Hi, well I said I might be doing this but in the end I did. Currently, on vacation in Disney hence why the story idea came to be. It is meant as a comedic short as I've been uninterested in writing my novels. Every novel as their next chapter started but I just have no motivation to finish writing them, but that is digressing from why I'm writing this.
I chose a poor main character as I wanted there to be a reason on why he was stuck in the game. He couldn't be rich as the power going out would be weird. Needed to be in the future so I took a page out of Ready Player One for the futuristic trailer parks, hence the great view.
The bills were there to give a reason for why the power went out. They also show he had been putting off everything to get the helmet.
I constantly reiterated that everything was neat because that was the main theme for everything. I showed he did this by choice, he enjoys cleaning it isn't a chore but a joy.
The electronics showed he had a hobby for games and the missing modern ones were meant to show he sold them for the new one. I constantly tried to show he had just gotten the helmet by needing to set up his info along with the box being out of place. This also showed how he prioritized things. He knew he would have to wait for the games to download so he started that before moving on to clean up.
Every line was meant to show or hint towards something more, and that is something I try to do with all my writings. I feel authors that explain everything through words/narration right after the hints are either word padding or feel the reader can't understand it. You could say I'm doing the same but I feel what I'm doing here is slightly different. I'm going point by point as if I'm in an interview.
Now a thing that may seem confusing, why didn't I say the guy's name yet? Simple answer, there is no need for his name. Outside of being Cinderella who is doesn't matter. His choices and personality are what mattered not his name. Hence the line "He was trapped, he was Cinderella."
Hope that helps you understand my thought process. I'll be updating when I get back from Disney, with spending with family I don't have time to write. I wrote 90% of this before I left which is why I can post it now, but bye!
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