"What is this place supposed to be?" Nyla was curious, this place gave her the creeps. It was a tall brick castle, it looked to have been abandoned for thousands of years.
"This is the place where the Fiena's ruled." Dracon responded and led the way into the castle. "The Fiena temple should be somewhere behind this castle."
They walked for quite sometime before Dracon pulled a door open, they were somewhere in the west wing but it was hard to tell with so much going on. "Here we go."
They found themselves at the edge of a cliff. "Kavira and Leena drop down, everyone else stay here."
"You're not coming with us?" Leena was hoping that the two of them didn't have to go in this alone.
"Once you've participated in the trials you cannot do them again." No one else understood what he meant but she did. She nodded, her calm expression remained the same as Kavira's. Clain called out for them to wait.
He marched up to them. "You don't have to do this." He was looking at Leena but his heart was aiming for Kavira. He couldn't convey his emotions properly to her since she had a boyfriend but he could use Leena. He had a suspicion that she was already on to him.
"Kiss me and I won't do it." Leena decided to play along. Her calm expression became seductive. Linx was ready to pull Clain back but instead Dracon did it by stepping between them.
"There is no need for that, if you don't want to do it then you don't have to-" Leena jumped off while Dracon's back was turned around. Kavira wasn't the least bit surprised but she was ready to jump to. Clain took her hand and brought her into his arms, he knew that Linx was watching but he didn't want to hold back.
"I love you." He dropped his head and kissed Kavira's lips as passionately as he could. He was ready to face a fighting Linx but nothing ever came. He didn't stop them and they were able to continue to romance. "Make sure to come back to me."
Kavira nodded, her cheeks were blushing red but she wanted to clear something up. "Linx and I broke up. So you don't have to worry about him hurting you."
Kavira threw a brief smile at him and the rest before leaping off the cliff behind Leena. "If we hadn't broken up I would have stabbed you, you know that right?"
Linx was joking but he tried to say it as serious as possible. "I wouldn't have given you the chance."
The two were okay with each other. Linx understood that there was always a connection between them and he was glad to have stepped aside.
"Now what?" Brenda was curious of what was left for them to do.
"Now.. We wait."
"How long are they going to be down there?"
"It can take anything from a month to a few years. It all depends on the people taking the trials." Dracon wasn't pleased to have told them this after but if he had told them before they would have refused.
"Leena." Kavira had landed in a dark forest, the day suddenly shifted into night time and she was calling out trying to find Leena.
She heard a few branches crack and she rolled around. There was no one there. "Hello?"
Kavira couldn't sense anyone. All that time training as a warrior was pretty much useless, she couldn't even sense energy anymore. She turned back around and moved forward, this forest wasn't anything like the Blessed Forest. It felt empty and malnourished.
'Kavira, stay low. There are a few hunters who might shoot on sight. I'll come get you as soon as I can.' Leena's voice played in Kavira's mind and she decided to listening kidding behind a couple of bushes.
A few loud noises where fired, Kavira covered her ears waiting for it to stop. The animals in the forest ran away from where the noise came from and jumped past her.
'Where are you?' Leena closed her mind and felt their connection telepathically following that to where she was.
Leena was towering over Kavira, she had let go of her ears when the noises ended and allowed Leena into her mind to find her. "Where are we?"
"I believe we are in my world, Botus."
Hello Botus!! We are back! :D