86.93% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2051: Remembrance

章 2051: Remembrance

"I don't want to fight...I-"

Waving his hand dismissively, Vahn adopted a friendly smile as he said, "No worries. If I needed to force children to fight for me, I wouldn't be much of a God. All I really expect from you and Sarina, at least for the time being, is that you grow up happily and healthily. Let adults worry about adult problems."

Though she was still a little apprehensive, Nono only hesitated for a brief moment before nodding her head and answering, "Okay..." in a meek tone of voice.

Nodding his head in approval, Vahn rose from his chair and gave Sarina's head one last pat as he said, "I'll leave the two of you to rest. We'll go and register our Community in the morning. Until then, the two you should get to know each other better. You'll be sisters from today onward. Try to get along..."

Blinking in surprise, Sarina appeared as if she wanted to say something but couldn't quite find the words. In the end, she just returned a smile and intoned an affirmative, "Nn~!" before scampering over to Nono's bedside and saying, "I'm looking forward to working with you, Onee-chan~!"

Pulling the blankets up to cover the lower half of her face, Nono simply nodded in response to Sarina's enthusiasm. Her experiences over the last seven months had left her less than enthused about living in the Divine Realm, so, while she was feeling hopeful for the first time in a while, she was significantly less optimistic than Sarina...




After closing the door behind him, Vahn placed his own protective charm on its surface before heading to his own room. This Cafe didn't have anything like a bath, and, despite being the Realm inhabited by the most powerful beings in existence, civilization within the Little Garden appeared to be stuck around the middle ages. There was an underground sewer system, but most toilets just fed straight into it without a more comprehensive water system. In fact, freshwater was actually rare, so much so that a number of Communities literally specialized in its production and sale...

While this might sound a little counterintuitive for a society that could literally pull the geniuses of various worlds to their side, the simple truth of the matter was that the Little Garden prohibited the advancement of civilization unless it was 'inherently constructive'. The people in charge, specifically those among the Buddhist Communities, believed that suffering was the natural state of all beings. It was the trials they faced to overcome their suffering that led people to Nirvana, and, more than anything else, they repudiated progress for progress's sake. Thus, unless something contributed to the universal good of all things, they believed it was better for people to have to fetch water and hunt their food rather than having it brought to them.

At the present moment, the Buddhist Faction was among the most powerful in the Divine Realm. It was so influential, in fact, that even Shiroyasha had converted to Buddhism approximately 200 years ago. Thus, while several opportunists had attempted to elevate their status by improving the quality of life of common citizens, they simply lacked the resources, manpower, and, most importantly, the authority to do so. After all, even if they knew how to construct factories, production facilities, and machines, it wasn't like they could just wander outside the Little Garden's gates, pick a spot of their choosing, and begin strip-mining it for resources.

With the exception of Community grounds and self-created territories, modifying the natural world was prohibited by the Laws of the Little Garden. As a result, most food, natural resources, and even water originated from Gifts. This wasn't an exaggeration, and, more often than not, the first priority of any burgeoning Community was obtaining a Water Tree Sapling and forming a contract with an Earth Spirit so you could begin cultivating the land for farming.

Though he could basically skip all the foundational steps of building a community and just focus on increasing his influence, Vahn knew he wouldn't be able to just ignore people, or, more specifically, children in need. He also knew that Sarina and Nono wouldn't be able to keep up with his progress, so, before they made the mistake of trying, he was intending to instill in them a sense of duty and obligation before entrusting them to watch over other children.

Understanding his nature better than most, Vahn knew it was only a matter of time before he found a woman or ten that garnered his interest. He didn't really have time to babysit children and he had never enjoyed the feeling of 'grooming' young girls into potential lovers. He could still vividly recall the discomfort he felt regarding Tina, Asuna, and, to a lesser extent, Mordred, Mash, and a handful of others. He wasn't going to tell Sarina that she wasn't allowed to love him, but, unless something pretty drastic happened, he had no intention of making things 'easy' for her.

With such thoughts on his mind, Vahn replaced the bed in his room before sprawling out with his arms and legs spread wide. It had been years since he simply relaxed in a bed on his own, so, for a very brief moment, he actually felt a little lonely. This caused the Law of Identity to manifest out of thin air, and, though she didn't make an appearance, Sis made her presence known by giggling in the back of his mind and instigating a conversation as the adorable redhead curled up next to him...




Perhaps as a result of the Community in charge being called Twice Twilight, nighttime never came to Gate #2105393. Thus, after idling about for the better part of ten hours, Vahn went to wake up the two girls before heading downstairs for some breakfast.

Producing an A-Rank Gift Card, Vahn managed to convince the owner of the establishment to let him borrow the kitchen. He also provided all the ingredients so they had no problem letting him use their stove and oven in exchange for a few tips related to their own recipes.

In the end, most of the items Vahn prepared were modifications to the existing menu. This included a few types of danishes and an apple pie made from his personal stockpile of Avalon Apples. Today was an important day for Sarina and Nono, so, even if it was a little excessive, he wanted to make it as memorable as possible. The stronger their feelings were at the formation of the Community, the more they would want to protect it later in life. Thus, for the sake of themselves and the children they would be protecting, he intended to make sure today was one of the happiest of their lives.

Emerging from the kitchen, Vahn surprised both Sarina and Nono by appearing in a stylish barista outfit, complete with a bowtie and apron. This earned the attention of several other patrons, but, paying them no mind, he approached the two girls with a silver tray filled with pastries, smiling as he said, "Breakfast is served~." in a soothing baritone.

As could be expected, Sarina blushed crimson, stammering, "T-T-Thank you...!" in an overly excited tone. Nono, however, just returned a delicate smile, a nearly indiscernible pink hue to her cheeks as she softly replied, "Thank you..." in her characteristically meek tone.

Chuckling lightly, Vahn arranged all the items on the table before snapping with his left hand. This caused a golden pulse to spread through the interior of the Cafe, a pleasant aroma lingering in the air as a comfortable warmth settled into each of the patrons. At the same time, he produced a chair for himself out of thin air before taking a seat and casually explaining, "Once the two of you have finished eating, we'll go and register our Community at the Gate. Still, that's no reason to rush. Take your time and enjoy the meal. I'm pretty proud of my cooking ability."

"You made all of this...?" asked Sarina in an ostensibly surprised tone.

Surprised by such a question, Vahn couldn't help raising his brows slightly as he answered, "Today is an important day and I intend to make it memorable. Please, give it a try and let me know what you think."

Nodding her head, Nono picked up a tiny cookie in the shape of a lotus flower before tentatively biting the edge. It wasn't especially flavorful, but it had a uniquely balanced taste reminiscent of vanilla and honey. This caused Nono to tear up slightly, as, despite the shape appearing markedly different from what she remembered, the taste was something she was intimately familiar with...


Smiling sadly in response to Nono's soft utterance, Vahn resisted the urge to reach out and caress the girl's head. The cookies were actually a special recipe developed by Rindo, and, as a result, the recipe had manifested as a D-Rank Gift known as [Flavor of the Heart]. This caused the cookies to, quite literally, taste like nostalgia.

With the intent of cheering her up a bit, Vahn adopted an even gentler tone than usual as he said, "Don't worry. I might not be able to do anything about it in the near future, but I can promise that you will be reunited with your parents. The Divine Realm is unique in the fact that it exists above the principle axis of all other realities. This is what allowed your former Community to learn about your future achievements before summoning your younger self. In that same vein, both of your parents are still alive and well at some point in space and time. We just have to bring them here."

As if a switch had been flipped in her heart and mind, all of Nono's shyness appeared to disappear in an instant, her expression visibly brightening as she excitedly asked, "Mommy and Daddy are still alive!? Can you really bring them here...!?"

Not expecting Nono to practically pounce on him, Vahn's smile became marginally more awkward as he gently guided her back to her seat and answered, "Of course. The hardest part is just finding out where your reality is located. After that, we just need to prepare a catalyst and everything else is relatively straightforward. Until then, you should focus on doing everything you can to live your life to the fullest. As a parent myself, I can assure you they would be a lot happier if they came to the Divine Realm and discovered you were living happily."

Offering the first genuine smile he had seen on her face since her rescue, Nono practically beamed as she answered, "I understand..." in a bashful yet happy tone. Her complexion had improved quite a bit, and, though there was a fair amount of red coloring her cheeks, Vahn pretended not to notice as he continued to caress the girl's head with a gentle smile of his own.

"You already have children...?"

Hearing Sarina's question, Vahn retracted his hand from Nono's head before answering, "Of course. You would be hard-pressed to find a God that didn't have a few dozen children. Heck, I even have a few who are older than me if you can believe it..."

Recalling Xysteria, Sylva, and Krona, Vahn's smile became noticeably more affectionate as he briefly considered bringing them out to play. He had spent some time with them after the merger between his Realm and the Little Garden, but, compared to the millions of years they had lived, a few months seemed negligible.

Noticing the change in Vahn's expression, Sarina felt a twinge of pain and envy. She couldn't even remember her parents as they had abandoned her when she was still a baby. Thus, even though she did her best to suppress it, she couldn't help feeling jealous when Vahn mentioned his children and bringing back Nono's parents. She was trying to look forward to the future, but, based on how Vahn was behaving, her prospects, at least in terms of love, were looking grim...

Understanding Sarina's thoughts, even without the Law of Identity, Vahn reached out to caress her head, his expression softening as he said, "You worry a lot for a ten-year-old..."




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Buddha be like, "Life is suffering..." while donning a pair of jadeite knuckle dusters...','Vahn could use a hundred different Gifts every day and never have to use the same one twice...','Nono is precious. Sarina is precocious. Both are adorable yet troublesome (UwU)...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章 2052: Getting Started

After coaxing Sarina with the use of his Petting Laws, Vahn waited for the two to finish eating before they all headed over to the nearest Outer Gate.

Though it wasn't strictly necessary, any Community aiming to improve their rank or claim territory needed to have an official name and banner. They also needed to register at least one Player, the official designation given to those with the capacity to participate in Gift Games.

Fortunately, there were no other requirements, so, after a brief interview at the nearest Outer Gate, Vahn, Sarina, and Nono were all given Player status. After that, they were given an ancient-looking grimoire to serve as an official record for each member of their Community. It also allowed those in charge to set Commandments, inviolable rules that other members of the Community would have to follow.

For the time being, the only Commandment Vahn and the girls agreed upon was, 'Be good to each other.' As for the name of their Community, the former decided to change things up a bit by calling it the Sage Dragon's Hearth. He would eventually go on to found the Aldrnari Empire, but, for the time being, he wanted to pay homage to his roots.

In Vahn's mind, a Hearth was synonymous with peaceful coexistence, warmth, and family. He even had a few Gift Cards associated with Hestia, so, for the sake of acting as a mediator between both Demons and the Divine, Vahn wanted his first Community to be founded on the principles of peace and civil discourse.

With that taken care of, Vahn decided to accompany Sarina and Nono until the two girls invariably became tired. He ended up taking them shopping, and, thanks to his various Gifts, he didn't have to worry about things like lack of funds. He could have simply produced clothes for them to wear, but, after traversing numerous Records and dozens of Actualized Worlds, Vahn had come to understand that girls, be they mortal or God, enjoyed shopping.

Since Nono had grown up in a rural desert village, her only experience with shopping was perusing a bazaar for imported goods. As for Sarina, she had grown up in a no-name Community, and, while her clothes were rather stylish for someone in her position, the truth of the matter was that the Nun in charge of their Community had splurged quite a bit in order to purchase the outfit as a gift for her tenth birthday.

Needless to say, Sarina and Nono enjoyed their first shopping spree quite a bit. Sarina ended up treating it as a mock date of sorts, asking for Vahn's opinion every time she tried on a new outfit. This gave Nono a similar idea, but, unlike her more rambunctious counterpart, most of the outfits she picked were relatively tame and modest dresses. Sarina had even attempted to convince Vahn to help her pick out a bra and panties, but, rather than humor her, he ultimately left the girls in the care of the female staff while they were picking out undergarments.

Unsurprisingly, the two girls had exhausted themselves by the time lunch was rolling around. This prompted Vahn to purchase the services of a Coolie, the colloquial term used to describe a person who pulled a rickshaw. There was nothing like automobiles or airships in the 7-Digit Gates, so, while it wasn't the fastest way to get around, traveling via rickshaw was a popular method to get around in the East Side.

During their shopping spree, Vahn ended up purchasing himself a turquoise yukata to compliment the stylish kimonos he had purchased for the two girls. They were going to be living in the East Side for quite some time so he figured they might as well embrace the culture. Besides, it was technically the traditional wear of the Aldrnari Empire, so, while he had resorted to wearing western clothes in the Tower, Vahn was most comfortable in the loose clothing associated with eastern cultures. Sarina and Nono also seemed to appreciate it quite a bit so there was no sense in overcomplicating things by defaulting to more 'modern' styles...




With the rickshaw ride taking quite a while, Vahn decided to make conversation to ease a bit of the awkwardness that had resulted from being sandwiched by two lolis. Sarina, in particular, was sitting a little too close for comfort, and, while she did her best to maintain an impassive look on her face, Vahn noticed Nono's aura flare up whenever their legs or arms briefly touched.

"I promised a member of Twice Twilight that we would spend a few days at La Papillion. After that, I intend to open up a shop near one of the Thousand Eyes branches. I wouldn't exactly say I have any connections among their senior membership, but I imagine we will be working closely with them in the near future. As for our actual territory, well, unless you girls have anything in mind, I intend to create a sub-space beneath the shop until I can leverage some territory from another Community."

As the Sub-Leader of Sage Dragon's Hearth, Sarina felt compelled to contribute something, so, in response to Vahn's words, she supplied, "Thousand Eyes has a bit of notoriety in the East Side due to their Leader being a former Demon God. Are you sure you want to work with them...?"

Despite being the former Rank 10 and the current Floor Master of the East Side, very few people knew that Shiroyasha was the Leader of Thousand Eyes. She generally introduced herself as a senior executive, and, more often than not, holed herself up inside of her room unless someone important came by. Thus, unless they knew her personally, very few people knew the specifics of Shiroyasha's involvement with anything.

Adopting a confident smile, Vahn answered, "Our Community isn't going to just pander to people who purport themselves as good and righteous. When you've lived as long as I have, you come to realize that good and evil are just words that people just arbitrarily assign at their leisure. Justice is the weapon of the strong, and, more often than not, the heads of most religious organizations are among the most corrupt individuals in any world. Thus, regardless of whether they be god, demon, human, or even animals, I intend to help everyone. Besides, if I can convince a Demon to enter into a contract that prevents them from harming people, that will help a lot more people than providing a weapon to some righteous fool who cuts down anything they identify as evil."

Deciding to trust in Vahn's words, Sarina just nodded her head, smiling as she attempted to convince herself that not all Demons were bad. After all, not all Gods were good, and, when it came to people, there were countless examples of individuals representing both good and evil. She could understand this much, so, while she had no desire to interact with Demons, she decided she would do her best not to judge them for what they were. Instead, just as she regarded her fellow humans, she would judge them based on their behavior.

Noticing Sarina's aura stabilize, Vahn decided to reward her with an affectionate smile and a head pat. This earned him a somewhat listless look from Nono, so, despite the looks it garnered from the surrounding passersby, he ended up caressing both girls' heads for a short while before retracting his hands and asking, "Have the two of you thought about what you would like to contribute to the Community? I won't give you a Gift associated with it, but I can teach you pretty much any skill. So long as you are willing to put in the effort, there is nothing you can't become."

Demonstrating just how little she had actually thought about it, Sarina unhesitantly answered, "I just wanted to get to know you better. I don't really know how to become stronger or help people so I'll just listen to the Leader's orders. Even if it's just a Secretary or a Maid, I'll do my best not to let you down...!"

Seemingly inspired by Sarina's exclamation, Nono responded with a meek nod, answering, "I was afraid of Justinian...you're a lot nicer than he was. If you want me to...I wouldn't mind becoming a Maid...I don't want to be useless..."

In an effort to uproot the two flags before they could cement themselves in the girls' minds, Vahn responded with a light chuckle before explaining, "Rather than thinking about how to repay me, I'd rather the two of you think about how you can best help the children we'll be taking in. To that end, I think I'll teach the two of magic related to healing, sealing, and barrier creation. Other than that, it would be best if you figure out for yourselves the paths you wish to tread."

Though his words didn't seem to have much of an impact on Sarina, Nono's mind immediately wandered to the conversation that had taken place at breakfast. She wanted to believe that it was only a matter of time before she could be reunited with her parents. To that end, she intended to follow Vahn's advice by doing everything in her power to be happy. She didn't really understand what that entailed, but, having always enjoyed helping people, she was looking forward to taking care of the other children that would invariably join their Community.

As that thought crossed her mind, a delicate smile spread across Nono's face. At the same time, Sarina, having organized her thoughts a bit, asked, "Can't I just become your Apprentice? I might not be experienced, but I'm confident I can become more skilled if I follow your teachings. I'm also the Sub-Leader of the Community so it would make sense if I worked alongside you."

Though it brought a wry smile to his face, Vahn briefly imagined training Sarina in a similar manner to Nanu. There was nothing particularly wrong with this, but, due to the teachings of Tsubaki, this would invariably involve her forging alongside him in little to no clothing. That would be a disaster and a half, so, after quickly coming up with an alternative, he nodded his head and answered, "Sure. Since you lack the physical strength and stature necessary for forging, I'll teach you Alchemy. At the higher levels, it's one of the most powerful and profitable skills you could learn. If you stick with it, you could even produce potions that cure all diseases and make people immortal. How about it...?"

Having heard about Alchemy in the past, flames of excitement burned in Sarina's amethyst eyes as she balled her hands into fists and exclaimed, "Yes! Please teach me alchemy, Vahn-sama...!"

Chuckling lightly in response to Sarina's enthusiasm, Vahn extended his hand to caress her head even as his eyes shifted further up the road. The familiar figure of Dorothea had appeared near their destination, but, unlike before, she was now wearing relatively risque armor while supporting a massive sword on her shoulder. If their auras weren't perfectly identical, Vahn would have thought this was Dorothea's twin sister, as, compared to the modest outfit she had worn previously, her current attire was bold enough that she could intermingle amongst Amazons without standing out...

Seemingly sensing his gaze, Dorothea looked over before smiling as she raised her left hand in a gesture of greeting. At the same time, the people accompanying her looked over, confusion visible on their faces for a brief moment until they noticed the approaching rickshaw. After that, pure and unadulterated rage colored their expressions, as, instead of belonging to Twice Twilight, everyone surrounding Dorothea was a member of Nono's previous Community, Silver Adonis...




From within a room resembling a traditional Japanese living space, a petite girl with bluish-white hair, golden eyes, and tiny horns immediately perked up the moment she saw Vahn staring down the members of Silver Adonis. Her excitement caused her to begin shoveling rice crackers into her mouth, an impish smile on her face as she mused, "This should be interesting~." before wiping her hand on her dress. This earned her a helpless sigh from the slender Japanese woman sweeping the floor, but, paying the blue-haired beauty no mind, Shiroyasha continued shoveling snacks into her mouth as she focused all her attention on the [Omnipresent Television] in front of her...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Law of Shopping is Eternal...','Nanu was quite something xD...','*Snacking Intensifies*')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2051
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank 200+ パワーランキング
Stone 306 推薦チケット
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