"From what you're telling me, this is no ordinary staff." Damon twirled the staff in his hands trying to find any symbol that he could recognize but he came off empty handed. "I'm sorry. I don't remember reading about this staff and if I did I have forgotten." Damon handed the staff back to Kavira with low spirits, he was hoping to redeem himself to her with good news but he was not able to.
"That's alright. Thank you for trying." Kavira put her staff on the harness along her back before bidding farewell to the Fei family and workers. "So when do you think we can leave for our journey to the Blessed Forest?"
Linx wasn't at all looking forward to leaving without getting word of Nyla. "Can you wait a little longer.. At least until we hear back from Clain about Nyla." Kavira wasn't trying to pressure Linx but she was growing impatient by not knowing much about anything. This library can really help her find answers to questions she hadn't even asked yet.
"We can wait. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable." They were standing right in front of the Generals house, Linx moved to stand in front of his beautiful girlfriend and picked her other hand up to hold.
"Putting the adventure aside. I wanted to remind you that my birthday is in five days. I'm sure my father would want to do something but if you would like to do something secretly I'll let him know to hold off the celebration for another time." Kavira was excited to celebrate his birthday, especially since she didn't know her own birthday. He will be turning eighteen alone this year, Nyla turned eighteen a month and a half ago but she is still missing. Master Fei hasn't worried about her after sending Clain to search for her but of course he missed her very much.
"I would like to do something but I can wait until after your family celebrates it for you! I'm really excited to see everyone join in on your birthday." Kavira was genuinely happy and counting down the days till Linx's birthday. She had a present picked out, a dress, a location and a picnic all set for the day after his birthday. "We'll spend the day of with your family and then the day after I'll share with you what I have planned."
Linx watched as the girl in front of him smiled with so much joy it warmed his heart. The only final wish he has was to see Nyla again, safe and sound.
"Well it looks like Kavira and my brother didn't waste any time while you were gone." Nyla was sure that Clain would storm in on them both and try to break them apart but to her surprise he stood by her side just watching as the two in front of the Generals house held hands.
"You're not going to go protect her?" Nyla continued to tease him as they watched the two be lovey dovey. Linx leaned in and kissed Kavira's forehead, he bid her a good night, turned to walk away when he saw Nyla and Clain standing not too far away.
"Go home. I'll come by to talk to Master Fei in the morning." Clain and Kavira shared a look but he moved on away into the Generals house. Linx turned to give Kavira a sympathetic smile before following Nyla to the Fei house. Kavira stayed outside, looking at the stars, the moon didn't seem around tonight and that was fine to her. She yawned after a couple of minutes, having been a while that she spent sitting down and looking up at the night sky. Her had gone too deep in thought and she lost track of time.
Kavira stood up and headed into the house, she was just about to open the door to her room when she decided to knock on Clain's door instead. She hadn't seen him in months but she missed him and always hoped that he was okay. She knocked again but heard nothing on the other side of the door, he could be asleep so she gave up and slipped into her room to get some sleep.
Clain was far too busy in his own thoughts, when he heard Kavira knock he was afraid that he would lose all his cool and just yell at her. The best he could do for her right now is watch her from a distance and leave her to make her own choices.
Such a wise train of thought after being gone for five months.