[Achievement: Against All Odds Unlocked
Against All Odds: By going up against an ancient enemy, you called upon yourself the wrath of the entire continent. Everything was stacked up against you, but with the true grit that only a World Dominator can have, you rose to the occasion and saved the day. Because of this, even the most powerful individuals on this continent have begun to respect you, and thus, you have taken a stride farther than any, yet, on the path to World Domination. The destination is not far away. A large proportion of the world already stands with you- you must just beat down the rest. Congratulations!
80,000 EXP Awarded.
Total EXP: 767,000
Like I said, just mismanagement of time cos of some hectic work. Still, I'm trying to keep up with 2-3 chaps. I'll try to put out at least one more before reset. And of course,