/ Magical Realism / The Buggiest System

The Buggiest System オリジナル

The Buggiest System

Magical Realism 153 章 1.5M ビュー
作者: SauceMaster64

3.79 (44 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


After a realization of his irrelevance, Zhou Lei gets a life-changing system that enables him to redeem himself - in the most attention-catching way possible!

"System, I said to upgrade my intelligence."
"Are you sure you want to upgrade: Appearance?"
"I already said no!"
"Upgrade processing..."


No regular updates.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. SauceMaster64
    SauceMaster64 貢献した 5
  2. DaoistGUo5mU
    DaoistGUo5mU 貢献した 2
  3. DaoistC0slnx
    DaoistC0slnx 貢献した 2


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



SHAMELESS 5-STARRING YOUR OWN NOVEL MY GOD, HOW SHAMELESS CAN ONE BE TO DO THIS DAMN is this still not 140 characters uh... yes, bro damn bro

16 の返信を表示する

I welcome you my friend who dares to read this story. If you are brave enough to read this, what awaits you is a true feast of bad puns and even worse jokes that more often than not break the fourth wall and probably a few more. Acctually, pretty much everything about this story is bad: stability of updates? Whenever the author feels like it! Story Development? is there even a story to develop?! Character Design? ... World Background? Well, ordinary... The only saving grace would be the writing quality which is top notch and the only thing that makes this abomination readable beyond the first few chapters! But my brave warrior!, after all this you may be wondering: This story that should receive a rating of 1.8 according to Webnovel, how come it got a full 5 of 5 points?!?!?! My friend, let me enlighten you! This story has long transcended the categories of the Webnovel scoring system! But alas, I definetely didnt lie when I called pretty much everything about this story bad! "So how could this be?", you may ask yourself again! Its actually very simple! Everything about this story (except the Writing quality), especially the jokes and puns, are so bad that they are acctually good again! So my brave friend! If you really are brave enough and dare to adventure into these unknown waters, be ready to let out your inner child, or watever it is that you are, and embark on this journey of totaly brainless fun and humor and get ready to degenerate into some creature that definitely cant be called a child anymore! And believe me, its definitely worth it!!! (Also, NSFW, like seriously, everyone will think you are stupid ;D )

0 の返信を表示する

Fu*k! I do not have a formed opinion about this novel! It seems written by an 8 year old, but at the same time it seems that this child is mocking us with a superior intelligence! There is a serious problem with some chapters, sometimes 2 ~ 3 chapters pass without absolutely nothing happening! But the comedy is spectacular, and it's the "random" type! The system, as predicted by the title, is "buggiest", sometimes in a very funny way and sometimes in an OP way. If you want to start reading this, I suggest patience in the first few chapters until you get accustomed to the author's style. Anyway, a novel I recommend measuring the pros and cons

1 の返信を表示する

I only can tell you that Don't expect too much from this novel. Your Author is A super Noob Newbie Author with full of mistakes in Spelling and grammar along with super Short chapters That almost kill you to read you each chapter. Each chapter only contain cliffhanger with bug system that annoys us and MC in the most terrible way of possible. Each Time that this ****ty system gave something good to MC in seconds takes it back with super extras. we have here a Super Fat Pig Lazy MC that even after obtaining of System don't try change something in him at all. And Also an Author that from Writing novel and comedy Learned only cliche and cliffhanger and nothing else. Reading this 10 chapter almost killed me so i dropped this novel forever because i know there comes nothing goods out of this mental and sadist Author. Thanks Everyone for reading this Review. Vegeku

6 の返信を表示する
LV 5 Badge

Since when have books in this site have 'fast paced plots'? They might be fast paced but their plots? Never! (Pointless text to meet the 140 character limit)

0 の返信を表示する
LV 10 Badge

I dont understand. Why and how is this like.... this... it...its .......its so bad and stupid that its actually good. why is this possible ? how is this possible?

1 の返信を表示する

How can it be so annoying ? All it dies is some crap **** and bam everything he has done goes to waste just because it is the buggiest system. It just gets annoying after some time

3 の返信を表示する
LV 5 Badge

it was just so retarted the mistakes, and why the **** does fat = bullying? ive been fat all my life, never once been bullied, like what the ****, and ugly doesnt = abused, like are you retarted or what, and what is with the main character not checking anything?

8 の返信を表示する
LV 14

straight up trash, but hey it can cure other novels that you think are bad cause this is the worst novel I've ever read. read this if you want to cure ur take on what's bad or not.

1 の返信を表示する

BrB ...System ... Er... get... -3 Chapt... per Day !!!!!... Reader: NNNNOOOO!!!! I really found a gem this time! ..............................................................................................

0 の返信を表示する
LV 12 Badge

Well somehow so good tho it remain me of that "superstar" but pls dont be racist like that one well im hoping for more interesting progress Overall 4/5

1 の返信を表示する

I read a bit but I really can't keep going on. I just find the writing style isn't engaging or interesting..............................................................................

4 の返信を表示する

Is this gonna be 'True Martial World' and 'I Want To Be A Superstar'. combined? If so then I'm forward to reading this , but I think the synopsis could be done better

6 の返信を表示する

We apologize for the hiatus but the writer broke his back from his sodomize party. Those pack of wild dogs really worked him over and the hiatus will continue until the writer finds a spine.

3 の返信を表示する

The story lack in the category; however, I can't seem to drop it. All the jokes and puns are so bad that they are good. I find the story to be extremely amusing. The biggest problem that I face right now is the romance aspect. Especially with the formation of the harem. I think the story should focus more on the idiot antics of the protagonist. Overall, I really like this book and hope it can be improved. From Your Fellow Reader, The Hermit

0 の返信を表示する

The story is very fast paced, sometimes it is even hard to keep up. The writing is just average, characters are all idiots, they remind you of monkeys who evolved into humans. Plot is somewhat promising but faling to use the potential.

0 の返信を表示する

I don't like it. I don't know how I read up to 105. Wait, I do know. If you are just looking for some thing to mindlessly read in the middle of the night while the alternative is to sleep, this is for you. It has the faint stench of harem development about it.

0 の返信を表示する
LV 4 Badge

I like the novel. There's a bit of critique, but that's their preference. There are also a lot of 5-star ratings. If there were grammar issues, that's not a big problem. Editing it oneself is such a pain so just nicely comment about wrong grammars if you see it. Even if I see it, I just ignore lol. <SPOILER> One of the things I want to salp out of the novel is having the Mc sleeping with his teacher. Well, idk what happened cuz I haven't read the new chapters. I just stopped cuz I wanted a platonic heroine. :P

1 の返信を表示する

It’s disgusting to be attracted to children. People who are need help. It really makes me mad that this is on this app/website. It’s fine if you say that the kid is cute and adorable but to say your sexuality atractted to them is messed up.

0 の返信を表示する

Why are your updates so slow and it is just downright downer.... i like this novel but the updates and the slow development is just ridiculous that I wanna just drop this... this ain't even a manga where you need to draw hard to make a chapter..... you just need to think and type and it should even take a day or two for a chapter..... just announce that this is drop if you ain't even gonna update once or twice a week

0 の返信を表示する

卷 1 : System Acquired

  1. 1
    Worthless 6 years ago
  2. 2
    Prototype System 6 years ago
  3. 3
    Quest 6 years ago
  4. 4
    Bug 6 years ago
  5. 5
    Unknown Person 6 years ago
  6. 6
    What's the Matter? 6 years ago
  7. 7
    Sneaky Sickness 6 years ago
  8. 8
    Doctor 6 years ago
  9. 9
    Inadvertent Bragging 6 years ago
  10. 10
    Not Knowing Whether to Laugh or Cry 6 years ago
  11. 11
    Red 6 years ago
  12. 12
    School 6 years ago
  13. 13
    Transfer Student 6 years ago
  14. 14
    Homework 6 years ago
  15. 15
    I'm a Superstar, Really 6 years ago
  16. 16
    Dog S**t 6 years ago
  17. 17
    Revert 6 years ago
  18. 18
    System's Insistence 6 years ago
  19. 19
    Impecabble Voice 6 years ago
  20. 20
    Master Chef Book 6 years ago
  21. 21
    The Series of Unfortunate Events Associated with a Fried Egg 6 years ago
  22. 22
    Vomit 6 years ago
  23. 23
    Cats and Egg Worship 6 years ago
  24. 24
    Too Delicious 6 years ago
  25. 25
    Showdown 6 years ago
  26. 26
    9-eleven Convenience Store 6 years ago
  27. 27
    Peephole 6 years ago
  28. 28
    119 6 years ago
  29. 29
    Resolved 6 years ago
  30. 30
    Inferiority Complex 6 years ago
  31. 31
    Egg or No Egg 6 years ago
  32. 32
    Taste 6 years ago
  33. 33
    Anxious Again 5 years ago
  34. 34
    Capturing Yet Another Person 5 years ago
  35. 35
    Piling Up 5 years ago
  36. 36
    Follow Me! 5 years ago
  37. 37
    Hypnotism? 5 years ago
  38. 38
    Meeting 5 years ago
  39. 39
    Sleep with Me 5 years ago
  40. 40
    Human Error 5 years ago
  41. 41
    Collateral 5 years ago
  42. 42
    Writing 5 years ago
  43. 43
    Book Bug 5 years ago
  44. 44
    Disintegrated 5 years ago
  45. 45
    They're All Gone! 5 years ago
  46. 46
    Retrieving Items from the Inventory, a Mundane Task 5 years ago
  47. 47
    Thinking of an Initial Premise 5 years ago
  48. 48
    Tile Renovation 5 years ago
  49. 49
    Cover Art 5 years ago
  50. 50
    Drawing a Comic Adaptation 5 years ago
  51. 51
    Call 5 years ago
  52. 52
    Astonishing Rise 5 years ago
  53. 53
    Excitement and Anxiousness 5 years ago
  54. 54
    A Surprising Gift 5 years ago
  55. 55
    Spacing Out 5 years ago
  56. 56
    Worried 5 years ago
  57. 57
    Deterrent 5 years ago
  58. 58
    Assertiveness 5 years ago
  59. 59
    Thank You, Bus Driver 5 years ago
  60. 60
    Fetching Makeup 5 years ago
  61. 61
    Faux Sleep 5 years ago
  62. 62
    After So Many Fillers, She Finally Applies the Makeup 5 years ago
  63. 63
    Who is That in the Mirror? 5 years ago
  64. 64
    A Goddess Enters the Room 5 years ago
  65. 65
    Surprise Squared 5 years ago
  66. 66
    Desperate Times Call for Desperate Calls 5 years ago
  67. 67
    What Do Logical Arguments and Fourth Walls Have in Common? They Exist Purely to Be Broken (Except If It's a Particularly Good Argument) 5 years ago
  68. 68
    Panicking Leader 5 years ago
  69. 69
    And So Ends Another (Un)Eventful Day 5 years ago

卷 2 : Dance Dance Revolution

  1. 70
    Lightning Speed Level Up 5 years ago
  2. 71
    Incompetent Worker 5 years ago
  3. 72
    Mass Release! 5 years ago
  4. 73
    Worldwide Chaos 5 years ago
  5. 74
    Prey and Predator 5 years ago
  6. 75
    Earning Money Through Speedreading 5 years ago
  7. 76
    Mysterious Blank Space 5 years ago
  8. 77
    Mom's Request 5 years ago
  9. 78
    No Skills 5 years ago
  10. 79
    Sudden Interruption 5 years ago
  11. 80
    Dance Dance Revolution 5 years ago
  12. 81
    Hide and Seek 5 years ago
  13. 82
    Slander! 5 years ago
  14. 83
    A Whole Hour 5 years ago
  15. 84
    Mentor 5 years ago
  16. 85
    Teacher's Pride 5 years ago
  17. 86
    I Completely Forgot About That 5 years ago
  18. 87
    Is It Cheating Though? 5 years ago
  19. 88
    From the Head to the Other Head 5 years ago
  20. 89
    Breakfast 5 years ago
  21. 90
    Hmph 5 years ago
  22. 91
    Intensive Training 5 years ago
  23. 92
    Monday 5 years ago
  24. 93
    The New Teacher 5 years ago
  25. 94
    External Pressure 5 years ago
  26. 95
    Holy Sandwiches 5 years ago
  27. 96
    Stalkers 5 years ago
  28. 97
    Inconvenience 5 years ago
  29. 98
    Secret Popularity 5 years ago
  30. 99
    I Met My Idol! 5 years ago
  31. 100
    Performance 5 years ago
  32. 101
    Workplace 5 years ago
  33. 102
    Kidnapping 5 years ago
  34. 103
    Jealousy 5 years ago
  35. 104
    Spoon Switch 5 years ago
  36. 105
    Fear 5 years ago
  37. 106
    Intimidation 5 years ago
  38. 107
    Sharing Sentiments 5 years ago
  39. 108
    Girls 5 years ago
  40. 109
    Ditched 5 years ago
  41. 110
    An Open Drawer 5 years ago
  42. 111
    Ordering a Vanilla Latte 5 years ago
  43. 112
    Talk in the Café 5 years ago
  44. 113
    Unfocused 5 years ago
  45. 114
    Plan J: Jealousy Quest! 5 years ago
  46. 115
    Absence 5 years ago
  47. 116
    Secret Plan 5 years ago
  48. 117
    Pursuit! 5 years ago
  49. 118
    Flirting Master 5 years ago
  50. 119
    Saving Grace 5 years ago
  51. 120
    Challenge! 5 years ago
  52. 121
    The Thickface 5 years ago
  53. 122
    A Whole New World~ 5 years ago
  54. 123
    I Don't Like It 5 years ago
  55. 124
    The Special Side 5 years ago
  56. 125
    Bizarre Emotions 5 years ago
  57. 126
    Hiatus? 5 years ago
  58. 127
    A Tired Couple Still Has the Ability to Flirt 5 years ago
  59. 128
    Memories of a Beggar 5 years ago
  60. 129
    Sandwich and Absolute Shock 5 years ago
  61. 130
    In Middle School 5 years ago
  62. 131
    I Left My Homework at Home 5 years ago
  63. 132
    Who Is This Girl? 5 years ago
  64. 133
    My Life is Becoming Like a Harem Protagonist's 5 years ago
  65. 134
    Crush on You? Wanna Bet? 5 years ago
  66. 135
    You Don't Have to Act Tough 5 years ago
  67. 136
    Lunch Rush 5 years ago
  68. 137
    Of Course, As Is Suitable For A Background Character, The Girl Got Offscreened In No Time 5 years ago
  69. 138
    Descent Into Madness 5 years ago
  70. 139
    Is She A New Harem Member? Find Out on Next Week's Dragonball Z ~The Mysterious Girl~ 5 years ago
  71. 140
    The Ramblings of a Critic Who is Superior at Cooking in Every Way Possible ~Scaring Them Off With a Long and Domineering Speech About the Minor Faults of a Single Piece of Meat~ 5 years ago
  72. 141
    Reminisce 5 years ago
  73. 142
    The Rant 5 years ago
  74. 143
    Sleuthing 5 years ago
  75. 144
    Hellish 4 years ago
  76. 145
    There's Still Hope! ~The General Against the Overwhelmingly Large Number of Enemies in the Battlefield~ 4 years ago
  77. 146
    Twisting Like a Top, As Still as a Tree 4 years ago
  78. 147
    Pink Eye-row 4 years ago
  79. 148
    Up, Down, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Pink Left Side! Pink Right Side, Up, Down, Up, Bottom, Top, Down, Left, Top, Left, Pink Left Side, Pink Right Side, Up, Down, Up, Bottom! 4 years ago
  80. 149
    Dance! (shortened ver. of chapters 144-148) 4 years ago

作者 SauceMaster64