Somebody charged out of the door.
Everybody was thrilled when they saw who it was.
"Zuo Qingluan!"
"Miss Qingluan!"
Gongsun Mu and the others ran to her side in excitement.
Zuo Qingluan didn't look well.
Her clothes were covered with dust, and there was blood on her face.
Gongsun Mu immediately asked, "What's going on inside? Where are the others?"
All eyes were on Zuo Qingluan.
Zuo Qingluan struggled to her feet, took a deep breath, and said gravely, "They, they…"
"What happened to them?" Everybody was anxious.
Zuo Qingluan said, "It was all Feng Wu's fault! If she had listened to Elder Mei and remained in the area she was supposed to, this mine would never have collapsed!"
Mr. Wang said, "What? Did Feng Wu start it? I told you already, that Feng Wu is trouble! Now you know I'm right!"
Gongsun Mu frowned and stared at Zuo Qingluan. "Where are the others?"