55% My Hero Academia, I'm A Villain / Chapter 11: In the name of the Brother

章 11: In the name of the Brother

Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

At an unknown location

"Haha, so that brat Tomura is planning on taking some Nomu to Hosu city," the voice said.

"Yes," Viper replied. "He has become jealous of the Hero-Killer and seeks to remove his name from the news. To do that he intends to create chaos using these creatures."

The voice giggled.

"And just how many is All for One giving him?" asked the voice.

"Three at the most," Viper informed.

"Perfect. Three is rather small so give him 'that' one as well. This will be the perfect opportunity to do it. Accidents do happen after all," the voice replied sinisterly.

Viper shifted uncomfortably. This man was one of few that could actually scare her.

"Sir is this really necessary?" Viper asked carefully. "He has contributed a lot to the League and has even created the enhancement drug as well as others. It is it really necessary to kill him?"

As soon as she had said that Viper felt a massive pain in her head and dropped to her knees. Gasping for air she stared up at the screen.

"Have you already forgotten who you serve Viper or do I have to remind you? Why are you even questioning my orders anyway?" the voice demanded.

"All for One seems rather fond of him. I just want to avoid starting an all-out war with him over the death of something you despise," she explained.

It was the best explanation she could give, rather the only one he would accept. Personally she had nothing against Deku, she didn't even care that he was quirkless. When she had hacked his schools system (it was one of her side jobs for the League) she had to admit she'd been impressed with his intelligence, even more so when she saw his quirk analysis abilities. Working alongside him as S1 had moved some of the Leagues projects faster. Honestly she found it hard to believe his school had treated him like dirt when he was this gifted.

"Don't worry about him. As long you complete 'that' it should be no problem. Besides with what I've got planned well, even he won't expect it," the voice laughed. "Anyways you've set the Nomu the way I wanted it right."

"Of course. When it's deployed it will seek out its target and eliminate it. In this case Deku," Viper explained.

"Good. And Viper because you want to avoid suspicion so much you can have it kill that quirkless shit quickly. Pretty nice of me don't you think?" the voice said with glee.

Viper nodded. Compared to what he usually did to quirkless people a quick death was rather nice. Nothing more was said between the pair so she logged off to continue her work.

The man who had been talking to her walked over to the sink to wash his face. When he stared in the mirror he say a man with a figure similar to All Might's. Hair and eyes as red as blood. Wearing a crimson armoured suit he grinned with malice.

"All for One, your day is coming. The same can be said for all those brats who work for you. And as for that quirkless filth you brought to the League, well, his death will be the first stepping stone to achieving my goal. One more Atrocity to add to my list."

With that Atrocity walked out.

Hosu City

"You've definitely gotten the hang of all this," Stain applauded Deku.

It had only been five days since he and Deku's 'internship' began but things had moved forward so quickly. In a short amount of time Deku had learned to focus his senses so they would be even sharper than before and mastered the knife skills he was taught. As for killing intent, that had been a little harder to work with as he had no desire to kill. To help Stain told him to think about that bastard that made him suffer so much and what he wanted to do to him, he told him to channel his anger and rage to attribute it as some form of bloodlust. It took a while but he was finally able to produce some form of it, though not very powerful. To add to it all his mobility and balance had increased drastically from climbing, jumping from and leaping off buildings.

"You've done enough for today so take a break," Stain told him.

"You sure?" Izuku asked.

Stain nodded as a reply. Their conversation was cut short however by an assailant kick him at high speed. He was wearing All Might themed clothes (mainly a hoodie), a black mask to cover his face, gloves and goggles. Stain staggered slightly but regained his balance and readied his sword until he stopped to see who it was.

"Managing to land a hit on me, you've gotten stronger," Stain complimented the assailant. "Still though, I never expected to see you here. Shouldn't you be out with Knuckleduster and Pop-Step patrolling your own area."

"Don't try and flatter me," the man snarled. "I was just passing by. As for my friends, they should be able to handle things just fine without me."

Izuku had no idea what was going on. Stain clearly knew this man yet he didn't seem annoyed by the assault. Also he wasn't irritated by his appearance, which meant he couldn't have been one of the false heroes Stain hated. As Izuku inspected him further he noticed how he was crouched down in a crawling position. Given this information, Izuku guessed that this must be that vigilante Stain told him about.

"Um, excuse me," he started while attracting the man's attention. "Would you be the Crawler by any chance?"

Suddenly the man moved toward him with such speed and grabbed his hands. It looked as though he were about to cry tears of joy.

"You're absolutely right," he said with joy. "Finally someone gets my name right."

Izuku looked at Stain who simply shrugged. The Crawler changed to a serious expression.

"Wait hold on. If you're with him is he trying to kill you?" he asked.

"No I'm on an internship with him for the week learning new fighting skills and how the world works," Izuku explained.

The Crawler was stunned. However he soon became angry.

"What the hell Stain," he yelled. "I thought you said you didn't involve children in your so called crusade."

The hero-killer sighed and said "I'm doing this as a favour to a friend of mine. I'm not involving him or anything I'm just teaching some new things, one of which isn't how to kill. I even put my crusade on hold because I was asked to."

What he didn't mention was that Razor had made him swear not to kill anyone while he was out with Deku. It seemed that of all the things he was she did not want him to become an accomplice to murder. He understood though. Once you crossed that line there was no going back, not ever.

"Wait so is he a vigilante then. Someone training to be a hero wouldn't work with you," Crawler said suspiciously.

"No he's a villain. Not your usual one though, he's mainly an analysis and support one. Kids actually a member of the League," Stain explained. "Though let me explain now, he's one of the nicer members."

The Crawler slowly digested the information he was given. He had heard of the League even before the attack on UA, being a vigilante meant you hear about things you wouldn't normally hear about if you were a hero. Also, he knew Stain well enough to know that he wouldn't just work with villains, the man absolutely despised them. However, if he did have a friend who he was willing to do this for then it was possible.

"So wait does that mean you don't kill?" Crawler asked Izuku.

He just wanted to be sure. The boy in black nodded in response. With this he relaxed. However, he moved towards Stain and punched across the face.

Izuku was surprised that Stain was just letting this happen. He could've easily dodged.

"I'm guessing this is about Ingenium," he mentioned.

"You're damn well right. The guys never gonna be able to walk again thanks to you. His life as a hero is over," Crawler yelled. "You put a good man out of commission. He wasn't even one of those false heroes you hate so much, he was genuine."

There were tears in his eyes now. Izuku felt bad for the man. He remembered how Stain had described Ingenium, rather the Crawler's description. Izuku could tell he looked up to the man a lot. It was same way he had looked at All Might.

Stain wore the same stoic expression however. He was about to speak when they all heard an explosion. Stain instantly started climbing towards the roof.

The Crawler was about to protest when Izuku grabbed him and used his grappling hook to bring them both to the roof. When they arrived Izuku could see fire coming from another part of the city. A figure flew out from the smoke, one Izuku recognised.

"Nomu," he whispered.

The other two turned to him.

"You know that thing," Crawler inquired.

"It was someone the League had that was supposed to defeat All Might. But, something isn't right. The one for that was defeated. Also, it didn't have wings or grey skin. This is must be a different one," Izuku explained.

"I bet it's that brat from before," Stain snarled. "Uh I should have just killed him when I had the chance."

Izuku was guessing he meant Tomura. Given the man's personality, it did seem likely. He also did have a grudge against Stain.

"Maybe we should all get off the roof first so we can decide on our next move," Crawler suggested.

Stain leaped to the alley below. Izuku grabbed Crawler and used hi grappling hook to bring them both down. Stain ordered them both to wait while he checked things out.

"So if you know what that thing is do you know how to defeat it?" Crawler asked.

"No sorry. The first time I even saw Nomu was during the USJ Incident, and even then I didn't know about any of his powers. I was only there to get revenge on someone," Izuku told him.

The Crawlers eyes narrowed at this.

"Revenge?" he questioned.

"The person I fought against, and won, was my childhood bully. He used to beat the crap out of me every day for being quirkless, until that one Incident when I finally put him in his place," Izuku said with a bit of pride. "What about you though, Stain said you were a vigilante."

"Well yeah. I work with two others to keep my area safe from threats most heroes and police wouldn't see or deal with. We're considered villains but technically we're heroes," Crawler replied.

For a moment they said nothing.

"You don't seem like a bad person. Just how did you end up becoming a villain?" he asked.

"I told you I was bullied for being quirkless. I was pushed to certain point where I could no longer take it and tried to end it all. The League saved me, they saw something in me no one else did. They gave me hope and reason to live again," Izuku told him.

The Crawler said nothing. He knew quirkless people didn't have it easy in this society. His colleague and master Knuckleduster was quirkless but that never stopped him. He would always fight any villains that came his way, he had even defeated Stain once. He had taught him how to fight. Strangely enough Koichi had never once asked the older man about his daily life, there had never been much reason to.

"What's your name?" he asked the villain. "You don't have to tell me your real one. I'd just like something to call you."

"It's Deku," Izuku replied. "By the way. Does it seem weird that we're just having a casual conversation while a crisis is going on?"

"Probably but fortunately, there's no one here to judge us," the Crawler said.

They both laughed. They stopped however when they heard yelling a few feet away. They immediately ran to the source only to find it was Stain standing over a defeated teenager wearing an Ingenium like costume. Stain's sword was covered in blood, he must have used his quirk.

Izuku inspected the teenager's face who was glaring hatefully at Stain. He recognised him as Tenya Iida from class 1A (thanks to the list and the sports festival).

"He gave me a dream! He was a splendid hero!" Tenya yelled at Stain who returned with a glare.

Izuku and Koichi were confused as to what was going on. Why was Tenya here? Was he looking for Stain?

"I'll kill you!" he roared.

The pair froze at Tenya's words. He had come here to kill Stain.

"Becoming consumed by vengeance for the sake of satisfying your own selfish desires. That is the furthest act from being a hero," Stain scolded.

Not able to stand this any longer Koichi spoke up.

"Stain what the hell is going on? He's just a kid," he asked.

Tenya looked up to see the new arrivals. One was dressed up kinda like All Might, the other dressed in black. There was something familiar about him though.

"He attacked me, what was I supposed to do, just let him kill me," Stain retorted. "He came after me with full intent of attaining revenge for my assault on his brother, Ingenium."

"Ingenium," Crawler responded surprised. "You're Tensei's little brother."

Tenya, along with Izuku were surprised. Stain made no change in expression.

"You, you know my brother?" Tenya asked stunned.

Koichi nodded and said, "Yeah I do. He helped me master my quirk even though I didn't have a hero license. He was a good man and a great hero. I truly am sorry about what happened to him though."

Tenya didn't speak. Izuku was going over all this in his head. It seemed Crawler was closer to Ingenium than he thought, he must have been if he knew his identity.

"You should be grateful," Stain piped in. "Crawler here stopped me when I was about to kill your brother, he even gave me the same rant you were giving me. Only difference was that I actually let him hit me. Well the second time."

Tenya glared at Stain again.

"Stain would you please leave I'd like to talk with him. Deku you can stay. I need you to herlp me treat his wounds," Koichi said.

Stain nodded and informed them he would just be in the next alley and took off. Crawler placed Tenya sitting up and motioned for Izuku to come closer to help. He then took out a first aid kit in his pocket.

"Is it just your right arm he got?" Izuku asked.

Tenya nodded as a reply, which was all he needed to hear. He took out one of his regeneration drugs and injected it into his arm. Tenya yelped in pain.

"Relax it'll go away in a minute. This'll be faster than treating you," Izuku explained.

True to his word the wound cleared up as though it had never happened. Tenya and Koichi were both stunned at this.

"Well now that that's taken care of we can talk," Koichi said as he sat across from the boy.


The two boys were taken back slightly at this. Crawler didn't stop however.

"I understand you're upset about your brother but what the hell? Stain has killed multiple pro heroes all by himself and you thought you could actually beat him. What would Tensei say if he could see you now?" he scolded.

Tenya became angry upon hearing this.

"I inherited my brother's name. I'm the one who has to do it," he angrily retorted. "So don't you dare tell me I shouldn't. If you did save my brother then you should know the state he's in, you should understand."

"I do understand. However, Tensei happens to be my friend so I know about the type of person he is. Believe when I say he wouldn't want you to get revenge," Crawler told him. "He loves you more than anything, and one thing he truly wishes for is for you to become a hero. Can you even imagine the state he would be in you just died or actually killed someone yourself? Are you that selfish?"

Tenya looked away. Izuku couldn't tell if he was ashamed of his actions or not but he had decided it was finally time to speak up.

"I don't know anything about Ingenium but from what I've heard from Crawler and Stain I can tell it's as Crawler says it is," he said.

Tenya turned to look at him.

"You desire to follow the path of a hero, however, revenge isn't the solution. Revenge is something a villain like me pursues. Also killing, heroes don't kill. If you actually did kill Stain, which I seriously doubt is possible, what do you think would happen? Do you think you'd be praised? No, you'd be thrown in prison for murder, you'd be considered a villain. So let me tell you know, stop before you can't. This won't end well for you either way if you do."

Tenya stared at him in shock. Tears were beginning to form. Izuku saw a variety of emotions in his face. Shame, regret, anger and sadness. Crawler pulled him into a hug.

"It's alright. You don't have to hold it in," Koichi assured the boy.

With that Tenya began to cry hysterically. They were right. He knew they were right. What kind of person was he? To just simply decide on something like this. He wasn't a hero, he was a fraud. He had no right to call himself Ingenium.

"Brother I'm sorry," he whispered while still crying.

No one said anything. Izuku and Koichi acknowledged that Tenya had a lot going on and needed to sort it out himself. After a few minutes Tenya stopped crying and stood up and faced the two.

"Thank you and I'm sorry," he said.

"You've got nothing to apologise for," Koichi told him.

"No you were right. I shouldn't have acted the way I did, it was foolish of me," he admitted and then turned to Deku. "Thank you also. And, out of curiosity, were you involved at the USJ incident. It's just that you look familiar, and I haven't encountered that many villains."

Izuku nodded. Koichi tensed slightly at this fearing how Tenya would react. Tenya surprisingly grinned.

"So you were the one who defeated Bakugo," Tenya realised.

"How do you know about that?" he asked curiously.

He seriously doubted Bakugo would brag about a loss to anyone.

"I heard a report about it. Also, he swearing 'When I find that bastard in black I'm gonna kill him'. He's really pissed off at you," Tenya explained.

"Well that makes sense," Izuku thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud impact. The trio turned to see it was the Nomu from before.

"This thing," Tenya said. "What's it doing here? And why's it different?"

The Nomu was staring at Izuku. Recognising its target it moved with great speed and swung its arm at him. Izuku just barely dodged as the creature destroyed a wall. He had Stain and Razor's training to thank for that. Nomu moved to attack him again, only this time he was pushed out of the way by Crawler using his quirk (a mobility one that required him to be on all fours).

"Why's it attacking me?" Izuku wondered. "Aren't we on the same side?"

Izuku figured it must be using the enhancement drug. However, from the damage it was doing he could tell it wasn't as powerful as the first one (he'd seen the destruction it caused in the aftermath of its battle with All Might).

It moved to attack him again only to have its leg chopped off by a familiar katana. Stain stood next to Izuku ready to strike again. The leg regenerated.

"You okay Deku?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah. That things trying to kill me for some reason though," Deku replied.

"Well then we had better finish it now then. All of you get ready, that includes you Ingenium," Stain exclaimed.

Tenya glared at him.

"Just once I'll do this, after that we're back to being enemies," he explained.

"If he is using the drug then it should wear off in ten minutes, it has been at least twenty since this all started," Izuku thought.

Standing beside each other the vigilantes, the student, and the villain began their fight against the monster before them.


A/N :Hi there. Well what did you think of that? I bet you didn't expect me to include characters from the spin-off manga. When I read it I couldn't help but wonder if Koichi had some involvement in Ingenium living since he knew both men, also Stain doesn't actually seem like the type to just let someone live to spread his name. Also, what did you think of Atrocity? I've been meaning to introduce him for a while. Next chapter will feature a battle between the four and Nomu. Please review.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


