But the Zuo family had colluded with the Dongsang Kingdom, and the evidence was irrefutable. As a result, the entire Zuo family collapsed. Some of them ran away, but Emperor Wu caught the rest.
The Zuo family's house was ransacked, and many members were beheaded. It was a boisterous scene.
But the Hua family…
Feng Wu remembered that apart from the capable cultivators who had died in the arena, everyone else in the Hua family was still alive.
However, after this battle, the Hua family had lost most of its members. Who was this young lady?
Caixia and the young woman didn't try to hide their conversation, so Feng Wu heard everything.
"Still no news of your princess?" Miss Hua frowned at Caixia.
Caixia shook her head. "There were several suspicious cases, but it turned out none of them was Feng Wu."