After the flower show they both made their way back into Dark City. "Would you like to meet Jacko? He's my thunderbird, I've hiked with him for a few years but I've never really had the opportunity to use him outside of our region." He took her hand leading her into the royal stables where the Fei house and general kept their riding companions. General Tross, being a Centaur of course, he didn't need it so he left his spot open for Clain.
She looked around the stable surprised to see it filled with griffins and thunderbirds. "When you reach a certain level of power you go up to the mountains of Al-peak and you will be able to find your flying companion or grounded companion, whichever animal binds to you as a person." Kavira watched as Linx petted and fed his thunderbird, Jacko, a lovely blue colored bird that had some yellow tipped feathers.
She did, however, take notice of a certain griffin. His black feathers covered his white body, she was fascinated by this creature. "Who's companion is this?" Linx looked at the creature she was speaking of, its deep black eyes always gave Linx nightmares as a boy. "That is Damon's griffin, Black."
Damon is the eldest son of the Fei family, the diplomat and next in line to take over the noble house of Fei. Kavira had been there for quite some time but she's never had the opportunity to meet both of Nyla's brothers. "He's beautiful." Kavira went in to touch the creature but Linx told her to stop, Black would probably torn her arm out for being too close to him but she didn't listen. She put her hand on the griffins head and petted it gently. "Hi there Black. You must miss being ridden don't you?" She played with Black and a couple of the other riding companions including Hip.
The sun had disappeared quite some time ago and Linx felt it was appropriate to take her out to eat at a pub. They walked side by side, Linx listened to her speak on how she would love to find a wonderful, unique creature to become her companion.
The two made their way to the far side of the City where a lonely pub was present and open. Linx took Kavira's hand and traveled to the back of the pub to seat on a corner table where the light was dim. Kavira felt like she was under cover, being mysterious and all so she enjoyed the scenery even though the pub was pretty much empty with the exception of two people are the bar.
"I've been meaning to ask you, where do you think that brand of the dragon eye came from?" Kavira turned her right arm to see the mark he was speaking about, when she woke up three months ago it was present. A symbol that was only written in the ancient texts which led Cindy to believe she was very special.
"Cindy says that it's a brand that appeared among magical being, my ancestors once wore this to symbolize their power and who they were." She ran her hand through the bumpy surface with concerned look on her face. "Once my training is done here I would like to go and find the dragons. I know there are few but I would like to know what this really means."
Linx wasn't opposed to coming along with her on her journey but he would have to deal with Clain, wouldn't be a hard matter when Kavira was open to keeping Linx around but still he was sceptical. "I would like to come with you when that time comes."
Kavira smirked. "Are you sure you want to go on such a dangerous quest?"
"I want to protect you with my life." Linx's words came out without him thinking but he didn't regret them. To him this girl has become so much more than he thought and his protective side was beginning to show. "That's if you'll let me of course."
Kavira didn't reject his request, maybe just maybe she wanted him to say those exact words to her. "You can come but I think I'll be the one protecting you." They laughed, ordered food, ate and laughed some more to a flowing conversation.
When the two reached the front door of the Generals house Clain showed up disrupting their good byes. Kavira was a little embarrassed but they still wished each other well and a good night until the next day. She was walking into the house when Clain stopped her by grabbing a hold of her hand and pulling her into a hug.
All these mixed emotions... sigh.. what am I writing... ??