19.32% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 452: Daily Life?

章 452: Daily Life?

Soon after he touched down at the Manor, Vahn could sense a presence rapidly making its way toward him. It was an aura similar to his own so Vahn was able to easily guess that it was Fenrir coming to greet him at the door, as per usual. However, unlike in the past, Vahn was now in a different form and he was curious how she would react. With a bit of intrigue, Vahn opened the door as Fenrir trotted forward and hugged his waist as she said, "Vahn, welcome home~!" Vahn smiled and began stroking the bristly hair of Fenrir as he asked, "You can tell it's me so easily?"

Fenrir looked up into his face with a confused expression on her's as she asked, "Vahn was trying to fool Fenrir?" A peal of laughter escaped Vahn's lips as he ruffled her hair and said, "Of course not, Fenrir, I wouldn't try to fool you like this..." Fenrir nodded her head happily before running off to her previous location without delay. Unless Vahn asked her to stay, she knew it was better to tend to her own matters so she wouldn't be a bother to him. Vahn watched her retreating figure with his eyes and realized she was growing up a lot faster after learning about the Divination...

Vahn made his way to his workshop while thinking if he should stop by and try to prank some of the other girls within the Manor before he tried to return to normal. When he was having a discussion with Hephaestus earlier, Vahn realized that he couldn't easily alter his form right now and it seemed like the [Transfiguration Lens] was holding his current shape. He very well might be stuck as Tiona for the entire twenty-four hours at this rate, not that it particularly bothered him. It was sure to cause a small stir within the girls of the Manor, but Vahn expected them to be more intrigued than off-put by the current situation.

Using the tips he had received from Tsubaki and Hephaestus, Vahn began to set out various types of hide and leathers that he was going to treat in order to soften them up. Treating them made the material slightly weaker, but Vahn was going to be working with several layers for the final design and it wouldn't make a big difference. He used slightly thicker parts to cover the important areas, like the heart, spine, kidneys, and the interior of the thigh, before covering the entire thing with a thin layer of shadowsilk. The final interior base ended up looking like a bodysuit that covered the neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and thighs. Vahn felt it looked a little bit like the start of an assassin's outfit and decided that he needed to use lighter colors for the exterior layers if he wanted to avoid making things excessively dark.

Once he was finished with the interior design, Vahn turned his attention to the four girls that had shown up previously and had been watching him work for a fair amount of time. Seeing that he was now paying attention to them, Tiona shot up from the sofa and approached Vahn like a charging animal as she began to pat around and inspect his body with glittering eyes and a large smile on her face. Tione gave Vahn a strange look and said, "I'm not even sure what to say about this..." Ais, however, seemed to find the current situation pretty interesting as she joined Tiona in inspecting Vahn's figure.

To save the girls the effort, Vahn equipped a stretchy amazonian top and a pair of small shorts so they wouldn't strip off the clothes he was wearing. Tiona's eyes widened for a brief moment before she began laughing and said, "This is totally cool~! It's like looking at a mirror image of myself, ehehehehe~!" Tione looked Vahn up and down before focusing on a specific part of his body and nodded her head as she said, "Indeed...I could have almost mistaken him for me if not for a certain aspect..." Since Vahn didn't have his hair tied up like Tiona, it was hanging loosely around his head and there wasn't a great difference in his appearance compared to Tione, except that his hair was shorter.

Tiona didn't seem to mind Tione's little quip as she completely ignored the remark and asked, "Did you really become me completely~?" Vahn shook his head and said, "Maybe appearance-wise, but it hasn't affected my skills and abilities at all..." Toward the end of Vahn's words, he transformed into his Báihǔ form and caused the eyes of all four girls to widen greatly. His black hair become white, with black undertones, and his brown eyes turned blue as a tiger-like tail poked out of his exposed backside. Fur grew along his forearms and calves at a visible rate and a pair of circular tiger ears popped out of his hair moments later. To emphasize he was still himself, even more, Vahn held up one of his claws and a tiny flame appeared at the tip of his finger.

Though her eyes had already been shining like stars, Tiona's eyes shone with greater intensity as she held up both hands and said, "So coooool~! I wish I could transform like this~!" She picked up Vahn's free hand and began running her fingers through the relatively thick white and black fur with an unconcealed interest in her expression. Lefiya seemed to hint up something, however, as she asked, "If your body has changed into that of Tiona's, how are you able to so easily use your magic and other abilities? Did the flow of energy in your body not change? What race are you currently?"

Lefiya had grown somewhat accustomed to Vahn's 'abnormalities' and had been assisting Riveria a lot in her research when she had free time. Seeing Vahn transform and use magic so easily caused several new questions to appear in her mind because, as Vahn himself had stated, the only difference between races was the flow of their energy. If Vahn was emulating Tiona's body, he should have replicated her flow and lost the ability to use magic entirely. The fact that he was able to do so meant there was more going on than physical changes.

Vahn had tilted his head in contemplation as Tiona handled his body freely and played with his arms, ears, and even his somewhat sensitive tail. What Lefiya was saying was correct so Vahn had started to inspect the inner workings of his body in detail in order to better understand the changes that had occurred. Since he had Tiona standing next to him, he could directly compare himself with her and find abnormalities much faster. Vahn hadn't really thought about it earlier, as he had been talking to Hephaestus while maintaining his [Enkidu], but the energy flow he had manipulated to change his body was his default flow. Even though he was in the form of Tiona, his energy was still normal and wasn't remotely similar to the somewhat ditzy Amazon.

After realizing this, Vahn explained the situation to Lefiya, who had already taken out a notebook, and they began to talk about the possibilities. It seemed that the effect of unique items was much greater than they had anticipated. Either that or it meant that the flow of energy was only one of the factors that determined a person's form and capabilities. Vahn knew about the existence of genetics and wondered if it was possible to emulate a specific flow while manipulating the genetic structure to give something a different shape. If true, Vahn might one day be able to 'engineer' something like a homunculus that had the shape of a human but the energy flow of a dragon. He was nowhere near such capabilities and didn't even know where to start, but it was interesting to think about.

By the time their discussion had come to an end, Vahn was being hugged by Tiona from behind as if she had claimed his current body as her own. Ais seemed to have lost a bit of interest at some point and had started to inspect the designs Vahn was working on, including the under armor which was situated on a mannequin that looked vaguely similar to herself. When the main conversation between Vahn and Lefiya had come to an end, Ais pulled at the fabric a little and asked, "Is this for me...?" Hearing her question, Vahn smiled and tried to liberate himself from Tiona but was held firmly by the Amazon who began to laugh in a playful manner before letting him go.

Vahn could tell that Tiona was a bit 'excited' at the moment and sent a glance toward Tione which was easily interpreted by the elder twin. She felt a little annoyed seeing 'Tiona' behaving like Vahn as she wore completely different clothes than were commonly worn by their people. The Vahn version of Tiona looked a lot more casual and confident than Tiona herself and Tione realized she was also likely overshadowed by him a bit. It was easier to tolerate in his base form, but now that they looked almost identical to each other, Tione couldn't help but feel a little bothered...

To answer Ais's question, Vahn picked up the diagram he was working from and explained, "I'm actually trying to make under-armor that can be worn by everyone in the Manor. It's something that can be worn under your normal armor and will provide extra physical, magical, and defensive capabilities. It will probably take a fair amount of research, but I'm confident I'll be able to make armor that is suitable for everyone in the future. I want to make a standardized set of equipment that can be swapped out easily so that I can optimally stock my inventory with interchangeable parts..."

Ais seemed to get excited at the prospect of new equipment, as was evident by the smile on her face. Anything that could make her stronger was something welcome by the little Sword Princess. Since it was something created by Vahn, the same person that produced her [Gram], Ais couldn't contain her own excitement easily and her reaction caused Vahn to smile widely, satisfied by her response. Afterward, Vahn talked a little bit about the specifics and got the input of the present girls about their own preferences for such things.

Tiona and Tione didn't seem to like the idea of having their backs and bellies covered since it would restrict their movements, but Vahn assured them that wouldn't be the case. If they ultimately couldn't tolerate the basic design, however, Vahn offered to tailor it to their liking once he made some headway in his research. Ais, believing that it would make her even stronger, actually asked for a version that covered the entire body. As for Lefiya, she didn't have much input and was just curious about how it would be able to enhance her magical capabilities in the future. Vahn explained about the artificial mana circuits he was going to create and it caused a tiny flame of excitement to burn in the generally bashful Elf's eyes...

Since they didn't want to keep him from his work for too long, the girls prepared to leave after eating a light lunch, provided by Vahn himself. Tiona, however, decided to ask, "How long are you going to be in my body like that?" Vahn tilted his head slightly and said, "Until around 8 AM tomorrow morning...?" Tiona smiled widely at his response and said, "I want to be able to sleep together with you when you're like this~! Tione and I have developed differences over time and seeing your current appearance is like viewing a second twin. Or maybe we can pretend to be triplets~!?"

Tione flinched slightly at Tiona's words before shaking her head and saying, "I'll pass...I'll wait until Vahn returns to normal before sharing the same bed. I have enough stress just dealing with one Tiona..." Hearing her big sister's words, Tiona began to laugh sheepishly as both Ais and Lefiya also removed themselves from consideration. Ais liked Vahn's normal state more and it made her feel weird seeing him look like Tiona. As for Lefiya, she also felt it was a little strange seeing two Tiona side-by-side and wanted to stay with Ais instead. Tiona became a little dejected by the girls' reactions but Vahn reached out his hand and patted the top of her head and said, "Sure..." completely banishing any negative thoughts that were beginning to well up inside her.

Vahn would have to talk it over with Eina, but he also expected she would sleep in her own room given his current appearance. Even though most of the girls were relatively fine with being in the same room, even during intimate moments, it was only because Vahn himself was there guiding things along somewhat. It was perfectly normal for the girls to have some inhibitions about sharing the same bed with him in his current state, even if they didn't actually do anything sexual. Vahn could tell by their auras that they didn't actually have any negative thoughts about his appearance and was even certain he could 'convince' them if he wanted to. However, Vahn wasn't fond of forcing such situations on people and let them act as they pleased.

After the girls left, Vahn continued working on the under-armor and started the arduous process of creating the scales and trying to attach them to the outfit. Because he couldn't recognize the material that was used in the Divination, Vahn assumed it was something he had created himself and began experimenting with different methods to produce them. Since the base material was bluish-black in coloration, Vahn assumed it had been made of Mithril, as it was also capable of conducting mana and served a similar function.

Making the actual scales was harder than he expected since the material needed to be incredibly thin. Vahn ultimately had to 'shave' off flakes of Mithril using an Adamantine scalpel before shaping them into the correct size. As for the runes, and the mana circuits, Vahn used his [Eyes of Truth] to create an incredibly thin channel before using a need to methodically insert flakes of Orichalcum into the channel. Once he got enough inside, Vahn used his ability to infuse fire elements into an object in order to melt down just the orichalcum itself so it would become a singular solid. By the time he was finished with one scale, it had taken more than an hour and Vahn was certain this wasn't the correct method.

Though he was positive the end result would be S-Ranked, Vahn knew this wasn't a practical method since each set of under-armor would take thousands of such scales before reaching completion. Even if he worked on a single set for an entire month, Vahn probably wouldn't finish unless there were absolutely no hiccups. Since he wanted to create several sets of such equipment, there simply wasn't enough time if he used this method the entire time. He either needed to come up with a way to mass produce the scales, or he needed to find a more practical method to replace them. Vahn even began to suspect that it wasn't actually scales that he had seen in the second layer, but simply a pattern that he had carved into a mesh layer in order to emulate a similar function.

With his new train of thought, Vahn pulled out a piece of wyvern skin and tried carving a scaled pattern into the tough, but malleable, material. He found that it was much easier than trying to create individual scales, but it didn't seem like the solution he was looking for. He had some success carving runes on the surface of the wyvern hide but there was no easy way to create the mana circuits that would be necessary to activate them. Though the hide allowed mana to flow through it, it wasn't remotely as efficient as a material like Mithril so Vahn ended up scrapping the idea after an additional three hours of work. After taking several notes on potential solutions, which also documented his failures, Vahn cleaned up his workshop and decided to call it quits for the day.

As he had exerted himself a fair amount during the production process, Vahn had decided to take a bath before dinner. However, he quickly realized things weren't so 'simple' since he was still in the form of Tiona and it almost seemed 'risque' to take a bath right now. Of course, Vahn's curiosity won out in the end and he proceeded into to the bath without any real hesitation. It was a strange feeling, being attracted to his own form as he undressed, but it was also somewhat exciting and Vahn felt like everything he was experiencing was 'new'. The way a woman felt excitement was decidedly different from a man and Vahn could feel a giddy feeling in his lower body that had never existed before.

Since it was common for many of the girls to bathe before dinner, there were several present, including Tiona herself. Though there was a bit of confusion at first, people quickly realized it was Vahn that had arrived and a stir passed in the bath when they saw 'his' naked figure. The biggest reaction, unsurprisingly, came from the girls Vahn wasn't involved with, such as Preasia, Tina, and Shizune. Fenrir didn't seem to care at all and had Vahn was her body as if there had been no changes in his appearance. As for his own body, he lost the right to wash himself and it was left to Tiona and Syr to take care of the task. Syr didn't seem to be too affected by his change and, toward the end of the bath when they were getting dried off, actually asked if he wanted her to stay the night.

Vahn was tempted by the idea but knew things would probably develop in a 'strange' way if he added someone like Syr to the mix. Syr teased him a little after his refusal but didn't make any efforts to try and convince him otherwise. Afterward, Vahn got to experience having his own hair brushed by another person for the first time as Tiona treated his body as her personal plaything as he brushed Fenrir's hair. She even used ornaments to style up his hair in a similar manner to her own and seemed to really enjoy 'testing' new styles using Vahn as a template.

Since he could change clothing in an instant, Vahn was able to show off a variety of different outfits to the insatiably curious Amazon before dinner was finally completed. Vahn actually enjoyed the experience a fair amount because he also got to see 'Tiona' in the outfits that she was interested in while looking at himself in a standing mirror. As long as he didn't consider the reflection to be himself, Vahn found it was much easier to cope with wearing women's clothing...

Dinner was decidedly more awkward than normal and Vahn found himself flanked by Tiona and Tione so they looked like triplets that were sitting together. This was Emiru's and Maemi's first time seeing his current appearance and both girls seemed to take a big mental impact at the change. Vahn assured everyone that his current appearance would return to normal by the end of training tomorrow and pacified them with strawberry cheesecake and milk-tea. The awkwardness of the girls had been spreading to him and Vahn had started to feel very embarrassed by his decision to turn into Tiona earlier in the day.

Of course, not every girl had a negative reaction as Vahn seemed to be very popular with the youth troupe, after they had adapted to the change, as well as the more mature women like Tsubaki, Milan, and Syr. As for Eina, she hadn't been present for dinner as she was having a small celebratory party with her former colleagues that worked with her at the Guild. She was aware of Vahn's current change, however, and had informed him that she would be sleeping in the bed next door unless he specifically needed her.

As a result, Vahn ended up retiring to his room with just Tiona since he had declined the offers of both Syr and Loki, who had reached out to him through the network. Tiona didn't seem to like the idea of Loki showing up and playing with 'her' body so it ultimately resulted in just the two of them sharing his bed. For the moment he entered the room, however, Vahn felt like he had made a grave mistake as Tiona instantly clung to his body in an overly affectionate manner and said, "I can control my urges much better when you're like this...it makes me want to play with you lots and lots~!" as she began to nibble on his ear...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fenrir says, 'Vahn is Vahn...'','Tiona becomes a narcissist?','Danger~!')

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章 453: Reflection

Vahn could feel his brows twitching when Tiona began nibbling playfully on his ear and tracing her hands along the front side of his body. It could be because he wasn't used to the stimulation, but it felt like women were far more sensitive than men when it came to being touched. Vahn also considered it was just a trait of Tiona's, but that wasn't something he could deduce at the moment because of Tiona's antics. He had been wearing a grey tunic over his body but now Tiona was tracing her palm around his stomach so Vahn broke free from her. Just like when he was with Tsubaki, Vahn felt awkward to be on the receiving end of such acts, especially when he didn't know how to deal with the sensations of his current body.

Tiona had a somewhat embarrassed look on her face as she placed her hands behind her back and said, "Sorry, Vahn, I just thought it would be interesting to try it out...after all, it's not often you get to have a woman's body, especially mine..." Vahn pat his chest in order to calm his fluttering heart and said, "There are big differences in how men and women experience pleasure, and I don't think it would be 'healthy' if I got accustomed to such things..." As he spoke, Vahn felt a bit of peculiarity in his own words because he was, in fact, very curious about such things. However, seeing the long orgasms experience by some of the girls, Vahn was somewhat concerned about his own mental state.

Hearing his words, Tiona showed a small smile but Vahn could see the dejection in her demeanor. She had been exceptionally playful ever since he assumed her form and was probably just curious about a few things herself. Tiona was one of the people Vahn disliked seeing 'upset' more than anyone else, as anything but a cheerful and excited expression didn't suit her much. Even when he saw himself in the mirror earlier, Vahn felt like he 'needed' to smile or it would simply be strange. Since he hadn't actually had many inhibitions about it, Vahn released a sigh and said, "I don't mind 'playing' around for a bit, but I don't really want to be on the receiving end that much...besides, I didn't think you had bisexual tendencies?"

Tiona's smiled had brightened a fair amount at Vahn's words and she simply waved her hand dismissively at the last sentence as she said, "I wouldn't feel like this if I didn't know it was you that I was with, Vahn. It's very interesting to see my own body, but it's only because you're the one that took the form. I thought it would be something 'fun' we could experience together since there aren't any other girls present right now~." Vahn showed a wry smile at her words before unequipping his own clothing and climbing into bed in a mechanical fashion. Due to her excitement, it didn't take Tiona long before she had messily discarded her own clothing and leaped into the bed.

Vahn felt a bit of anxiety welling up inside of him and wasn't quite sure how to get things started until Tiona closed in on him like a predator and pushed him down and sealed his lips. A primal instinct awakened in Vahn and he quickly rolled over and pinned the 'aggressive' Tiona instead. She didn't make any effort to resist him at all and just began laughing as she reached out and prodded the pale buds on his chest. Vahn felt a shiver pass through his body as Tiona said, "My breasts might be small, but they are actually really sensitive. I wonder, how does it feel to you~?"

Feeling his own heart begin to race at the foreign stimulation, the corner of Vahn's eye twitched and he performed a similar action against Tiona, with admittedly greater skill. Tiona began laughing once again and the intonation in her voice slowly changed into a more sensual tone. She didn't have the benefit of Vahn's [Hands of Nirvana], but Tiona understood her own body well so she began to stroke Vahn's stomach and laughed as his expression broke somewhat. She wasn't entirely sure of the reason herself, but it always felt very exciting to have her lower abdomen rubbed by Vahn in the past.

Even though he was sure she was experiencing more than he was, Vahn found himself losing the momentum very quickly since everything was new to him. Simply moving around was somewhat awkward so, now that he was being 'teased' by Tiona, Vahn found that his own mental preparations were sorely lacking. Instead of his mind buzzing as usual, almost like there was a pressure building up, Vahn found his body was actually trembling instead and it was almost like a current was running through his abdomen. It was almost like his entire body was an erogenous zone and Vahn realized he would likely end up losing out in the end if he allowed Tiona to seize the initiative.

Unfortunately for him, even though he was the one on top, Tiona quickly got an advantage and, since it wasn't her first time doing lesbian play, ended up causing Vahn's hips to drop against her's when she opened her legs. Vahn had been straddling her earlier, but Tiona managed to force him down as he tried to escape her caress against his lower abdomen. When he fell, Vahn released out a high-pitch moan that caused his face to blush a great deal as a result. Even when he was a man, other than a few grunts and heavy breathing, Vahn had rarely ever made any audible sounds of pleasure and he found his own inability to resist the reaction of his body to be very embarrassing.

Realizing Vahn's condition, Tiona smiled in a mischevious manner and asked, "Do you want me to take over, or did you want to try something different~?" He might not have realized it himself yet, but Tiona could feel her own body trembling as Vahn slowly grinded against her as he furrowed his brows. When he heard her words, Vahn's frown deepened and he was very tempted to call it quits since it didn't seem like he would be able to keep going for long. There was a somewhat 'scary' feeling beginning to well up inside him and it triggered danger signals in the back of his mind.

Though it was a bit shameless, Vahn activated his [Will of the Emperor] to forcibly calm his body down as he looked into Tiona's brown eyes and said, "This is more difficult than I expected...I don't think I can adapt to the situation easily if things progress much further..." Tiona titled her head sideways and asked, "Are you afraid to experience how a woman feels an orgasm? I know it can be pretty intense, but it's actually very satisfying...I think you would regret it if you didn't experience it at least once~?" Hearing her words, Vahn ground his teeth a bit because he knew she was right. He didn't really have sex to experience the pleasure aspect, for the most part, so Vahn couldn't easily rationalize why he didn't want to have an orgasm other than 'instinct'.

Seeing the conflicted look on Vahn's face, Tiona showed a bit of concern in her expression before asking, "Vahn...you trust me, right?" Without considering the meaning behind her question, Vahn nodded his head and habitually replied, "Of course..." Tiona smiled in a cheerful manner after hearing his immediate response and said, "Just leave things to me then, okay~? I won't even tell any of the other girls what happened if it bothers you too much. I just want us to have something that is uniquely ours~!" Vahn, seeing the look in Tiona's eyes, and feeling the fluctuations of her aura, eventually caved into her insistence as he said, "Fine..."

Tiona's smile widened as she easily swapped positions with Vahn and had him lay against the bed before turning around atop his body. Before she leaned forward, Tiona said, "This might be a little intense so just focus on trying to make me feel good, okay~?" As it wasn't Vahn's first time in such a position, he knew exactly what Tiona had in mind and it made his body tremble just thinking about it. However, he didn't want to back down after having made his decision so he grabbed Tiona's hips and pulled them toward his face as she bent down, flush against his body.

Vahn felt an invasive and hot feeling against his lower body and instinctively closed his thighs together, something Tiona had already anticipated and prevented. Every time she moved her tongue, Vahn felt a tingling sensation run up his body and it wasn't until Tiona sat up and said, "My bottom is feeling a little lonely..." that he realized he hadn't actually started on his own end. Pushing his [Will of the Emperor] a little more, Vahn grabbed Tiona's hips and began attacking her weak spots in a skillful manner. He could feel Tiona's body tremble and now knew exactly what kind of reaction she was having since a similar sensation was passing through his own body.

Without the support of [Will of the Emperor], Vahn didn't think he would have lasted for more than a minute, even though Tiona's actions were somewhat sloppy. It seemed like she was trying to learn from him, but there was a vast difference in their experience and technical prowess. Unfortunately, his advantage wasn't nearly as evident as usual and Vahn found himself 'clinging' to Tiona's hips as he scrunched up his toes in an effort to resist the approaching 'wave' that felt like it was beginning to rise up in his body. At this point, it was like his abdomen had started to vibrate in a strange manner as a feeling of impending doom gripped his mind.

Feeling the changes in Vahn's body, Tiona took a deep breath before spreading about the fleshy and pliant mound and peeled back the masking cap that covered her own little bead. The fact that she had been essentially fellating herself was something that had been hoving in Tiona's mind and she couldn't help but apologize to Vahn in her own mind since he was going to be the victim of her curiosity. Without any real hesitation, Tiona gently nibbled on the small bead before flicking it with her tongue in an awkward manner. She could feel Vahn pulling down on her hips as he nails dug into her backside but it wasn't really that painful so she ignored it and continued her assault...

Vahn adamantly refused to release any cries but he couldn't do much about his body's instinct to cling to Tiona desperately as the reverberations in his own body increased to the breaking point. The sense of impending doom in his mind 'collapsed' and Vahn felt his legs spasm as electricity ran up and down his legs rapidly and he lost his ability to hold onto Tiona's body. With the collapse of his mind, Vahn felt like he couldn't do anything except simply 'experience' the moment as his own mind began to wander in a murky abyss. If not for Tiona weighing him down, Vahn felt like he would have drifted away into that abyss and lost himself in the moment entirely...

Tiona was very surprised by Vahn's reaction and her own body felt giddy as she watched his legs tremble rapidly. Even though it wasn't really her body, Tiona could see her insides writhing around and she couldn't resist the temptation to prod the contracting walls and feeling their vibrations. It was a very 'familiar' feeling against her fingers but also something entirely foreign because Vahn's reaction was decidedly different from her own. It was somewhat amusing so Tiona kept feeling around his insides as she 'patiently' waited for him to return from his trip. To her surprise, Vahn had been gone for nearly two minutes before he began releasing shallow breaths that tickled her own moist bottom.

Vahn lay in a daze under Tiona and just stared up at the tantalizing mound and the perk brown buttocks that dominated his vision. He now understood exactly why the girls around him were so 'satisfied' by his treatment because the pleasure he had just experienced was on the precipice of being called 'awe-inspiring'. It was so far beyond Vahn's expectations that he actually had trouble processing exactly what had happened since the vast majority of the experience had passed by as he was left unawares under Tiona's warm body and pleasant weight. He could still feel Tiona poking around, each touch sending jolts through his body, so Vahn decided to return the favor before bringing this 'dangerous' experience to an end...

Without hesitation, Vahn traced his hands up and down Tiona's back as he buried his face into the moist mound and began his own assault against her defenses. He had decided to make full use of his [Hands of Nirvana] so Tiona quickly dropped her entire weight against his body as she released sensual moans that tickled his ears. Vahn had done his best to stifle his own moaning earlier, though it felt like he might have failed at the end, so he found her reaction satisfying. She was obviously able to resist the urge if she tried, but her actions showed Vahn that she wanted him to hear so he listened to her cries as if they were an accompanying tune to the reverberations of her body.

Tiona could feel Vahn's 'earnest' efforts to gain the advantage against her and did her best to try and resist but found that she was unable to even hold out for more than ten seconds. It was a little 'unfair' that Vahn could make use of such methods but Tiona didn't really mind that much at all. She got to see Vahn's first climax as a woman and it made her feel a strange sense of accomplishment in having done so. She now had another one of Vahn's 'firsts' and it might even serve as the catalyst for future firsts they could experience together. The other girls seemed somewhat resistant against Vahn taking on the form of a woman, but Tiona didn't care at all since he was still the boy she fell in love with. Even though it was slightly different, all of his actions were performed with the same attention as always and it made Tiona's body flitter about like a leaf caught in the wind as she allowed him to blow her away once again...


As a result of his own unwillingness to have 'lost', Vahn ended up teasing Tiona's body for nearly forty minutes before giving her a reprieve. He knew it was a bit 'mean' to do so, but he felt like he had to do something or he wouldn't be able to cover up his own embarrassment. As for why he continued for so long, it was because Tiona would eventually 'adapt' to his movements and start her own assault anew. Vahn discovered that his own body was even more sensitive than it had been previously and knew that, like he had been doing to her, Tiona would be able to 'trap' him if she managed to get any momentum of her own. The first climax had been something beyond Vahn's expectations so he was especially afraid of experiencing something even more intense...

After 'surviving' his assault, Tiona had cuddled up against Vahn and hugged his body tightly as she intertwined his legs with her own. They were precisely the same size as each other so it was very easy for them to overlap their bodies and be even closer. With a flushed expression and slightly glazed eyes, Tiona muttered, "Even though you're in a different form, I'm glad we got to be together without using the 'Fallen'..." Vahn simply stroked her slightly damp hair in response and said, "I should be able to reach Level 4 during the expedition, or at least sometime after. Once I reach that Level, there is a fair chance I would be able to overpower you with the assistance of Haruhime's magic..."

Tiona put a bit more strength into her embrace and kissed Vahn's lips in a passionate manner for several minutes before saying, "I think it would be a good idea to put off having children for another year or two...I don't want to have any overlap with the first batch of kids and I know you'll be somewhat distracted by them when they are born. Since you'll probably enter into a dispute with the Amazon Queen after we get pregnant, I want to wait until our power has increased much more..." Vahn had noticed that Tiona said 'we' instead of 'I' so she was likely including her sister in the equation. He knew she was correct to put off having a child until later as now was simply not an opportune time.

Vahn nodded his head after contemplating the matter a bit and said, "I think I can reach Level 5 or 6 within two years, and there is a fair chance I will be able to learn magic from Eva in the time frame. Once I'm strong enough, I can even give you a flame seed and then we can both increase our strength in preparation of the future..." Tiona's smile widened at Vahn's words before she nuzzled her cheek against his and said, "The future looks brighter every day I'm together with you, Vahn~." Vahn also displayed a smile of his own as he began to think about other methods to improve the strength of their group in the future.

The key to everything seemed to be learning from Eva, but Vahn suspected there were plenty of other ways that he already had access to and simply hadn't considered...after all, 'The Path' was inherently without limitations and the only real restriction was Vahn's understanding of it and willingness to exploit its functions. Just as he had decided to be more proactive in his relationships with the girls, perhaps it was time to seriously consider expanding his knowledge of his own capabilities in the near future...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Tiona's eagerness...','Does this count as masturbation~?','Vahn considers cheating...')

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C452
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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