69.02% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 77: Issue 77: A New Age Part 14

章 77: Issue 77: A New Age Part 14

Peter and Danny rode on the back of the dragon until they reached a large arena surrounded by braziers containing yellow flames.

There was nothing but open fields around the arena with the mountains and the distant city acting as quite the scene to admire.

"Shall we begin?" 

Peter closed his eyes and created a Clone for him to puppet. Of course, he replaced the Adamantine with Adamantium, or else it would have been impossible for him to use his psychic powers on.

"Interesting ability, young Spider."

"You haven't seen anything yet," Peter injected him with his strongest Dragon Mutagen Serum he had. 

Danny and the Immortal Dragon were surprised to see and feel his Clone's Chi go through a massive transformation.

"Incredible! A spider totem with the body of a dragon human hybrid! The Spider-Goddess must be elated." 

Spider-Man breathed a sigh of relief, "Glad you didn't call me an abomination and demand I perish or something."

"Why would I do that? A powerful Totem means the web is better protected, and therefore, my world is better protected. I'm even a little jealous of that Spider-Grandma. Hey, let's change the deal. If you draw blood, I will grant you additional bone and blood in exchange for you to empower my Champion with your mystic arts."

"First off, it's not a Mystic Art. It's science, meaning with enough intellect even Danny here can make an augmentation serum. Secondly, you have yourself a deal."

"Good, then let us duel. Champion, please leave the arena."

"Yes, Lord Lao," Danny gave a polite bow as he walked off the stage.

Peter joined him before sitting down in the lotus position before he sent his consciousness into the clone.

"Alright, let's do this. Webster!" The clone held out his hand.

The Symbiote jumped over and covered his clone-body before Peter looked at the dragon and said, "I'm ready when you are."

The dragon stomped his feet on the ground and roared before flying at Peter faster than a bullet. 

Spider-Man dodged the attack and threw out a punch that was in turn dodged as the dragon took flight.

Fire spew from his mouth while Peter leapt back and shot out a web line. With a fierce pull, Peter yanked the dragon down and made it slam its head into the ground.

He rushed forward with his claws extended and tried to swipe at the dragon's face. However, Shou Lao used his own claws to break through his Chi and sent Peter flying back into the ground.

Peter jumped out of the dirt hole his body made and charged up his Chi into his webbing before launching large pellets at Shou Lao's legs.

The webbing exploded on contact and hooked the dragon's legs to the ground.

Shou Lao blew fire on the floor, burning the webbing off before Peter jumped above the dragon head and landed a spinning kick to the giant foe's skull.

The immortal dragon's head was thrown to the side before Peter webbed another line out to pull it back. He readied another attack, but Shou Lao opened his mouth and chomped down.

The hero webbed the ground behind him and pulled, narrowly avoiding the bite, but before he could touch the ground, Shou Lao hit him with his Chi-Infused tail slap.

Peter was flung into the air, but his web line allowed him to redirect himself back to the dragon as he landed a stomp kick on his back. Spider-Man wasted no time trying to cut into his scales, but the dragon had other plans.

Shou Lao wrapped his tail around Peter's waist and slammed him into the ground before raising his claw and tearing into the hero. He then quickly grabbed the dragon's claws before it could crush him completely and started pushing back.

"Grrrr,,," Peter strained his entire body while trying to push back.

"Impressive might, young Spider, but not enough," The Dragon began to charge up another flame blast.

Peter took a deep breath and felt heat rising from his lungs before letting out a roar. Lightning and fire shot from his mouth and pushed back against the dragon's breath. His muscles then swelled while he pushed Shou Lao's leg into the air. 

Peter twisted the dragon leg and flipped the dragon on his back before webbing him up with his organic variant. 

Shou Lao grunted as he noticed how much stronger the webbing was compared to the artificial shooters and struggled to break free. He blew fire at them, but even then, he could only feel like the purple webbing was slightly weakened.

Peter took the chance to jump high into the air before shooting out two lines and stuck them to the ground on both sides of the dragon's body. He then pulled himself out the ground and extended his claws before swiping Shou Lao's underbelly.

The scales made sparks, but Peter wasn't strong enough to break through them. Shou Lao suddenly broke free from his webbing and rammed Peter into the ground before stomping on him several times.

Danny could barely believe what he was witnessing. He knew Spider-Man was strong, but he was far more than that. Faster than lightning, swift as the winds, sturdy as a mountain, and as strong as a dragon, Spider-Man was everything a Martial Artist such as himself aspired to be.

Peter dodged and deflected attacks, never looking at the blows and only focusing on advancing towards his target. While glowing claws tore up the ground beside him, Spider-Man ducked, jumped, and tilted his body until the dragon suddenly moved faster than his senses could follow.

Once again, the dragon managed to land a series of blows. First his tail knocked Peter into the sky. The Immortal Dragon flew up and coiled his body until he looked like a spiral and suddenly released himself in a lightning-fast lunge. 

Shou Lao's head smashed into Peter's body and hit the ground with enough force to cause an explosion of dust and debris. 

The Dragon continued to slash his claws, tearing into his flesh with every blow. Shou Lao pushed him into the deeper into the ground, his muscles tore, his organs were severely damaged, and the pain was more than traumatizing, but even with all the damage he sustained, his bones didn't break. 

"Oof, man that hurts. I can't feel my body. Now I know what produce feels like when they go through a meat grinder," Peter suddenly channeled his Chi to heal himself and threw a punch that knocked away the Dragon's fist

The hero felt a surge of strength pooling above his naval while his body glowed with an intense light and he started punching back.

Shou Lao wasn't holding back his strength anymore and started clawing at every opportunity. Danny couldn't help but think it looked like a cat pawing at an ant. However, this ant punched back and knocked the fierce immortal dragon's claws back.

Spider-Man then leaped into the air and slugged the dragon in the jaw before the beast used its antler-like horn to smack him back.

Peter avoided the blow by repositioning himself with a zip-web. His claws glowed golden and black before slashing across the creature's face once more. The blow sent the dragon a few dozen feet in the air when Peter spotted it, the legendary weak point of all eastern dragon.

"The reverse scale…no, I might end up killing him if I go for that…there has to be a way to…" Peter suddenly smirked as he found himself raising his arms to block.

A powerful downward slash ripped through his arm and stopped at his forearm bone before Peter grunted and webbed Shou Lao's other leg and pulled it toward him.

Through manipulating the immortal reptile's movements with his webbing, he made Shou Lao's arm and claw collide with the underside of the dragon's body while he held the other with all of his strength.

A splash of blood ran across the ground as Shou Lao let out a cry of pain.

The clone vanished as Peter walked over and said, "That counts."

The wound recovered rapidly before Shou Lao laughed and said, "It has been many years since I last suffered a wound made by my own claws. Very well, Spider, you win."

Peter chuckled, "You didn't go all out."

"But neither did you," Shou Lao responded.

"One of us would die if we did," Peter nodded his head.

"Yes, that one being you," The dragon rolled his eyes.

Shou Lao honored his deal and pushed its claw into a vein in his wrist. Peter summoned a container and collected it before the mighty dragon cut off its own tail and passed it over.

"I only needed a single bone," Peter shook his head before sending his Symbiote to the dragon.

Danny watched in awe as the tail regrew back in a matter of seconds.

"Ooh, what manner of creature is this?" Shou Lao asked as he felt his body gaining an abundant source of energy.

"It's an artificial Symbiote. My parents made it," Peter replied as he recalled the suit.

Peter then looked to Danny and said, "I'll be back in a bit with the new Serum. Go mingle with Coleen, and for God's sake, don't Drag-On asking her out."


"She's…ugh, just leave," Danny groaned as all the respect he had for Peter vanished with his joke.

He hopped back to his lab and got to work. Peter couldn't wait to dismantle his gains and get to work on the serum. He started with the tail and stripped down the hide, scales, and deboned it.

"I wonder what dragon tail stake taste like," Peter thought as he felt a bit of guilt eating such meat from such an intelligent creature. However, the allure was just too much for him to take.

After he finished harvesting bone marrow, tissue samples, and storing the blood, Peter set up everything he needed to use in order to make the most potent Dragon Serum he could. While he waited, he cut up a piece from cooked one of the very large tail-stakes and threw it on a grill. He nearly groaned in delight when he smelled the fatty parts sizzling.

"Oooh, woooow," Peter drooled, "It smells better than any cow I've ever cooked!" 

Once cooked to medium rare perfection, he took a bite and saw stars. It was juicy, tasted like a cross between beef but had the texture of dry aged A5 Wagyu. The meet fell apart in his mouth and never before he finished the plate in one go.

Never before had he felt so full from such a small steak.

"Maybe the high Chi levels deliver more energy to my body's cells. I have to clone a few cattle version of these dragons. Well…I've never made a new species before. I guess I'll be getting that Soul Emerald training in if I want to make Dragon Cow with limited intelligence."

Peter looked to the scales he plucked from the hide and smirked, "This might actually have some uses. I'm sure Tony would get a kick out of this. I heard that Dragon parts make for excellent magical items. I should head to Kamar-Taj later to see what I can enchant it with."

He stored away the scales and hide before turning to the Serum that just finished and smiled.

Picking up the series of injections, he counted 10 doses made from just a small sample, "I can make around 500 of them with one section of the tail, and 5,000 if I use the whole thing. I'll pass these off the Iron Fist clan. I'm sure they wouldn't mind the boost."

He injected the serum directily into his heart and felt the serum spreading all throughout his blood stream before seeping into his bones.

Webster aided the transformation and perfectly edited his genes to accept the changes more easily.

When it finished, Peter noticed that his entire body was now glowing with red, black, and golden Chi. He was now six foot one, had roughly 15-16% more muscle mass, and felt far stronger than he ever had before.

"Whoaha! I feel incredible. Webster, how much is this amplifying my strength?"

"Estimated strength without Symbiote and Chi is in the 2,500 Ton range. Chi amplification is able to increase all physical abilities by roughly 500 times."

Peter whistled, "So you're telling me I can lift 1.25 Million Tons?" 

"With me, I can help you lift 50 times that amount."

"Crazy strong. I'm no Hyperion, but I'm certainly not the same old Street-Level Spider I used to be. Hmm…I wonder if I can amplify your abilities too. It's been a while since you got an upgrade."

"There are several options I can suggest," Webster commented.

"I know a few. I can empower you with cosmic energy, maybe find some new metals for you to bond with, or I could use my secret weapon." Peter looked to the Cryostasis window that had three very important blood samples from the 616 Universe.

[Elx-XM Sample #1, Drw-XM Sample #1, Str-G Sample #1]

"Tony has a Celestial Buster, I have this. I just hope I never have to use it."

"I think you should. The growth of this combination is endless," Webster said with confidence.

"I know you're proud of your accomplishment, but I'll save if for my rematch with Thor. I'm certainly stronger, but fighting a goddess like Hela is almost impossible, not to mention beings like Captain Marvel and the Dark Elves who can actually go toe to toe with Asgardian warriors."

"I'm more worried about Thanos. If Eternals can produce beings like Hyperion, then they may be our biggest threat," Webster let out a mental sigh.

"I just hope his granddaddy isn't in this universe. That guy can actually completely murder not just one Omega level mutant, but all of them, including Legion. Not to mention the Celestials. I'm not even sure the Infinity Stones would work on him."

Peter shook his head. He didn't even want to say his name, because when you get that strong, for some reason, they just know, kind of like speaking the name of the devil.

"Let's see, what I really need is a mutant ability that can create matter. I'll have to search for one that fits my criteria. As for you, I think I have just the thing for you to absorb."

In Earth-14123, or Big Hero 6 Universe, there was something that had incredible Symbiote features that suited Webster, and that would be Dibs, otherwise known as Globby.

After suffering being splashed by a potent chemical reaction, Dibs' body became a mass of various chemical compounds, giving him an extremely gelatinous body composition. He can throw globs of sticky blobs to trap his opponents. 

His power-set included…

Elasticity, which was the ability to change his shape, extend or contract, expanding his size without consuming mass, the ability to condensing down to ant-man sizes, and his ability to absorb and disperse kinetic energy made him nearly indestructible. 

It could deconstruct and reconstruct and remove parts without ill effect and reassemble parts of himself, so long as they are in close proximity. Even if a part of him is physically removed, it is still active and alive. With this, his Symbiote wouldn't need to exist as a single mass. He could lend dozens of people his Symbiote while retaining his suit.

There was also the benefit of improving his adhesiveness. While he was already able to stick to any surface, this was just adding an extra layer that he could rely on. For instance, his ability to stick to object aligned with his ability to sort of fuse with the object he touches via magnetic manipulation. This was basically adding an extremely powerful adhesive like his webbing to the Symbiote.

Of course, one of its best abilities was regeneration. Globby's cells could regenerate whenever he lost fragments. He could throw globs from himself at others without decreasing his mass, and it hints that he is actually regenerating the matter he throws almost instantaneously. This was actually later confirmed in Nega-Globby.

The most important one was, Self-Molecular Manipulation. As a result of merging with the neurotransmitter, Globby can command his cells to change into any form of substance or material. This includes the ability to turn into various states of matter such as water, concrete, bricks, ice, or crystal; manipulating his own body properties to become more foamy, adhesive, or acidic or generating edible substances such as chocolate and ice cream.

It almost the same things the unstable molecules offered, but only a million times better.

Peter summoned the soulless batch of chemicals and said, "Go to town."

Webster covered the blob and absorbed into its being almost instantly. When it returned to Peter, the Symbiote pulled up files of all its new abilities.

"Great. I'd like to see a 616 Symbiote top that…well, other than the All-Black. Seriously, I swear, Symbiotes often get overlooked, but after the All-Black saga, no one could deny that there are few beings in existence that could contend with them."

"While this has empowered me greatly, my amplification abilities have not risen."

"That's what this is for," Peter pulled out a visor, "I found this in the Collector's vault. It's Shade's glasses. By integrating this with your body, you can draw Chi from the environment and use that to empower me further. In combination with your new Globby powers, not only can we shrink, but we can go giant mode too."

Once Webster completely integrated the visor into its body, Peter walked off and went back to K'un Lun to give out the Serums to Colleen, Danny, and his adoptive parents. He would leave the remaining five injections with the Thunderer and his wife so they could select the rest who would receive the augmentation.

Peter sat back near Danny and Colleen while they were surrounded by the Elders.

"Are we going to do this or what?" Peter asked as he looked at Danny.

"You're sure this will work?" Danny eyed the injector gun in his hand. 

"I'm living proof," Peter replied, "Relax, you're in good hands. Sticky, webby, hands."

"Why are you this way?"

Peter just smiled and injected Iron-Fist. As the serum sank into his body, they all watched as his body grew more muscular and became a bit taller.

"This power is incredible. It feels like I'm carrying around a sun inside my body,"

"How would you know what that felt like?" Peter chuckled.

"Who cares?! Me next," Colleen had an excited expression on her face. She had her abilities to manipulate Chi like a master, but she always fell behind her friends' powers multiple times. With this, she felt like she could actually join the Defenders rather than help out every now and then.

Peter passed her the injector and gave the rest to the Thunderer while saying, "You guys can decide on what to do with the rest."

"I thank you for your assistance."

"About that, it doesn't come cheap. I need you guys to open K'un Lun to the rest of the world."

Peter created a projection of the events that he'd been through and enemies the Spider-Couple faced, "Aliens, Super Powered Villains, and Scientific advances are rapidly shaping this world of ours. What was once considered the most powerful place on the planet is quickly falling behind. Someday, someone will find this place, and I can only hope that they are as nice as I am."

The Elders started whispering, some calling him a lair or illusionist, and while they chattered amongst themselves, Colleen used the serum to enhance her body.

Peter smiled as he said, "See, you're being left in the dust."

The elder's scowled at him before Fan Fei started laughing, "Ooh, the validation is truly sweet. I told you these same things dozens of years ago, and now look at what you stubborn old goats. The consequences of your complacency has finally manifested."

Before another fight could break out, Lei Kung raised his hand and said, "We…need to discuss this."

Peter nodded his head and gave Danny a teleporter in the shape of a bracelet that connected to Avengers Tower, "If you want to get back to New York, just press that when you guys finish your business here."

"Thanks, Pete. For everything," Danny looked to Coleen and then his adoptive parents.

"They don't call me the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man for nothing," Peter chuckled as he opened a portal.

Coleen smiled and said, "See ya, Spidey, and thanks for the powers."

"I've told the Defenders this many times, but with Great Power, comes Great Responsibility, so use the powers I've given you responsibly. Spider-Man out!" Peter hopped through and closed it. He now stood in his lab again and said, "Well, I guess I should start looking for other powers to collect."

He sat in a meditative position and began to search the Web of Life and Destiny. 

While he was searching the other universes for information, MJ was suiting up her models with her latest designer dresses.

 "Oh, wow, MJ. This feels amazing," Glory Grant, a beautiful dark skinned 18-year-old smiled as she showed off the dress with a spin.

"I know, I'm just that good," MJ chuckled.

"Do I really have to wear this? I feel ridiculous," Jessica Jones sighed as she fidgeted with the short skirt.

"You said you needed the money, and quit complaining, you look sexy, girl. Now hold still, these measurements need to be exact."

"Hey! MJ, can I keep this?" Liz shouted as she looked in the mirror. The form fitting upper half of the dress showed off all her good assets and it flowed out at her thighs, so she didn't feel constrained.

"Sure, the price is 380 dollars! Want me to take it out of your paycheck?" MJ laughed.

"Ruuude," Liz replied.

"MJ, I love it! Can I buy it before it hits the market?" Angel spoke up as she walked out of a changing booth.

She was wearing a white short shirt with her belly showing and pants that showed off her hips with loose fitting leggings.

"Sure thing, Angie. But first, let's get everyone ready for the shoot. Cindy, how's the magazine coming?"

"I'll have it ready by the end of the week boss," Cindy Moon said as she walked out of the booth wearing a blazer-skirt and stocking combo.

While she finished up the outfits, MJ suddenly got a call.

"Hello, I'm a bit busy right now, so if you can make it quick,"

"Hey, Red. It's Gwen,"

"Ooh, hey Gwen," MJ spoke with pins and needles hanging from her lips.

"Is everything okay?"

"I'mph tryn ta work on a dressmph,"

"Sorry to interrupt, but we found the White Tiger,"

"Is that Spider-Woman! Hi MJ!" Miles shouted from the other side of the call.

"Hello, Miles. I hope you're staying out of trouble." MJ smiled, "Good work on finding her. Remember, you're trying to recruit her, so be nice," MJ said as she gave Jess the okay for her to move.

"Finally," Jessica huffed as she walked over and took a seat.

"So how do we go about this?" Gwen asked.

"Start with hello," MJ laughed.

"I'm being serious, Red,"

"Well, Blondie, I hate to break it to you, but it's not rocket science. You just have to be the friendly hero you are and try your best. Just don't try and force it."

Gwen let out a sigh before saying, "Right…um, can we meet up later. It's been a while since we had time hang out."

"Sure. Sounds fun. We can get the girls and go out to eat or go shopping," MJ replied while shooing the girls out onto the catwalk.

MJ worked with reporters and made sure Cindy got the best shots for their magazine while the undercover Spider-Heroes approached the house of Angela Del Toro. 

"So, any thought on the name you're going to use," Gwen said as they entered through the roof of an apartment and removed her costume.

"Actually, I thought of a lot, Black Tarantula, Spider-Boy, Spider-Lad, Spider-Noir, Sir-Spider, Spider-Gent, Spider-Hombre, Arana-Hombre, Spidery-Junior, Spider-Senor, Spidey-Man, I almost like Night-Spider, but it's just sounds wrong. I swear, women have it easier when it comes to spider-names, everything sounds better."

"Huh, now that you mention it, Spiderette is the one I chose, but there are a lot that sound good. Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Spider-Gal, Spinnerette, Silk, Spider-Ma'am, Spider-Babe, Spider-Lady, oh wow, you're totally right." Gwen laughed before asking, "Why not just use Spider-Man."

"It's taken,"

"That's a joke, Miles. Nobody owns names,"

"I know, but I want it to be original, you know?" 

"I get it," Gwen nodded her head as they made their way down the stairs.

"It's just kind of frustrating. I should be able to come up with a half decent name," Miles groaned.

They stopped at the apartment of a retired FBI agent and knocked.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a second," 

The Spiders waited patiently before they heard tumbling and the woman inside cursing about a stubbed toe.

The door opened and Angela poked her head out to see the two teenagers looking at her with a serious expression.

"Can I help you?" The 21-year-old FBI agent asked.

"Hi, we're…er, wow, this is a lot harder than I thought it'd be," Miles rubbed the back of his head.

"We're from Avengers Academy, and on behalf of the Spider-Heroes, we'd like to invite you to join the Avengers."

"I think you got the wrong house," Angela said as a sweat drop formed on the side of her brow.

"Angela Del Toro? The White Tiger, correct?" Gwen lifted a brow.

"How'd you?"

"We've been sort of stalking you for the last few hours," Miles looked a bit ashamed.

"You what?" Angela knew the gig was up.

"Relax, we aren't going to turn you in for vigilantism or anything, but Spider-Man and Spider-Woman said you might want to learn where your powers come from," Gwen held out a card and said, "When you get curious, we'll be there to give you answers."

Angela closed the door on them before Miles said, "Well…that went…"

The door opened back up and the White Tiger snagged the card before closing it again.

"Better than I thought it would," Miles finished his sentence.

  1. I know, I know, I'll show myself the door.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C77
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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