Nearly an hour before his climactic battle with Lili had begun, Vahn had already settled into Naaza's bed with the surprisingly bashful Chienthrope. Naaza had never been the type of girl that openly displayed her affection and it didn't seem like she even knew how to take proactive action. Ever since he had left the room with Lili, Naaza had almost turned completely silent. The only reason they ended up at the bed was under Vahn's guidance. When they had got there, Naaza just stared blankly at the place she had been sleeping for more than a year. She didn't actually seem hesitant, but more like her thought process had stalled and she didn't know what to do at all...
Out of concern, Vahn had placed his hand gently on Naaza's shoulder and helped her sit on the bed while asking, "Are you okay, Naaza...?" When she made contact with the bed, however, Naaza fell down like a marionette that had its strings cut. Vahn's eyes widened in surprise but he calmed down soon after when Naaza rolled away from him, curled up into a ball, and weakly asked, "Can you just pet me for a little while...?" Most of the intimate moments she had ever shared with Vahn was when Lili was there to egg her own. Now that she was alone with him, Naaza's mind had completely blanked as her heart performed acrobatics in her chest. She just wanted to calm down and, considering how comfortable she always felt whenever Vahn pet her, Naaza couldn't help but proposition his services...
This was how they ended up on the bed with Naaza laying on his lap as he ran his fingers through her hair, rubbed her neck, gently thumbed her droopy ears, and stroked her soft cheeks. Naaza had calmed down a lot and her tail had been wagging happily for a while now, to the point that it was thumping against the bed in a steady rhythm. Vahn found this version of Naaza very adorable but knew things would probably stop here unless he took the initiative to push her forward. Her aura was suffused with a rich pink, tinged with passionate reds, so he knew she was actually expecting it to happen. Thus, after helping her calm down, Vahn let his right hand wander away from her head, tracing it down her side and bringing it to a stop around her hip.
Naaza's body trembled in response but, other than the speed of her tail increasing, she made no efforts to stop. In fact, she seemed to be trying to pretend that she hadn't noticed his hand at all and just continued to lay in his lap with her eyes closed. Vahn had a soft smile on his face and was preparing to do more when Lili's sudden declaration reached his other set of ears. Vahn dulled for a moment, enough to make Naaza peek up at him with a curious and confused look in her eyes. Seeing her confusion, Vahn smiled, explaining, "Lili just made quite the...confession...sorry about that." Vahn continued to stroke Naaza's head and ears with his left hand while 'casually' moving his right hand from Naaza's hip and onto her butt. She pulled her knees up in an instant and closed her eyes tightly, no longer concerned about Vahn's previous daze as a very comfortable and excited sensation spread from her butt and into the rest of her body.
Vahn's 'Petting Laws' allowed him to send energy outwards for up to 20cm, even through the air. When he was in contact with a person's body, however, this limit no longer existed, allowing him to stroke Naaza's butt while the threads of energy flowed from his palm into the rest of her body. It was a form of energy that had a very calming effect on people in normal circumstances but Vahn was also feeding threads of stimulating energy into Naaza's nerves with his [Hands of Nirvana]. Her fidgetting continued to increase in intensity as a Naaza showed a confused expression, mixed with both comfort and pleasure.
He thought talking would help distract her so Vahn began to explain, "This is a combination of my [Grooming] and [Hands of Nirvana]...even if the precision is a bit lacking, it is pretty effective if I put some effort into it..." Vahn lightly squeezed Naaza's butt, noticing it was firmer now than it had been in the past. Her physical training, which relied heavily on Agility training, had given her a firm butt and supple thighs that were both incredibly soft to the touch. Even through the loose fabric of her dress, Vahn could feel the softness against his palm and was looking forward to what was to come.
Naaza didn't respond to his words, she just continued to 'resist' the dual-sensations spreading through her body, bringing her fists up in something like a 'defensive' posture while tightly closing her eyes. Vahn released a small sigh when he saw this and began to use his [Grooming] to greater effect while playing with Naaza's ears. This caused her to release a sigh as some of the tensions in her body began to relax. Then, moving his hand from her butt, Vahn brought it to her abdomen and used his 'secret' techniques against Chienthropes. The reason why Naaza had instinctually moved her knees up earlier was a protective measure against this kind of 'attack', something deeply rooted in her instincts since it was the 'weak' spot of all Chienthropes.
Using the gap in her focus, Vahn brought his palm against Naaza's abdomen and began rubbing his hand up and down. This time, her legs kicked out and she naturally rolled onto her back and began to writhe about with a blissful smile on her face. Realizing her defenses had been breached, Naaza, fighting through comfort and laughter, pouted, "Rubbing my sneaky..." Vahn smiled in response, moving his hand towards Naaza's diaphragm as she took in a deep breath. When he moved back down, her legs twitched a little and she exhaled a contented sigh. With a mischevious twinkle in his eye, Vahn said, "It might be a little cheap, but I wanted to do what I can to help you relax..."
Naaza gave him a small smile in return, at least until she heard him mutter, "I wonder how she would react if I used my [Grooming]..." He had used a quiet voice, but Vahn knew she would be able to hear him. Without waiting for her response, he pressed more firmly into her abdomen as threads of 'Petting Laws' spread through her body. Naaza tightly gripped his arm while her teeth chattered at the overwhelming sense of pleasure and discomfort. However, there was almost no strength in her grip at all so Vahn continued rubbing Naaza's belly as she began to gasp in tune with his movements. In less than a minute, she had let go of his arms and splayed out in a lazy and contented manner like someone floating on the surface of a river.
Vahn had gotten this same reaction from Anubis and Nanu in the past, so he wasn't too surprised that Naaza had also given in to her instincts. Using the moment when she simply 'didn't care' about anything else, Vahn brought his hand up and nimbly unfastened the buttons of her blouse. In preparation for today, she had worn a button-up blouse instead of the long-sleeved tunic she prefered. However, she strangely worse a long skirt instead of something easier to remove so Vahn felt like it had either slipped her mind, or she wasn't fully prepared for her first time. This thought fell to the back of his mind in the next moment though, as Naaza's light-green brassiere came into view.
Though she had also seemingly 'frozen' in time, Naaza's breasts had developed into a healthy C-Cup, possessing a natural beauty accented by Naaza's fair skin. As for why his concerns had faded away, it was because Naaza's bra was made of green lace with several parts that were transparent. She normally wore relatively plain and simple undergarments so it was obvious she had prepared them just for him. He traced his finger around the elastic band giving her breasts a shapely and beautiful aesthetic appeal. This movement brought Naaza back to reality and, seeing her two 'puppies' presented to the sky, she froze up and began to blush deeply.
Vahn was expecting her to panic but, throwing his expectations out the window, Naaza released a sigh, matching his gaze as she said, "You don't have to do things in such a roundabout manner...I'm ready to have sex...if...if you're ready..." Naaza had started to feel guilty about how passive she was being, especially when she realized the efforts Vahn was going to in order to slowly ease her into things. In truth, her body was more than ready to accept Vahn, to the point she had worn a thicker skirt laced with a scent masking powder just to hide her embarrassment. Even then, she got some playful and curious looks from girls like Anubis, Nanu, and Fenrir...
Now that her initial panic, resulting from her separation with Lili, had faded away, Naaza wanted to at least be an active participant in her first time. Thus, while Vahn was still confused, she lifted her body into a seated position and removed her blouse completely. Vahn had recovered at this point and, seeing how shapely and full Naaza's breasts were with her designer brassiere, he said, "That type of undergarment suits you very well, gives you a mature vibe and enhances your natural beauty even further..." Naaza, having just been about to unfasten her bra, smiled at Vahn's compliment before hefting up her breasts and saying, "Lili and I had both bought battle underwear for today...though I'm guessing you've probably already noticed...ufufufu~."
Vahn was happy to see that Naaza was beginning to relax more so he moved to help her remove the brassiere, earning a small blush from her in the process. Her footwork was very developed, and she had incredibly high Dexterity, but Naaza's body wasn't nearly as flexible as most of the other girls. Having Vahn's help to remove the unfamiliar bra saved her the awkwardness of having to remove it herself. In return, she began to unbutton his black tunic, turning redder as his flawlessly arranged muscles appeared in her eyes and his manly aroma reached her sensitive nostrils. She didn't even notice her puppies had already been released from the kennel until Vahn told her, "Lift your arms for a bit..."
Realizing she had been dazed by the combination 'attack' from Vahn's appearance and aroma, Naaza's face flushed crimson and she raised her arms to let him removed the brassiere from her arms. Soon after, he also helped loosen the band holding up her long skirt, all before she had even finished undoing the last button of his tunic. Naaza felt like it was getting harder to breathe and his scent was intoxicatingly sweet, soaking through her head and filling up her mind as a result. When Vahn's laughter reached her ears, Naaza habitually muttered, "Sorry, I..." Vahn, however, just hugged her bare body close to his and said, "Shhh, don't apologize...don't worry, just leave it to me, Naaza..."
Naaza felt very comfortable in Vahn's warm embrace, but his scent became even stronger when they were in such close proximity to each other. She began to sniff his neck absentmindedly while nodding her head, completely entrusting things to Vahn. As a result, Vahn unequipped his clothing and let Naaza continue to sniff his aroma while her tail wagged excitedly at her back. Vahn noticed she was wearing green-lace panties with two side-ties that were biting into the fair white flesh of her hips. He mentally commented that he could have made a pair that would have fit more comfortably but kept it to himself since Naaza had probably put in a lot of effort picking them out, not for herself, but for him.
After letting her aura develop further, taking on a deep red hue, Vahn equipped his last piece of clothing, the dark purple boxers he had been wearing. He was currently hugging Naaza close to his body so, when his dragon was freed from its restraints, it came into direct contact with her flesh. Naaza, against his expectations, actually brought her hands to his member and began feeling it with her palms while continuing to sniff his neck. She would intermittently lick him, a sign that Naaza's 'limiter' was about to be removed. Even more so than Cat People, Chienthropes were very fond of licking when they were excited. Naaza showed more restraint than normal so the fact that she was beginning to 'slip' was a flag for Vahn to start.
Knowing she would request it anyways, Vahn stroked Naaza's hair and said, "Turn's time..." Naaza's body trembled noticeably when he said this and, though he hadn't looked with his own eyes just yet, Vahn could feel the heat radiating from her lower body. She looked up at him with slightly watery eyes, a flushed expression, and a small smile on her lips. In a soft and loving tone of voice, Naaza's said, "I love you, Vahn..." before kissing him on the lips. She then gave him a very firm hug, lasting for several seconds longer than she intended when she heard him repeat, "I love you too, Naaza. Thank you for loving me..."
After their embrace came to an end, Naaza turned her back to him and, instead of wagging, Vahn noticed her tail was curled up under her butt. He also noticed that Naaza's blush began to deepen considerably as she crawled down on all fours and began trembling. There were no negative emotions in her aura so Vahn assumed she was just very excited, something he confirmed moments later when he removed the ties of Naaza's panties, freeing them from her pearl-white buttocks. When he moved them to the side, Vahn's eyes widened because he saw that a large portion of the green lace was dyed a much darker color. It was so soaked through with Naaza's love juices that a drop fell from the fabric and onto the bedding below.
Turning his surprised eyes to Naaza's backside, Vahn lifted her tail and was awed by the sight before him. While Naaza's trembling increased greatly, Vahn was too stunned by the visual of Naaza's love juices having already stained her thighs as if she had just gotten out of the bath. Though still a virgin, her vulva was lightly swollen and had started to separate slightly as her crimson interior palpitated with her heartbeat. Vahn knew Chienthropes also went into heat, a common term for the ovulation cycle of most Beast Humans, and it was 'very' apparent that her body was ready for sexual intercourse. As if to emphasize this face, Naaza's somewhat raspy voice reached his ears as she said, "Vahn...hurry...."
Naaza's face was flushed crimson red and there was an urgent intonation to her voice as she gave him a very impatient look. Vahn was stunned by this change in the generally reserved and bashful Naaza until a phrase he had heard from Loki repeated in his ears, "The quiet and bashful ones are actually the ones you have to look out for. They might be calm on the surface but, get them alone in a room, and they can turn into some real freaks, kukuku~." With his relatively recent experience with Lefiya, Vahn now firmly believed in Loki's words so, without any further hesitation, he positioned himself at her sickeningly hot entrance and slowly moved his hips forward.
Like Lili, as a show of camaraderie, Naaza had also taken two doses of medicine to help ease the burden of her first time. Unlike Lili, however, her body was far more mature and had developed into a very womanly figure. Vahn easily moved into her depths, broke through her relatively thin hymen, and then pushed against her cervix as her body expanded, nearly swallowing his entire length. Then, as he had expected, Naaza's vagina tightened into an inescapable 'trap' as she released a loud and contented sigh. She didn't show any signs of pain or discomfort for having just lost her virginity, instead, showing a happy smile as she hugged her pillow.
Though there were exceptions, such as the case with Anubis, sex with a Chienthrope was a relatively straightforward affair. Vahn just had to sit there and 'tolerate' the ridiculous amount of pleasure assaulting his penis as Naaza's vagina did most of the work. Moving would not only be very difficult for him, but it would actually hurt Naaza. Even so, without moving much at all, Naaza's vagina massaged his shaft and squeezed in a rhythmic manner while her cervix actually seemed to writhe about against his glans in a very stimulating manner. This was actually Vahn's first time having 'normal' sex with a Chienthrope and his brows were constantly twitching at the unexpectedly pleasant stimulation...
Around this time, Vahn was also just about to take Lili's virginity so he felt his focus shifting to the other room a little as the image of Lili straddling his hips overlapped with Naaza happily moving her butt from side-to-side. Her tail was also wagging back-and-forth, brushing against his abdomen while Naaza panted and produced sensual moans that tickled his ears. When Lili lowered herself onto his shift, Vahn felt a shudder run down his body, fortunately, unnoticed by Naaza who seemed to be in her own little world. The stimulation in her vagina had actually been increasing, seemingly powered by her heartbeat and unique muscles reserved exclusively for procreation. Vahn knew that the longer he was with Naaza, the more her body would adapt to him and, if the rumors were to be believed, there was no such thing as a man who wasn't satisfied with their Chienthrope lover.
Doing his best to ignore what was happening to his other self, which was very difficult since it was literally happening to him, Vahn massaged Naaza's butt as her moans became much louder. There was no thrusting, but she would wiggle her hips as if she were finding the best angle for both of them, something that helped keep Vahn grounded in this room as he moved along with her efforts. Then, after pushing her butt against him, Naaza lowered her head and the pressure on his penis almost doubled in an instant.
Vahn clenched his teeth as the pressure worked its way from the entrance of Naaza's vagina until it reached her cervix. Once it tightened around his glans, the pressure eased up greatly for a few seconds before the cycle repeated. Vahn, though having a lot of experience with powerful stimulation, couldn't stop himself from groaning as a result of the ridiculous amount of pressure. He almost began to question why Anubis didn't have sex the normal way but that thought didn't survive the next wave of 'suction' coming from Naaza's vagina. This was her body's instincts trying to 'force' him to ejaculate as the result of her increased sexual excitement.
Naaza's face currently had a very rosy hue to it and, as she had turned her head to the side, Vahn could see that her eyes were glazed slightly as her tongue nearly hung free from her mouth. Every time she would create the pressure, she would tightly close her eyes and mouth, trembling as if she was expecting something. When it didn't come, she would release a hot sigh and repeat the process, absolutely determined to get what her body craved. Like Lili, she came into the day completely accepting, even anticipating, that she might walk away from the event with a pregnant belly. Naaza didn't actually like going into the Dungeon that much and, if she didn't have to, she would rather stay at the Manor and continue developing medicines. Taking care of a child wouldn't take away too much of her time and, seeing all of Vahn's adorable children, Naaza couldn't help but want one of her own...
Unaware that Naaza had actually been involved in the same 'scheme' with Lili, though they had originally planned to get impregnated together, Vahn finally reached his limit. He had already suppressed his body into his pseudo-erebea state so he released a large volume of seme into Naaza's insides. As if 'finally' getting what it had craved, Naaza's vagina completely locked down, 'sealing' his penis in place as the pressure that had forced him to climax slowly wrung him dry. This time, the pressure around the base of his penis remained firm while rhythmic waves moved any stray fluid from the vagina towards the greedily devouring cervix in Naaza's depths. If she didn't take a pill, it was almost guaranteed she would become another expectant mother within the Manor.
The stimulation in Naaza's vagina continued long after he had already been wrung dry. Traditionally, a 'mate' would eventually go soft after spending their essence. Most races weren't biologically adapted to someone like Vahn so, as if it didn't know what to do, Naaza's vagina continued to suck his firm member as they both trembled lightly. Naaza had an especially frustrated expression as anxiety and pleasure fought within her body and mind. The mechanism that made her body seek to be impregnated was actually very taxing and it wasn't something she had any real control over. She knew what the 'problem' was but, in her current state, Naaza couldn't even open her mouth as a giddy feeling began to rise up in the back of her brain. Fortunately, she remembered a secondary means of communicating with Vahn so, after pinging his mind, she 'begged', ("Vahn, you have to go soft or pull out. I'm going to pass out soon if you don't release me!")
Vahn almost wanted to retort that she was the one that needed to release him but he also knew her inexperienced body only knew how to 'breed', not simply have sex for pleasure. Fortunately, the rhythmic pressure that had been 'milking' him wasn't actually that intense. Vahn relaxed his mind, something that was exceeding difficult considering what he was doing in the other room, and slowly allowed his penis to become soft. Naaza's vagina seemed to realize what was happening as the intense pressure holding him in place eased up in an instant. Naaza plopped forward powerlessly and began to take large gulps of air, having held her breath for nearly five minutes under very intense stress and stimulation.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Vahn looked down at Naaza's naked body and marveled at how beautiful she was. Sex with her was also a very unique experience and Vahn knew it would only get better as her body continues to develop. For now, however, he just laid down next to her tired body and pulled her into his embrace. They hadn't been able to kiss much earlier and, as he was currently very distracted by what was happening with Lili, Vahn figured now was a good time to catch up on lost time. Naaza was in a very affectionate mood as well so she happily reciprocated, being far more proactive than in the past. In the end, she even took to licking as a form of affection and, surprising Vahn yet another time, wrapped up their long session by showing her 'gratitude' to his penis. Vahn wasn't sure why such a thing was necessary but he wasn't going to turn down Naaza's offer of fellatio...
(A/N: I managed to just extend the chapter to around 4k words and compressed everything into one. No cliffs today~!)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Belly rubs are super effective (UwU)','OTL...','Cooperative Entrapment!? Naaza has been corrupted by Lili~!') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
The evening of the same day, after Vahn had taken care of Lili and Naaza individually, he eventually ended up in their room with both of the girls. Though the mood was still conducive for nightly activities, Naaza was already completely spent and, though Lili seemed to have boundless energy, Vahn couldn't easily focus on a conversation while having sex in another room. Naaza had inquired about how long he would be with Lili, while she and Vahn had been cuddling up after the fact, so Vahn eventually took 'decisive' action to get Lili to calm down. Now, he was snuggling up with both girls in Naaza's bed as they talked about the future, their hopes, dreams, and intentions.
After hearing what they had to say, Vahn felt like a soft spot had been touched in his heart because there was always something fulfilling about having a woman tell you she wanted your children. He had been a little surprised by Naaza but, after hearing her reasoning, Vahn could understand. She was similar to Aki, being that she didn't actually like the Dungeon, and, after nearing dying in the past, her distaste for the cold and dark place had increased greatly. She had put in the effort to become strong, and still intended to become even stronger, but no longer wanted to be a main combatant. Instead, Naaza wanted to focus on becoming a great Alchemist while continuing her magical studies. Now that she had her [Pactio], Spiritus Pharmacopola, there were a lot of things she wanted to research that combined the studies of both magic and [Mixing]. Her dream, besides happily raising a family, was to become the greatest Alchemist in the Alliance...
Lili was arguably more 'selfish' than Naaza, as her intentions made her want to experiences the best of both worlds. She not only wanted a happy, and apparently very large, family, but Lili also wanted to be a main combatant. Though she wasn't actually that fond of the Dungeon herself, her entire life had revolved around it and, desiring greater strength, Lili knew she would have to probe into its depths. At the same time, as one of his personal Disciples, Lili wanted to become a capable Magic Knight to further enhance her physical capabilities. As for her 'dream', she had several goals in mind that combined together to create her ideal picture of happiness. She sought strength, so that she could be relied upon, while simultaneously seeking knowledge so that she could always offer good advice when needed. At the same time, Lili wanted to become a 'special' existence to Vahn, apparently to curb his curiosity towards other races while satiating her own desires. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Lili wanted to have a big family. She wanted to 'defeat' the version of herself in the Divination but her true intention was to increase the number of Pallums in the world that could experience growing up in a happy and safe environment. Her own parents had mistreated her and, as a result of her past trauma, Lili wanted to have children of her own to break free from the cycle...
When they had both laid themselves bare, Vahn spent a fair amount of time thinking about things before eventually saying, "I don't mind if the two of you want to become pregnant, especially since you've already found your resolve to do so. I'll do my best to be a good father and also support both of your dreams, even if I don't always have the time to divert my focus in its fullest capacity." Both Naaza and Lili understood what Vahn was trying to say as, the greater number of children in the house, the less time he could actually spend with everyone. He already had to 'split' his body into two just to keep pace and, it would likely be several years until things began to calm down. Fortunately, even if Vahn couldn't always make time for the children, everyone in the Manor worked together to look after them, just like they all supported each other for their shared happiness.
Seeing that the girls were being very understanding, Vahn couldn't help but smile, even though he had to add, "Lili, you're still very young and you have to seriously consider your decisions in the future. You're at the best age to develop your magic power further and, if my intuition proves correct, there will be a lot of fighting within the next 2-3 years. Becoming a mother right now may not be the most opportune time if you want to grow quickly...not that I will stop you. If necessary, I will look for methods to help you increase your strength safely, even while pregnant..." Lili, still naked as the day she was born, tightly squeezed his arm with a happy smile and said, "Don't worry, Vahn, I've already thought about it a lot..."
As a Pallum, Lili's pregnancy was much shorter than the average and, in as little as six months, there was a high chance she would have given birth. If things worked the same way as they did in the Divination, her first pregnancy would very like be triplets. Lili felt like this would be enough at first and, even if she couldn't go into the Dungeon for the next six months, she had already intended to seriously study magic in that time. If possible, she wanted to get permission to stay within the Sub-Space orb, to give her more time to work with, but Lili didn't mind that much. Vahn spent a lot of time in the real world and it would potentially increase the amount of time she could spend with him if she also stayed outside during her pregnancy. Since Vahn had a tendency to pamper the pregnant girls, Lili was looking forward to it a little...well, a lot...
Since Lili seemed sure, Vahn just nodded his head while stroking her arm gently in support of her conviction. She had always been the type to seriously consider things so, having already made the decision, Lili had likely thought about everything in detail. He would just need to make sure she wasn't in danger during her pregnancy but, if his speculation proved correct, there shouldn't be any issues. Even though he wasn't a Pallum when they had sex, Vahn was confident that Lili's children would still be pure-blooded Pallums. It might have been a quirk of his body being comprised of source energy, but Vahn didn't seem to have a normal genetic structure at all. Instead, his 'contribution' towards the children seemed to purify their racial traits instead.
Vahn first noticed this when Aki gave birth to Anise, as their daughter had the appearance of a pure-blooded Cat Person, instead of a Half-Cat Person. As for the differences between them, Half-Cat Persons would generally have smaller tails, or none at all. Their ears would also be smaller and wider than normal with a small chance of them having human ears as well. Anise, however, looked perfectly normal and, though her ears and tail were currently adorable, they were actually more distinguishable than a normal Cat Person child, something which had been pointed out by Aki, Arnya, Chloe, and Milan almost immediately after they saw her.
With Anise as the precedent, Vahn got even more support for his suspicions with the birth of Meinya, his daughter with Arnya. Like Anise, Meinya seemed to be a pure-blooded Cat Person, something that Arnya was excited about since she had been secretly worried about birth defects. Many Half-Races had a lot of issues in their youth and there weren't many mothers that wouldn't worry about the healthy development of their children. Vahn had also been very happy that both of his daughters were healthy and, as they were both very adorable little kittens, Vahn was looking forward to having them running around the Manor in the future...
The final nail in the coffin, almost confirming his suspicions entirely, was when Tsubaki gave birth to their daughter Sakuya. Since Tsubaki was already a Half-Dwarf, she had been very nervous about if their child would be healthy. Vahn wasn't nearly as worried since he had seen their daughter in the Divination, already having become a powerful warrior. As for what was special about her birth, it was the fact that she obviously had inherited the traits of a Half-Dwarf, but her features were more 'refined' than normal. She didn't look entirely Human, nor did she look like a Dwarf and, much like when he had 'purified' Eina's blood, Sakuya had enhanced characteristics of both races. She would undoubtedly have a large amount of physical strength in the future while possessing the capabilities of casting magic without any of the difficulties that would have been expected of her heritage.
With several precedents having been observed, Vahn was almost certain that his race actually didn't matter whenever he impregnated a woman. Instead, his bloodline just seemed to purify and enhance the characteristics of his partner's race further. If this was the truth of the matter, it meant that Lili's pregnancy should proceed without any of the dangers typically associated with the union between a Human and a Pallum. This was assuming, of course, that Lili didn't something manage to give birth to a trio of Amazonesses. Fortunately, though her body seemed to emulate the characteristics of other races, it didn't change Lili's actual race. Vahn had even confirmed with his own eyes that the flow of energy in her body didn't change much, meaning she was still undoubtedly a Pallum...even if she was 'very' unique...
After cuddling and talking for the better part of two hours, the conversation was naturally reaching its conclusion. It was already well after lunch time so Vahn asked, "Are the two of you hungry? We can go get something from the kitchen, or I can just pull some dishes out of my storage dimension." At this point, Naaza made what Vahn felt to be a very adorable yawn before she rested her head against his chest and said, "I'm only a little hungry, but I'm very tired...I think I'll take a nap and then just eat a bigger dinner later." Vahn smiled, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then smiled even wider when he saw her tail begin to wag happily.
Unlike Naaza, Lili was still raring to go, almost like she had an unlimited amount of stamina while her body was still in high tensions from earlier. Seeing Naaza 'giving up' so soon, Lili lamented internally because she wasn't sure what decision was the best. She wasn't actually that hungry either, but she also didn't want to just take a nap. Deciding to eat in the room had the possibility of Vahn just giving her some food while he snuggled up with Naaza and joined her for a nap. If they left and ate something in the kitchen, however, the chance of things heating up again was somewhat less likely. Since she would also feel a little guilty about leaving Naaza alone in the room, this only gave her the option of joining them for a nap or trying to convince Vahn to split his body again...
While Lili was stuck considering her options, Vahn had already noticed the abnormality in her aura and managed to deduce what she must be thinking. He produced a wry smile inside of his mind because it was apparent that Lili's 'appetite' matched that of the other battle-crazed girls. Ais, Tiona, Tione, and, to a lesser extent, Tsubaki all had this trait, not that Vahn really minded it that much. He was just worried about Lili's body, even though he had already healed all of the internal damage she had suffered previously. Still, considering that it was her birthday today, Vahn decided to pamper her a bit more than he normally would have. Thus, while resting his head against the top of the slowly dozing off Naaza, Vahn formed his Avatar next to the bed before silently gesturing to the shocked Lili.
Seeing Vahn bring out his second body, Lili couldn't help feeling very happy with how considerate he was towards her. She didn't even have to bring it up herself and Vahn had already figured out what she wanted. Though she knew it was likely that he was giving her special treatment today, Lili didn't mind at all. Instead, she intended to take full advantage of the fact today was birthday and 'celebrate' until the date changed. Thus, only bothering to wrap her body in a blanket, Lili happily accompanied Vahn back to his bedroom where they ate a delicious lunch. She enjoyed the unique experience of sitting in his lap, still completely naked, as he fed her sweets and fruit by hand. Afterward, in order to 'thank' him for his consideration, Lili used her [Cinder*Ella] to emulate the features of a Werewolf girl. She knew Vahn had an interest in Rose from the Guild branch and decided to sate his curiosity to prevent the already large number of women around him from increasing...
Vahn awoke early the next day with two naked girls sleeping atop his body in entirely separate rooms. Seeing Lili with floppy rabbit ears, Vahn had a soft smile as he lightly ran his fingers through her pale-blue hair. At the same time, he was hugging Naaza from behind, enjoying the scent of her hair and the natural fragrance from her body. He found her mature form, and how 'natural' their interactions had been the previous day, very pleasant. Though he was more than a little intrigued with how 'unique' an existence Lili was, Vahn didn't think he would be able to keep his sensibilities if he only associated with someone like her. By the time the night had come to an end, Lili had emulated the characteristics of an Amazoness, Werewolf, Weretiger, Elf, and Hume Bunny. Vahn had been a little overwhelmed by her form as a petite, yet busty, blond-haired Elf girl. However, the biggest impact had been when Lili tried to assume the form of a Vanargandr, which had been the only transformation he refused outright...
Sensing his movement, Lili opened her hazy purple eyes and released a silent yawn while stretching her small body. When she was finished, Lili smiled and crawled onto his chest and kissed him on the lips before hugging him tightly and saying, "Yesterday was amazing...I hope I can get this kind of birthday present next year...ehehe~." Lili knew that, under normal circumstances, she wouldn't be able to get away with nearly as much as she had the previous day. However, now was a good opportunity to at least guarantee that she would have the opportunity in the future. She couldn't behave in a spoiled manner all the time, but that didn't mean she would give up trying to have Vahn spoil her plentily...
Vahn embraced Lili's thin body, firmly holding her in his embrace as he reciprocated her kiss before saying, "Sure...I'm certain things will be even better for both of us in the future..." This answer seemed to please Lili a great deal, as she tightly squeezed his face against her plush little bunnies with a happy 'squee'. If not for the fact they both had things to take care of this morning, Lili would have tried to press her luck and made full use of her current Hume Bunny traits. Instead, Lili held herself back and, knowing she couldn't act selfishly all the time, decided she would have to tempt Vahn into action without directly asking.
When Lili separated him from, Vahn was somewhat surprised until he saw her crawling toward the edge of the bed with her butt waggling towards him. She didn't have the most shapely and mature figure, by a long shot, but Vahn felt his eyes drawn to her pale buttocks and the fluffy pale-blue rabbit tail lightly twitching on her backside. He could tell from her aura, and the way she was acting, that Lili was trying to tempt him with her body. Still, as enticing a sight it was, Vahn cooled down rather quickly since Lili's young body almost forced him to think calmly. In fact, he was more impacted by the 'sad' look she gave him when she made it to the edge of the bed than when she was wagging her butt in an effort to tempt him...
With a casual smile on his face, Vahn also hopped out of the bed and began to stroker her rabbit-like ears as he said, "Don't be in such a rush, Lili. From now on, there will be plenty of time for that kind of activity. Now that you're an adult, I won't place so many restrictions on you...just don't get carried away." Lili had squinted her eyes happily when he was petting her but, after she heard his words, it was like her happiness multiplied several times as she tightly hugged his waist. Vahn continued to stroke her pale-blue hair with a smile on his face, doing his best to ignore the fact that Lili was pressing her breasts against his lower body. Her height made it so that her face was near his navel and 'dangerously' close to his sleeping dragon, which was currently being 'tempted' by the two sacrificial bunnies...
Since there was still a bit of time, Vahn ended up accompany Lili into the bath as his second body brought along Naaza a few minutes later. Most of the girls used to onsen inside of the orb these days, so they had the massive bath to themselves. Vahn noticed there were some storm clouds forming overhead, meaning there would likely be a heavy downpour today. He wouldn't have cared much in normal circumstances, as he was actually rather fond of the rain, but these particular clouds made Vahn feel very solemn. His instincts towards danger, which had been slumbering for some time, seemed to have been stirred awake by the rumbling sound of thunder.
Feeling a cold drop of water hit her head, Lili looked towards the sky and mused, "Maybe we should go inside...I don't want to get hit by a bolt of lightning in the bath." Hearing this, Naaza's face turned slightly pale, something Lili found amusing as she added, "Don't worry, Naaza, I was just joking. With the Babel Tower acting as a massive lightning rod, there has never been an instance of lightning striking anywhere in the City~." This made Naaza feel a little better but, seeing the serious expression on Vahn's face, she couldn't help but feel nervous as she asked, "Vahn...? Is something the matter?" This caught Lili's attention as well, as she had been facing away from Vahn while he was previously washing her hair.
Vahn had his eyes turned towards the sky, staring unblinkingly at the storm clouds overhead while Lili sat between his legs. Both girls could see there was a cautious glint in his eyes, making the solemn expression of his face even more serious. In an instant, the tension of their bodies increased and both girls entered an alert state as Lili repeated, "Vahn, what is it...?" Shaking his head slightly, Vahn didn't know how to answer either of their inquiries as he slowly rose to his feet, eyes still trained towards the sky. Lili had been in very close proximity to him, so her mind stalled a bit when he stood up and she got a front row seat to his slumbering dragon.
He didn't know why, but Vahn felt very unnerved by the storm clouds overhead, even though they wouldn't actually pose a threat to him. To be safe, he firmly said, "Go inside...make sure everyone else is safe..." Without questioning his words, Lili and Naaza quickly extricated themselves from the hot water and ran inside the Manor. Lili even went so far as to change into her [Pactio] raiment the moment she left the water, mentally preparing herself for an attack. Vahn rarely got serious like this, especially after his strength had increased, so Lili wanted to be prepared for the worst. As for Naaza, her raiment didn't provide much in the way of defense and it consumed a lot of her magic power to activate. For the time being, she just quickly changed into her clothes while Lili went to inform everyone of the abnormality.
When the two girls left the onsen, Vahn noticed that there was a small fluctuation in his instincts, almost like whatever had caused him to feel endangered had briefly diverted its focus from him. This realization made Vahn's mind turn cold as his [Will of the Emperor] activated in full force. That small fluctuation told him everything he needed to know about the situation. Someone had been watching them and, based on how the intent had followed the girls for a brief moment, Vahn's impression of whatever entity had the gall to spy on them had hit rock bottom. Not only did they dare to peek in on them in the bath, but they had the audacity to eye up two of the girls he had, very likely, just impregnated. Even if they weren't pregnant yet, Vahn already had the mentality that they had become far more precious to him than before...just imagining someone having intentions towards them filled him with an icy cold rage...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's existence is very 'convenient' xD...','Lili is trying to get Vahn arrested...',' Eye of the Storm...') <-(p.atreon link)
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