74.41% Law of Creation / Chapter 128: Blood Rose Grass (Part 3)

章 128: Blood Rose Grass (Part 3)

"The herb inside is the Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit, a rare Elemental Fruit with ice element. It is a rare Elemental Fruit that at least cost five thousand gold coins. The reason we have this Elemental Fruit is because our owner is destined with this Elemental Fruit. Our owner is waiting for the real owner, a suitable owner for this Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit, and this humble one is sure that Mister Zhang is the destined person."

The shopkeeper's word was full of bull, but the fact around the Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit was the truth. It was a weird Elemental Fruit, because it was only able to grow in a place with opposite nature of the Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit. A place full of the fire element, like a volcano.

Elemental Fruit, or a fruit that contained a pure Elemental inside. Born from the blessing of nature and became the most-sought object by various people. There was the various usage of the Elemental Fruit, for example, improving one's Elemental quality and quantity. And various Spell User would throw their life to obtain this Elemental Fruit because the increase of Elemental quality and quantity meant that their capability as Spell User would increase tremendously.

And of course, this Elemental Fruit was very rare.

Fatty Zhang sure was interested after he heard about the Elemental Fruit. Moreover, it was an Elemental Fruit with an element affinity.

The Elemental Fruit without element affinity and the Elemental Fruit with an element affinity had a wide difference. The former would be sought by many because there was almost no limitation the Elemental Fruit was consumed, the later had a lot of limitation.

One of the limitations is the one who consumed the Elemental Fruit had to have the same element affinity. In this case, the one who could consume this Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit was someone with ice element affinity. But if one talked about the advantage of this Elemental Fruit, then the one who consumed's element mastery would improve in no time, and the improvement was the huge one.

Hence, Elemental Fruit was often called the Magic Fruit.

Not to mention the curvy lady, even fatty Zhang had his drool when the shopkeeper mentioned the Elemental Fruit. It was a rare encounter, the very rare one.

But the shopkeeper didn't have any intention to open the lid or even show the appearance of the Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit. He kept talking as if telling a story.

"Hey, can you open it? I am interested." The curvy lady pressed and rubbed her bountiful melon even further toward Fatty Zhang as she played her long and thin eyelashes.

Of course, the fatty didn't realize that his drool flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Buehehe. Shopkeeper, open it up." Even though Fatty Zhang made a command toward the shopkeeper, his eyes were glued on the flattened melon.

"I'm sorry, Mister Zhang. But this Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit is not allowed to be shown to anyone-"

"Open it up!" Fatty Zhang's expression darkened as he felt that he was being humiliated by the shopkeeper.

"But, Mister Zhang-"




Fatty Zhang's expression contorted as veins bulged out around his temple. He didn't expect that the shopkeeper was daring enough to defy him.

The shopkeeper grew nervous as he didn't know what to do. But fortunately, his saviour came at the same time.

"WHO IS SCREAMING AT MY PLACE! SCRAM!" The door connecting the shop area with the inner area was opened up as a wrinkled old man came from behind the door. His face was as if eating a sour plum, wrinkled and sour to the maximum.

The wrinkled old man used a rod as his clutch as he took a step by step forward. He swept his sharp gaze toward the surroundings, from Mingyue to Fatty Zhang.

"Good. At last, there is someone that I can talk to. Show me the Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit thing, and I will forgive this inexperienced brat." Fatty Zhang wore a condescending look toward the wrinkled old man as if the wrinkled old man was the real shopkeeper.

But unlike Fatty Zhang's expectation, the wrinkled old man glared at the shopkeeper and pointed his finger at Fatty Zhang, "You show my goods without my permission? For this kind lump of fat? IS YOUR BRAIN KICKED BY A DONKEY? OR ARE YOU A DONKEY? HEH? DONKEY? THIS DONKEY WANTS TO SCREW ME? SCREW YOUR SISTER!" The wrinkle on the wrinkled old man increased along with his sentences.

The shopkeeper only lowered his head, but Fatty Zhang was as black as charcoal.

"Oh? Good, good. Call your owner, this place's owner."

It was said that the calmer the person, the angrier he is. And it was the fatty.

Giving a side glance, the wrinkled old man snorted, "And what you want to do? Embarrassing yourself?" He was annoyed since Fatty Zhang disturbed him.

"He he he, I want to see your face when you are fired." Fatty Zhang had an evil smirk pasted on his face.

The wrinkled old man flabbergasted because he didn't understand the logic behind Fatty Zhang's word.

[Fired? Me? I am fired? From my own place? Really?]

[How can an owner be fired?]

[Is his brain really kicked by a donkey?]

Yes, he was the only herbalist of the Apothecary, as well as the owner of the apothecary itself. People would call him Master Bai. Not only that, but he also was the only 1-star herbalist in the Black Iron City, making even the leader of Red Rage Bear Mercenary, Lian Luoyang to be careful in his conduct.

But now, some random dog was barking in front of him, even threatening him.

But when Herbalist Bai was baffled, Fatty Zhang took it as if Herbalist Bai took the intimidation.

[Heh! A mere old and dying fool. You still dare to play with me? I will play you until death!]

[And after this, I will play with you, muehehehe. . .] Fatty Zhang had an obscene smile as he glanced at the curvy lady beside him.

"What? Scared now? Kowtow for this lord three times and shout 'Lord Zhang is the best' nine times. If you do that, I will consider to forgive you."

[Hahaha, I didn't expect boss Lao's habit is so addictive!] Not only satisfying his own ego, but also Fatty Zhang could impress the curvy lady beside him.

"Oh? You want to kick me out of this place?" Herbalist Bai chuckled and shook his head. He felt as if he was talking with some crazy nuts rather than a lump of meat.

"Yes! Of course! But I am being magnanimous with you. Just acknowledge your wrongdoing and gift that Crystal Leaf Azure Fruit as an offering for my leader. I believe that my leader will appreciate someone like you, even if you have some smell of ground."

(Author's Note: Have some smell of ground aka grave, means that the person is close to his or her death. Usually used to curse people.)

"Aree? Where do I remember that sentence?" A small and cute voice broke the weird atmosphere around the apothecary.

Mingyue tapped her chin a few times as she wore a thinking expression.

"Ah, I remember. That someone called Chen Lao! From that red red thing mercenary!" Mingyue had a brightened expression as she flicked her finger. No one would think that Mingyue was acting stupid.

"Chen Lao?" Herbalist Bai muttered. "Ho? That crazy ***hole is making a problem in my place? Good. Very good."


"Hoo? Good! Very good!" The shopkeeper shuddered as he saw Herbalist Bai's smile. "Ah Shu, cancel everything that related with Red Rage Bear Mercenary, also ask them to pay up all their debt. Our small Apothecary does not have enough capital to feed them."

Herbalist Bai snickered as he stared at Fatty Zhang, "If they asked, just say the order comes from this old man's wrinkled b***hole."

The shopkeeper was in the dilemma because, no matter what, he would be caught in the middle of gunpowder. He couldn't possibly go against Herbalist Bai's order, but he also would make the enemy out of the Red Rage Bear Mercenary.

Who would mess up with Red Rage Bear Mercenary? No one!

But Herbalist Bai clearly sent him as the cannon fodder. Could he refuse? It was impossible because Herbalist Bai was well-known for his hard-headedness. And moreover, this fatty idiot was the one who was provoking the Apothecary many times.

Once he made a decision, it would be a fool's attempt to dissuade him.

Sighing in his mind, the shopkeeper Ah Shu could only count it as his misfortune.

"YOU! YOU DARE! BRING OUT YOUR OWNER!" Fatty Zhang gnashed his teeth and steams came out of his nose.

"Owner? He is already here. Just state what you want!" Herbalist Bai snickered.

"He is here? Good!" Fatty Zhang didn't care about the weird stare from shopkeeper Ah Shu. He pointed his fat and round finger toward Herbalist Bai and said, "Mister Herbalist, I believe this old fogey is destroying your prestige, your apothecary's great name. Who didn't know about the fame of this apothecary, even every corner of the Black Iron City knows about your capability, but this old fogey is akin to blemish to your great name."

Fatty Zhang cupped his hands and lowered his body a little as he wore a flattering expression. "I ask Mister to protect your good name and remove the stain-"

But when Fatty Zhang swept his gaze around the room, he only saw shopkeeper Ah Shu, the old fogey, and an insignificant little brat. Of course, excluding the curvy lady by his side.

He was startled and thought that old fogey (Herbalist Bai) had tricked him, but Herbalist Bai didn't pay Fatty Zhang any attention.

It was as if continuing to talk to Fatty Zhang would lower his own IQ.

"Indeed. This fatty fogey is destroying my prestige and my apothecary's great name. Yeah, he is right, right?" Herbalist Bai crossed his hands and nodded his head. "Right, this stain must be removed. Ah Shu, what are you staring at? Move your butt and blacklist every Red Rage Bear Mercenary. They don't like our thing, then don't give them anything. Our precious concocted medicine will only damage this gentleman's prestige. We cannot afford for any reparation."

"Also, while you are in that, please escort this great gentleman out of our stained place. Our humble abode is too dirty that we cannot even hold any responsibility if this great gentleman's bright halo is dirtied."

Herbalist Bai had a serious expression as he made a pointer for shopkeeper Ah Shu. He didn't face Fatty Zhang, but instructed shopkeeper Ah Shu all the time.

Shopkeeper Ah Shu didn't waste any time and went inside.

"Wh- what?" Fatty Zhang shrieked and became ghastly pale as if he was being butchered. "O- owner?"

Even though he was stupid, but not that far. he could understand the meaning behind Mister Bai's word.

Kneeling out of his fear, Fatty Zhang swore up and down, "Mi- Lord, Lord. All is this vixen's fault! She, she, manipulate my speech, she is trying to drive a wedge between our harmonious relationship! It cannot be done! Not only it will hurt your prestige, but you will lose our support."

Seeing that he gained Herbalist Bai attention, he continued his random ramble while adding some threat in his sentences.

"Don't forget that our Red Rage Bear Mercenary is your biggest patron, your biggest ally, and also your biggest patron! All of your things in this apothecary are all provided by our Red Rage Bear Mercenary, what do you think if you are against us? See, from this various herb, any Fierce Beast's material, you will have nothing. Nothing at all! You will not gain anything! Not only that, you will lose your business in this place! Ask your conscience and be wise in your decision!"

Fatty Zhang believed that his speech had saved his life because he saw a wide smile grew on Herbalist Bai's face.


Fatty Zhang felt someone patted his body. When he turned his head, he saw a little girl with delicate feature and innocent expression. It was like a clean paper, without stain.

If the curvy lady beside him was like a chilly pepper, then the little girl in front of him was a glass full of pure milk.

But before he was able to think of the other thing, the little girl wrinkled her nose and opened her tiny lips, "Is that a mouth or a butt? There is a smell of dump every time you open it."

FrostDream193 FrostDream193

I am sorry for the late update. There is a sudden blackout in my area, for around 17 hours

(All my chapter is saved on my pc, that's why I cannot update it from my smartphone X'D)

And here, a little longer chapter as my apologize hahaha.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C128
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


