53.12% World's Strongest / Chapter 14: Agreement

章 14: Agreement

"I agree with everything you have said, Naruto-kun," said the Hokage. "Konoha has truly become stagnant. However, I'm introducing a new training regime for everyone from Genin level and above. You've already experienced the first one; all Genins having to do a set number of D-Rank missions per week."

"That's fine and all but that's not going to increase their power level," said Naruto. "You need to restructure the Academy curriculum. It's too easy. I'm not simply talking about the theoretical aspects. I'm more worried about the practical training. The curriculum has no chakra control, no diverse Taijutsu styles, no chakra nature training, no proper Genjutsu training, no medical training and 6 years is too long a programme."

"How long should the Academy run for then?" asked the Hokage curiously.

"4 Years," replied Naruto. "The first two years should cover all the theoretical subjects. There should also be an additional subject for basic medical training during the first two years. Everyone should have at least have the basic knowledge in medicine.

In the third year, we should start off with chakra control first. Those with the highest chakra controls should be groomed specifically as combat medics. A minimum of one-third of students should be trained as combat medics. That way, at least one member of every team will be a medic and will increase the survivability of the team.

In the weapons department, currently only kunai and shuriken mastery are taught. That needs to be more diversified. Swords, sabres, axes, bows, staff, mace, battle-axe, spears ... these are all weapons that are used but we're not trained in them. The students don't have to master all of them, just what suits them.

In the Academy, we learn only E-Rank jutsus. That needs to be changed. D-Rank jutsus are a must for them to learn. Especially elemental jutsus according to their chakra element affinities.

Those that have already graduated needs to be trained in these fields as well. That will further boost the village's military strength. Only then can Konoha can actually claim itself to be the strongest of the elemental nations."

"You sure have given this a lot of thought, Naruto-kun," said the Hokage in shock.

"There's a lot of ignorant scum in the village that have always wanted me dead and I hate every single one of them," said Naruto coldly. "But Konoha also houses my friends and through them, it has become my home. My happiest moments have always been with those who have called me a friend. So yes, I have given it a great deal of thought. I don't want anything to happen to my friends. My hopes lie in the new generation of Ninjas. The old ones are to stubborn to change."

The Hokage stared at the youth sitting in front of him with pondering eyes. A veil of guilt suddenly overcame him. He had truly failed Naruto. He had shared Minato's hope the village would see Naruto as a hero, however, that hope had long been shattered.

The Hokage really had made too many mistakes in his life. It was true that the greater responsibility one wielded, the greater the damage their mistakes would hold. How the village treated Naruto was a prime example of that.

"Very well, Naruto-kun," said the Hokage. "I will the changes to the Academy. However, to shorten the length of the curriculum, I will have to go through it properly and make the necessary adjustments. Once that's made, I will introduce it at the start of the new Academy year. Those that have already started will also follow the modified curriculum but not the shortened version."

"There's another matter which I hope that you could help me out with," said Naruto.

"What's that, Naruto-kun?" asked the Hokage.

"It is regarding the Uchiha massacre," said Naruto, paying close attention to the Hokage's response.

The Hokage frowned. "What's brought on this, Naruto-kun?"

"Sasuke Uchiha - the last survivor of the Uchiha clan - is in my team, as you're already aware," replied Naruto. "From the time I've spent with him during training and missions, I've found out he's an arrogant prick who's hell bent on revenge. I'm not exactly against him exacting revenge for his clan's massacre, but I have a feeling there's a high chance I'll be involved in their brotherly struggle. So I need to know the story."

The Hokage stared at Naruto for a long while as he was pondered Naruto's words. Naruto returned the Hokage's stare as he patiently waited for the old man to speak.

There was two ways this conversation could go. The Hokage could tell Naruto the reason behind the Uchiha clan's massacre. Or he could deny any hidden motive to be behind Itachi Uchiha's actions.

"Very well, I will reveal to you what occurred at that time," said the Hokage after pondering for a long time. "However, this is an S-Rank secret. You must not reveal this information to anyone. You understand?"

"My lips are sealed," replied Naruto with a solemn expression.

Considering that he was also an Uchiha through his father's side, this information also concerned him deeply. However, Naruto was not ready to reveal his Uchiha heritage yet.

"Following the Kyubi's attack on the day you were born, the Shinobi Council suspected the Uchiha to be behind the attack due to the Sharingan's ability to control the Kyubi," began the Hokage his explanation. "After that night, the Uchiha Clan were placed under close surveillance. I believe that mistrust and isolation rekindled the Uchiha Clan to rekindle their old Hatred for the Senju-influenced government. Due to this, they began planning for a coup. Itachi Uchiha did not agree with their plan and turned into a double-agent, providing us with intelligence on the Uchiha's plans. I tried to find a peaceful resolution with the clan, however, Danzo did not agree with the peaceful negotiation plan as he believed eliminating the Uchiha Clan would cause the least bloodshed. However, behind my back, Danzo ordered Itachi to slaughter his own clan to prevent their coup and in return his brother's life would be spared. Itachi chose to end his clan and save his brother. That's end of the Uchiha Clan's tragedy."

Naruto had been listening intently to the Hokage's narration of the reason behind the Uchiha Clan's downfall. Although he kept a calm expression, his eyes grew colder and he internally erupting with anger.

"Tell me about the Uchiha Clan and the Senju Clan's history from before and after the village was founded up until the night of the Kyubi's attack," said Naruto in a cold voice.

Although the Uchiha Clan was suspected to be the mastermind behind the Kyubi's attack - and they were right to do so as it truly was an Uchiha that controlled the Kyubi - the Uchiha clan's resentment towards Senju-influenced government felt a little off to Naruto.

"The Uchiha and Senju Clans has been bitter rivals even during the Warring States Period," the Hokage continued his explanation. "Whenever one clan was hired by a fledgling country, the opposing side would always hire the other. This further fuelled the hatred between the two clans. However, the leader of the Senju Clan - Hashirama Senju - and the leader of the Uchiha clan - Madara Uchiha - somehow came to common terms and founded Konoha. The villagers chose Hashirama to be the first Hokage as you already know. Madara disagreed with this and later on left the village, believing that the Senju had overcome the Uchiha. They had a final showdown at what is known today as the Valley of the End where Madara Uchiha died. When Tobirama Senju became the second Hokage, he tasked the Uchiha Clan to become Konoha's Military Police force as a sign of trust, although, that was taken with mixed emotions from the Uchiha Clan. Some believed the Senju were distancing the Uchihas from government decisions and some were happy with it."

After the Hokage had finished his narration, Naruto was rubbing his temples with his thumbs as he was digesting this information. The two clans had deep hatred for each other and Naruto could understand that as they always sought to kill each other. He felt it was truly a miracle for the two clans to come together to form a village peacefully. However, he also understood their desires to bring about an era of peace.

Naruto knew that bringing about an era of peace required a lot of work and patience and patience was a virtue not many possessed. That explained why there was still consistent wars erupting between the nations.

It was hard for the older generations who had always been set in one direction to change their views and accept a new way of life. They had grown simply too stubborn. Although many desired for change to take place for the better, there were only the rare few who actually took the steps towards the desired change and actually did something worthwhile about it.

'Those stubborn old fogs actually makes it hard for the younger generation,' thought Naruto, feeling a headache coming on. 'That blasted Danzo might truly be one of them.'

"What are you thinking about, Naruto-kun?" asked the Hokage upon seeing Naruto's pondering expression.

"That retard Danzo needs to go," said Naruto, a cold light flashing in his eyes. "He actually had the arrogance to destroy an entire clan. How could you let him grow into a position where he had the balls to go behind your back."

The Hokage was surprised at the coldness that was felt from Naruto's words. "That was truly an oversight on my part. However, I am now working hard to restrict his movements."

"He has already grown extremely powerful beyond the necessary level," said Naruto with an angry expression. "You're not going to be able to tame him anymore. You have allowed him too much room to grow. The only way I see to settle this matter is to take him down."

"I understand where you're coming from, Naruto-kun," said the Hokage, sighing. "If we were to face each other, there will be many deaths that will take place and the village might actually fall into civil war."

"I'm not talking about an all-out war between your forces," said Naruto, narrowing his eyes. "Restrict his movements too much and he will attack like a mad dog. If that were to happen, you need to be prepared to put him down."

"You sound like you understand him very well," said the Hokage, surprised at Naruto's argument.

"I haven't even met him, so how can I understand him?" asked Naruto, shrugging his shoulders. "However, I can understand his position. He seems like the kind who works from behind the scenes and people like that are very shrewd. What I said was just a conjecture. How you deal with him is up to you in the end. However, once I am strong enough, if he's not taken care of by the time I'm strong enough, I will seek him out and destroy him myself."

"Why?" asked the Hokage, shocked at Naruto's declaration.

"I have a few suspicions about him and I will clarify them when we meet," said Naruto. "I don't believe you can take care of him before I'm ready. I'm not doubting your abilities; I'm simply not underestimating his shrewdness."

"What suspicions do you need confirmation on?" asked the Hokage with a frown.

"The incidents of the Kyubi's attack and the Uchiha's downfall," replied Naruto coldly.

"I understand that he was behind the Uchiha massacre, but why do you suspect him about the Kyubi's attack?" the Hokage could not help asking.

"I don't have concrete reasons behind my suspicions," said Naruto, stroking his chin. "However, I will know once I question him about it. Don't worry, gramps, I'll keep you in the loop when that happens."

"Naruto-kun, don't go around acting rashly," warned the Hokage.

"Don't worry, gramps," said Naruto reassuringly as he smiled. "I know my own capabilities better than anyone else. I know what I'm doing. It will take me a little longer to be where I want to be."

Profound1 Profound1

A bit of an information dump.

Let me know if you liked the chapter and if there are anything that could be changed for the better.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


