With Fan Jin's stern warning, the other youths did not dare object, but their eyes showed that they were not convinced.
On the second level, Senior Ning observed everything that was going on and her attractive lips curled up. She raised a hand and pointed it at Fan Jin who was saying something to Jun Xie and said: "Fan Jin messed up big time. It seems that the brat Jun Xie can really put up a good act, having fooled Fan Jin so completely. I think, if that brat had not revealed to Fan Jin that he would be admitted into the Spirit Healer faculty, I do not think Fan Jin would have been so eager to be his mentor. I wonder, now that his hopes have clearly been dashed, he must be feeling mighty disappointed. Don't you think so, Little Yan?"
Yin Yan's face was split with a wide sinister smile. Seeing Fan Jin's hopes completely dashed made him happier than anyone else.