/ Urban / So You're Such A Doctor Song

So You're Such A Doctor Song

So You're Such A Doctor Song

Urban -- 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは14章/週です。 498 章 1.9M ビュー

作者: Leaf Snow


4.69 (318 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Changqing has always felt that she's incomparable to Guan Ying in every aspect. Even though she is pretty and has a good family background, this world is nothing more than a world where Princes are more attracted to Cinderellas.

Her first love that she dearly remembers in her heart for years eventually becomes Guan Ying’s current boyfriend and her fiancé is Guan Ying’s ex. He has yet to forget Guan Ying.

A business marriage brings Changqing and Song Chuyi together despite the absence of love.
In public, he is her friend’s ex and in private he is her husband who cannot be publicly–known.
At the hospital, her good friend enjoys her husband’s embrace while she can only act as though he's a stranger.
At a gala dinner, her good friend hooks her arm around her first love’s arm shyly and she can only smile and give them her blessings.

In this marriage, Changqing thinks that all is well other than the fact that Song Chuyi doesn’t love her.
First, her husband is a doctor and he can treat all her illnesses while saving up on medical expenses.
Second, doctors love cleanliness and her husband would always ensure the cleanliness of the house.
Third, at the end of every month, her thin wallet would grow thick with cash that her husband stuffs in secretly.
Fourth, as a person who doesn’t like to exercise, she always get dragged around by her husband day and night to do some pleasurable exercise that is beneficial for the body and mind.
Fifth, she would never have to worry that she would be out of money.
There are always so many uncountable advantages that Changqing enjoys.

After the marriage, on a certain night, Changqing looks at Dr. Song gloomily. "Hubby, why are you so nice to me when you don’t even love me?"
Dr. Song continues reading his medical books and ignores her. It's sometimes quite a headache when your wife is too stupid and daft.
Until one day, Changqing realises that there's really no free lunch in this world…

  1. poxy29
    poxy29 貢献した 13423
  2. Amber6289
    Amber6289 貢献した 11982
  3. mel_kart
    mel_kart 貢献した 7418


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Cheating............the............system..............on............ This.................review.................. Bahahahahhahaha..........

    9 の返信を表示する

    I believe that everything in this book is totally amazing and I recommend watching it I honestly enjoyed reading it a lot and I was so excited when the next chapter would come

    22 の返信を表示する

    Actually I'm not quite like a modern novel. Surprisingly I like this novel. My first impresion about the ML, he is not typical nasty jerk ML. The MC, not that stupid to the core. Until 50 chapter, the story is still hilarious Just give it try. But pardon me, I want to share my favorite novel, "Bai muchuan & Xiang Wan. Try this novel. The story is very good ready. and the MC & ML is a sweet couple. I love them so much

    4 の返信を表示する

    This book is quite good. I like to recommend it for the new readers out there. Read this book and you will learn something about the thing called "LOVE".

    3 の返信を表示する

    I really have mixed feelings toward this novel... it sure changes from novel with overbearing CEO. I would have even doubted that it was one of those heartwarming short stories (of less than 150 chapters) if it wasn’t for the following : At EACH relationship issue it’s like the leads will mention divorce ! Either FL or ML will mention it. It’s still a bit understandable because they tied the knot for business purposes so they lack the initial understanding of each other and trust that helps to solidify a relationship. Yet because FL has too low EQ and ML is the same none of them will address their relationship issues on the spot or express their feelings toward each other thus letting people interfere in their relationship and letting them into misleading their feelings toward each other and thus doubting their marriage again and again (when it was already so obvious). It was so tiring, I just stopped reading the raws by 200 chapters when divorce was already mentioned twice or thrice because of their lack of trust, honesty and/or communication. And simply put because of their stupidity. I find all their arguments ridiculous because there are other novels when the leads are tied in a contractual marriage for business purposes but at the VERY LEAST they lay everything on the table from the beginning to build their trust from the beginning and they voice out their concerns ! Which I didn’t found in this novel at all (at the least for the first 200 chapters on approximately 700 chapters). For me it wastes the potential of this novel because the whole plot is based on the relationship issues mentioned. Anywho ! Give it a go and see if it’s your cup of tea. For me it could have been if it wasn’t for the meaning less arguments between the leads.

    14 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    One of the best novels, the story is simple and touchable which readers can feel related like normal walk of life. The male lead especially doesn't seem to be perfect, super powerful, very rich, and most of all not too cold like many other novels those always a bit exaggerated building a godlike character of male leads. Female lead is also sweet and pure but not too naive like there was a part that she searched out for information on sex educations off the internet and Dr. Song found out after look into her computer. There are countless scenes on many chapters those are really hilarious and unbelievably funny and so lively as a couple. I am so glad finding this novel. Thank you so much author, your imaginations and the ways you are expressing out of each chapter really deserve more recognition, hopefully more and more reader should find out how amazingly normal but magnificent well written plot.

    0 の返信を表示する

    My review is in light of what I've seen from my fellow readers and how I would like to give my opinion on this novel and the MC/FL and the ML. Just to help those readers who aren't sure as to whether they would read it. The story is dramatic, if not painful at times but it's also quite good. The character connections, the relationship and growing depth of the fl and ml (hoping they have more heart to heart talks), the friendships in the story, how the in-laws are more mature (10/10 on this one, just really so good, the family dynamics is one of the best I've seen so far in a complex family marriage set up), and how some sense of maturity is growing in the fl and ml as they learn to interact in their marriage. First and foremost, the reason I stayed is because I guess the female lead is somewhat realistic in a sense that she was pampered and grew up ignorant of many things, except she has some sense in her. This common sense just buffers from time to time which is sometimes annoying but let's be real, who makes all the right decisions all the time especially when you are new to the whole I'm in a family orchestrated marriage now mindset? *cough I had to release a bit of that sarcasm.* Let's get back on track, she reminded me of my naivety and how that has caused lots of problems. Of course I want Changqing to grow as a character, but her growth in the story, I hope is it progresses is realistic (so far it has been because I also had friends who because of my ignorance before had to have The TALK with me just like her in the recent arc) I hope this story gives justice to her growth and doesn't mess it all up.🤞🤞🤞 Second, the male lead as of the moment I can't give enough commentary because his character hasn't been given enough depth. For now, all I can say is I'm pissed with Song Chuchu, because he reminds me of how decisive became as a person. I've been deemed as cold hearted, profession oriented, and dominant in a relationship when I had to choose what type of image I had to project in outside world. How I have no time for love. *scoffs* Going back:::When I read this novel, I related more with the male lead, even though he wasn't given enough explanation as to his actions. I continued because I wanted to see a bit of myself in him in a sense that, will he let his partner and himself continue this marriage even though it's really really frustrating and there are many questionable aspects for the both of them. In defense on both the female lead and male lead... I'm still reading. If ever change my mind, I'll comment here.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis! Love the synopsis!

    0 の返信を表示する

    This book is so good😍😍 ... not even a single chapter is boring ... each nd evry character is described in such a beautiful way💃💃💃💃💃... fell in love wid both of ur novels ♥️♥️💃💃💃... all the best authorrrr ❤❤

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 4 Badge

    Eh. Female lead is insufferable. The author does a good job of keeping her character consistent, and I could maybe bear with it if it was the basis for character development, but the ML eats up everything she puts down so there is no hope of her ever maturing and/or learning to be more considerate.

    1 の返信を表示する

    This is the most realistic novel ever.I really love the story development.This novel deserves to be on top of ranking.I highly recommend this novel.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This novel is absolutely amazing!!! I love how the FL is really relatable not like some leads who are good at everything. Looking forward to future updates!!

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    dear author/translator please do not stop translating this novel because we readers would like to know the ending of this novel..it is quite hanging without the ending. thank you!

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    webnovel please have the heart to ask the author to finish this novel so that we, readers wont be hanging on what would be the ending of this novel..

    0 の返信を表示する

    Iiiittttssss reeeeaaaaalyyyy nnniiice.. ...... An iiiiiiinnnnnnntttttttereeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssstttttttiniiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggg novvvveeel.. You people should read

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    This novel really hook me !! An bussiness marriage that feel inlove with each other but because of family matter YC choose to leave him ... Iam looking forward for how SC gonna take back the Yan family trust and wins YC back ......

    0 の返信を表示する

    No rape No Jerk CEO male lead I like the story The characters are developed quite well The story just drags a lot A lot of miscommunication btn the leads The divorce topic btn leads everytime is quite frustrating also But overall it’s a nice book😊👌

    3 の返信を表示する

    I must write that the female protagonist is quite unreasonable . It feels like all the other three characters Fu Yu. Female lead and her female friend joined their hands to torture the poor Dr. Song

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 2 Badge

    I love this novel so much that I can't stop reading it's I fill like I could go through it all depends what I have to do with my time I don't have any further information please assist me to get more power stone.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    Currently my favorite book. It doesn’t have the normal white lotus who the author uses from beginning to end as an obstacle. It actually shows how even learning to get along and getting what you need is an obstacle much less constantly involving 3rd parties

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    作者 Leaf Snow