/ Book&Literature / .The King.
A new player appears a very dangerous one, with the requirements and skills to make all the other players have a headache thinking about how to stop him.
A player with great intelligence, dedication, ambition, courage, and much more, will make him the most dangerous person in the kingdom.
Taking charge of one of the largest and least explored kingdoms.
Would they be able to stop him, or they will fall before his power?
Let the Game of Thrones begin.
This story does not belong to me. @cb17thekiller
It's a translation.
レビューを書くI can't wait for more chapters. Please keep with this story it is hard to find completed stories that I like. Thank you.
The story is quite interesting and fascinating, it's nice to read, I don't want to miss it. It's just a pity that Harry will be married to a character from my unloved family, but I think it's definitely stupid, if you don't like a particular character in the fandom, to put a lower rating on the story.
Amazing story with great potential. The author has a talent for writing and is very thorough in his story telling which is something I appreciate.
amazing story. ... .would love to read more. ...... .. ... ,. anf finish it . even if the story may not be long
One question, are you going to continue the story or only where the original author left off? PT:webnovel won't lets post this if it doesn't have 140 characters
It is good and enjoyable reading. I wish you best of luck to continue your wonderful work. Thanks. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
Loving this hope you keep updating I really want to see the starks kick everyone around. And I can't wait to see everyone's reaction and realising that they can't do anything about it
作者 Azeneth2523
More pls. This story is off to a very good start. I read in a comment that it's not going to be harem, I liked that part too, since there are too many stories with harem and it's hard to find one that is not.