Chapter 25 - For the good of the people
An hour later Minato met with his mentor, Hiruzen Saratobi at his home. The home was a spacious mansion on the edge of the village. It was the kind of home that you would expect a Hokage to live in. Grand but not too grand as to make the Hokage seem vain. It wasn't the kind of the place that Minato felt comfortable living in but he was left in awe of it. He always was in awe. Even after all these years Hiruzen Saratobi was a mystery to Minato. He was powerful yet wise. The man was never awkward like he was. A feat that Minato could never copy. Even his house copied that sense of grace and wisdom that swirled around that man. It was grand in a way that Minato could never be.
He was shown to Hiruzen's study where he awaited his former master. While he waited, Minato tried to gather his thoughts. He always struggled to separate his personal feelings from his duties as Hokage. He wanted to do what was best for his family AND his village, but he just didn't know what that was. He hoped that the former Hokage's experience would help guide him towards a solution. Since right now he didn't have any good ideas.
Minato was there only for a short time before Lord Hiruzen appeared. He was happy to spend time with his successor. Hiruzen was always glad to offer his council to anyone who sought it. Especially, the young Hokage. He waited for Minato to tell him why he had come.
Hiruzen allowed the Young Hokage to vent his rage and frustration. He allowed the man to tell him everything, including the parts he already knew. While Minato talked he made no effort to stop him or ask for clarification. Hiruzen knew that Minato needed not to be interrupted. Hiruzen understood fully well the difficulty of balancing his duties and his personal life. He was happy to be one to help the Young Hokage through this. He understood that Minato needed someone from the outside who could provide advice in this matter. It was a role that Hiruzen was used to playing. Even now he played often. It was why he was called the professor.
When Minato finally stopped talking he spoke. "Hmm . . . That's quite a problem you have there."
Minato was a little annoyed by the response. He would have liked something a little more empathic, but that was not Saratobi's way. The Former Hokage had a habit of talking to everyone like they were his students. He liked to turn every situation that he could into a learning opportunity. Today was no exception. He wanted to help Minato grow as a leader. In order to do that, he needed to handle this on his own. Since his answer would be worlds apart from what he had come up with years ago.
"It is difficult to balance between personal and village needs sometimes. I do not envy you on this task. However, I have confidence that you will discover the answer."
Minato was shocked. Saratobi had not provided an answer for him. That's it? That's all what you have to say? Minato sighed. What was I expecting? I am the Hokage now. I have to answer it myself. Lord Third had offered him something greater - belief. That would help Minato more than anything else. He closed his eyes then smiled. I will find the answer, I just need to look elsewhere.
Minato reopened his eyes. "Thank you, Lord Hiruzen." The old man nodded. Minato Bowed to his predecessor then left. He had a lot to do.
There was something that he needed to do. He needed to confront his son's attacker's. He went to the Interrogation Force Headquarters. If he was to find the answer then these men would help him find it. They did start this mess. It was fitting that they should help end it. Minato wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for, but he believed that they would help him find it. He just had to be patient. It would appear when he least expected it.
Interrogation Force had completed the interrogation of the three men. They had gotten all the useful information out of them already. Now they were in their cells awaiting their fate. Attacking the Hokage or his family was a treasonous act punishable by death. Even for one from outside the village. Their fate was sealed the moment they took the boy. The only reason why they were still alive was because of the alliance with the Cloud. If they had been from anyone else they would be dead already. Minato couldn't afford to anger their village. Even if the alliance was a sham. He needed the peace that alliance would bring. So the men hung in limbo. Their fate undetermined. What happened next would would determine their fate.
Minato visited the men inside their cells. He didn't bother with an interrogation room. This wasn't an interrogation. He wanted to see whether or not these men deserved mercy. Minato wasn't even sure that he could give them mercy. His heart was filled with rage. It cried out for blood. These monsters hurt his son. That was unforgivable.
The men didn't speak or even acknowledge his presence. Minutes passed by as he stood in the cell with them. As time passed and something new grew inside him - pity. These great and powerful ninja had been reduced to shells of their former selves. They wore countless chakra sealing seals. They could barely move. They couldn't hurt a fly now even if they wanted to.
Minato could see that they were broken. Their hearts were no longer here. They may have been monsters, but they were only acting on orders. Regardless of whether it was right or not they were doing their duty to their village. Minato silently promised himself that he would never give such an order. It wasn't right.
He realized that he couldn't bring himself to kill these poor creatures. Regardless of what they had done or where they came from they deserved mercy. Minato did not want to kill them. Neither he could let them go. They had committed a grievous crime within the Village Hidden in Leaves. They also knew his son's face. That couldn't be ignored. He had to do something about it. Naruto's safety was paramount. Even over these men's lives. He did not want to kill them, but he would if he had to.
Luckily, he had an idea on how to protect his son and punish the men without killing them. He left the poor souls in the cells then summoned Inoichi. He needed his help to carry out his plan. Only he didn't have a lot of time to do it.
"Lord Hokage?" Inoichi Yamanaka was a bit confused by the sudden summons but he didn't comment on it. He figured that his Lord would fill him in soon enough.
Minato greeted the Yamanaka then got to the point. "I am assuming that the interrogation is complete?"
"Yes. We have gotten everything we need."
"Good. Then it's time to let them go."
Inoichi wasn't sure that he heard his master correctly. "Let them go, sir?"
"Yes, let them go."
Inoichi didn't know what to say. This was unexpected. Yesterday Minato wanted blood, but today he wanted to let them go. He didn't understand how this happened. "Sir?"
Minato gave the Yamanaka a patient smile. Inoichi didn't know the entire story so his confusion made sense. Minato had no intention of letting them go as is. He would not expose his son to that kind of danger. Not if he could help it. "You heard me. I am letting them go."
Yamanaka was stunned. This was not what he was expecting, "Yes sir."
Minato reassured the man, "Don't worry, Inoichi. I don't plan to let them off easy. I want all their memories from the incident on erased. Especially anything about my son. They cannot leave until he is scrubbed from their minds. Understood?"
Inoichi nodded then left. Now he understood what Minato wanted. He would erase everything that happened here. Although he wanted them to to remember the consequences of attacking the Hokage's family. Inoichi pushed that aside. He would follow the Hokage's instructions. He would rid them of those memories as well. They beyond lucky. If they had done this to my daughter, I would have killed them. But I will do as Lord Fourth commands.
A two hours later the ninja had forgotten everything about the incident. Inoichi had erased everything from the original orders, to their trip to the Hyuga compound, to their attempted kidnapping of Hinata, to the kidnapping of Naruto, and finally the eventual torture at the hands of the Interrogation Force. He left in place the memories of the parade and signing of the treaty. Inoichi thought it was best to assist his master's plan if that was intact. Inoichi paid careful attention to their memories of the Hokage's son. He removed ALL traces of the boy from their mind.. That way there was little chance of the Hidden Cloud discovering Naruto's identity.
When he was finished erasing their minds, he placed each one inside a genjutsu. Shortly after he finished several ANBU collected the shinobi. They were brought to the village gates where Minato was awaiting them. The ANBU laid the men out on the ground then disappeared.
For several long moments Minato stood there watching the men. He wrestled with his feelings of anger and pity. A part of him still wanted to kill them - it was not best for the village. This is for the best. These men MUST live so the treaty is maintained. Minato reminded himself. He tried to calm himself. He needed to appear happy if his strategy was to work.
Once he regained control of himself he released the jutsu. Minato's happy mask was firmly in place as the shinobi came to. It held a mixture of kindness and concern for his fallen "comrades." He would not let them see his true feelings. A father's vengeance had to be pushed aside for the good of his people. He hoped that Naruto would understand. This was something that he had to do.
"Are you alright?" Minato offered to help them up. He was playing the role of concerned host after all. It was only natural to offer his hand.
The men were disoriented and confused. They had no idea how they got here. The sun had risen again but they could not remember what happened in-between the signing and now. They were suspicious, but said nothing. For they believed their true goal was to make peace with the Leaf. Calling the Hokage out on this would not help them achieve that goal. So, they went along with the lie. They assured Lord Fourth that they were fine. They took the Hokage's fake concern as truth. After all, it was all for their village.
Minato smiled as he said, "I am glad." He extended his hand as he continued, "I am grateful to you, Dao Kazami. I hope that you make it back to your village safely."
Reluctantly, Dao Kazami took his hand. He did not trust the Hokage. Something was off, but he had no proof. So he continued to play along. "Thank you Lord Fourth." He said as they shook hands.
Before Kazami and his men left Minato presented them with a scroll. He claimed it was thank you message for his Lord Raikage. He asked Kazami to personally deliver the message to Ai. Minato called it a thank you gift from his family. However, he would not say anything else on the matter. Kazami knew that he was missing something, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He couldn't than refuse though. That would put the Cloud in position they couldn't afford. He would deliver this message to his Lord. He would keep it's contents sealed since it was for Lord Raikage's eyes only. Regardless of the Hokage's true intentions he would deliver this message. It was his duty after all.
He signaled to his team. They were moving out. The sooner they got out of Leaf territory the better he would feel. Something didn't add up and he didn't like it.
Lord Fourth was up to something . . .
It is said that when Kazami delivered Minato's message it was said that the man paled. For several long minutes, the Raikage stood mute. Some even said that he was on the verge of panic. Later, he pretended that nothing had ever happened, but he never crossed the Fourth Hokage again. The consequences did not justify the risk. For Minato Namikaze always made good on his threats. Messing with his loved ones was never a good idea.
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That's it for this chapter. See you next time!
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