"What did you say?!" Jun Xian stared, unable to believe what he just heard.
"Official Lin knows, His Majesty has been investigating his foul deeds, I do not know how he came to know about it. He suddenly killed everyone in his household, and I wanted to apprehend him just now. Little did I know, his skills far surpassed mine. He defeated tens of my guards, and escaped. I am not his match, hence, I came here to request for assistance from Your Highness! I implore Your Highness to lend a hand! If he escapes, His Majesty will not be lenient with me." Li Ran pleaded, kneeling before Jun Xian.
Hidden within Jun Xian's sleeves, were fists tightly clenched. Using all his might, he masked the shock that reverberated through him.
It was impossible that Lin Yue Yang, such an upright man, would kill his whole household over trumped up charges!
"Where is he now?" Jun Xian asked coldly.
"I had him followed. He has left the Imperial City, heading south east." Li Ran replied hastily.
"I will set off now." Jun Xian refused to believe Lin Yue Yang was capable of such atrocities, but with Li Ran bearing eye witness to Lin Yue Yang killing his wife, they will kill Lin Yue Yang right there and then if they get to him first.
The Jun Family was indebted to Lin Yue Yang, a point Jun Xian would never forget. He will handle this matter personally, bring Lin Yue Yang back to reveal the truth, in order to keep him alive.
The majority of the Lin Palace guards were out with Long Qi escorting the pills. Jun Xian gathered the remaining guards, though few in numbers, every single one of them a top fighter.
Without a moment's hesitation, Jun Xian was on the chase.
A hidden shadow, watched Jun Xian leave the City Gates. He grinned wickedly, shrouded in the darkness.
"Your Highness, as astute as you are, you will not allow your benefactor to die an ignoble death." The shadow in the darkness, let out a series of low laughter and turned, hands kept behind his back. Within the dark alley, pairs of cold and evil eyes looked at him intently, numbering in the hundreds.
"Is it certain, that most of the Lin Palace's guards are out of the city?" The hidden shadow asked cagily.
"I am certain! I saw a large number of guards escorting several horse carriages out earlier."
"Would you know, where they have gone?"
"I do not know, guards from the Lin Palace belongs to the Rui Lin Army, the terrain is too open after the City Gates and I dare not follow, fearing discovery. But I have also verified, most of the remaining guards in the Lin Palace have followed Lin Wang in pursuit of Lin Yue Yang. There will be no more than fifteen guards remaining in the whole of Lin Palace."
"Fifteen soldiers from the Rui Lin Army?" The dark shadow chuckled.
"I would like to see, if my suicide squad of three hundred, can annihilate the Lin Palace tonight! Convey my orders! Infiltrate the Lin Palace, turn it inside out, I do not want anyone in the household alive by sunrise! Especially Jun Wu Xie and that useless trash, Jun Qing, I want to see their heads!"
"It shall be done!"
In a flash, all the dark cloaked shadows in the alley disappeared.
The shadow who issued the order, ascended the tall tower in the Imperial City and peered in the direction of the Lin Palace.
After tonight, Lin Palace shall cease to exist! And the Jun Family shall be no more!
The bright moon slid behind dark clouds, obliterating the last vestiges of moonlight.
In the deathly still of the night, dark shadows infiltrated the Lin Palace.
Shrouded by the darkness, the hidden Lin Palace guards from the Rui Lin Army noticed the abnormal movements as they stepped out from the shadows, to welcome the uninvited guests.
"If you are here to seek an audience with His Highness, please come again in the morning. Lin Palace does not receive guests after dark. The white haired Uncle Fu stood, hands behind his back, eyes steeled, facing the oncoming rush of shadowy assassins. Standing behind him, fifteen resolute and stalwart figures blocked the only way to the backyard.
"We are not here to visit, we are under orders to send everyone in Lin Palace on their way to hell!" The dark cloaked figure exclaimed, laughing maniacally.
Uncle Fu's eyes flashed, dropping the kindly smile, as his sharply honed killer instinct took over.
"Then I won't be polite! Intruders to Lin Palace will only face ….. Death!"
In a flash, Uncle Fu and the fifteen Rui Lin Army soldiers rushed into the midst of the horde of shadows. The light coloured clothed guards of Lin Palace shone brilliantly in contrast to the onslaught of shadows.
The deathly still of the night was broken, smelling acridly of death and blood.
Two groups of shadowy figures slipped into Lin Palace from the back as the battle in the front yard raged. They quickly killed the guards in the back of the Palace. With blades still dripping with fresh blood, they walked to the backyard.
The sweet smell of herbs lingered in the backyard, all was silent and still. The lotus pond rippled, as a soft breeze blew, bringing a chill.
One group of shadows stepped out, shattering the beauty of the night. Holding in their hands, blades that dripped blood, fresh from their slaughter, leaving a smattering of red on the ground.
"Tsk tsk…It is not advisable to disturb the rest of Wu Xie." A charming voice rang out suddenly, breaking the quietness in the yard. The shadowy figures startled, as they swung around to confront the voice.
A tall, slender figure, stepped slowly out of the shadows and into the illuminating moonlight. The handsome figure with his boyish grin belied those eyes, that exuded terrifying menace.
Jun Wu Yao glanced at the wary group casually, as he moved his gaze to the blades that were dripping blood onto the ground and his eyes glowed a dark violet.
"Dirtying Jun Wu Xie's yard is a crime, a crime you shall pay….. With your lives." Jun Wu Yao's smile slowly spread, however it was one that brought about a chilling tingle in the spine.
Under the moonlight, the shadowy group could see the lone figure clearly. The gaze from those violet eyes, like a sharp sword, seem to have pierced their hearts.
"De….. demon..."
"That's just rude!" Jun Wu Yao shook his head, "How can I be a mere demon?"
The violet hue in his eyes flashed, and his body became a blur of movements.
In a blink, quiet returned to the yard….. scarlet rain descended as the warm red colour fell onto the ground.
Jun Wu Xie opened her door at that moment, still dazed from sleep.
In that strangely enchanting scarlet rain, an elegant figure stood unmoving, his face tilted up, the stunning handsome face smattered scarlet from the rain.
He was laughing as his half amused violet eyes looked at her sideways, and the corners of the mouth curled up.
Those eyes showed merciless annihilation, his laughter maniacal. It makes one's skin crawl, a sight that Jun Wu Xie would never forget.
It was extremely beautiful, strangely alluring, but chilling to see at the same time.