31.85% (Kaito) / Chapter 35: Kaito Chapter 35

章 35: Kaito Chapter 35

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Kaito Chapter 35

Kakashi looked into Kaito's eyes, seeing the burning desire within them. He knew the young boy had suffered a great loss, but he also saw the resilience and determination that mirrored his own. He nodded slowly.

"Very well," he said. "Meet me here at dawn, we start tomorrow ." with that he body flickered away.

It was evening in the Hidden Leaf Village, specifically at the Senju Compound training ground. Two distinct figures occupied the space—one towering individual with silver hair, his headband concealing his left eye, identified as Kakashi Hatake, the son of the renowned White Fang of the Hidden Leaf.

The second figure was a youthful child, no older than six, boasting red, slightly spiky hair and clad in a black t-shirt and pants. This was Kaito Uzumaki, the eldest son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Currently, the two engaged in their weekly sparring session.

Given Kakashi's responsibilities in the ANBU, he could only allocate one or two days per week to assist Kaito in his training regimen.

As the sun started to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. Dust swirled around the training ground, a testament to the hours of intense sparring that had taken place.

Kaito, sweat trickling down his brow, blocked a punch from Kakashi, his muscles burning with exertion. A swift kick sent him flying through the air, but with a mid-air twist, he regained his balance and launched a kunai attack.

The single kunai multiplied to Forty and surged towards Kakashi. The Copy Ninja, anticipating the move, leaped into the air, gracefully avoiding the hail of blades. They pelted the ground where he had stood moments before.

Landing on his feet, Kaito sprung towards Kakashi, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks. The seasoned Jonin, however, remained unfazed, effortlessly dodging and deflecting each attack. The battle raged on for another hour, the two figures blurring into a dance of offense and defense under the twilight sky.

Despite the exhaustion gnawing at his bones, Kaito refused to give up. His eyes held a fierce determination, fueled by a burning desire to surpass his limits. Kakashi, recognizing the spark within the young Uzumaki, pushed him further, testing his skills and forcing him to adapt and evolve.

Kakashi stood over Kaito, who struggled to his feet, panting heavily. "You lasted longer than the first time we did this," Kakashi acknowledged. "But that's enough for today".

Kaito, exhausted but defiant, protested, "I can still keep going!"

Kakashi, his gaze fixed on the setting sun, countered, "It's already getting late, Kaito. That's enough for today."

Yielding to the inevitable, Kaito collapsed onto the training ground, his chest heaving. Sweat bathed his face as he stared at the darkening sky.

Kakashi approached, Extending a water bottle, and offering a critique. "You've shown tremendous improvement in a short time," he began, "but your Ninjutsu still requires further development. While you've mastered the techniques you know, eliminating the need for hand seals, you lack versatility in your arsenal."

"You've improved, Kaito," Kakashi acknowledged, a rare smile gracing his lips. "But remember, the path of a ninja is long and arduous. Never lose sight of your goal, and always strive to become stronger."

After catching their breath, Kakashi rummaged through his pouch and pulled out a piece of paper, turning to Kaito. "What do you know about chakra nature?" he inquired.

Kaito, replied, "I know there are five: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, and Lightning."

Kakashi handed him the paper, a chakra litmus paper. "Yes, there are five basic natures, and everyone has an affinity towards one of them," he explained. "In some rare cases, even two. But those are rare and usually only occur with someone who possesses an elemental Kekkei Genkai, like Lava Release. This advanced nature is a combination of both Fire and Earth at a specific ratio. So, even if you have both Fire and Earth elements, you wouldn't be able to use Lava Release."

He continued, "There are also Yin and Yang chakra. Yin is more towards the mind and medical ninjutsu. For example, the Yamanaka clan uses Yin chakra for their mind techniques. As for Yang, it's more physical, like the Akimichi clan and their expansion Jutsu's, which are heavily Yang-based."

Pointing to the litmus paper, Kakashi explained, "This is a chakra litmus paper. It's made from a tree that's sensitive to chakra. When you add chakra to it, it reacts differently based on your element. It will crumple if your chakra is Lightning, burn if it's Fire, split in two if it's Wind, soak up the water if it's Water, and turn to dust if it's Earth."

Kakashi held the chakra litmus paper between his fingers, focusing his chakra into it. The paper crumpled instantly.

"My primary affinity is lightning," Kakashi explained, demonstrating the effect. "As you can see when I channel my chakra into the paper, it crumples."

Next, he concentrated on his earth nature, channeling chakra into the paper once again. This time, the paper disintegrated into dust.

"And my secondary affinity is earth," Kakashi added, showing the result. "Turning to dust after being exposed to my chakra confirms that."

He looked at Kaito, "Having a certain affinity doesn't mean you can only learn Jutsu of that element," he explained. "It just means you'll have an easier time learning and mastering those techniques compared to others. Now, why don't you give it a try?"

Kaito looked at the chakra litmus paper that Kakashi had given him earlier and channeled his chakra into it, He held his breath as the paper started to react.

Unlike Kakashi's, Kaito's paper underwent a remarkable transformation. It began to dampen, soaking the paper, while simultaneously splitting in two and slightly crinkling at the edges.

Kaito stared at the paper in disbelief. "I have three elements?" he asked Kakashi, his voice filled with excitement.

Kakashi, unsurprised but impressed, nodded. "It's rare, but not unheard of. Even Minato-sensei had three affinities: fire, lightning, and wind."

"So, which element do you want to learn first?" Kakashi asked.

Kaito considered his options for a moment, then replied, "Water. It is both offensive and defensive, while wind and lightning are more offensive."

Kakashi nodded in agreement. "Good choice. Water is indeed very versatile. While I haven't personally learned water nature transformation myself, I know the first step."

He pulled out another piece of paper from his pouch and handed it to Kaito. "The first step is to convert your chakra into water and soak this paper completely," he explained. "The faster you can saturate the paper, the faster you can convert your chakra to water."

Kakashi looked up at the darkening sky. "Work on that, Kaito. If you can master it by next week, I'll teach you a Suiton jutsu." With that, Kakashi turned and walked away, leaving Kaito alone in the training ground.

As Kaito walked home after his training session with Kakashi, his mind drifted back to the past few months. The past two months since the attack had been incredibly difficult.

He remembered the first day back home after being discharged from the hospital. His mother had tried to act normal, but he could see the cracks in her facade. After a forced dinner, they had gone to bed. As Kushina tucked him in, she had put on a brave face, but he knew she was hurting.

Once darkness fell, sleep eluded him. His mind was plagued with "what ifs." He had thought that if he had blocked Obito's attack, that would have been enough to save both his parents. His naiveté in that moment was painful to recall.

"It almost felt like it was fated for Naruto to have Kurama sealed within him," he thought, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "If everything is predetermined, then what's the point of me being reborn in this world?"

Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at the ceiling. Then, he heard a sob from outside his door. He knew who it was. "Mom," he whispered.

Kushina had held herself together in front of him, even in the hospital, but now she was breaking down.

He shook his head, forcing away his despair. "No! I can't think like that," he declared, his voice filled with newfound determination. "Mom is alive because of me. I can change things. This is my story, and it won't end like that. Just you wait, Obito, Zetsu… I will kill you… I swear."

Unable to bear the sound of his mother's sobs any longer, Kaito rose from his bed and walked towards the source of the sound. He followed the muffled crying until he found Kushina sitting on the porch, tears streaming down her face.

The sight of his mother crying shattered him. This was the first time he had ever seen her break down, and it was a sight he couldn't bear to witness. He slowly approached her and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug.

"Mom," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Kushina hastily wiped away her tears and forced a smile. "Kaito-kun, did you have trouble sleeping too?" she asked, her voice trembling.

He simply nodded, unable to speak the words that were trapped in his throat. He clung to her tightly, finding solace in her embrace. Kushina returned his hug, and for a moment, they held each other, their shared sorrow creating a powerful bond.

As he held his mother, Kaito felt a surge of determination wash over him. He looked up at the moon, its light bathing them in a soft glow, and a vow formed on his lips. "I'll make you regret the day you were born, Obito. And you too, Zetsu. That's a promise," he thought, his eys hardening with resolve.

That day marked a turning point in Kaito's life. It was the first time he had seen his mother cry, and it ignited a fire of vengeance within him. He swore he would make Obito and Zetsu pay for their actions, no matter the cost.

However, his mother's pain had become a constant source of worry. Her injuries from the attack were severe, and the Konohagakure hospital had reached the limit of their medical capabilities. There was no known treatment for her condition.

Desperate to find a solution, Kaito offered to let her bite him, hoping his healing ability would completely restore her health. But Kushina refused, fearing the potential consequences.

"You should only use that ability in emergencies, you hear me? And don't tell anyone about it," she said, her voice firm. "You have already done more than anyone could have asked for, baby. You gave me a part of your life force, and we don't know how that will affect you, ya know"

"But mom, I'm sure I can give you a few more years from mine," Kaito insisted.

He was met with a firm rebuke and a gentle bonk on the head. "I am happy with my life as it is," Kushina said, "and it's only because of you that I survived in the first place. You have done enough."

Despite his mother's words, Kaito knew he couldn't just sit back and watch her suffer. He was determined to find a way to help her, even if it meant pushing the boundaries of his abilities and venturing into the unknown.

The day after being discharged from the hospital, Kaito returned to training this time under Kakashi. The first question his Jonin mentor asked was simple yet profound: "What is your motive?"

Kaito didn't hesitate. He didn't hide his anger and thirst for vengeance. "I want to find that masked man and make him pay," he declared. "I want revenge on that bastard. But what I want the most is to be able to protect what I have left. I… I don't want to feel helpless like that day ever again."

His voice trembled as he spoke, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and desperation. He yearned to protect his mother and brother, to ensure their safety above all else.

He continued, his voice laced with conviction, "The masked man isn't dead, Kakashi. He escaped before Dad could kill him. He'll come after them. Dad sealed the Nine-Tails in Naruto… he'll go after Naruto. I… I want to be able to protect them. I don't want to be like the last time… I couldn't do anything."

His body shook with frustration, the memory of his helplessness during the attack still raw and painful.

Kakashi listened intently, his gaze unwavering. He placed a hand on Kaito's shoulder, his voice calm and reassuring. "Alright," he said, "Come at me with everything you've got. I'll need to assess your strength before we start."

Underneath his calm exterior, Kakashi recognized the burning fire within Kaito. He understood the boy's pain and anger, and he knew that channeling those emotions into training would be crucial for his development.

The sparing session that followed was intense. Kaito unleashed his fury with every punch and kick, his frustration fueling his movements. Kakashi pushed him to his limits, testing his skills and endurance.

Kakashi watched Kaito catch his breath, impressed by the young boy's determination and skill. "You're a lot better than I was at your age," he admitted, his voice a rare compliment. "I'd put you at high genin level, bordering on low chunin."

Kaito's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" he exclaimed, a hint of pride creeping into his voice.

Kakashi nodded. "Really. You have potential, Kaito, but don't let it fill your head with notions of invincibility. There will always be someone stronger, someone faster, someone smarter. Remember that."

Kaito knew Kakashi was right. He had seen enough of the world to understand that arrogance was a dangerous path. He appreciated Kakashi's honesty and the way he pushed him without ever taking it easy on him because of his age or his father's legacy.

After their sparring session, Kaito approached Kakashi with a specific request. "Kakashi, could you teach me the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu?" he asked, his voice filled with eagerness.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to learn that jutsu?" he inquired, curious about Kaito's motives.

Kaito explained, "I want to help Mom with the house chores, especially with her recent… pains. This way, I learn and simultaneously help her out."

Kakashi understood. Kushina's injuries from the attack were taking their toll, and Kaito wanted to ease her burden. He nodded "Very well," he said, "I will teach you the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."

The technique demanded a large chakra reserve, but Kakashi knew that Kaito being a Uzumaki possessed a naturally large chakra reserve.

To Kakashi's surprise, Kaito picked up the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu with remarkable ease. His large chakra reserves and his natural talent for chakra control allowed him to perform the technique flawlessly on his first attempt.

Kaito discovered that his limit was ten clones before his chakra began to deplete, causing fatigue. Nevertheless, he was ecstatic with his progress and eager to put his clones to good use.

After a 20-minute walk, Kaito arrived home. He stepped inside and called out, "Mom, I'm back!"

"In the kitchen, honey," Kushina's voice replied.

Kaito entered the kitchen and found A clone of himself diligently assisting his mother with dinner preparations, while another played with Naruto in the corner.

Kushina turned and smiled at her son. "Welcome back, honey. Go take a bath and I'll have dinner ready soon."

"Hai," Kaito replied, feeling a surge of warmth from his mother's smile.

He went to take a bath, and when he returned, another clone was setting the table. Kaito dispelled the clone, absorbing its memories and taking over the task.

As he arranged the plates and utensils, Kaito felt a sense of satisfaction. He was not only training to become a powerful ninja but also contributing to his family's well-being. The Kage Bunshin no Jutsu had proven to be a valuable tool, allowing him to help his mother and take care of his responsibilities while simultaneously learning and growing.

Kaito looked at his mother, her face filled with love and gratitude. He knew that protecting her and his brother was his top priority, and he was determined to become strong enough to fulfill that promise.

Dinner was a lively affair. Kaito's clone entertained baby Naruto with playful antics, keeping him giggling and happy. As they ate, Kushina inquired about his training.

"How was training, honey?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"The same as usual," Kaito replied, taking a bite of his food. "We sparred, and then Kakashi taught me about chakra nature transformation."

Kushina raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Chakra nature transformation already? You're still young to be learning that. Did you do the chakra litmus test?"

Kaito nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Yes, and it turns out I have three nature transformations!"

Kushia's eyes widened in astonishment. "Three chakra natures? It's rare for someone to be born with two, let alone three! What did the test show?"

Kaito explained, "The paper got wet first, then it split in two and crinkled a bit."

Kushina pondered this for a moment. "Hmm... you definitely got water from me, since my primary affinity is water. And you got the lightning from your father, Minato, whose primary affinity was also lightning. And you got wind from both of us. Both your father and I had wind as our secondary nature affinity. So, which element are you going to learn first?"

Kaito nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Water, since it's my primary affinity. And Kakashi gave me the exercise for the first step."

Kushina grinned. "The chakra Conversion exercise, eh? It can be quite difficult, but I can give you some pointers. After all, I am a master of Water Release Ninjutsu."

Dinner continued with animated conversation, filled with laughter and stories. As the night deepened, the family retired for the day, their hearts filled with love and warmth.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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