So, maybe someone is helping him?" Jill spoke up.

Peter showed a surprised expression, "That's…actually quite possible. But the list I know if that can do this is extremely short."

"How short?" MJ asked.

"It would have to be a being that's on par with the personification of Death herself, so to answer your question, short, very short."

"If it's Spot you're looking for, I think I have a way to track him," Gwen spoke up.

"You do?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"Yeah, I got a goober that lets me track spatial tears."

Peter slapped his forehead, "I'm an idiot. Guess I'm relying too much on my gemstones these days. MJ?"

"On it," MJ took the technological components Peter made and scanner.

When she clicked on it, a serious of dots appeared all across New York.

"Oh, that's not good," Peter said with a frown.

"What?" Morales, Gwen, Jill, and MJ asked in unison.

"I've got to close these tears. Too many of them and the fabric of this universe will start falling apart at the seams."

Peter raised his hand and used his Reality Topaz to stich the oldest and largest spatial tears and continued chronologically until he was down to just one.

"I found you,"

"Found who?" Miles came out the roof door and placed down several plates of food.

"The villain you created," Peter snickered.

"I didn't…ugh, we all created him."

"True," The others agreed.

"Hey, we're here," Richie and Mary walked through the door. In Mary's hands was the barely seven-month-old Annie.

"Hey over here?"

"Pbbth…what's with those looks? You supposed to be movie actors now? And Tom Holland isn't that tall!" Richie started laughing.

"You wouldn't happen to have a twin in this world, do you?" Peter lifted a brow.

"Ahh…fair point," Richie relented, "But still actors?"

"That's also fair," Peter adjusted it to be a 50/50 mix of his own face before the others followed suit. 

MJ's eyes drifted to Annie and smiled as she walked over and said, "She's beautiful."

"Thanks…uh, what am I supposed to call you?"

"Amelia will work,"


Annie showed a confused expression as she looked at the two moms. It seemed their disguise wasn't working on her. Maybe it had something to do with how they smelled or sounded.

"Can I hold her?" MJ held her hands out.

"Of course," Mary smiled as she passed over the baby.

"Hey look, Annie, it's your Uncles and Aunties," Peter pointed to the spider group.

"Unk! Aaht," 

"Awww," The girls cooed as the crowded around.

"I'm too young to be an uncle!" Both the Miles thought before they took one look at Annie and caved to her cuteness.

Rio walked through the door and saw Mary and Peter chatting with group.

"Ah, it's really her," 

"Told you I got to invite them," Jefferson smirked as he walked past his wife.

"I thought you were joking!" Rio rushed to put the food and wiped her hands off on her dress before holding one out, "I'm a big fan of your work."

"Always a pleasure meeting a fan," Mary smiled as she shook Rio's hand.

"And this must be your daughter, and your…friends?"

"Ah, we work with your husband," Peter said as he pointed to his group.

Richie whispered that they were the other Spider's in disguise.

"They're rookies," Jefferson smirked.

"I'm a friend of Miles from school. I'm Gwen, nice to meet you."

"Oooh," Rio looked at her with a sly smirk.

"She just a friend, Ma," Miles whispered as he nudged her with his elbow.

"Well, just a friend of Miles. It's very nice to meet you," Rio shook hands and looked at her son, "Is that why you're failing Spanish?"

"I…" A bit of blush appeared his cheeks.

Gwen started laughing, "Oooh, man. I needed that. Isn't Spanish your second language?"

"Things have been busy lately."


"What's happening?" Morales looked at his Gwen.

"You think they…" Jill blushed a little while thinking, "He's only a year younger than me in my universe, and he is a pretty good guy. Not to mention we've been partners for a while now."

After Rio was introduced to everyone, she looked at Richie and gave him a hug.

"I owe you for saving my husband's bacon. He's told me a few times his goose would've been cooked if not for you."

"Ha, well, all in a day's work mam. Your husband's a good cop. The city needs more people like him on the streets."

"I can't tell you what happened when we learned who you were. We never imagined that Spider-Man was just some ordinary guy like you."

"Hah! I'm hardly ordinary. Especially after getting to claim ownership over all the products people have been selling my image."

"I imagine so," Rio giggled, "I hear there's a movie in the works."

"Ahem, I think they're here," Jefferson pointed to the group of cars parking around the area.

"Come on, Miho, we got to move double time. No one in our family's going hungry today."

"I'd be glad to help," Richie offered.

"Nonsense, you're guest, so you'll behave as such," Rio replied with a very motherly tone.

"Yes, mam!"

Peter kept his eye on the radar waiting for a new rift to open while the rooftop became more and more crowded.

Miles and Gwen were eating near the water tower and catching up while Mary brought him a plate.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Oh, hey Mary," Peter grabbed the plate and put it down beside him.

"Eat and relax, the universe isn't going to fall apart if you take a short break."

Peter looked up to see that angry face he was so familiar with. He then tilted his head to see his fiancée socializing with Miles' family while holding on to Annie as if she were made of precious fragile glass.

"You two really are feathers of the same bird," Peter shook his head.

"I know better. Pete gets that way when he's nervous. Always stressing out and putting all the responsibility on his shoulders."

"Yep, that's Peter Parker," He shook his head and took a few bites of the soft-shell taco, "Damn, this is actually pretty good."

"So how have you two been?"

"We're engaged now," Peter replied as he showed off the ring.

Mary smiled as pointed at herself, "We have anything to do with that?"

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't. We always knew we'd be together, but when we saw how many of it made it work in the multiverse, it just gave me what I needed to propose."

"I'm happy for you two. Now come on, join the party."

"Right," Peter shook his head with a smile and walked over.

Since he was using being a cop as a cover, he acted the part and chatted with family members that approached him and MJ.

He heard a few stories that made him laugh, ate some damn good food, listened to the elders speak with wisdom, took some good advice, and he got to see his friends enjoying themselves. Of course, 1610 Peter and MJ were often asked for an autograph that they happily obliged to write it down for the fans.

"It's been a while since I've felt so…human," Peter thought as he glanced at the radar.

It suddenly blinked and a new rift opened up at a certain location.

Seeing that it would be rude to leave without a good cause, he had Webster make a call to his cellphone and acted like he was chatting to a superior officer.

"Ahem, Jeff, we got that warrant, so we'll be leaving ahead of time. Sorry to cut the celebration short."

"No, I understand. You take care of business."

"Uh, I just remember, I have homework left over. Thanks for the food, Ma." Miles gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait, we haven't had the cake yet," Rio moved to stop him, but her husband placed his hand on her shoulder and nudged his head towards Gwen.

"I'll help out," Gwen smiled as she walked after him.

Rio looked at the two and shook her head with a smile, "Leave the door open, Miho!"

"MAAA!" Miles shouted with thick layer of embarrassment laced in his voice.

While the crowd laughed, Peter and the other Spiders suited up and snuck over to the kid's bedroom window.

"You know, we could handle this one," Peter snickered.

"Yeah, we could give you some space and alone time if that's what you want," MJ said as she looked at her versions.

"Can we go now?!" Both Gwens and Miles shouted in unison.

"Right, hold on," Peter opened a portal at the location. It was a small apartment right next to the train. Loud, cheap, and were a dime a dozen in this area.

"Hold on to what?" Davis and Morales asked at the same time.

Everyone leapt through the portal and landed on the building.

"Come on, the readings are picking up quantum activity around…here," Peter climbed into the apartment with a bunch of lab equipment, holes, and white boards full sticky notes and scientific equations.

"Wow, these designs are pretty good. He managed to build a Mini-Collider. I guess there's something in the energy that's fueling his powers."

"Are we too late?" Ghost-Spider asked.

"No, there has to be some way to track him," Peter rubbed his chin before a portal suddenly opened and a dark-skinned woman came riding in on a motorcycle.


"Hey, Jess…" Gwen held up her hand with a look of shame.

"You're a little late, something go wrong?" She asked seeing all the other Spiders.

"Uh, yeah, a reunion of sorts," Gwen mumbled.

"Come on. We got work to do," Jessica waved her to hurry up.

"Right," Gwen nodded her head.

"Wait, you're leaving already?" Miles spoke up.

"I have to go, Miles. This is important."

"I know that, but…can I come with?"

"No," Jessica Drew said with a frown.

"Yeah, he can come. I'll keep an eye on him. Though I am curious as to why you're so on guard around him."

"And what Spider-Man are you?"

"Peter Parker from 881211. I'm probably one of the strongest Spider-Men out there."

"Spider-Byte?" Jess called out.

"I'm looking him up now," A voice echoed out as an A.I of Spider-Byte appeared above her stabilizer.

"Holy crap! You have to bring this guy! He wasn't joking!"

"He's that strong?"

"I'm sending the data packet now."

Jess's big yellow glasses had a stream of information rush over it and looked at Peter's group a few times.

"I see. Well, he's your responsibility, and he'll need this," Jessica threw out a particle stabilizer to Miles and nudged her head for them to follow after.

They entered the portal and fell through another wormhole until they passed through a large gateway and out onto a platform with countless Spider Heroes walking to and from.

"How did I not know of this place? It's amazing!" Peter laughed as he looked around.

"No, I'm the Spectacular Spider-Man," A wayward Spider-Hero joked.





"Real original other Peters," Peter rolled his eyes.

"Wow, there's so many of us," Spiderette commented.

"I know, isn't it just the coolest." Ghost Spider smirked.

"Too bad Richie had to stay behind," Peter added.

"He'd be losing his mind at seeing all this," Miles laughed.

"So, where to, Spider-Woman?" Morales asked, unsure if that was her moniker.

"You're on the money kiddo. I also go by Spider-Woman. As for where to go, just follow me."

Jessica got off her bike and started walking it.

As the group followed, they saw many sites that made them laugh or show amazement.

"It's a t-rex," MJ's jaw dropped.

"Hey, there's another MJ and Annie! Looks like the one we came across during the Bamf incident," Peter pointed out another.

"That one is stacked! Think he's part Hulk?" Morales commented.

"Hey, another Jessica," Spiderette waved.

"Was that Goku?" Peter rubbed his eyes before the image of the spikey haired fighter was gone.

"Come, speed up, we got places to be," Jess shouted.

They all followed after until a couple of friends dropped by, "HEY kid!"

"Benji! Love the robe," Peter smirked.

"Stylish, I know,"

"Peter!" Miles jumped over and gave a hug.

"Auu," A bright haired baby crawled over Peter's face.

"You had kid too?" Miles laughed.

"Yeah! I got a kid! Wait, too? Ah, Richie that old dog," Benji laughed.

"Eiii, give me the baby!" MJ squealed as he removed her mask and plucked her up, "The other Annie was all prim and proper, but you just let your cuteness ooze out of you."


"Isn't it a little early for her to be talking?" Peter asked. I mean, other Annie seemed just as aware."

"What can I say, our kiddo is a little genius," Benji grinned.

"A real chip off the old block," Peter laughed.

"It seems you worked it out in the end," Miles smiled.

"Oh, yeah, I got my butt in gear and won my girl back," Benji huffed out his chest.

"You begged," Peter smirked.

"Roses were involved and some slight pleading,"

MJ laughed as she handed the baby back, "So you got remarried too?"

"Yeah," Benji's face softened.

"Right on man! Congrats!" Miles threw his hands out for a bump.

"Thanks kid. Digging the new suit design, but why are your arm pits bleeding?"

"I went through a couple before I settled on this," Miles said as Peter looked over to Morales.

"Yo, nice to meet you middle aged, Peter." Morales joked

"Why you got say it like that? You can call me Benji if it's less confusing for ya. And hey, what do we have here? Another Gwen Spider!"

"Yep, all from my universe. Kaine is staying with us too. But he's from the 616.2 universe."

"Kaine? Is…he alright?" Benji showed a soft expression.

"Same cranky guy you probably know."

"Yeah, he can be a handful. He's dating Black Cat too,"

"Get out here, Felicia Hardy's dating Kaine?" Benji face went from reminiscing to shock in an instant.

"Wait, Felicia Hardy is Black Cat?" Ghost Spider spoke up.

"Who are Kaine and Felicia?" Morales and Miles asked.

"Old flame and my clone huh? Don't know how I feel about that," Benji admitted while grabbing his chin.

"Oh, like Peter's Clone," Morales spoke up.

"You got clones too? I feel for you man," Benji patted Peter's shoulder.

"No, our clones are made from magic, Kaine is a genetic clone made by villain called the Jackal," Peter explained.

"Like a whole living copied human being? Dude, that's," Miles couldn't believe what he heard and prayed that such an event would never happen to him.

"Quite a few of us heroes have clones," Jessica announced.

"It's true, Cap had one, Wolverine has…a few, and there were hundreds of other mees during the golden age of Jackal reign of terror," Benji shivered.

"Yo, Gwen!" A deep British voice called out from nearby.

"Hobbie!" Gwen ran over and gave him a quick hug, "Thanks for lending me your jacket."

"Not problem, but you stole my breakfast, and are those my kicks?"

"I was in a hurry, I had a mission. You know how it is."

"Luv, you gotta take a break. You're slipping, the baddie got away," 

"I ran into some old friends," Gwen smiled as she introduced everyone.

"We found Spot, got a mission," Hobbie nudged his head towards a particular area.

"I'll go with you, this is my problem," Gwen hardened her gaze.

"I'll go too," Miles said as he walked in between them.

"Is that the kid from 1610?"

"Yeah," Gwen nodded her head.

"What's wrong with his suit, he bleeding from the armpits?"

"Funny," Miles gave a flat expression.

"881211 boss wants to meet you. You too, Benji,"

"You got this Miles?" Peter and Benji asked in unison.

"Yeah, piece of cake. Any advice?" Miles Davis asked.

"Run him dry. If he uses up all his holes he's easy to knock out," Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"Spot, wow, there's a name I haven't heard in years," Benji shook his head.

"Should we go with them," Morales asked.

"No-no-no-no, Gwen and I can handle this," Miles spoke while waving his hands in front of him.

"Ahh…want some alone time, huh?"

"Psh, wha, no, that has nothing to do with it."

"We're wasting time. Is the kid good to go," Hobbie looked at Jess.

"Not my call," Jess looked at Peter.

"Let the kid go, I'll take full responsibility if he messes up," Peter rolled his eyes.

Annie webbed out of MJ's cuddles and slapped herself dead center into Benji's face.

"Maybe the web shooters were a bad idea," Benji laughed as he put his daughter in carrier wrapped around his chest.

"We'll be back in a bit," Gwen said before running off.

"Later!" Miles followed after.

"Come on, we're almost there," Jessica started walking again.

"I wonder who the boss is?" Peter mumbled.

The moved through the nexus of Spider Heroes and ended up at a rather large room with orange glowing computers doing various things.

"No…it's him?" Peter's eyes widened.

Author Note: This Peter didn't get a chance to watch the new movie, so it's all new to him. The following chapters contain some of my thoughts and theories on the plot of the next movie. 

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C89
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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