17.39% Trinity: Omniverse Travels (Hiatus) / Chapter 19: How the smallest pleb crushed the giant part 1

章 19: How the smallest pleb crushed the giant part 1

Returning to the guest dorm with a stony expression, Alex passed everyone on his way without second regard; it was only once the door closed that his face morphed into a wicked smile. Tending his hands, a badly damaged rat and a wand appear in his palms.

-I never thought you would have the balls to pull off something like this.- Finally say CS, while whistling on his side.

'I never thought I would have the occasion either, but thankfully, it was all a spur of the moment. With the 'destruction of the strongest wand' in front of such a large number of people, it will give credit and end the tale of the three brothers.'

Storing the wand back until he had a use for it; he coldly gazes to the wounded and unconscious rat in his other hand.

-What are you going to do with it?-

'I don't know; I don't have fond memories of Sirius and don't want nor need him in my life.' Thoughts Alex, while a wooden cage with pre-engraved runes slowly forms around the rat in his palm. As it finishes to create, the runes shine white for a moment, before simmering down to a faint blue hue.

Seeing the low rate of formation of his craft, he frowned a little. 'I need to train and up my time reaction.'

-I think it is already amazing that you can manifest creation and already rune schemes, but your right, they won't wait for you patiently to trap them.-

Putting the cage on the ground, wooden runes after wooden runes barely form on his palm before flying around, forming a circle between him and the cell. As the last fall into place, a translucent semi-bubble manifest from them.


With a snap, the cage floor open, before vanishing in his pocket space, leaving the rat. Scabbers had barely exited it that he starts to morph back, leaving a stout man, with deformed limbs, and bleeding head' appears in its stead. Another crisp snapping sound on the man was left in his underwear and starting to stir.

Now sure that deprived of any means to retaliate, he steps in the circle. Taking a light green marble the size of a thumbnail out of his space, he presses it on the man temple. As soon as put, it sank in, and Peter immediately releases horrendous screams of pain, before collapsing. Not long after, the body of the traitor starts to shrivel-up, before ultimately turning to ashes.


Digging a little into them, Alex retrieved a crystalline cube, a diamond crated of the man carbon molecules, of 15 centimetres long. Looking around, a second one appears, along with a bar or mithril. Not larger than three centimetres, the second had a particular sight, indeed, inside the diamond, a lifelike rat made of mithril was trapped in. Weighting the bar, he nods at the kilo' quarter of mithril.

-You think it had worked?-

'Only one way to see it.' Storing the invaluable gemstone carelessly, and taking a pyramid-like blue crystal, he put the retrieved cube at the top, completing the geometrical shape.

As the two connect, unseen clusters, of different origin runes, light in a soft golden colour. As the light concentrate in the top, giving the emerald rat a golden hue. Broking out of his shell, the ethereal animal float in the air, looking at Alex.

"Show me the night of 31 October 1981." Say emotionlessly Alex.

At the world, the gosht stays unresponsive for a second, before large volute of golden mist spread into the entire room and a scene start to take form.


Alex stays transfigurated as he assists of the fateful night once again, from the gaze of the rodent. From the moment both men appear in Godric's Hollow, the betrayal, as they breach the FIdelius, Voldemort entering the revealed house freely.

As usual, Peter had been too cowardly to attempt anything and follow his master as he killed the man that had been his friend in Hogwarts. He could even feel the emotion affecting the rat, the fear, expectation, self-depreciation and excuses he used to convince himself that it wasn't his fault.

Then came the sudden explosion after minutes of stillness, the frozen Peter, unable to understand what had happened, then fear when seeing that his master had vanished, and terror at Severus arrival.

He could feel the rat heartbeat pounding in the hears of the scared animagus, barely able to hide in the wreckage. He could even see and hear the brief exchange of Hagrid and Sirius, before finally being alone, pocketing the wand of his master and fleeing to plan his death a the hand of Sirius.


-The traitor was even worst than I thought!- Spat CS disgusted at the man.

Alex says nothing, clamping as hard as he could to stop himself for succumbing to the hatred and pain of re-living the death of Lily.

Finally realising his host state of mind, CS carefully prob. -Your alright buddy?-

This seems to be the last thing he needs, taking a deep breath, and closing his eyes, he stays quiet for a minute, before nodding. The cube containing Peter entire life memories was stored alongside the new pensive device in a careless wave of his hand before he crumbles in a seat.


When she sees the small stack of letters already waiting for her on the desk, barely arrived from her lunch pause, Amelia Bones sight. The lasts few months had been nothing more than a wild dragon ride. Trials after trials had happened, shocking news one after the others, all about the high-level members of their society, Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

Contrary to what people were led to thinks, troughs the previous years, the two didn't share the less of a bond, heck, they have been wholly opposed from the start until today. While the public image of Dumbledore had rapidly turned lower than owl shit, the saviour was a stranger, but more importantly, lost!

While it had brought it shares of goods news under the so much need boost of her corps, she knows that it won't last forever, more so when news broke out that the fabled killing curse survivor finally made an appearance back to the magical community.

'And if Susie were to be trusted, it was far from the squeaky boy that lemon addict had sold us from years.'

Mindlessly going through some letter from Pureblood families ordering the release of family members in the care of Azkaban, rapidly throw in the bin, she froze at the following two letters and their particular crest.

"What now." Sigh her at the envelopes bearing the Potter crest. Quickly broking the seal, she looks thought the two to have a first idea as for why the scion of the near-extinct family was once again contacting her.

"Shit! Miranda, I need Shackbolt and Moody in my office, an urgent matter had arisen!" Yell her after punching the installed intercom on her office.

"Yikes! Y-yes, Madam's bones!"

Not a minute later, the two men enter hastily in the office. Wordlessly throwing the letters on the desk to them, both the men eyes widen at the content, of the two, Moody face' harden, a rather scary sight when the man face wasn't better than a badly damaged gnarled trunk.

"What do you want to use to do, lass?"

"From the letter, it evident we can only do our best. With just the fact that he called the debt he had over all those old families would bring the case on the Wisengamot, I don't want to be taken with my pant down. You two will go directly to Hogwarts through my Floo, while I call for another extraordinary session."

"Aye, will do." Nodded Moody, before they vanish through the fireplace shortly.

On her side, she starts to write a quick summon, before multiplying the sheet and charm them into paper planes and sending them.

"I'm starting to wish he had stayed where he was." Sigh her one again, before starting back to her pile of letters.


"Senior Auror Moody, Auror Shackbolt, I imagine you are here from this morning revelation?." Curtly welcomed the medicwitch at the two intruders of her domain.

"Aye, Poppy, what have you for us?"

"This is a mess." Sigh the matron. "Once again, Albus deeds came to light, and it didn't depict a good image, I fear."

"That bad?" Raised Moody, a nonexistent brow.

"Worse, Albus had been proven to had least have two Heirlooms of another house, and nearly attack the boy when he retrieves one of them, before destroying it."

"What items?" Asked Shack.

"You didn't know?" Asked back the matron, surprised.

"Only that another conflict was opposing House Dumbledore and House Potter for thiEf of Heirlooms. Those are quite heavy accusationS, more so for the concerned House. Both of us immediately sent after hearing of it." Responded Moody.

"True, I suppose, very well. Let start with the debut." Say here, receiving a nod from the two while Shackbolt retrieves DMLE approved stationary to take her testimony. "From what has been explained, everything at started a few minutes before breakfast started, I was giving my morning inspection of stock at the time, before going for it. Anyway, From Mr Potter word, the boy had barely started a conversation with Mr Malfoy, before being cut by Mr Weasley, the youngest." The two Aurors frowned at that, already gathering a black mark for the redhead behaviour.

"The young boy seems to have been insulting Mr Malfoy, before being reprimanded by Mr Potter."

"We will need a transcript of the conversation, Poppy." Cutted Moody.

"Yes, I gather, ask students present, Slytherin would do, as it happens not far from their table." Say her, no bothered by the interruption, knowing how they process.

"Will do, continue, please."

"As I was saying, Mr Potter responds, and it didn't seem to have please the boy. For what could be heard, the young Weasley draw his wand and cursed Mr Potter."

The curious look of Moody hardens, understanding now, the charge laid against the boy.

"How had Potter responded?"

"By disarming his opponent, from the scan, he broke Mr Weasley wrist, before twisting his arm on his back. From the fractured shin, I conclude that he had stricken the boy's leg, and made them fall on the ground, explaining the crushed nose, cracked ribcage and bruised knees."

"Magic?" Inquire the tall wizard of African origin, only for the matron to shake her head.

"No, from the students present, all was done barehand, but it had been noted that Mr Potter possesses a rather vicious pair of heavy combat boot with coated tips."

Both men winced slightly at this, knowing the damage those simple footwear could deal if correctly used, as it seems to be the case.

"It was at this time that we, professor, arrive. Minerva had rapidly made way, along with Albus, who immediately started the second part of the event. Without hearing either of both side, he judged Mr Potter guilty and processed with detention. What no one would have thought was that he wasn't even bothering to acknowledge the punishment, other than shouting to Albus' face that he wouldn't hear the man, as he was a thief. Albus and, I would imagine, all of us thought he was referring to the past before he mentions the Heirlooms. The first seems to be a cloak of some sort who was at least from his father young. But what had shocked most, was to learn that he was from the Peverell direct line and immediately demand the Elder wand back."

The mention of the fabled wand immediately draws the attention of both men. "Poppy, the wand was said to originate from the ..."

"13 century, I know, as the last owner, Albus would be considerate the thief, with seven centuries of arrears debts, he wouldn't be able to shoulder the sentence, should he be proven guilty. Either way, the claim had been found legal by magic, as Mr Potter was able to call for the wand and for it to respond to say call.

Albus didn't seem to take it well, and attempt to take it back, only for Mr Potter to burn it thoroughly via an incendio spell, all this before crushing Albus face under a rather angry blow delivered via those same boots." Sigh her, knowing full well what would hit the school.


Both Aurors thank the matron.

"Shack, you take the two suspect to the holding cell, I will talk to the students."

Nodding firmly at his superior' order, he links both of the unconscious men hand together, before putting his badge on them. Taking his wand, he lightly touches it with the tip, before saying. "DMLE cells!"

As the two vanish from the medical ward, he made his way back to the flow, to deliver the first report to his boss.


During the following hours, Moody would be nearly assaulted by students to give testimony; he only understands why, when a professor present spoke of the debt owned from their House to House Potter.

He had the confirmation by Minerva, later, that the cloak had already been sent back, and was, in fact, an object she knew Charlus possess in his young. With more than 100 years of existence, the cloak confirmed to be an Heirloom, validating the second charge of the thief.

Back to his office after delivering his report and stack of testimony, he crumbles on his chair.

'What are you playing at Albus.'


The affair rapidly made its way to the Wisengamot, and an extraordinary session was called the following day.

Thankfully, it was Sunday; thus, Alex made his way to the Ministry in London, via Floo from his transfiguration professor fireplace. Giving his crafted wand of a clump of breaded fur tread of Frost and applewood, he passes the security post.

Not far from the post, an Auror draped in a red robe was standing, waiting.

"Auror Robblard?"

"Mr Potter?" Asked the man surprised by the unexpected appearance.

"Indeed, shall we go?"

"Let, we're still a little early, but better that be late."

Nodding at him, he follows the lead of the Auror to the lift, before they made their way to the courtroom N°10.

Sitting in the Witness block, he waits by looking at the already present lord. From the sitting and small group, he didn't take him long to place the different group. At his right, on the other side of the door, stood Lucius, along with some other men.

On the centre, a smattering of lone or dual men, and finally, the larger cluster on his left.

'So dark, grey? And light? From the look of it, the light had the largest block, then dark and then the loner of the grey.'

As the minutes' pass, his thoughts were proven correct, even if the dark turned to be nearly as large than the light.


"Hear! On this 31 October 1991, the Wisengot assemble for an extraordinary session! This trial opposes House Potter, against House Weasley. Leading the session, chief warlock Marchbanks, Minister Fudge, and DMLE head, Madam Bones!"

"This session is now open, Auror, bring the accused!"

Opening on the order of the chief warlock, two Aurors surroundings, Ron pass the door, seating him on the wooden chair before chains wrap tightly against his arms and legs.

"The charge?" Asked the old witch, surprised for a second at the apparent child young age in front of her, before processing.

"As of the 30 October 1991, Ronald Bilinus Weasley, is accused of the attempts of life on Heir Potter. While the wand was lost in the clash, testimonies have all told of a green coloured curse throws directly at Heir Potter."

At the reading of the charges, the assembly broke into loud whispers. From them and the glare send at the boy, it was evident that already a majority had a negative impression.

Raising from his seat, and thus reclaiming silence, Fudge asked.

"Are the transcript reveal the nature of the curse?"

The scribe read shortly, turning the book page, before announcing.

"During the interrogation of the suspect, it had been identified as a minor jinx know as 'Slugulus eructo'."

"Very well." Sight the older woman, Madam Bones, if you will."

"Thank you, Chief Warlock. The court call Heir Potter."

Raising from his position, starting a wave of whispers and fingers pointing, Alex came and stood behind the desk near the woman, on the side of the chained young.

"Heir Potter, could you tell the court why you react the way you have." Asked the woman, fixing Alex with a steel gaze.

"You means, the fact that I defend myself?" Asked him rising a brow at her, displaying an attitude few would have when facing her. "Other than the fact this its seems evident, I have very few exposure time when it came to the wizarding world. No matters the world, when someone points a weapon at you, you either run, dodge, or defend yourself. I couldn't run as Heir Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were behind me." Started him, gaining a nod from say fathers and the rest of the wizards and witches. "Dodging would lead to the same, as I was hindering their view, I doubt the youngs Heirs would have enough time to take out their wand and defend themselves when the opponent was already cursing." Again, the assembly nod at the legitimate response. "As for defending myself, as I say, I don't have sufficient time to learn the necessary counterspell."

"Even then, you could have simply disarmed the young Weasley. From the report, the young man had a crushed wrist, a dislocated shoulder, sprain elbow, a cracked ribcage and bruised knees. Don't you think you had shown excessive force?" Countered Madam Bones, earning some gasp at the extend of the damages caused.

"Are you telling me that you, Madam Bones, as head of the DMLE, would leave a suspect with full access of his wand arm, and the means to freely breathe and move?" Asked back Alex, disbelieved. "By crushing his wrist, and dislocate his arm, I take down his ability to strike back. By cracking his ribcage, I take out his breath, rendering him unable to breathe and formulate spell correctly. By bruising his knees, I assured myself an opportunity to run, does it seems t you that I showed excessive force?" State him clearly.


His posed and even voice brought the rising whispering to an end, as the assembly hadn't other choice but see his point. When they do, they could understand why he reacts this way. While more than once were discontent of the 'muggle' way thing had been done, rather than like any proper wizards, they had to confess that two weeks were just too short to learn how to do so.

"Thank you, Heir Potter, You can return to your seat. Seeing the significant amount of testimonies, and their concordance, we will deliberate to the fate of Ronald Bilinus Weasley. For those judging the accused guilty, raise your wand." Annonce the chief warlock, before raising her wand herself.

From his place, Alex could see that the entire Dark block immediately raise their wands, lighting the tip of a pale white. The action, shortly followed by more than three-fourth of the Grey block and a smattering of White one. Those of the Dumbledore block stay their hand, along with their allies in the centrist bloc, but the votes were too few, and the case, closed.

While seeing the evident result, Griselda Marchbank still asked, for fairness shake.

"Those judging the accused innocent, raise your wand."

Again, wands rose and light, if only, in much more limited numbers.

"With a majority of 63 for, 25 against, and 12 mutes, Ronald Bilius Weasley is found guilty of all charges pressed against him. House Weasley is to be fined 100 Galleons for the offence, and young Ronald will be detained five years to Azkaban, in a middle-security cell due to his young age. As this sentence is irrevocable, Ronald Weasley is effectively expel from Hogwarts. His wand his to be snapped on-site, and his magic bond. He will be released in the muggle world after serving his sentence, his memories whipped. House Weasley his banned to come into his help, under any forms, once the sentence served. Should they, or anyone of the wizarding world does, it will be considerate as an attempt of breaking the statue of secrecy, and directly sent to Azkaban for a ten years sentence, high-security cell! Next!" Claim her while banging her mallet on her desk, closing the case.


Hearing the sentence given, the Aurors on the side of the door approach, and take the boy away. It was only now that Alex notices that the redhead was under a silencing charm. Say boy was openly weeping, knowing that is fate was sealed.


Chatters explode from the sentence given to the young boy. The chief warlock slowly regains order in the courtroom, after banging her mallet. It was only now that the majority of those unaccustomed of her way, see that she wasn't Dumbledore.

Say man wasn't aware of today case about the youngest male of his staunchest supporter, even then, he wouldn't have been able to do much, as he was himself facing charges!

Like the man, the parents of the boy weren't allowed in the courtroom, other than the boy' father. The man hadn't dared to tell his wife of the incoming trial. Deep in his heart, he had forgotten that Dumbledore wasn't chief warlock anymore and that his son would receive no help from this side of the law.

Added the charges of assault on a remaining Heir? The boy' fate was a foregone decision. What had hit him the hardest was the duration of the sentence. With five years, he would be unable to pass his OWLs, as Ron only be free at the start of is six years. Without possible OWLs, nor the time to studies for them, before the beginning of the new year, they were deems as automatical failed. Such a situation lead to the 'extra' sentence. Without OWls, Ron wouldn't be allowed to stay in the Wizarding world. Even then, he doubts that much would be left of his son after those five years.

With three exposure to Dementors a day, plus the lack of any substantial meal in prison, he would be surprised to see even the shadow of his son.

It was also now that he was internally cursing having signed the magical guardianship of his children to the older man. With Dumbledore in jail, the Weasley hadn't been informed of the situation. He only had received an urgent convocation to an extraordinary session the night before, without details.

Until then, they always counted on Dumbledore to help their family; it had been one of the conditions of the waived fees from Hogwarts.

With neither his position as chief Warlock and his night in jail, they hadn't time to look for defence in Ron's name. Even then, the case was lost, somewhere, he was thankful that they didn't have to pay meaningless wages for it, seeing the astronomical fine. 100 Galleons (5,000 pounds) wasn't a little sum, but a major one. With this, it was two-thirds of their Vault contents vanishing like smoke!

Raising seven children with a homemaker wasn't the way to turn a family wealthy. With two-thirds of their funds gone and even his position in danger, it was the future of four of his siblings that Ron had put in peril, all because the boy shortcoming his mother had never bothered to correct, wanting to pamper her last little boy.

Arthur Weasley was starting to bitterly realise that the return of the Boy-Who-Lived was turning into a thorn for their side, and a nightmare to is family.

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