34.27% Out of Space / Chapter 230: Modern Warfare

章 230: Modern Warfare

Orwell's Point

Dasar yawned as he stretched his cold body after a morning of standing guard at the drawbridge. He rubbed his cold hands together with the shaft of his spear and stomped his fur lined boots to relieve them.

His partner. Jun, leaned against the wall and as close as he could to the dying embers of a fire brazier while hugging his spear and half dozing away.

Dasar rubbed his wind bitten face and glanced up to the sky which had started to brighten and suddenly there was a clatter of metal. He turned to the noise and saw Jun had slumped over on the ground and knocked off the brazier.

Dasar laughed thinking that Jun had fallen asleep on his feet and fell down. He reached out to help his friend up when an 8 gram, 6.5 mm cupronickel coated lead bullet slammed through the thin low quality steel and leather of his helm.

The bullet velocity despite lowered slightly by the suppressor was way more than enough to penetrate the steel helmet of the guard and drilling through the skull before exiting out of the other side of the helmet and spending the remainder of its energy against the thick gates companied by a small spray of blood and brain matter.



Several shadowy figures emerged from the moat that surrounded the wall. Their damp uniforms stuck on their bodies as they quickly cover the short distance to the walls.

Sergeant Miles slammed his body against the city wall and checked the two kills before nodding to his men. "Get rid of those coals." He said with disgust as the red hot coals were burning and cooking the fallen guard who had knocked them over himself as he fell.

"Raider One to Lord Actual, in position over." Mills reported his progress to the Battalion Commander, Captain Joesph Tokin, who was just recently promoted from First Lieutenant to Captain to command 2nd Battalion.

"Lord Actual to Raider One, what's your sit rep?" The Battalion Commander asked.

"Raider One, So far so good," Mills replied. "Guards surrounding the drawbridge and gate has been neutralized."

He looked up at the drawbridge and said, "No alarms as of yet. Over."

Joseph replied back, "Raider One, Lord Actual, secure the Gatehouse and clear the two gate towers, how copy?"

"Raider One, roger that. out!" Mills nodded and gestured to his section into action.

"Alright guys, we are gonna up the walls!" Mills said and his men took out grappling hooks from their backpacks. The hooks were fired with compressed air, making a dull thump. The three pronged hooks shot up with a whine as the cables whipped out after them.

The rubber padded prongs hit the top of the wall and the Raiders reeled them in, the prongs barely making any noise. Once the prongs were holding firm, they attached a roll of folded up ladder that self deployed itself upwards with tiny motors running up the cables.

"Go, go, go!" Mills hissed as they secured the ladders to the ground.

Mills followed his men up and they climbed the ladders as fast and silently as they could. The city walls reached a height of roughly nine meters and the men made the climb in less than two minutes.

Vaulting over the battlements, Mills saw his men had spread out in a security cordon, their suppressed M2 Magesplitter already claimed the lives of the guards that were dozing away.

"Raiders! Split up and hit those towers!" Mills whispered and his men split into three groups of two and set off to the towers on each side of the wall.

At the same time, he led one of the teams and headed into the walls towards the gatehouse where the controls for the drawbridge were.

They found a stout looking wooden door reinforced with iron bands blocking their way into the room. One of the men tried to open the door but it was locked from inside and he shook his head at Mills silently.

"Damn, we need to breach this!"


"Raider Three to Lord Actual, guards at the port cleared, moving in to secure the port, over." The radio at the temporary command post of 2nd Battalion crackled.

"Lord Actual, Raider Four, East Gate is in our hands, over."

"Raider Two to Lord Actual, West Gate secured, no enemy contact remaining, over."

Joseph smiled as he listened to the reports coming in from the infiltration teams who were sent ahead to clear the guards and secure key entry points into the city.

Compared to how wars were waged just a year ago, this was like magic, more than magic, as magic couldn't even replicate what was being done here in the Command Post! Joseph thought.

This battlefield management and control system taught and implemented by the hoomans are short of amazing, it was complicated to understand at first but once you learn how it works, everything just falls into place!

Joseph watched the support staff move markers and icons of friendly troops on the map of the area. The map was taken just 12 hours ago by the dragons which flew overhead of the city and with a super high resolution camera.

Even as he stood there, one of the dragons was providing overwatch with thermal imagery which one of the monitors were displaying the live video feed that was going on in the unaware city.

"Lord Actual to all Raiders, good work, hold your stations while Raider One drops the bridge, over." Joseph took the handset of the radio and announced.

"Echo, Falcon, Gryphon, standby to attack," Joseph spoke into the set. "Hawk, prepare to provide support fire and hit the enemy barracks. Over."

"Roger that!"


Mills sharply gestured to his men to plant breaching charges at the door. His men quickly removed a couple of blocks of explosives and glued it against the hinges and waited for Mills's command.

Several minutes later, Mills's comms came in, "Team One, tower cleared. over."

"Team Two, tower cleared."

"Roger, Raiders rendezvous at the gates." Mills ordered. "We are going loud, make ready!"

He turned and nodded at his man who held the firing device in his hand.


The explosives were detonated by an electric primer and the door vanished in a cloud of fire and splinters. The men leaned against the pressure of the blast and they charged in a second later.

Four men were found in various stages of confusion inside the room while one laid bleeding out on the ground had a portion of the door embedded inside him.

Mills stepped over the dying man, and they shot the rest of the guards one by one. "Drop the bridge and raise the portcullis!"

At the same time, Captain Joseph's voice came in over the comms, "All Raiders report! What is going on?"

"Raider One to Lord Actual! Had to go loud," Mills explained as his men worked the levers and cranks for the bridge. "Door is bared in. Bridge is coming down now. Advise to move the rest of the boys in fast!"

"Lord Actual, roger that!"

The chains holding the bridge rattled as the lever was removed and the bridge swung down and crashed loudly against the stone ground in the early morning. If the explosion didn't wake these assholes up, that surely will do the trick, Mills thought.

"CONTACT!" Mills's comm rang out, "Team One and Two engaging enemies at the gates!"

"Go!" Mills ordered and he fired a burst at the mechanism that lifted the bridge, ensuring that the drawbridge could not be raised again. As for the portcullis, there was nothing they can do except destroying the whole thing.

Mills emerged from inside the walls and saw dozens of Empire guards already dead, lying on the streets in front of the gates. His men were prone on the top of the wall and firing in controlled aimed shots at the confused guards who woke up and came out to see what was the ruckus.

Just at this moment, several wailing screams came overhead and one of the structures they had identified to be a barracks exploded into smoke as the mortar support from Hawk Company landed around it.

"Raider One, to Hawk, on target, fire for effect!" Mills yelled into the comms.

Seconds later, another volley of mortar shells landed on the partially damaged stone structure. The mortars shells kicking up clouds of dirt and rock as High Explosive warheads destroyed the roof of the barracks.


Joseph watched the thermal imagery and saw several bright flashes on the screen where the mortars hit, and white colored bodies could be seen unmoving laying here and there.

The higher body temperature of people could be seen easily against the cold background of their surroundings while the Marines in the city all had an infrared beacon that displayed their locations.

"Target Alpha destroyed," The artillery command and control operator reported, "Switch to Target Bravo?"

Joseph nodded in confirmation to the operator who spoke in his mike to the support company's mortar batteries.

Not long, Joseph heard the thump of the mortars firing and looked at the screen where Intel had pointed out a secondary barracks for merchant or slaver guards. The cluster of white bodies flattened down on the screen as flashes of white suddenly appeared over them.

"Echo, Falcon, Gryphon, Operation Freedom is go, repeat Operation Freedom is go!"


"- Operation Freedom is go!" The message repeated over the platoon's comms clearly and the Company Lieutenant turned and grinned.

"Alright! Godslayers! MOVE OUT!"


The Marines roared out as they charged up from a prone position and onto the causeway that led to the drawbridge. The city's warning bells were ringing at this time and several fires caused by the mortars lit the city up while sleepy residents poked their heads out in confusion from windows and doorways.

The main stronghold in the middle of the city was targeted next after the outlaying barracks were bombed by the mortars which had pre sited the targets earlier in the day before. Now the airburst shells fragged the assembled knights and Imperial soldiers who mustered at the inner courtyard of the stronghold.

Several Imperial Mages attempted to shield the men but after several hits from the mortars, their mana was completely drained and the shields failed and the dying started all over again.

Small clusters of guards and Imperial soldiers approached from the alleyways and side streets as they responded to the ringing of bells, only to be taken down by accurate fire from the shotguns and bolt actions of the Marines.

The 2nd Battalion had several objectives to capture and secure, namely the Slave Pens, Stronghold, East Gate, West Gate, South Drawbridge, Docks, Warehouse District, Adventurer's Guild, Merchants Hall, and the local Governer's mansion.

The barracks and slavers accommodations were tasked to Hawk Company to destroy with mortars whose ammunition were limited as they were carried in by the dragons. After which they were to hit the Stronghold to pin any reinforcements down till the major objectives were secured, following that they will provide fire support for any calls.

2nd Battalion split its companies and platoons as they pushed in from three directions, one company from each gate. The West and East Gates each had a small, wooden bridge over the moat wide enough for a single wagon to pass and it had a mechanism that allowed the bridges to be easily destroyed by the city guards should the city be attacked.

Only the South Gate has a proper drawbridge, and with the guards silenced before they knew they were attacked, the West and East Gates were opened up for Falcon and Gryphon to enter.


Joseph smiled proudly as he looked at the stream of reports coming from all the platoons as they secured streets and crossroads of the city. The sun had just peeked out from the horizon and they have already captured over two thirds of the city already in just within an hour or so.

"Damn, I love modern warfare!"

Neobear Neobear

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Scumbag body is sick again ... =(

章 231: You funny guy!

UNS Singapore, Conference Room, Operation Freedom Minus 25 days

"Orwell's Point has roughly 30,000 people in the city on average, but during winter and early spring, the number drops to half," Lieutenant Tavor said. "As merchants and slavers rarely do business due to the rivers and roads being closed due to winter."

"And at least 5,000 of those people in the city now are slaves, the reminder mostly guards, soldiers, and service providers," Tavor tapped on the overhead image of the city.

"2nd Battalion has to capture all the major points of the city, which will effectively allow them to control the residents of the city," Tavor detailed his plan.

"Control the food stores in the Warehouse, prevent information from being leaked out by taking the Merchant's Hall and Adventurer's Guild," Tavor listed out the important locations. "Take out the Stronghold which the elite of the Empire troops reside in and capture the Local Governor in his mansion."

"Hold the docks and the gates to prevent anyone from leaving or escaping," Tavor continued, "And hold each intersection of the streets to control movement."

"Once the city is in full control," Tavor's map changed colors, which divided the city into several sections. "Marines are to do a house to house search of any Imperials still hiding. With the streets cordoned off, the search parties will flush out any remanents of Imperial forces."

The map sectors slowly turned green one by one to indicate the area being cleared. "Once we have totally secured the whole city, the second part of the mission comes in."

"The Marines will dig in, and lure any trade or slave ships in," Tavor said. "And they will be impounded and the goods seized. Any other merchants coming in via the land route will also have their goods searched and confiscated if deemed valuable to our war effort."

"In the meantime, the city defenses will be upgraded and slaves will be given the option to leave or join us." Tavor looked up from his notes to the gathered upper brass. "Once the city is secured, the FB - 1 Mariners will come in to resupply the troops with ammunition."

"Once we have fortified the city," Tavor smiled coldly. "Short of a tactical nuke, nothing can dig the entrenched Marines out!"

"It's high time to stop being nice!"


Orwell's Point, Operation Freedom Plus 3 hours

Sergeant Mills nodded to his team as they stacked up against the building walls with a stout wooden door between them. They were clearing the Western Sector of the city, when suddenly a volley of crossbow bolts was fired at them, resulting in two men getting injured.

Luckily the reinforced steel ballistic plates protected the vital points of the men and the bolts barely dented their armor. The two men that got injured were hit at the arm and leg and were dragged off under the cover of a building while they screamed for a medic.

The attacked platoon reacted swiftly and fired at the suspected building windows, the heavy bullets shattering the wooden windows and lime plaster. Mills quickly ordered some men to follow him and they advanced to the door of the building under the cover fire.

"BREACH IT!" Mills yelled at one of his men who rapidly fired his shotgun at the top and bottom hinges, shattering the iron and wood.

"GO!" He slapped the Orc next to him. "GO GO GO!"

Private Slow charged forward and with his full body weight behind the size 16 boots, he sent the wooden door flying off its broken hinges. He stomped in, taking three steps and kneeled down while sweeping his MG-1 to the left of the room while Mills entered right behind him and swept his weapon to the right.

The room was typical of a local dwelling, with a fireplace and dining table and chairs while a doorway led to the kitchens. A staircase sat on the right, leading up to the second story.


Mills gestured towards to kitchen while he aimed his weapon at the stairs just as several footsteps stormed from the upper story and a pair of booted feet appeared at the stairs. An Imperial soldier dressed in half mail with a crossbow dangling at his side and holding a sword charged down the stairs only to have Mills popped a couple of shots into the Imperial's body, sending him toppling down the steps.

He stepped over the dead body and snapped his weapon up to the 2nd floor, covering the stairs. He heard the creaking of wood on the 2nd floor and he yelled in Common, "Drop your weapons and come down with your hands up! Surrender now!"

"DAMN YOU TO THE THIRTEEN HELLS!" Came back the reply and Mills looked at the Orc which he recognized as Slow and he gave a shrug.

"Well, I tried!" He gestured to the ceiling of the building to Slow who grinned. "Fire there!"

Slow shouldered his MG-1 and fired off a short burst at the spot where they heard the creak. The high powered 8.6 mm rounds easily punched through the plaster and wood, tearing fist sized holes in the ceiling.

Blood suddenly flowed down from the holes and Mills nodded and they advanced up the stairs carefully. Reaching the top, they saw a dead soldier pitched on the landing with a shattered crossbow on the side.

Mills gestured to Slow to cover his back while he checked one of the two rooms here. He ghosted in through the door and found an empty bedroom. Checking the next room, they found another dead Imperial soldier who most likely got killed by the return fire from the platoon on the streets.

"Clear!" He yelled before he went and yelled out from the window to the platoon on the streets. "ALL CLEAR!"

Mills turned to Slow who was checking the body of the dead Imperial. "Hey Slow, good thing you remember your three steps!"


Captain Joesph walked into the great hall of the stronghold and grimaced. Bits of mortar and stone littered the carpentry of the hall and half dried bloodstains laid here and there.

He picked up an overturned chair and placed it properly next to a long wooden table on the side. He looked at the litter of goblets and plates and gestured to his staff. "Clear the tables and bring in the equipment. We set up shop here."

"Yes, Sir!" His staff quickly cleared up the hall and moved in all the equipment, turning the hall into a command center in just half an hour.

"What is the latest from HQ?" Joseph asked his radio operator as he looked at the tactical map of the city that spread out on the table with markers of friendly units' positions.

"Sir, they have acknowledged our sit rep," The operator replied. "Thunderchief is sending the Mariners in with ammunition supplies. ETA 5 hours."

Joseph nodded. "Tell Gryphon to check the warehouses, I want an inventory of what is in there."

"Yes, Sir!" The operator started to play with the dials on his radio and passed the command on.

"Next, I want all units to move any supplies, weapons, armors of the enemy to the courtyard outside," Joseph said next. "Keep a tally of what we got."

"Continue to keep the city in lockdown," Joseph continued. "Once we sort out the sheep from the wolves than we move on to dealing with the Governor and Merchants."


By the time the sun reached the mid of the day, all the defenders of Orwell's Point had either surrendered or killed. The slaves were easily recognized by the collars they wore were kept under guard at the Slave Pens while the Marines double ensured there were no hidden threats lurking behind.

Weapons were confiscated and several huge piles of swords and spears were dumped at the Stronghold's courtyard. Teams of surrendered Imperial soldiers worked to clear the grisly remains of their former comrades. The bodies were dumped outside at an open pit to be burnt.

Joseph sat on a captured carriage and entered a pair of splendid looking gates that led to an impressive looking mansion. The lawn and gardens looked explicitly neat and tidy. And despite it was early spring, the plants in the garden looked green and flowers were blooming.

How much did this governer spend to have enchanted his garden to withstand winter? Thought Joseph as he stepped out of the carriage. Falcon Company's Lieutenant came up and saluted to Joseph.

"Sir, they are kept inside the main building," The Lieutenant reported as he led Joseph towards the Mansion doors. "We have secured the whole Mansion. All the servants, maids, and slaves are kept under watch at the servant's wing."

"The Governor and the Merchant's family we kept them separated in the other wing of the mansion." The Lieutenant said.

Joseph nodded and wondered how much money and slaves were used to build this mansion as he admired his surroundings.

"We found several storehouses at the back filled with tons of food and other supplies, not to mention also the Governor's treasury which is quite impressive," The Lieutenant continued his report. "We also found a couple of hidden tunnels, most likely for the family or the Governor to escape. We have sealed off the tunnels to prevent their use."

Walking through the double doors guarded by Marines, the LT brought Joseph to a day room were dozens of men in clothed in various sleepwear glared at him as they entered.

"What is the meaning of this!" A portly male in long pajamas yelled. "We are all respected men here!

The Marines guarding them snickered as they eyed the enraged half dressed merchant. They quickly snapped to attention when they saw Joseph entering. "Atten- shun!"

"At ease," Joseph waved the salutes away before turning to the group of men gathered before the fireplace.

"Do you know who are you offending by keeping us here?" The portly merchant stormed up to Joseph. "Release us at once! Or face th- MMMMM!!!?!"

Joseph's revolver clicked as he cocked the hammer back and jammed the muzzle of his sidearm into the babbling mouth of the merchant whose expression turned white.

"One more word out of you stinking mouth," Joseph gave a cold smile. "And I blow that mouth of yours away! Clear?"

"MMMMMMM!!!!" The merchant tried to back off, cold sweat forming all over his face while nodding his head in panic and pain.

"Good if you understand, better if you don't!" Joseph removed his revolver from the frightened merchant and picked up a cloth off the table and wiped the saliva off his gun.

"Now, you all listen carefully, no one is to talk till I give you permission," Joseph tossed the tablecloth back on the table. "This city is now under the control of the United Nations. Meaning, all your possessions is now the property of the UN!"

The group of people turned and looked at each other in confusion and shock. Joseph noticed one man seated on one of the chairs gave a sneer. "You," Joseph gestured to the sitting man. "You must be the Governor, yes?"

The Governor adjusted his sleeping gown like it was some court dress and stood up. "Yes, I am."

"So what is so funny?" Joseph sat down on one of the chairs and kicked his booted feet up on one of the ottomans.

The Governor frowned slightly as he saw the dirty boots of this brutish soldier on his furniture. He cleared his throat and smiled, "You seriously do not know who you are offending?"

"Of course, I know!" Joseph laughed. "Aren't you all from the Empire of Bluewood?"

"If you know, then stop this foolish!" The Governor jerked his head up proudly. "Surrender before the Emperor brings his wrath down on you!"

"Hahahaha," Joseph laughed and looked at the LT next to him while gesturing to the Governor. "You funny guy!"

"I kill you last!"

Neobear Neobear

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Sry for the late update, was and am still sick ...

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