Fay sat up and her eyes twinkled, "This- this is Lady Farah's specialized skill, Will of the Flame!"
Specialized skills were abilities created by combining multiple abilities within a person. So they could only be passed on by people who possessed similar abilities, some with more stringent requirements.
Will of the flame allowed Lady Farah to convert Indomitable into a flame and pass it on for use to another person. The consequences were permanent, allowing the chosen people to experience Indomitable!
To use this skill one must have 3 abilities. A fire affinity, Indomitable and the ability to finely manipulate spirit essence on a granular level!
The last two requirements were incredibly hard to achieve. Will of the Flame was a technique so valuable as it could double or triple an army's power! It was a tactical weapon!
1.5 k minimum words a day. Lets get this ball rolling!