1.13% (BL)Obsessive Over You / Chapter 1: Levi Winchester
(BL)Obsessive Over You (BL)Obsessive Over You original

(BL)Obsessive Over You

作者: Sakakibara9300

© WebNovel

章 1: Levi Winchester

Tyler Moss to me is someone I couldn't live without. He is the most precious person alive right now, my hero. Someone so special I couldn't imagine a world where he wasn't in it with me. He was the reason I even kept myself alive.

The center of my universe.

We met in seventh grade when I had transferred into his class. I was a quiet gloomy kid that couldn't speak to anyone. But I already knew all about Tyler somehow and he spoke to me first, from then on, I stopped being alone.

He was the only thing that was familiar to me.

Tyler was a sporty type, anxious, pure and kind. Unselfish, loving, proud and sexy. He had soft Unruly curly red hair with bright greens eyes that could stare straight into your soul, Snow White smooth and soft skin and those freckles were just made him look even more adorable. His plump red lips balanced out his button nose and we're in perfect proportions to his short stature. His face was delicate and his features were soft....every inch of him was beautiful to me.

It was love at first sight after all.

I followed him everywhere he went, and I was always there a few feet behind him even if he didn't know that I was there. I made sure I sat next to him in every class, we eat lunch together, we even walk to and from school together. I inserted myself into anything to do with him until I was his only everything.

I couldn't even concentrate on class because his presence alone was too much for me. It was too sweet and adorable. I usually spent my time daydreaming about us being together forever, Not to mention all the sex I would have with him in my head everyday.

In fact, as soon as I became sexually aware of myself, I knew I could only be with him forever. There was literally no one else who was made for me or could even gather a reaction. If this were a comic book, our red strings of fate would be attached to our pinky's very close and untangled.

Still, it pained me that I couldn't approach him that way. I didn't ever want to ruin what we had. Still, If anyone else were to ever show interest in him, I would probably kill them.

I hung onto his every word when it came to him. Like, in eighth grade I eavesdropped on a conversation with one of his class buddies where I heard he likes people who are in shape, so I spent everyday since working out with him to some extent, just monopolize more of his time.

I needed him to rely only on me and only need me. So I cooked for him, picked up his slack in school, took care of the fake friends around him and kept him out of trouble. I made sure I took care of him very well so that no matter what, I could be the only one he would run too.

People could consider me handsome as well I guess, not that they would ever admit it. I was still a tall plain guy with shaggy black hair and black eyes covered by glasses. While I could be considered conventionally attractive, I couldn't come close to my beautiful Tyler. Whereas Tyler was pure and innocently beautiful, I was damaged beyond repair.

Still I held out hope that he could be just mine alone. That maybe soon, he'll get tired of everyone around him and he'll ask me to run away with him. I've planned our escape from here, from housing arrangements to marriage arrangements....to our future kids Daphne and Apollo.

"..3....2....1....," the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. It was Tyler's daily ritual for coping with the boring classes. It made no sense because it made class seem longer, but it still seemed really cute.

"Want to study together, Ty?" Some girl in front of us turned to stare Tyler in the eye completely ignoring that I exist. I glared at her and this time she managed to ignore me. She's succeeded in getting on my nerves for a week now. "I've been falling behind."

"Why would you ask me? I'm not as smart as Levi so I'm going with him. You should ask someone who understands the class. Like a tutor," Tyler said while packing his bag and avoiding her gaze. That's what I loved most about him, his tendency to be blunt but nice. "I'll be busy."

"You've been busy all week. When are you going to be free?" The girl whined. I rolled my eyes at her tone. She wasn't close to being qualified to be allowed to like Tyler. She just wanted him for dirty things! She would never cherish him like I would definitely do!

"My weeks already booked. Levi and I have plans." we didn't but I wasn't upset at this lie. He could use me however he wanted. Especially to shoo away this Annoying bitch! He obviously doesn't like her! Why couldn't she take a hint?

"You're just always with this guy! Are you really gay or something? That's pretty gross!"

"Just because you say your opinion, doesn't mean I'll look at you differently," Tyler continued to avoid the annoying girls eyes. I smirked as her face fell from Tyler's lack of homophobia. "And being like that is super unattractive. Hateful people suck."

"You just never have time-"

"If I'm always busy, then that should tell you something. I hope you don't start any shit because of this. It's really getting annoying." Tyler smiled finally looking up at the girl while she turned tomato red. My Tyler never said yes to a girl, or boy, who ever asked him out. And it's been this way since school started.

I've never wondered why.


"Levi! Thanks for the lunch today, it was delicious! It's my turn to choose what we eat right? Let's go get some takeout! My treat!" Tyler turned to me excitedly. I nodded with a smile ignoring everyone's glares shot my way. The girl looked thoroughly upset now especially after I shot her a shit eating grin.

Stupid bitch.

Unlike Tyler, I've always been very unpopular. I wasn't a sporty guy and I wasn't someone who could be cool, calm and collected. There seemed to be something about me that made people think they could bully me, and they sure tried to do it.

Everyone except Tyler.

No one has ever showed me any love or care like Tyler has, only Adding to my obsession with keeping him. He always defended me, he always had my back and he also never left my side if he could help it because he worried for me. Only he could maintain being my entire world. Only he could live up to the name without even trying.

Even if he was around me because he felt bad, I'd be okay with it. As long as Tyler stayed only with me. "That girl-"

"Is annoying. You're going to have to make a plan for us today. Sorry it's last minute."

"Let's go," I said grabbing my books. It didn't matter! Anything for more time with you. "We can do whatever you want."

"Tyler, you're not coming?" Some of the other soccer players called out to him. I was suddenly being pushed aside and glared at by two muscle idiots. "We're meeting some of the girls. Maybe you can finally pair up with someone."

"Yeah, the girls really want to meet you."

"Naw, man, I've got plans with Levi already! I don't like those meet ups anyway." Tyler waved them off. "Aw fuck, hold on, I'll be right back with some extra papers, Levi! You better wait for me!"

"I'll be right here waiting," I assured him. Tyler shot me the cutest smile before running out of the classroom. The two guys shot me a hateful look but carried on with their own thing.

Sometimes I wondered what it would be like if I kept my distance like I originally intended. Would he still have tried to be my friend? Would he have hooked up with those stupid girls at those meetings?

No, because Tyler was too pure to do that. He'd never just blindly follow Liam.

"He's already wearing the fall uniform on the second day of the semester. Isn't it a bit hot for that, he must have been embarrassed," I heard some girls gossiping. Now they're just looking for anything to tear me apart, huh? It wouldn't attract Tyler to them. "What's his name again."

"Levi Winchester or something like that."

"He's first in class and the entire school and he just studies. He doesn't talk in P.E. and he's always on the bench, but teachers don't bitch at him because he has top scores. It's so not fair, he doesn't do anything."

"He hasn't changed much though," a third girl came up to them. "He was top of the class since middle school. On top of that he's an outcast, but like because he hates everyone but Tyler."

"Isn't he like the son of a rich family?"

"I'm not sure, But who cares about that? Isn't it annoying how he's always clinging to Tyler and following him everywhere?"

"Like give someone else a chance."

"Do you think they're dating?"

"Please, Tyler's to hot to be gay."

"But they definitely are way too close."

"At least it's not as bad as it used to be. Things actually were a lot worse in middle school."


"They used to hold hands walking to and from school. I thought they were a couple but they never kissed or anything."

"It's probably one sided, no way a loser like that would ever get Tyler." The girls laughed.

I could feel my irritation creep up. This again! Even if I didn't have a chance with Tyler, I would make sure he ended up with someone suitable for him and not whores like them.

Tyler came running back in at this moment. "Levi, sorry about that! I didn't mean to keep you waiting, the teacher just wouldn't shut up."

"No problem, I didn't wait long."

"The maths teacher is bugged out for real, let's go eat!"

I grabbed my bag and shot a glare at those three girls making them jump a bit. Blonde Barbie slut....idiots! It was pretty obvious that they were wrong and jealous. That's why Tyler wasn't around them.

My love couldn't have been that one sided, right? Let alone that obvious.

I mean he hasn't picked up on it since middle school. My flirting goes unnoticed. I don't think he's ever actually seen me as anything but a best friend.

Actually what were the chances that Tyler could return these intense feelings I have for him. Could I tell him without chasing him away from me for good? Would he accept any of my love?

I shook the thoughts away. Just being at his side like this was enough for me.

Tyler and I walked out of the classroom together as usual. Everyone made it into a spectacle. Tyler smiling waved bye and was greeted with more invites to go out, like usual, and, like usual, he turned them all down while I walked slightly behind him with my head down and silent.

"Want to get a Slurpee?" Tyler asked me.

"If we drink those I won't be able to eat dinner," I said.

"It's alright, it's just a drink!" Tyler smiled. "I hope they have the coke flavor, if they don't, I wonder what I'll get." When he turned away to think harder about his drink, i noticed he still had rice on his shirt. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice me get the few grains off and eat it. It tasted better than rice since it came off of him. "If they don't have coke, I'll take grape! No orange! Levi what flavor are you getting?"

"I'm not getting one."

"That's ok, I am."

"Then I'll have what you're having."

"Ah, then what should we have? Do I have to order both? We'll just get one big one! Know what, I'll mix all the flavors!"

"You get a stomachache if you do that. Remember last time?"

"Yeah, I remember you crying while you were taking care of me. My mom had to chase you out so many times because you were so overbearing," Tyler laughed at the memory. "That was a while ago, what a memory on you. You forgot, the Second times a charm!"

"Ty! There's a new restaurant in town!" The same soccer buddies from the classroom surrounded Tyler, this time with the captain, Liam Hart, also Tyler's best friend. When he saw me he glared and pushed me farther back.

Liam was a gruff guy with politician parents. I secretly called him a Soccer Dick. Soccer was his entire personality, next to that was his extreme materialism and popularity. He wasn't a bad guy, just an Asshole. Somehow he had maintained a strong friendship with Tyler as much as I've tried to inch him out.

"New restaurant?"

"They give discounts for the school teams and Jessica will be there."

"Ah, no, I don't want to. I have plans already."

"Dude, we need a group to get the discounts!"

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Did you get detention again?"

"Why do you have something to do everyday, man?"

"Where's Levi?" Tyler voiced before pushing his friends aside to stand next to me. "I said I can't go, maybe another time. I've got to study. We have a math test coming."

"Dude. We've been keeping quiet about this since forever, but it's kind of weird that you never hang out with the team at all anymore, like you're so obsessed with Levi." Liam explained. "You guys have been like this since middle school, don't you think it's strange always going with the same guy? Everyone is starting to talk about it again. Especially since it's this guy."

"Everyone has indeed been talking about it and it's really annoying but why should I change? They should mind their business," Tyler stated simply. "Why do you care what people say about me anyway? I don't."

"Do all friends act like you two? That's kinda weird as fuck. At least you guys aren't holding hAnds in public anymore," Liam shook his head. "Isn't it weird how he's always clinging to you."

"I can hang out with whoever I want," Tyler said. "And it's not weird to have a friend you always hang out with, dude. I like hanging out with him."

"I'm going to buy a drink," I mumbled feeling uncomfortable by Liam and Tyler's stare down. As soon as I started walking the other way Tyler was right next to me.

I couldn't help but feel giddy that he ditched them for me right away. In a way, it felt like he was already mine. I didn't mind getting bullied if it kept Tyler coming to me.

"Which one are you getting?" Tyler asked squeezing my arm. He was that concerned for me! Such an angel.


"Great I'll have a Fanta!" Tyler smiled his lovely, energetic, loving smile. How couldn't anyone not fall in love with him?

"Ok," I smiled back as we reached the vending machine. Tyler hugged me as tight as he could and thanked me until his Fanta came out.

While he drank I saw a little bit run down his chin. Before it could reach his shirt, I slid a finger up his neck slowly to his chin, then ever slower to his lip.

"Oh, did I drop some?"

"Yeah." My flirting is still going unnoticed. He's just too comfortable with me touching him.

"Oh, have some too," at this point I was used to drinking and eating after Tyler, but the butterflies were still fresh in my stomach.

Indirect kisses!

I licked my finger to taste the soda I wiped off his face when I was sure Tyler didn't see. He was always clumsy. But it's funny that everything that everything touched Tyler, tasted so good. I wonder how he tastes?

Just as good? Maybe better? Will he melt in my mouth? Would he-

"Let's go get that takeout you owe me," I said interrupting my train of thought.

"Well, let's go try that restaurant they were telling us about! It sounded like it'll be really good." Tyler suggested. "I mean we don't have to go there because they might be there but-"

"Let's go try it." I watched Tyler's face light up and hop around in excitement. "I love you." I mumbled.


"I said let's go you," I covered up. Tyler smiled and laughed into conversation about a TV show. Luckily he didn't hear what I actually said. Maybe he would like me back to some degree. I mean he turned everyone down to hang out with me....everyday since eighth grade. Maybe Tyler could love really me back one day.

If....he loses interest in me, and goes to some other bastard I'd lose it. If I had no choice but to watch that happen I'd do something worse. Accepting that side of me isn't very pleasant.

I looked at Tyler's lovely face. All smiles.

I won't ever let you go. Whether he can have those feelings for me or he falls in love with someone else, even if he goes insane, he can never leave me. Ever.

I would tie his hands and feet and strip him and humiliate him, even if I had to put a leash around his neck and degrade him, even if he screams cries and curses at me, I'll make sure he can't see or hear anyone.

Even if we end up together in hell.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


