She walked all the way back to the Registration Hall, passing various empty buildings. She peeked in to see one of the officers was still there, maybe to lead any lost applicants.
"Um..." She made her prescence known and the officer turned toward her. It was the one that had initially addressed them before the exam started. She walked out from behind the door and bowed to him in greeting. She straightened up to find the officer was looking at her with a straight expression, not surprised nor distainful. "I was looking for the Medical Office but I don't know where it is so I was hoping this Senior Brother can point me in the correct direction."
All aboard the Chengyuan Express, sponsored by: Sgs27, NixieRain, ayame199, StumblelinaMer (welcome new sponsor!) & MasterWolf40
P.S. I'll be updating a day late because I really need to study for one of my Finals