"You'll ride with me. Brenda do you mind going with Clain?" Brenda shook her head. She was actually pleased with the way Leena was handling this situation. There's a lot she wasn't saying but she remained calm and alert.
Leena didn't even realize that her pendant hadn't set off an alarm, maybe it was due to the fact that Dracon was in Izak's body. Brenda noticed this, she also saw the way he looked at her. As if she was some kind of miracle, it was heartwarming.
Clain wanted to protest. No one knew the man but the way he gazed at Leena made him want to step in.
Kavira stood next to Linx watching it Clain's muscles stiffen. She could read his mind, he wanted to take Dracon away from Leena. It tugged at her heart strings, she was with Linx because she felt so comfortable with the man who didn't run away from her but she couldn't deny that Clain was the man she was mostly attracted to.
Linx wanted to hold onto Kavira but he could feel her straying from his grasp. Yes, he had felt something when he first met Leena but it was just her beauty. He had grown to love Kavira with so much of his heart that Leena just casted a small shadow. That's what he wanted to believe but the truth was that Leena really made him question his heart. He believed that Kavira could change him just as he had but when everytime to looked into Leena's eyes he could help but feel for her.
Kavira and Leena weren't so far apart in terms of beauty but there was a specific sense about Leena that made Linx curious. Dalton called out to cut the tension. "Alright, I'll ride with Clain. Brenda rides with Linx."
Everyone was ready to ride, it was still early in the afternoon but if it was a days rid, they'll have to stop and rest for the night. It was a about two hours after sunset when they decided to set down for the night. Leena produced fire while Kavira provided the vegetables. "I'll take the first watch with Leena."
Clain wanted some alone time with her, but Leena simply shook her head while her mouth was full of vegetables. "It's best if I stay with her." Dracon was ready to fight for Leena to be on watch with her but Leena cut them off.
"Do you have a minute so we can talk?" Linx needed to speak with Kavira. So he spoke as quietly as possible giving them both the space they needed. The were at a distance behind some trees, they couldn't hear the group anymore so they assumed they wouldn't be heard there either.
"What is it?" Kavira looked up into her boyfriends eyes, he was incredibly sexy. His deep blue eyes were different then she remembered.
"Maybe we should talk about our relationship." Linx didn't want to beat around the bush, he could see that way she was looking at him but it didn't change his mind. Every moment he saw her gawking at Clain hurt his pride and his heart, he wasn't a saint either. "I think it's best if we try to step back from this relationship and really see where we should be."
Kavira's face remained calm, she hadn't really felt his embrace or his kisses ever since Leena showed up and for some reason she didn't even notice. "I don't want to hurt you or stop being your friend. But I see the way you look at Clain and I know you see the way I stare at Leena... We are only fooling ourselves if we stay in this relationship."
Kavira didn't say a word. She heard his words and left back to meet up with the rest of the group. When Linx strolled back in he saw a smile plastered on her face, he wasn't sure if it was forced but he was glad she was trying.
Linx glanced over at Leena who had her eyes on him, she quickly turned and blushed. It brought a smile to his face, the man next to her might look like him but he wasn't him.
They knew that, he knew that and so did she.
I'm actually really happy they broke up, things are about to get crazy!