57.08% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1345: Ambition : Restraint

章 1345: Ambition : Restraint

With the dawn of a new day, Vahn felt refreshed and ready to take on the entire world, quite literally. He had spent part of his evening thinking about various solutions to his problems, ultimately coming to the conclusion that they just needed to speed up progress on their hypothesized projects.

In order to ensure that humans were able to thrive, without harming themselves and others, Vahn and Da Vinci had come up with a plan to establish massive colonies on each Continent. These would be megacities capable of housing well over a hundred million people without any major difficulty, all within a relatively confined space, relatively speaking.

To house the remainder of humanity, and any spirits that wished to call them home, Sanctuary Cities would be constructed approximately 500km from each other. These would be positioned, not just on the land, but even in the middle of the ocean. This was in order to facilitate the advancement of one of their largest projects, the Global Defense System.

While the massive network of Companions would be able to deal with most planetside threats, Vahn was very aware of the fact that the Universe was host to several powerful entities. Not only were the planets themselves Tier 5 beings, home to various unknown races, but other civilizations existed in other areas of the Galaxy. He had even purchased various star maps through the system shop, all in preparation for the Empire's rise as an interstellar and, ultimately, intergalactic civilization.

To protect against external threats, the various colonies and Sanctuary Cities would form a global magic circle, one capable of empowering the existing Bounded Field to convert it into a barrier that covered the entire planet. This would require the cooperation of Gaia but, after everything that had happened, Vahn wasn't worried about her acquiescence. Even without his status as Type Omega, he was certain she could be convinced to help after seeing the steps he had taken to protect the planet, Gaia herself.

The only problem with moving forward with these global-scale projects was the very real chance that they would be interfered with by various forces. They may have functionally infinite resources at their disposal but, unless he suddenly weaponized the Companions and Micro-Golems, the Empire was in dire need of additional manpower.

Since he didn't want people to fear the Companions, Vahn would need to forcibly seize control of the required territory, stationing forces to protect the Empire's assets. In other words, going against his original intentions, he would need to effectively conquer the planet. This wasn't the result of his desire to rule, ironically, but more of a necessity derived from the current situation. What made this ironic was the fact that, with his knowledge of history, Vahn knew that many Conquerors had set out with similar sentiments in mind...

Fortunately, rather than rebuke him for his decision, Artoria supported him with a resolute heart and an understanding mind. She knew, better than most, how difficult it could be to establish order and rule over others. During her time as King, she had spent literal decades defending the borders of her home, all while quelling rebellions and uprisings from within a populace she dedicated everything to protect. At times, humans could be very selfish in this pursuit for individual happiness, incapable of seeing the grand pictures that qualified leaders were forced to account for.

What mattered the most to Artoria was that Vahn didn't want to conquer, he was compelled to do so in order to save as many people as possible. The quicker order was established, the sooner the chaos would subside. Though it would take time, once people experienced life under the Common Law of the Empire, they would begin to forgive and forget. All that really mattered to most people was their individual happiness and well-being, two things the Empire directly promoted. Once they realized the need for menial labor and other mundane tasks was no longer required to 'purchase' happiness, the vast majority would readily fall in line.

Thus, far from rebuking Vahn, Artoria was fully prepared to lead a Battalion and seize control of the region where the first Supercolony would be built. Once the first had been established, they would know what to expect in the construction and defense of the rest. Since Vahn couldn't be the one to head the conquest, she was fully willing to raise the banner of the Empire and share in his burden as the world's enemy. It was for reasons like this that Vahn couldn't help but love Artoria. In fact, had they not been in the company of several others, he might have whisked her away to their bedroom then and there...

After making a mental note to express his gratitude towards Artoria later that evening, Vahn had his Court openly discuss the matter of the Empire's conquest of the world. At the very least, they would need eight experienced Generals to defend each territory and, when the time came, each Sanctuary City would also need a force to protect it from both internal strife and external threats. The defense of the Sanctuary Cities could be handled by the various Heroic Spirits they made agreements with but, as the primary components of the Global Defense System, the Supercolonies would need much greater protection.

In response to this, it was none other than Nobunaga who suggested, "History has known many Conquerors, capable Generals, and prodigious Rulers. You have your pick of the litter so why not just summon people you think are suitable to the task? So long as you avoid anyone with a legend that depicted cruelty and wanton violence, there shouldn't be any issues. If you want, I don't mind taking over Asia and holding the fort. The heavens know my Ancestors would certainly get a kick out of the idea."

Hearing Nobunaga's suggestion, Vahn was very tempted to laugh as he could easily imagine her taking over Asia and hoisting the Japanese flag as a joke. Since it really wasn't a bad suggestion, and he knew she really wanted a chance to show off, Vahn seriously considered the proposal, moving the discussion in the direction of viable candidates. Boudica was suitable for defending Europe so, even if he let Nobunaga and Karna deal with Asia, they would still several candidates to protect the other five Continents.

What surprised Vahn was the fact that Artoria immediately suggested two candidates, the first being Iskandar, known by most as Alexander the Great, and the other, Attila, a name which, for reasons he quickly came to know, garnered a reaction from Alaya. He had to raise his hand, stopping Artoria in mid-sentence, as what Alaya had whispered in his ear wasn't something he could ignore. He gave his tolerant Empress an apologetic smile before urging Alaya to repeat what she said, this time so that everyone could hear it...

Alaya wasn't fond of manifesting herself before others but, as she had become more obedient as of late, she didn't pout like she used to. Instead, she appeared sitting in Vahn's lap of all places, a mask of calm as she explained, "Attila may have been famous during your time, King of Knights, but they are not the person you believe them to be. While summoning them would greatly aid the Empire's agenda, their presence would invite a greater catastrophe in the future."

At first, Alaya's words seemed rather vague but, before anyone could inquire about what kind of catastrophe they would invite, the petite blue entity beat them to the punch by making a three-dimensional projection for everyone to bear witness to. It showed a lithe woman with olive-brown skin who, discernible due to her extremely revealing outfit, was covered in platinum-white hair while, at the center of her forehead, a diamond-shaped gemstone was set directly into her flesh.

As soon as they saw the woman in the projection, Vahn could feel mild annoyance from many of the women in attendance. Had he not been in his 'Emperor' mode, his face probably would have heated a bit as he knew the cause of their exasperation. Fortunately, Alaya continued her explanation before any of them could interject, adding, "The being known by many as Attila the Hun is a remnant of the Great Calamity, an event that took place shortly after the Children of Gaia, the first generation Gods, turned against their Creator. As penance for their treachery, Gaia exposed the existence of life to the forces that observe and regulate the Galactic Network. This event led to the destruction of nearly all life on the Surface, requiring those that remained to construct a new home from Gaia's vessel, the entity referred to as Tiamat..."

While all of these details were interesting, what Alaya explained next stunned everyone present, Vahn included, as she revealed, "Attila is an alien fragment, a piece of the entity that, alone, nearly wiped out all life on Gaia's surface, Gods, Spirits, man, and even microbial life forms. She may not be a danger in her current form but, upon summoning her, the sealed fragment, known as Velbar 02, will awaken from her slumber. Due to the Cycle of Causality, events that set her release in motion will begin to transpire. If you intend to summon Attila, contracting with Type Moon and seizing control of the Moon Cell will become necessary."

Hearing Alaya's revelations, the entire Court was at a momentary loss for words until Vahn broke the silence, issuing a wry yet amused laugh. His Karma had recently eclipsed five-hundred-million so he wasn't even remotely surprised by the sudden revelations. Rather, he already knew a bit about the Moon Cell, even if the fact it sealed away some monstrous entity was news to him. Thus, while others may be surprised, he couldn't help but internally remark, ("If something like this didn't happen, that would be infinitely more surprising...").

In response to this internal remark, Sis's laughter coincided with his own, musing, (*It seems you are starting to understand the machinations of Karma a little better. This is good, Vahn. Remember, even if things seem hectic, you are always in control of at least your own actions. It takes going against the current to reach the top of the mountain...*)

With Sis's words cementing his resolve, Vahn's laughter suddenly ceased and, with a resolute tone, he stated, "I doubt any of you are surprised by these revelations. As a force intent on changing and protecting the entire planet, we should not be afraid of what the Universe at large has to throw at us. This being, Attila, we will see exactly what kind of entity she is. In fact, in the years to come, we are certain that even more ridiculous entities will make their presence known. Thus, here and now, we decree that the Empire's ultimate goal lay not in maintaining order on the planet, but spreading our influence to the entire Galaxy...!"

As the final words left his mouth, Vahn rose from his Throne, preempted by Alaya hopping out of his lap and floating next to him. Then, without waiting for anything like an ovation or rebuttal, he looked toward Artoria and added, "With the known exceptions, we vow, as an Emperor, Husband, and, most importantly, a Father...from now until our goals have been met, we will not extend our hand to those not currently affiliated with the Inner Sanctum. If any exceptions are to be made, it will be the result of a unanimous decision by the Inner Sanctum's current residents, dictated and moderated by our Empress, Artoria Aldrnar Pendragon..."

With the recent inclusion of so many new women to his harem, even as potentiates, Vahn knew he needed to put his foot down, primarily on himself. His empathy was one of his greatest traits but, if he wanted to achieve his goals expediently, restraint would be necessary. Eva was already going to rip him a new one once he brought a small army of girls with him into her world so it was better to nip the problem in the bud, even if said bud had already bloomed into a garden...

Needless to say, Vahn's sudden announcement had taken everyone present by surprise. He did note, however, that some people seemed genuinely relieved by his words, Gawain being the most obvious example. What really troubled him was the fact that, for a brief moment, Mordred had furrowed her brows slightly while, at his side, Alaya gave him a pointed look that seemed to convey, 'I had better be one of the exceptions'...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Artoria is bae status for a reason','Time for some bad civilization!?','Did...did Vahn just break...?')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章 1346: The Value of a Promise

After a bit of deliberation, it was decided that, alongside Shiki Tohno, Vahn would be summoning Attila, Iskandar, Ozymandias, Nero, Bedivere, and, now that the current, former, Knight of the Round Table had been able to acclimate to the modern era, Lancelot.

At the time of his death, Gawain had regretted not allowing Lancelot to accompany them to the Battle of Camlann so, while he had some misgivings, he was not against calling upon his former comrade. As for Gareth, she had filled the void left by her treacherous mentor with her current Master, Vahn, and she had no intention of changing allegiances. Rather, the amount of fulfillment she got from following her new Master was something that, at times, kept her awake late into the evening...

With Galahad simply not caring in the slightest, the only opinion worthy of consideration was that of Mordred. She, however, didn't think much of Lancelot outside of a general acknowledgment that he was a powerful, albeit foolish, Knight. Since a repeat of history was all but impossible, especially with Lancelot existing as a Heroic Spirit, she didn't mind if a dozen were summoned, much less one.

This actually brought up a good point as, if he was so inclined, Vahn could summon similar instances of the same Heroic Spirit, each pulled from different, near-identical, timelines. His only reason for not exploiting this was the fact that, on a fundamental level, it just seemed 'wrong'. Exceptions could be made for people like Scáthach, as she shared a unified consciousness with versions of herself, but it would be invalidating the originality that distinguished most Heroic Spirits.

While people like Artoria might claim that they wouldn't be bothered by such things, as the ambition of the Empire preempted individual comfort, he knew it would bother her. She would, at times, stare 'menacingly' at Jeanne's, Okita's, and Lakshmibai's breasts, three girls that had very similar features to her own, albeit far more mature. If he summoned a version of her that, for reasons known only to the creator of the Nasuverse, had larger breasts, Artoria may very well be the one to pick a fight...

Since issues of status and identity would also become a problem, it was ultimately better to avoid summoning multiple instances of the same person. Though exceptions could be made in the case of Alter and Lily Class Servants, Vahn felt this was venturing into dangerous territory. Just imagining a Lily version of Scáthach filled him with a primal and inexplicable fear as it was already bad enough that he got thrashed by her adult self. He also had the distinct impression that the Lily version would be just as sensual as her adult self, making her a nightmare of promiscuity he would rather avoid.

This, of course, didn't mean he would avoid taking advantage of the Lily Class as, instead of calling upon the Iskandar that Artoria was familiar with, they had decided to summon the child version of the same Heroic Spirit. The chances of the adult Iskandar acting as he pleased were exceptionally high while, prior to his conquering days, he was known as a prodigious, kind, handsome, and, as could be expected, an ambitious yet idealistic youth.

Though he would never voice it, Vahn had a few expectations for the young Hero and, once things had started to settle, he hoped that one of his daughters may grow fond of the youth. His children really were growing quickly and, while he would never consider forcing them into anything like an arranged marriage, that didn't mean Vahn couldn't stack the deck.

Vahn feared what would happen if they ventured out into the world only to find that even the most powerful amongst humanity paled in comparison to their own strength. Most of the people that vie for their affection would be doing so with malicious intention so, if they found someone amongst the people he summoned, he could avoid interference from outside parties as much as possible...

With this in mind, Vahn had secretly invested a bit of his free time looking into the pasts of various heroes and, when the time came, he intended to summon a few to 'set an example' for the younger generations to follow. If they assumed new identities and distinguished themselves among those of a similar age group, Vahn felt the young Heroic Spirits would be able to guide future generations in a way adults simply couldn't emulate...


After finalizing a few details amongst the members of his Court, it didn't take long for Vahn to find himself within the Welsh Dragon's chamber, a place he was becoming intimately familiar with as of late. This time around, he had the usual entourage of Artoria, Gray, Merlin, and Da Vinci but, making a special exception, he had allowed Aoko, Arcueid, and Ciel to enter the chamber.

Each of the three girls had some form of natural resistance against the Welsh Dragon's Curse but, with the presence of Vahn and Merlin, this wasn't really necessary. As for why he had allowed them to enter the most secure region of Avalon, well, it was largely to grant Arcueid closure and Ciel some relief. The moment the two women met each other, a very solemn atmosphere spread between them and, taking even longer than the Court proceedings, Vahn's entry into the Welsh Dragon's Chamber had been delayed by the necessary clarification of a few things for Arcueid's benefit...

Needless to say, Arcueid was a little shaken to know that the first person she ever loved was about to be revived; literally days after she dedicated herself to another. Though she had long given up on pursuing him, the memories of their time together were something she had cherished, even during her self-imposed isolation...

Despite all of this, Arcueid didn't regret her decision as, no matter how much she loved Shiki, only tragedy awaited them. His Mystic Eyes of Death Perception had been slowly driving him crazy and, even if she extended his life by turning him into a Dead Apostle, the corruption of Vampiric Impulse would have resulted in the creation of a monster. She didn't want to have to kill him after being the one to prolong his life so, when the opportunity had presented itself, Arcueid abandoned her first love and sealed herself away once again.

It was Vahn that finally diverted the flow of fate, pulling her free from the endless stream of eternity that persistently threatened to drown her in its ruthless currents. He not only liberated her from the loneliness that had plagued her for centuries but, in the course of a single day, changed her fate in a way she never thought possible. Now, she wasn't even a True Ancestor anymore; her craving for the blood of others a distant memory, one she hoped to forget completely in due time.

Arcueid had so much appreciation for everything that Vahn had done that she didn't even know how to put it into words. His existence was akin to a person that had awakened someone from an endless nightmare, one which they had no hopes of freeing themselves from. He replaced the darkness, pain, and loneliness that had embodied her existence with hope, warmth, and a large number of people who, in a short period of time, showed her greater sincerity than she could have imagined. He even taught her what it meant to be a woman, something she had always feared but, deep down inside, craved...

Now, as she watched Vahn stand in the middle of an incredibly complex magic circle, Arcueid stood with her hands together; a sincere prayer for everyone's happiness emerging from the bottom of her heart. At her side, Ciel was on tenterhooks in anticipation while, opposite the blue-haired zealot, the red-haired Aoko stood with a thoughtful expression on her face. This was a significant moment for all of them, albeit for entirely different reasons. Then, with considerably less flair than expected, the light around Vahn increased in intensity before a familiar figure, one which overlapped perfectly with each of their memories...'popped' out of thin air...


After entering into the Throne of Heroes and isolating Shiki's name, Vahn wasn't surprised to find that the man formerly known as 'Death' qualified for the Assasin, Faker, Lily, and Alter Ego Classes. Shiki was known to use a series of small knives and daggers as his primary weapon so it would have been a little strange to find a Saber or Lancer version of him within the current time axis.

Unfortunately, due to him having died from natural causes, granting Shiki the [Transmigrator] perk and resummoning the original was a little difficult. While it wasn't much different than what he had done in the past, Vahn had seen some of the sequelae following Shiki's death, including the fact that Ciel had one of his eyes transplanted into her own with an exceptionally powerful seal.

The simple fact of the matter was that Shiki's death was too close to the current time axis as, in the case of Heroic Spirits like Mordred, there was always some 'variance' involved with the legacy. It was much easier to make changes within time periods that were closer to the Age of Gods as even Alaya had tweaked things to a considerable extent. Now, however, Vahn's presence served to stabilize the present so any small changes to recent events could have a drastic impact on the present moment...

Unsurprisingly, Vahn found that the [Transmigrator] perk itself, at least for his timeline's Shiki, wasn't even available. This was an important discovery as it meant the summoning of enemies and recently deceased allies, while not impossible, couldn't be achieved as easily as hypothesized. Rather, in order to transplant a person into his current sphere of influence, relative to the time axis, Vahn would need to prepare a vessel for them to inhabit, similar to Iris.

Vahn was once again reminded that his understanding of the Throne of Heroes was still shallow. He really needed to review the data that Da Vinci had been able to extrapolate from the information he had provided. The Throne of Heroes was one of the Empire's most powerful resources and, more so than almost anything else, he would need to understand it if he wanted to avoid tragedy.

After making a mental note to discuss his conjecture with Da Vinci later on, Vahn took a few deep breaths before his body, similar to how a cell would divide, split into two. Then, using the memories of the waiting girls, Vahn reproduced the twenty-year-old version of Shiki. The most familiar version of him would have been his sixteen-year-old self but, in order to make things easier for Arcueid, this was the simpler solution. It would also be easier for the matured spirit of Shiki to inhabit a body that was a little closer to his actual age; all while avoiding the awkward scenario of returning the twenty-eight-year-old version of himself to the perpetually sixteen-year-old Ciel's side...

Once everything was prepared, Vahn breathed out a tired sigh as he had the distinct impression that Shiki's presence would invite a fair amount of drama. Vahn didn't know what had happened to all of his former companions and harem potentiates but, with the reemergence of the young Hero, it was only a matter of time before they converged once again. After all, for reasons he would undoubtedly learn in the near future, every one of Shiki's love interests had some form of immortality.

Since he wasn't going to go back on his word, Vahn finalized his selection, transplanting the Ego of the original Shiki into the vessel he had prepared. This would undoubtedly be a jarring experience for the former protagonist as, prior to his death, Vahn knew he had shared a pretty emotional scene with his entourage. He couldn't really imagine what it would be like to believe you are dying, only to find yourself transplanted several years into the future, all while your body regressed in age...

As this peculiar thought was going through his mind, Vahn found himself back in the real world, the body of Shiki already floating in front of him. He had, fortunately, prepared clothes for the young man as, despite having been told to stay out of the summoning circle, Ciel tackled the man out of the air at the very instant his eyes opened. This caused Vahn to shake his head but, seeing the blue-haired loudly wailing in the very confused Shiki's arms, he decided not to mind it too much...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'At this point, I'd say Vahn is a confirmed schemer','Wibbly wobbly, timey whimey bullshit','I kind of feel bad for Shiki xD...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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