Clain and Dalton were just now getting into the city. It was early evening and the sun was still out. Clain looked over to the open stables to try and find Hip but he couldn't see him. Clain was reaching for his pouch when Dalton caught a hold of his actions. "Don't worry. That girl, Kavira, can take care of herself better than the rest of you can."
Dalton had a point but he was still worried for her, he was about to take out his messaging flower when the Keero city guards walked up to them. "What is your name and business?" In the city of Keero everything was moderated, if you lived here you had the privilege of carrying a citizenship coin. Everyone from young to old must carry it with them at all times due to the insane amount of tourist that come in everyday.
"We are lowly tourist looking to find some work as the king's castle guards." Clain wasn't interested in speaking to these people for more than he had to.
One guard wrote something on a parchment while the other continued to size them up. "Meet Sean at the side entrance of the castle and hand him this parchment. He'll give you an evaluation and see if you're worth it, you can see him there." The guard gave Clain the parchment and let the two through.
"Well that didn't go so bad. I had heard that the guards here are very violent towards half bread creature like me." Dalton had never seen the inside of Keero, every time he had traveled with Lord Yoru he would stay out of the city because the Lord would say that the guards would try to hurt him. He was always angered by this but never tried to oppose his Lord's request because of his honor.
"Not all of them are like that but we'll see when we have our evaluation with this Sean fellow."
Kavira reached the city gates and walked Hip over to an empty stable. She paid the renting fee to a worker and strolled on over to where a group of guards stood. "Hello. I was wondering where I need to go to try and find some work in the castle." The guards turned quickly to the lady's voice, they only took notice of Kavira's beautiful eyes and incredible figure. She was sufficiently disgusted but she wasn't about to jeopardize her opportunity to find the Dragon Elder just because these guards were a bunch of perverts.
"Yeah sweetheart, I'll let you know once you have a drink with me. How about that?" One of the fat guards in the back tried to get cute with Kavira but she wasn't having it.
"No thanks. I'll just find my way." Kavira walked past the gates listening to the awful catcalls of the group of guards, she felt repulsed and hadn't heard that a man was calling for her.
A young guard was calling out to Kavira but she kept walking. When he finally caught up to her he reached for her elbow to stop her but she quickly switch out one of her daggers. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I just want to help."
Kavira looked over the mans shoulders to see the group of guards still laughing and talking among each other. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit paranoid at times." Kavira slipped her dagger back into her belt. "So you can help me find work in the castle?"
"Sure. Let me just let my head guard know I'll be assisting a tourist and I'll head off with you. Wait for me right here." Kavira nodded and watched the young guard that was about her age run to an elderly man. The guard was tall and muscular like Clain, his eyes were emerald just like Kavira's, his hair was dark brown and just a few inches long. Kavira watched the guard jog back to her, he didn't have to but he did and she felt grateful for him not wasting time.
"Alright, let's go. I'm Lucas by the way." He put his hand out to give her a handshake and Kavira took his hand. "I'm Kavira."
BRUH!!!!! Who is this Lucas dude? LOL
Just a reminder that I won't be publishing tomorrow due to it being Thanksgiving in the U.S. I will be publishing 10 chapters on Friday, Nov. 23, 2018!