3.17% *Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block* Naruto - A Cursed System / Chapter 1: Prologue [Revised]

章 1: Prologue [Revised]

In a park, there was a man around the age of 26 strolling through it. He was on his phone, staring at it intensely as he continuously swiped his thumb up. He was clearly reading something as his face radiated with interest, excitement, and focus.

'Maki's sooo cool!'

After a minute of walking around, the man stopped and looked up from his phone. He was near a playground that was filled with kids as their parents stood or sat to the side, gossiping with each other or monitoring their children.

The man looked at them for a moment and turned away. He started to walk towards a crosswalk as he returned to his phone.

He pushed the crosswalk button and started moving once he was given the green light.

Suddenly, a truck appeared out of nowhere with no signs of slowing down. In fact, it looked like it was speeding up towards the man.

Unfortunately, the man was completely distracted by his phone, unaware of the oncoming catastrophe.

Once the truck got closer, the man looked up from his phone as he had heard something and saw the truck speeding to him. However, it was too late for him to do anything as the next moment, the vehicle crashed into him.

The truck kept moving on as if it didn't just hit a human being.

Some of the adults and children at the playground saw the accident as they screamed in horror. 911 was called and the police and ambulance came to the scene of the accident.

However, they discovered that the man was dead. Either he bled out from his injuries or he was instantly killed on impact.

Since the victim was declared deceased, the police attempted to look for the truck driver and the truck that was used to commit the crime. Unexpectedly, they couldn't find the truck. It was as if the truck disappeared from the world after it committed its crime.


Somewhere very, very far away...

There was a man sitting in front of a glowing white sphere. This sphere was the soul of the man who had tragically got ran over.

After he died, he found himself in the middle of the wilderness. Well, it looked more like a very large garden.

The sitting man was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. However, despite his normal look, he radiated a sense of holiness.

"My, my," the man spoke, "It's not every day to find a soul with no clear cause of death. Even I am at wonders on how you died."

Strangely, the soul wasn't frightened by the man's words. Actually, it was a bit confused with the statement.

'Didn't Truck~kun claim my life?' The soul inwardly questioned.

"Who is Truck~Kun?"

'Truck~Kun is a plot device in stories for trucks that cause an accident and kill a character. Wait, you can hear me!? Are you god?'

"How interesting... Yes, I am a god. A powerful god who can hear the thoughts of any mortal."

'So strong!'

"Well, thank you for the compliment. Let's move on, shall we? Do you know what it means for a soul to end up in my territory? Of course, you don't, it'd be weird if you did know. Anyways, a soul that ends up in my territory is eligible to reincarnate."


"Yes, gasp! You will be able to reincarnate into a random world with a random unique ability called a cheat!" The man snapped his fingers and three prize wheels appeared next to him, "These wheels will determine the world and the cheat! To spin them, you must touch them. So, go on!"

Without hesitation, the soul zoomed to the wheel closest to him and looked at the available prizes. He immediately recognized some of them.

'Bleach, Black Clover, Naruto, One Piece, JJK!'

Noticing that the soul recognized several of the prizes, he quickly began to explain, "The wheel in front of you is what I call the 'World Wheel.' This will determine the world you reincarnate in."

'Ooh! I hope I get JJK!'

"I wish you the best of luck, little soul."

The soul touched the wheel and saw it began to spin. While it was spinning, the god pushed the next wheel and introduced it.

"While that is spinning, I recommend you to spin this wheel. I call it 'Cheat Wheel,' as you must've guessed, it determines what kind of cheat will you get."

Curious at the possible prizes, the soul flew to it. It noticed that there were fewer prizes available compared to the first one.

However, among the prizes, only one caught its vision. Without waiting, it also spun the wheel.

"The third wheel, also known as 'Specialty Wheel' will determine the specialty or theme of the cheat you obtained from the second wheel. Please wait until you find out what your cheat will be, as the available prizes in the third will change depending on it. Oh, speak of the devil! Your world has been determined."

The soul returned and looked at the prize he had gotten in the first wheel.


'Hm... It's been a while since I watched Naruto. If I remember correctly, isn't there a lot of wars? I think I can survive, maybe I will even become a powerful ninja if I get a good cheat!'

At the same time, the 'Cheat Wheel' stopped spinning. The soul looked at the prize and vibrated in excitement.


'Yes! I got what I wanted!'

"The System Cheat, that is a very good one. Now, that your cheat has been determined it's time for you to spin the 'Specialty Wheel.'"

As usual, the soul looked at the possible prizes, however, there was just so much. There were anime-themed, magical themed, and so much more. It then touched the wheel and watched it spin. Once it finished, there were two words that sparked joy within the soul.

Jujutsu Kaisen

'Yoo!!! JJK-themed system! I'll be able to use cursed energy! Oh no, I hope I have good talent for it. Would the system guarantee a good talent for me?'

"I'd say you were quite lucky. Two-thirds of the prizes you got were what you wanted. Now, let's review. Little soul, you will be reincarnated into the world of Naruto with a Jujutsu Kaisen-themed system. I will now begin the process, good lu- Huh?"

'??? What's wrong?' The soul asked the god as it saw his gloomy expression.

Ignoring the soul and its question, the god turned his head as if he saw something approaching, "Who are you?! How dare you enter my domain! State your name, heathen!"


Seeing how the unknown intruder showed no signs of stopping, the god got ready for battle, uncaring whether or not the soul would get caught up in it.

However, before the god could react, his flowery garden world disappeared. In its place was complete darkness. Only him and the soul were visible.

"What the- It's you! Why are you here?! What did I do?!"

The soul watched in fear as it saw the god's face writhe in agony. It saw how the darkness began to consume him, pulling the bright figure into the eternal darkness.

It listened to the god plead with its attacker, begging them not to kill him.

It saw the god disappear entirely.

There was only the soul and the darkness left.

Naturally, the soul was fearful, but also a bit saddened. After all, its dream was about to come true, but that was taken away right in front of him.

It suddenly noticed that there were a pair of white dots amidst the darkness, staring at it. The moment it looked right at the dots, the soul started to feel extremely tired. The last thing he saw before he succumbed to slumber were three messages.

[The Darkness has bestowed the Cursed System to the Host.]

[You have obtained the interest of the Darkness.]

[Congratulations! You have obtained the following: a Black Heart, a Shattered Mind, and an Empty Vessel.]


"@#$%3@&#%$@#$&%! @$# @ $&#!"


After succumbing to the darkness, the soul didn't expect to see the light again. It believed that it was being killed just like the god. Unexpectedly, it was seemingly reborn.

It was in the body of a baby, specifically a baby boy. He was being cradled by a young woman who he believed to be his mother. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders, her eyes were also brown. She was speaking in a language he didn't understand, but he found it familiar.

'Japanese? Ouch!'

Just as the boy recognized the language, he felt a sharp pain in his head. Seeing her child about to cry, the mother began to comfort him.

"Don't be sad. Mommy is here with you."

The boy froze as his eyes widened. He was flabbergasted that he could now understand her, fluently even. He never learned how to speak Japanese, at most he picked up some words from frequently watching anime, but that was it! He only knew English in his previous life.

His mother blankly stared at her child as his expression kept changing, 'Do all babies do this?'

While the mother was confused about her child, the boy in question inwardly thought to himself, pondering on where he was reincarnated to, 'Did I reincarnate into Naruto, like what the god said? But he is dead... Did the Darkness do it? I also have a system, don't I? Those last three messages...'

Before the baby could continue his thought, he heard the door get pushed open as a man came rushing in.

"Hana! I'm sorry I'm late, just finished a mission. I came rushing as soon as I hea- I-Is that our baby?"

"Yes, Ken. This is our baby boy. He has your eyes," Hana said as she gave the baby to her lover.

"A boy," Ken grinned as he held the baby.

"What shall we name him, my love?"

"You haven't given him a name?"

"I wanted you to be here to name him."

"I love you... How about Dango?"

"No. I will not let our son be named after dumplings. Nobody would take him seriously if he grows up with it. "

"B-But... I like dangos. They make me happy, and since he makes me happy, isn't he like a dango to me?

"No. Give him another name."

Dango inwardly sighed in relief, 'Phew. I'm not going to be named after food. Focus! That guy- I mean, my dad is a ninja?!'

Since he was carrying him, the boy got a better look at his father. He had black hair and black eyes. However, he didn't care about any of that. He was more focused on the metallic headband covering his forehead.

The forehead protector had four vertical lines.

Although it had been a while since the boy had watched Naruto, he was able to recognize which village it belonged to.

'The rain village headband! That's the one with that Salamander guy and the Akatsuki! This is definitely Naruto!'

While the baby was amazed by his discovery, his mother and father kept throwing names at each other. Eventually, Hana reluctantly gave up and let Ken name their child.

With a large grin, Ken handed the baby to Hana. She kissed his forehead and told him his name, "Welcome to the world, Dango Sumihara."



On September 17th, a boy named Dango was born.

Nubbeh Nubbeh

Revised Chapter 1:

Noticeable Changes are...

- Cause of Death = Truck~Kun

- Dango remembers the messages before he was reborn

- His mom isn't blind

- He learned the language sooner

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


