Lately, I noticed that I've been making promises that I may or may not be able to keep. I am not a person that places much faith in words, and there's really nothing stopping me from failing to keep these promises, so why? Why did I keep making such promises? I suppose it's because I have nothing else to give. The only thing I can give them is my word, these fragile words that can be all too easily broken by any number of circumstances. But like a parent who lies to a child who is too young to understand, it was something I hope would suffice for the moment, that even for a little, give them courage in these desperate times.
There will probably be more battles to come, and those promises I've made, those empty words, I hope it can give them something to hold on to when they have nothing else, something to keep faith in when all else fails. I know that it may sound ridiculous, but in the most desperate and hectic of times, it helps to have something to hold onto, even though ultimately the promises may not hold up. Hopefully, the promises I've made will be able to carry them through troubled times while the illusory words remain intact. And of course, I must add, that I have every intention of upholding these promises, but I am only a single man, and there may come a time when circumstances force me to break my word, because I am very mortal, and may very well die in one of the many battles to come. Sincerely, I hope that such a time does not come to pass.
"And so, what's the situation so far?"
A day after the large scale [Air Ward] had been set up, a meeting was held in the tent serving as the war room, and though it's called a meeting, the only participants are the commander of the garrison and myself, and it's mostly to catch me up on recent affairs as well as taking the chance to discuss a few matters regarding the future. Apparently, I'm already being treated as a tactician of the Champions.
"Calm, very calm, Sir Aurelius. There has been hardly any sighting of [Demons] since the forest was set on fire, and the forest itself shows no signs of expanding either. It appears your theory was correct, the growth was indeed being fed by a power source."
"That's good to hear, commander. I was worried if it was all a wild goose chase for a moment. It is fortunate that our gambit paid off."
The meeting continued on for hours, detailing future plans of pushing the forest back and there's even talk of invading the land of the Faefolks and lay waste to the main body of the [World Devourer Woods], which was once supposedly the home and protector of the Faefolks, the [Holy Protector Woods].
"But to lay waste to an entire forest, is that wise?"
After all, back in our own world, deforestation was already causing some huge problems. If it could at all be avoided, I would prefer to not destroy the environment at all.
"Believe me, Champion, laying waste to the land is the last thing the Beastkins wish for. However, if said land is threatening all life, do we have any other choice but to destroy it?"
In other words, sometimes you have to cut down a few trees to preserve the forest, and if the world can be saved by burning down a few forest, then so be it.
"Still, this can be troubling, that's a great deal of forest to burn, and a lot of ashes and smoke to be created."
"We are well aware of that, which is why we plan to consult the Holy Beast on the matter."
"You're talking about the guardian of the Beastkins."
"Exactly, in fact, the princess will be paying a visit. Her Highness is not merely our princess, but also a priestess of the Holy Beast as well you see."
"I see, and will speaking to this Holy Beast of yours resolve our problems?"
"I would hope so, if anyone is capable of it, then it'll be the Holy Beast."
"Then while the princess is working on that end, what shall we be doing. We can't exactly launch another expedition into the forest while it's burning can we. Even with my [Frost Ward] and Michaela's healing, it may still be dangerous. Then there's the smog to worry about too..."
"Actually, Sir Aurelius, you're going too."
"Go where?"
"To the Holy Beast. She wishes to meet at least one of the Champions you see, and it was decided that you would be the representative for the rest."
"Why me? Why not Cecilia?"
"We've asked Lady Cecilia about this matter already, and she said you would be the best to go."
"And I suppose the rest will stay here and defend the garrison?"
"That's the plan, yes."
"Well then, I guess being away a little wouldn't hurt."
After leaving the meeting, I went to see the others, and it appears that they knew about this already. Really now, offering me up as representative without my consent, you guys are just pushing jobs you don't want to do onto me aren't you.
"At any rate, I should be gone for a day or so. Hopefully nothing will occur during that time."
"Don't worry about it, if anything happens, we'll take care of it."
Even though it was just yesterday when she cried her eyes out, Cecilia is already back to normal, putting on an air of strength and confidence. I can only wish I have the ability to bounce back so quickly.
"Alright, hold the fort while I'm gone, I should be back soon."
Having said my farewells to the rest, I was ready to set off. Though, to tell the truth I am more than a little nervous when I was told that I have to meet with the Holy Beast, otherwise known as the [Holy Guardian Beast], the protector of the Beastkins, a being of divine nature. Sure, I was told that I would meet with it some time ago, but I wasn't exactly expecting for it to happen so soon. I wonder if it'll try to eat me if I somehow offend it. Well, whatever, I've been through worst I guess. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
We left next day morning, with me riding along the princess and Merida towards the center of the kingdom, where the Holy Beast resides. It feels like forever since I rode around like this, even though it should only have been a few days. Then again, I remember that not too long ago, I was sent here and there on carriages such as this with troops riding and marching alongside me on a daily basis, intercepting [Demon] forces and attacking [Demon] encampment within our borders. Those were busy days, not that they are exactly over. I got to rest due to being sick and having to meet with the Holy Beast, but sure enough, I'll be thrust into battle once more after this is over. I should probably relax a little while I can, or so I tell myself, but that's easier said than done. After all, I'm meeting a being whose existence is close to that of a god. Even if I said that I'll cross that bridge when I get there, the feeling of restlessness is just something I cannot get rid of.
"You sure look nervous, Aurelius."
"That is because I am, princess."
"There's not need to fret though, the Holy Beast is a very gentle and kindhearted guardian. She won't be easily offended."
"Not easily offended does not mean impossible to offend though."
"You worry too much, you know that? Keep this up and you'll go bald in no time."
"I've made peace with balding a long time ago."
"If only you can do the same about everything else."
"Now you're just making me sound like a worrywart."
"Are you not?"
"I am well aware that I am, but I don't want to hear that from you."
"Ah, but you see, I was only worried because our Champion is a man who worries nonstop over every little matter, and so I fear constantly that he may stress himself out over a whole bunch of nothing."
Maybe it's just me, but the princess has been getting rather cheeky with me lately. I guess it's not a bad thing as it's a sign that we're getting more used to one another. Still, I miss the days when she's more tender and gentle, not that she isn't now, it's just that she currently comes with some thorns. Prickly, prickly thorns. But, from another point of view, you could say it adds to her charms a little, and the fact that she's only like this in front of a few others makes me feel a little special. Not that I would say it out loud though, nope, not me.
A good part of the day was spent sitting in the carriage as we traveled south, towards the center of the Beastkin territory. Though we had set off during the morning, by the time we arrived, it was already near dusk. Might as well that it's far away I suppose, it'd be terrible if this sacred place is touched by the [Corruption] as well.
The dwelling of the Holy Beast lies in a cave hidden within a small forest. Though the forest seems to be nothing special at a glance, the moment I set foot into it, I can feel a surge of energy, filling my body with strength. Even though I'm tired from the long trip, even though my bum is sore, the pains were instantly dispelled the moment I walk in, making me feel like I'm fifty years younger. Oh wait, I'm already fifty years younger, I wouldn't exist if I go further now would I? Still, this forest is filled with what I could only describe as "life energy", makes me wonder how it'll be like once I enter the cave the Holy Beast is said to dwell.
Upon arriving at the entrance of the cave, I discover a sight to behold. The mouth of the cave sits at a small island in the middle of a pond of the clearest water I have ever seen. Within the pond are fishes swimming livelily about, and on the surface is a colorful array of water lilies in full bloom.
From the mouth of the cave, two woman clothed in loose white robes, one with fluffy triangular ears and the other with pure white antlers, emerged to greet us.
"We've been awaiting you, Princess Aurelia, and you as well, Champion."
They wave their hands across the air in sync, and with that one gesture, stones float up to the surface of the pond, forming a bridge for us to cross over.
Entering the cave, I once more feel a surge of power flowing through me, and though I see nothing by the Hp bar, where status effects are usually displayed, I am beyond doubt that I am being affected by something.
Noting that my footsteps are slowing down, the princess turns towards me with a worried expression.
"Don't tell me, you still haven't recovered from your sickness?"
"No, I'm quite fine, princess. In fact, I was surprised by how energetic I feel upon entering this cave."
The princess looks upon me with wide eyes after listening to my words.
"That must mean you're favored by the Holy Beast. Perhaps it is no coincidence that you became our Champion after all."
"You mean, you're not feeling this?"
"No, I'm afraid not, then again, I might be used to it. I have spent a long amount of time here in my training to be a Cleric after all."
"And you Merida, do you feel nothing?"
"I am sensing that this place is indeed special, but that's all. I don't feel particularly energetic."
As we talked, our footsteps gradually slowed down, and so with a bit of impatience, our guide, the two women from before turn towards us.
"While we do not mean to rush you, please, let us go see that Holy Beast while she's awake."
While she's awake, do they mean she spends most of her time sleeping? Wouldn't that be rather worrying for a guardian of the land to be like that?
"Does the Holy Beast usually sleeps a lot?"
The two guides turn to glance at one another while showing a slight exasperation on their mellow expressions. Did I say something wrong, I wonder.
"Ah yes, forgive his ignorance, I have not yet told him of the Holy Beast's condition."
The princess came to my defense, though I suppose this wouldn't have happened if she told me before hand. I guess she must have forgotten. I wouldn't blame her, since she's apparently always busy.
"Aurelius, you see, the thing is, nowadays, the Holy Beast is constantly drained of her energy in an effort to keep the [Corruption] at bay."
"So she's sleeping in order to try and recuperate?"
But if she's already so tired, will the Holy Beast be able to help with the smog problem we'll have in the future? I want to ask, but I'm too afraid to bring it up. Those two, the guides, they're looking like they don't like me very much.
"Now that that's settled, shall we move on?"
"Of course, sorry for the delay."
With that we moved on further into the cave until finally, we're at deepest part of the cave, the dwelling of the [Holy Guardian Beast].
The cavern is large and spacious, with a large hole above letting in natural lights from the outside. In fact, the cavern is so large it could serve as a boss arena, a large boss arena for a large boss, a raid boss, one with the body of a lion and the tail of a reptile. This room, I think I've been here before.
And there she is, standing proudly in the center of the room, the creature I can swear confidently on my life that I've seen as well, and though its fur and mane is now pure white, and it's missing a few spikes here and there, I could still recognize this behemoth of a beast.
Unbelievable, to think that the Holy Beast I've heard so much about, is actually the [World Breaker Behemoth].
End of Chapter 25