The expression on Poison Ivy's face was tinted with a sliver of unspeakable sadness and it was a moment before he recovered to his senses as he went walking towards his own house.
On both sides of the enormous tree that Poison Ivy lived, were several human spirits standing around. They looked around the place, and did not manage to find their target. After searching for a while, they began to feel bored and they gathered under the tree to whisper secretly to each other, where it was not known what they were talking about.
Poison Ivy appeared right before them without a sound just like that and the human spirits were startled by Poison Ivy's sudden appearance, where they immediately held up their weapons.
Several vines shot out quick as lightning, instantly hitting the weapons out of the hands of the human spirits one by one.
"Poison….. Poison Ivy." Seeing those swirling vines, the human spirits were able to identify Poison Ivy immediately.