50% Re: Technology / Prologue
Re: Technology Re: Technology original

Re: Technology

作者: azachy

© WebNovel


"Are you sure, Chuck? I could ask the uppers to give you a raise."

That was my boss, Mr.O'Sullivan.

Sitting in a black-leather corporate chair, his middle-aged wrinkles shone under the sunlight from the glass windows around this office.

His brown-eyes stared at me, hoping to change my mind about quitting my job.

"Boss, I've thought about it for a month now. This is what I really want."

My name is Chuck Browne. I'm 28 this year, currently single.

I'm pretty average in a sense. Five-foot eight, 170-ish pounds. Short, brown hair. Round-faced, average-looks.

I spend a considerable amount of time online. Watching Youtube videos, checking out Instagram profiles, Facebook profiles, reading tweets. Common time-wasting habit of a millennial.

Except, these 'habits' of mine spiraled me into a mild depression.

Most of the friends my age, are either getting married or currently on their way to a second child.

Of course, there are still a certain percentage of us that still hasn't walked down the aisle, but most of them already has partners or pursuing a satisfactory and awesome job.

Sometimes, I feel useless and unworthy. Things got awkward every time the holidays come.

Relatives would be barraging you with questions such as 'Where's your girlfriend?' 'Are you planning to get married soon?' 'We can't wait for the day you bring a lucky girl home!'.

After wrapping up things with my boss, who's already my ex-boss, I found myself at my desk. It's a generic light brown flatboard, surrounded by maroon cubicle walls and a dark navy blue office chair tucked under the desk.

Five years, buddy. Thanks for everything. I gave a final look at my workspace before heading towards the lift.

I shake hands with the department staffs I meet along the way. I thought I'd feel heavy-hearted to leave, but I don't know why…with every steps I take, the smile on my face became more apparent.

It was the same old office block, and the same old lift…but with every second I bring myself towards the exit door, I feel that my life is going to be liberated!

Well, for once, I have decided that, I'M GOING TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR!

Yup, I'm going to develop useful and popular apps and make it as big as the ones that are famous now. Then, I'm going to invest that money into technologies development, like Tesla and Virgin.

My final goal would be to help other people through my technologies. No more starvation, clean drinking water, accessible healthcare, increasing literacy rate, and many more.

I've saved up these few years to start up my own business. Just the sheer thought of how all these could benefit the world makes me happy.

'Right, when I reach home, I have to find a way to tell mom and dad…let's see if there's any Uber available this time around..ah!'

I forgot, I'm an entrepreneur now. I have to save money as much as I can!

It definitely would take a while to get used to. I usually take an Uber or drove here myself since my house, I mean, my parent's house which I am 'co-habitating' with…is about 10 miles away.

Traffic peaks at around 4.00 PM, but it's 3.15 PM now. I could still catch a bus heading to my street.

Turning my head to my back, I looked at the ash-grey limestone building with glass panels covering 22 floors.

'I guess there's no turning back now. One fine day, I'll surpass this company!'

I took my feet to the bus station a few steps from the building's entrance.

After checking the bus number that is heading to my zipcode, I sat down on the aluminum-tube bench, under the shade provided by the semi-transparent roof on top of my head.

I took out my red iPhone 7-Plus and scanned my thumb on the home button. Once inside, I immediately texted my family members that I have something to announce tonight.

They replied 'OK' and I'll be telling them my plans for the future after dinner at 8.30PM.

'Hehe, I wonder what does Christina and Clara's gonna say about this?'

My twin elder sisters, Christina and Clara lives nearby my parent's home. Being two years older than me, they would be the prime example of people who are ticking the checklists of life goals.

They are married with two children each, only difference would be that Clara is a full-time mom and Christina is a grade-school teacher.

'Oh? It's here.'

A white bus with blue and turquoise stripes stopped in front of me. It's LED sign on top of the bus door entrance shone in dark orange 'SANTA CLARA'.

So why did I let go a secure job with a stable tech company and a steady paycheck?

Well, first of all, I work in Human Resources. It's one of the most mundane, non-progressive department in the entire universe. (No offense to those who are in HR, this is only my opinion.)

Second, Human Resources wasn't even my major. I took Corporate Communications minoring in Anthropology. I wanted to take up IT to learn programming, but my parents said that there's very little jobs available in that field.

Third, I love everything relating to history, science and technology. To escape my mediocre life, I frequent fantasy novels and science fictions. I've always wondered, 'What if the world has this piece of technology?'.

And today, I'll be making my first step into realizing my true potential. I've already mapped out and planned 20 years ahead of what my directions would be, including the contingencies plan, hehe.

Once everybody's gathered tonight, they'll really be in for a ride in their life. Maybe.

I took out my phone again and opened up Safari. The first website I clicked when the web browser pops-up is my favourite novel website, Qidian. They always have the best books and amazing new ideas written inside that'll stir my imagination.

Reading novels in the backseat of a bus isn't a bad experience at all. At least the bus driver doesn't try to start conversations with you, unlike the Uber drivers.

Haha, yes I know..I might sound a little anti-social, but hey, a novel reader has to utilize as much time as they can to catch with favourite novels, right?


Did I fell asleep?

When did I reach home? Is it night time already? What time is it now?

Sh*t! My family members! Oh man, they're gonna kill me...I must've made them wait for a long time!

Wait, where's my phone? Hey, why don't I feel any sensations at all?

"Because Chuck, you're no longer on Earth."

'Huh?! Who the f*ck are you?'

Unknowingly to me, this would be my first cycle of reincarnation of the many cycles in the future.

azachy azachy

A little bit of twist of me, a little bit of boot-licking to our website's host. Hehe

Chapter 1 coming soon!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C0
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


