
章 56: Altered Course

"Slay the Keeper of the Beastkins? Why this all of the sudden? I thought we weren't supposed to harm any of the Keepers, only to keep them and their clansmen at bay long enough for you to find a way to purify them."

"That was my intention, yes. However, I had realized exactly why I can't locate the missing Purifier. The World Breaker, she has been hiding 'it' this whole time, from me, specifically. Each time I sensed the Purifier, it was in Beastkin territory, but only for a moment before its presence vanished. The only time I sensed it for a prolonged period of time was in the land of the Faefolks, only for it to vanish upon entering Beastkin lands. I had my doubts, but now I am sure, the Beastkin's Keeper has been hiding it this whole time. At the moment, she is weak, best to strike now before she has a chance to recover."

"But why would she do such a thing? You'd think she'd want the other Keepers to be purified."

After all, from her perspective, it is the rest of the world that has been [Corrupted], not her.

"No, I don't think the [Corruption] matters anymore. I believe that somehow, 'he' has gained control over her."

"Who are we talking about?"

"The 'Betrayer', a former Champion, one of the first in fact, who turned against us. He wields a Relic called the Book of Covenants, allowing him to bind the souls of those he fell in combat."

That sounds like a Summoner from Elysium Online... Wait! Is this the same person I fought at the top of the mountains? It can't be, right?

"So you think this 'Betrayer' got a hold of the Keeper?"

"That would explain why she is acting against our interests, and if it is as I feared, then this Keeper is beyond our saving. The traitor's control supersedes all else, even the influence of the [Corruption]. Even if we do manage to locate and the Purifier and cleanse the Holy Beast of the ailment, so long as his control still holds, the Keeper will stand against us."

"And so slaying her is our only choice, is what you are saying?"

"I would not have ordered you to do so otherwise. The impact of losing a Keeper is great upon not only the land they inhabit, but this world as a whole. With one Keeper already slain, the death of another does not bode well. However, it must be done. We will simply have to endure until the next one is born."

"Will I have time to group up with Corona?"

"No, you will have to circle around the frontlines to reach the World Breaker. Corona will keep the enemy's attention while you take your party and head west to penetrate into the heart of Beastkin territory from there. Most of their troops are gathered at their capital, they shouldn't expect an attack from the west, and by the time they hear of it, your party should have already reached their Keeper."

If the west is lightly guarded as the Grand Keeper says, then I should be able to break through even with a party of this size, and with our speed, I don't doubt that we'll be able to make it long before the main forces are alerted. I suppose now the only thing I have to worry about is Asha. She's not going to like the fact that there's a change of plans which of course means that she'll have to wait longer before being able to go home.

"Sounds like a plan."


"Oh, but before you go, I'd like to ask you something. It doesn't really have anything to do with the plan, but it's been bothering me."

The Grand Keeper furrows her eyebrows, looking rather troubled.

"If this is about the priestess, I am afraid that she is currently the only one we can afford you. The others are not as fit for this journey as she is. I am sure if you find a way to work with her, she can be a useful asset."

"No, it's not that, as much as I would appreciate any help in that matter, but what I wanted to ask is something entirely different."

"Oh, is that so? How curious. What is it then? What else could be on your mind?"

"It's the [Corruption], I would like you to tell me where it came from."

Upon hearing my question, the Grand Keeper's brows knit ever so much closer.

"I've told you before, its origins are unknown at the moment. Why ask this now?"

"Well... I was just wondering if there's any way to resolve this without all this killing. That's all."

"It can be, once we acquire the Purifier."

"But you said the [Corruption] had occurred several times in the past before. That means it will happen again. And what if next time, you lose the Purifier again, what then?"

"That will be your problem no longer. Once this cycle is done, you'll be home and all of this will be behind you."

"But say that it happens again."

The Grand Keeper's expression turns grim. I may have pushed it a little too far there.

"If it does, I will do as I have always done since the very beginning. I will call forth another group of Champions, and I will have them fight, and once it is done, I will send them on their way. Now then, anything else? And please, that was the last of my patience for your interrogations, do not test it again."

"No, nothing else. I'll get right onto the mission."

"Good, I'll be looking forward to your performance."

As always, she sprouts a pair of giant wings from her back, and ascends into the clouds in a single bound, disappearing in an instant. This woman, if I can even call her that, is cold. She clearly doesn't care about us, the Champions she summoned. Still, she is the only one I know who can send us back home. If I don't play along, I'll be stuck in this world for good. I know I said that I'm in no hurry to go back, but choosing to stay and having no choice but to stay are very different matters. So, for now, I'll listen to her, until I figure out my own way back, if that's even possible.


"Was that the Grand Keeper?"

"It was, and she gave us a new mission."

"I don't like the sound of that."

After Nibal had gathered the warriors together, I begin to brief them on our new task. Given the suddenness of the decision and the kind of opponent we are to face, for a moment there, no one here seems to know what to think.

"So there you have it. Looks like we're going to have to go on a detour."

Still, it is the order of the Grand Keeper. No one here can disobey. If she wishes, she could very well easily have the Holy Serpent exile every single warrior here for their disobedience.


But, amongst the shocked warriors, contemplating in silence, there is one that possesses a glare sharper than a newly grinded edge of a dagger, and said glare is currently directed towards me.

"Looks like it'll be a while longer before we'll get to go home, Lady Asha."

I expected her to protest, but she remains silent and turns away from me once I call her out. Looks like there's no salvaging our relations anytime soon, but at least the feeling of wanting this to be over as soon as possible is mutual.

Once I've had a light meal, we all set out, heading southwest into the Faefolk territory. Before, crossing into the southern territories would require us to travel east, into the kingdoms of Mankind where the Great River splits into several smaller streams, however, since the flow of the river had subsided, the crossing has apparently been made possible from practically any location. Still, in crossing the river, I expected that we would have to get a little wet and was prepared to receive complains from a certain young lady within the party, and so as we travel, I have been strategizing on how to deal with that when the time comes with Seif and Nibal, formulating a plan that involves trying to carry her over to the other side. The finer details, we decided, are best discussed once we arrive, since we have no idea how high or rapid the waters of the river will be upon arrival. That was the plan, at least.

We enter the forest that was once part of the [World Devourer Woods], what was once a gradual but ever-expanding threat to our land that is now withered and dry, the sinister green that once threatened us is now yellow and dry brown. This forest is dying and soon, the land will become barren. It is the consequence of the death of a Keeper. Upon actually arriving at the river, we find a crevice that had been carved into the land by what was once a mighty river that flowed across the continent. In this crevice, only a measly stream remains, small enough to be traversed by rolling up our trousers up to just below our knees.

"If there's so little water here, there must be a drought in the east."

The slaying of a Keeper affects not only a single piece of land, but the entirety of Elgardia as a whole. The lands are, after all, connected with one another, pieces of a single whole. Nothing affects one without its effects seen in the other. The land to the east, the Kingdoms of Mankind, are mostly rather 'dry' and their agricultural centers are clustered around the smaller streams that split from the main flow of the Great River. Though, I guess it doesn't really matter at this point, as the Dragonbroods had nearly wiped them out long before my arrival, during the first outbreak of the [Corruption] this cycle. As for the Beastkins, they'll do fine for now, as they should have a few streams and rivers independent of the Great River in their lands.

Once the river has been crossed, we head further south before cutting east towards Beastkin territory. The forest around here is ashen and scorched, likely from the Beastkins' attempt to hamper the forest's expansion before finally slaying the Keeper.

"They sure did a number on this place. I thought the Beastkins were supposed to be afraid of fire."

"They did, once upon a time ago. I guess they must have gotten over it somewhere along the lines."

Nibal and I are walking side by side, him answering what curiosity I have. Our pace of travel has slowed down since crossing the river, opting to walk in order to prevent kicking up the ashes which will no doubt disrupt the Dragonbroods' excellent sense of smell. That, and we rather not get too close to whatever is left of the Beastkin patrols on their western frontlines as many of them are nocturnal and night is approaching. It would be to our disadvantage if we ended up having to face them during night time.

"Where shall we camp. I would prefer somewhere less ashen. Asha over there has been rubbing her eyes and nose for a while now. Any more and I think she might get an infection."

"There's always healing spells for that, but yes, none of us would get proper rest if we camp in a place like this. However, we can't exactly go into the fields, we'll be spotted in no time."

"I wonder if there's a cave somewhere around here."

"It would be great if there is but caves don't just appear out of nowhere."

"If only someone here knows earth magic."

"Hmm... Actually, there is someone here who does."

"Good, go tell them to make a cave then."

"Well, there's a problem. The magic is used for burials. To use it to create a cave everyone will lay in is rather inauspicious."

"Would you rather our lady Asha complain through the whole night?"

Thinking about it for a bit, Nibal deeply sighs.

"Very well, I shall request it to be done."

So, Nibal goes and asks said mage to build us a shelter. Turns out, the earth magic user is Asha herself. Rather not being too close to her, I watch their conversation from afar and can't quite hear what they are saying, but apparently I have been mentioned since Asha would steal glances at me mid-conversation. Of course, her gazes are cold and sharp as ever. Still, in spite of it all, she agrees to do it. I guess her desire for a goodnight's sleep trumps her hatred for me.

With her earth magic, Asha creates three mounds from dirt, each with enough space within to fit five people comfortably. Then, she creates a fourth mound, one smaller than the rest. No doubt this one is for herself. Excluding Asha, there are thirteen of us, and so, two of the three larger mounds will house four of the warriors, and the last one will shelter five.


It really didn't matter as there are plenty of spaces for all of us, but to be fair and, frankly, for a bit of fun, the warriors and I decided to arm wrestle to decide who gets to sleep where tonight. For the purpose of this little tournament, we conveniently located an area of fallen trees, all of which had apparently been cleaved clean off their base, and found a suitable tree stump. Eventually, lured in by the atmosphere, even Asha joined in. I took first place, Ahsa was a close second, and Nibal third. Seif was in the last place by the way.


End of Chapter 56

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C56
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


