81.25% ' Make it right' taekook story / Chapter 13: 'I came.I saw. I conquered. Chapter 13

章 13: 'I came.I saw. I conquered. Chapter 13


Doha was wonderful this time of year. Sunny, bright , hot and a bit chilly at night but nevertheless  majestic!

Taehyung 's private jet landed on Hamad International airport at noon, four limos and a jeep were waiting to drive them to their hotel. Taehyung and Jungkook hadn't exchanged a single word or glance throughout the flight.The man out of fear , Jungkook out of genuine anger.

The younger went straight to his room, locked the door, hit the shower and politely refused to eat with the others only to avoid Taehyung. The thought of spending more time with him was stirring his stomach and heart. Travelling together was a true torture. Taehyung 's eyes scared him They were two blazing fires scorching him. It was so uncomfortable!

After a relaxing bath, he put on a pair of black shorts, sat on the bed scrolling  on his phone unable to concentrate knowing Tae was two rooms away and eventually gave up throwing it on the bed, next to him.

After rolling in bed for quite some time he huffed annoyed ,threw the covers,rambling to the huge window. Lounging out, admiring the starry night sky his gaze stuck on the swimming pool downstairs.

" Should I? Why not?" he wondered outloud, rubbing his jaw. Everyone should be in their rooms resting from the trip and a dive in those waters looked appealing. He needed to release his stress. Stop his mind from thinking and feeling. He changed putting on a black swimming suit and took another look on the side mirror.

He grabbed a towel from the drawer, got out of the room into the elevator and down to the pool. He threw the towel on a sun lounger ,looked around to check if he was alone and dived in. The sense of the cool water touching his hot body was refreshing. Taking dives, butterflies, backstrokes, plead strokes and kicks he felt rejuvenated and free. Like all his troubled thoughts and worries had vanished. He loved swimming.

In New York he frequently swam in their house pool after a long stressful day at work or  university. Plus it was a good exercise for his body and muscles keeping him healthy and fit.

He got out of the pool, grabbed the towel wiping the drops of water from his chest in slow motion. Then he sat at the edge of the pool, his feet kicking the water ,taking deep breaths, giggling enjoying the peace and quiet of the surroundings.

He had no idea two beautiful,deep ocean eyes were watching him from afar , drooling over his alluring charm, sinful body. Taehyung, unable to sleep decided to take a stroll around the premises, ended up inthe pool and there he was! His Jungkookie!

Swimming under the starry sky like a pro. Like a mythical man mermaid. He dare not disturb him but preferred to admire him from a safe distance, hidden behind a thick pillar, although taming his erotic urges was painful. His little friend was wide awake...wanting..no desperately seeking satisfaction.

The way he was diving, the crystal clear water hugging him,then wiping the wetness from his exposed muscled chest, shaking his head , hair swinging left and right. And those thighs! So incredibly firm, perfectly shaped looming through the wet fabric, giving a clear view of what Taehyung was longing. How he bend down making his round ass resemble big,juicy, firm peaches ready to be opened up and devoured.

Subconsciously, his hand reached down his hard cock, pressing it, nibbling the corner of his lips. Oh dear Lord, how deeply he wanted to fuck him. Break him. Wreck him.

The man sighed deeply , closing his eyes to find the strength to resist. He was breathtaking! Erotic! Unholy! Actually he gave the meaning of the word unholy a entirely different meaning!

Taehyung wanted him. Needed him as the air he breathed. Yerned for his touches. Desired to be inside him , claim him as his more than anything. Not having him was intolerable, seriously testing his mentality. He couldn't remember the last time he wanted something so badly. Probably because it was the first time his desire was making his body and soul needy.

But remembering their last disastrous encounter it was a bad idea to approach him tonight. He had decided to give him space and time to calm and then make his move. In an effort  to relax, Taehyung took  long , sharp breaths, released his aching cock and stepped back.He stayed for a while ,turned around and walked away.

Going inside his dim room, he got rid of his iron grey suit, hopped into the shower and fifteen minutes later he was under the covers wearing only his black boxers. Stuffing his hands underneath his head ,staring at the white ceiling his thoughts  travelled back to his baby..his gorgeous Jungkook.. Whispering his name he dozed off, dreaming those big, doe eyes, bunny teeth..and provocative ass..


Jungkook yawned repeatedly, stretching his stiff arms and legs, hurting from overworking. In an attempt to get his mind off the man that occupied it 24/7 , he buckled down and finished two days shooting in a few hours, stunning everyone but resulting in heavy exhaustion, leaving him drained and dozy. He needed to soak his body in the bathtub, crawl under the covers and stay there till forever!

Knowing it wasn't an option, mentally cursing, he shuffled his feet to the bathroom, going under the shower and allowing the hot water do its magic. Feeling slightly rejuvenated, he ambled to his closet trying go find the right outfit  to attend tonight's formal dinner with one of the most famous singers of the middle East after the man's request.

It had crossed his mind to come up with a believable excuse and skip it, however he didn't want to be rude to the people who invited him . His half closed eyes caught a glimpse of a total black Calvin Klein outfit, stuffed to the back behind a pile of clothes.

" Black?" he huffed shaking his head." Why not? It will match my mood!"

He dried his wet hair, adjusting his naughty bangs, that seemed to have a mind of their own, reminding himself to get a haircut when returning home , quickly put on his tight, black jeans, a long sleeved black shirt, to hide his tattooed arm, dismissing the idea of also wearing his black, leather jacket. Moreover he decided not to wear his earrings at such a formal dinner, especially with the press gathered.

Bogum hyung had offered to wait for him and escort him to the restaurant but Jungkook denied. After taking one last look at the mirror, he left the room, entered the lift and went straight to the hotel restaurant.

Fahad Al Kubaisi turned out to be extremely polite, kind and amusing. Sitting next to each other, surrounded by  the Mayor of Doha, government officials, their managers and of course Taehyung and Seojoon, they talked, laughed, making it rather entertaining for Jungkook, despite his clear tiredness.

One set of eyes was glued to him all night long, piercing holes in his body and although Jungkook remained unaffected, on the outside, inside he was restless and millions of butterflies were having a blast in his stomach. His hands slightly trembling resulting in spilling his drink twice. Not to mention  the constant tapping of his right foot on the floor from frustration and anxiety and something else he wasn't in the mood to analyse. Keeping things simple and light was on his agenda tonight.

Now..Taehyung's mood was a different story. Maintain sober mind, forced to smile politely throughout dinner, chatting with a female official,whose name slipt his attention since he was occupied with Jungkook and that damn singer, drained his mood.

Her constant questions, discreet flirting and attempt to gain his interest was testing his patience to a great extent. Telling her to fuck off and leave him at peace wasn't an option so he pretended to listen and occasionally mummble ' yes' ,'no' , ' mmmm'. He must have given the impression his talking skills were limited! Not that he gave a damn!

His jealousy lever , on the other hand,had reached the top. Sulking and pouting. Eyes bulging from their sockets. Fingers fisting and gripping on his pants under the table. Why were they sitting so close? What was this man after? He obviously had a thing for his Jungkook. Drooling like a pervert! Not missing a chance to gently touch his arm or hand with his fingers. Toss his head towards Jungkook giving him timid smiles, pouring more wine into his glass like he wanted to get him drunk and seduce him.

Why was his Jungkookie a magnet for every available or unavailable man? What the hell was wrong with men nowadays? Were they all turning gay for his man? He not only had to compete his previous boyfriends, his current one now he had to worry about potential ones? He scoffed, gnashing his teeth and squeezing his fingers around the wine glass so tight it was pure luck it didn't break to pieces.

Since last night, he had come up with a plan to lure Jungkook to his room and finally have his way with him! It was so carefully planned in his head and Taehyung had high expectations just to see it failing again! In theory it was perfect,in action not so much!Well, this was were he drew the line!

No more waiting. No more acting dumb. No more patience. He had to play all his cards and show Jungkook that they were made for eachother! And prevent other men from attacking his baby! Because Jungkook was HIS AND ONLY HIS!

When Jungkook left the table, he made an excuse and followed him to the elevator. By the incensed look on his face, he could tell he wasn't pleased to see him. Or be next to him in a crammed space. His finger pressed the button of their floor, his back hit the wall of the lift and his hands hidden inside his front pockets.

He suddenly spoke saying all the wrong words. Words that sounded insulting and it wasn't what he had in mind.

" You looked like you were having fun with your admirer. He monopolized your company all night."

The younger didn't respond but kept  gazing on the door. Arms crossed on his chest and nothing to indicate annoyance.

Taehyung spoke again." It must satisfy your ego to have all the attention of men on you." Not understanding why he continued to provoke him and knowing it might actually backfire and ruin his plan , Taehyung couldn't shut his mouth for a second. The words came popping out just like the veins in his neck.

Still no reply from Jungkook.

He had to simmer down. Shut his fucken mouth but his rage was pilling up, consuming and swamping him. In a swift move, he gripped his wrist, pulling him closer and forcefully back hugging him, hooking his arms around his waist, locking him.

" Talk. Say something. Anything." he provoked him." Your silence is killing me." He hated when Jungkook was giving him the cokd shoulder. Didn't know what was going on inside his head and from the looks of it it wasn't nice!

" Good." was the only reply he got. The younger stayed put, his back glued to the man's  broad chest. He didn't think of escaping. Pushing him. Taehyung's hot, musky scent smashed his senses and his rapid heartbeat matched his own.

The tension was there. Lingering the air all night. Lustful thoughts and erotic images pestering his foggy mind. One of the few times he glanced at the older, he recognised the desire in his eyes. The same one burning him. Perhaps it was the wine..or the beauty of the place..or his mad craving to be owned by the only man that created an avalanche in his body.

One night.

One passionate, stormy night filled with pleasure.

He needed to feel alive.

Wanted to feel the blazing rush running through his veins. Triggering his senses.

Longed to be dominant and submissive to him.

Just one night..

What harm could it done?

They were both fucked up anyway.

He should have weighed the pros and cons of his rushed decision. Not let his need and emotions get in the way.

No..not this time..

Jungkook wanted and needed to be fucked mercilessly in everyway possible. Experience the bliss of being owned and owning at the same time.

The bulge between his legs growing rapidly and hard threatening to explode. Taehyung was hard too. He could feel his cock poking his ass crack.

The elevator door opened widely, putting an end to the tension. The man scoffed realising he had played and lost.

Jungkook unfolded the older's arms , letting them fall to the side. Steady strides lead him out of the elevator, into the empty, vast corridor, in front of his room door. Taking the key card out of his back pocket, he opened it , walked in but didn't close it.

Taehyung was still inside the lift, mind blank, hands into fists, head spinning, gazing at nothing. Until the door nearly closed so raising both hands he split it  open again. Scanning around the hallway, ready to give up he noticed that Jungkook 's door wasn't closed.

Hesitantly, his feet plodded to a specific direction , stopping two strides away from the entrance and stood there.

Staring deeply at eachother's eyes, no words coming out of their mouths. Their inner conflict was earsplitting. Their undeniable longing gushing out of every pore of their bodies.

" Ask me." Jungkook simply said.

" Mmmm..what?" His brain was seriously malfunctioning. He had no idea what was Jungkook talking about.

"Ask me Taehyung." he pointed out without the slightest hesitation.

And then it hit him. He remembered his words" Not without my permission." Giving Jungkook a bright, boxy smile of excitement , happiness and bliss and longing written all over his face and jiggles dancing in his stomach." May I come in?"

The younger nodded, stepping back and inviting  him in.The look on Taehyung 's face made his knees weak. His heart ready to jump out of his chest. His head dizzy and eyesight blurry. He was this close to getting what he wanted more than the air he needed to breath and stay alive.

Taehyung entered, shutting the door behind him with his foot. Jungkook had given him a chance and he wouldn't blow it this time.

Jungkook invited him in on bis own.

Jungkook had given him permission.

It only meant one thing..

Tonight Jungkook would be HIS.

" Do I have to ask permission for all the things I want to do to you?" His jacket suit was already on the floor along with his black tie and white shirt. When his fingers touched the black, leather belt Jungkook's voice stopped him.

" No, as long as it's on my terms." he answered bluntly.

" What are your terms?" The belt was on the pile of clothes as he unzipped his pants without taking them off..yet.

"You'll find out..along the way." Every word coming out of his rossy lips was accompanied by a piece of clothing. First his shirt, his pants, his red boxer until he was completely naked and exposed.

Taehyung 's intense gaze hovered on his body, flaming his senses,igniting a profound fire. Jungkook felt scorching heat covering him, turning him crimson red. He was shy! It was the first time standing naked in the eyes of a man.

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't prude or conservative,especially in his line of work, but this was his first time ever! He felt the need to cover up a certain part  but dismissed the idea not wanting to saw his inexperience. Especially after the lies he had fed Taehyung. So he licked and bit his lower lip seductively, eyes narrowed full of provocation, fingers softly caressing his chest , slowly moving to his nipples giving them a squeeze waiting for the older's move.

Taehyung, facing pure perfection before his eyes, nearly fainted. Ready to cum on the spot!He wasn't sure if it was his huge absence from sex for years, his undeniable longing and erotic need for Jungkook  the younger touching himself or the fact that his dream was becoming a reality. All he knew was tonight his angel would only belong to him.

While his gaze hungrily strolled from Jungkook's flustered face, to the milky skin of his broad chest,hard pinky nipples, flat stomach, exquisite,tiny waist, well built,muscled thighs to his huge erection, standing up proudly. He didn't fail to notice the strings of precum dripping on the floor. Jungkook was hard..very hard..for him. And those damn tattoos were adding fuel to the fire, looking so hot and sexy and turning him on.

That alone excited him causing his knees to go weak.

" You are perfect.."

Jungkook grinned, the corner of his mouth wrinkled." I know." Where he found the strength to sound so confident was astonishing because inside he was trembling from fear, embarrassment and anticipation.

" I want to fuck you." A plain-spoken statement but Taehyung was running out of resilience.

" Take off your clothes..I want to see all of you." The younger was bold!

The smile on the man's face mixed with a  taunted smirk was a clear indication he loved being bossed around, despite the fainted thought buried deep inside his head that Jungkook, his Jungkookie had done this with a number of men in the past. The image of men kissing, touching and fucking him felt like a kick in the nuts!

No..he refused to let this ruin the moment. Everyone has a past..the important was the present and future.

Jungkook could guess what was on his mind from the way his eyes darkened and lost their sparkles.

Him and other men!It was pleasantly entertaining to torment him and didn't intend to tell him he was actually a virgin. Serves him right!

Taehyung pulling down his pants and underwear, throwing them somewhere, his huge, thick, hard cock made Jungkook drool and cracked open his eyes in shock.

' Oh dear lord! How is this going to fit inside me?' Come to think about it maybe it wasn't the brightest idea! It was going to be extremely painful but he was a man. He could take it!He gulped, air was stubbornly refusing to help bim breathe.

Taehyung was a hunk! So muscular..sturdy..his honey milk complexion was to die for! Blinking his woolly eyes, constantly bitting his now kind of swollen lips, he had no intention of suppressing his urges and was ready to succumb to his desires.

" Like what you see, baby?" A dose of irony and fear of rejection visible in his husky voice. His hand moved between his thighs, fisted his hard on, gently stroking it.

" Will you be mad if I say I've seen..bigger?" he provoked him waiting to see his reaction.

" I'd say.. you're lying, baby!" His hand kept stroking the hard on, slightly  pushing his lower part further and letting out small moans of pleasure." It's for you..I get hard just by thinking of you..under me.. whimpering.. moaning.. begging me to fuck you.."

Jungkook's cock twitched at the erotic words and the need to touch his own cock to get some release was too unbearable but had no intention of acting impulsive and submissive. Fucking would be under his terms not Taehyung's.

Slowly he moved towards the bed, sat at the edge, spreading his legs wide open, his clenching hole on full display, hands supported on the mattress.

" Suck me.If you give me a nice blowjob I'll let you fuck my mouth." He wiggled his eyebrows,praying for Taehyung to hurry because he was too close to cumming untouched." If you don't hurry I might take back my.. permission.."

To say that Taehyung didn't like his baby's dominant side would be a lie! He loved it! It excited and thrilled him and made his dick pang and spasm from overstimulation. His need so heartfelt and soul consuming it drove him crazy! He couldn't think straight, act straight. His mind was fuzzy playing tricks on him.

Taking a deep breath, he moved closer, knelt between Jungkook's spread legs, letting his long fingers trail along his body, from his neck, pulsating chest, pinching his nipples, then moving to his stomach, making circles on his bellybutton, reaching his thighs without touching his throbbing cock.

His mouth desperately attacked the younger's lips in a passionate, frenzy kiss. His tongue split his mouth in half, entering and sloppily slurping the tasty, wet cavity, sucking what air was left for Jungkook to breathe , hitting the back of his throat and mimicking what his cock would do afterwards.

Jungkook unable to hold his moans freed them and whined when their kiss was interrupted only for Taehyung's tongue to lick and suck his earlobe, neck , sniffing his scent and leaving a trail of bites and knots along the way. When his teeth sunk in his right nipple, Jungkook stretched his body, fists squeezing the sheets.

" Suck me." he ordered with meer anticipation, spreading his legs even wider and gulped when he felt Taehyung 's mouth on his left thigh.

The man nibbled the soft skin, slobbering and biting his thighs in turns before grabbing his cock letting his tongue lick the moist tip, pulling the foreskin down. The taste of his precum was heavenly! He gave it a strong suck before shoving it all in his mouth, moving his head back and forth.

Jungkook tilted his head back, groaning at the acute pleasure as Taehyung's hand fisted his cock moving in perfect sync with his mouth.

" Faster..go faster..give me all you've got." Jungkook whimpered feeling his cock smashing the man's throat as he pushed forward ,gagging him.

Taehyung 's hand clutched on his hips plunging deeper. His tongue did wonders circling the hard cock ready to explode and his hand squeezed the tender flesh. The older was ecstatic sucking his baby's cock, hearing his moans and watching him on the verge of cumming. Suddenly Taehyung removed his mouth ,tugged and stroked him, then slammed it back in , repeating it four times while pressing his swollen balls.

" Do it again! I'm cumming..oh fuck I'm cumming.." It was too much. Too much pleasure. Too much excitement. Too much suppressed desire.He couldn't hold it any longer. His need to cum inside Taehyung 's mouth was a desperate  need.Taehyung was taking him deeper with aggressiveness wanting to feel him to the fullest. Give him the undeniable pleasure he was seeking. Erase the marks of other men. Dominate him.

Jungkook arched his back, fists buried in the sheets, holding on tight as if he was going to break to pieces and needed support. He put aside his urge to cry from bliss ,refusing to concede the extent of his pleasure.Taking out a loud shriek, his body shaking from spasms , releasing his load inside the warm mouth, flooding every inch.

The satisfaction of hearing Jungkook's groans ,watching his pleasure and the knowledge he was responsible, made his cock harder and his body pang. Every pore of him was alert.

The younger felt the need to cum again when Taehyung gulped the salty cum, his tongue lapped the crack of the tip, making sure there wasn't a drop left and then used some of the cum to lick the clenching entrance, in circular moves. The mixture of cum and the moisture of his hole was making him see red.

Taehyung lifted up his head, a visible grin scattered on his lips." My turn now. I want to fuck your mouth." It wasn't a request but an effortless ,heady demand and Jungkook felt giddy and needy to comply and submissive to let him have his way with him. A part of him wanted to let it happen but the others were shouting no!

" Have you always been so impatient to suck a man's cock or lick a pussy?" A clear provocation on his part. Dirty talking was such a turn on!

" You're the first cock I suck..and to be honest no. I'm having trouble controlling myself only with you. I've never fucked a man before .I haven't been with a woman in seven years. Not since I realised how madly in love I was with you.Does that answer your question?" He run his fingers on his chest and perfect biceps, shivers thrashing the younger 's spine.

The younger bit his lips without commenting ,moving his body up the mattress and with his index finger invited him to come. He run his tongue over his finger, enjoying the twitching his act caused on Taehyung 's cock.

" Get on top of me. Fuck my mouth." His lustful gaze created such thrill in the man he was doubting his ability to act sensibly.

Taehyung got on top of him, bringing his cock above Jungkook's head, knees touching  the bed and locking his body between his legs. Stripes of precum dripping on the younger 's face and mouth as he stuck his tongue  out to catch and taste them. His face was harshly smacked by the hard cock.

" Gonna fuck your slutty mouth till you pass out." Taehyung grumbled only to receive a roaring laughter.

" Give it your best shot Kim! Let's see what you've got! Fuck my mouth till you cum..feed me till I'm full.."His words came out more like a pleading whisper rather than an order.

The man forcefully spread his lips, slamming his hard on inside the soft mouth, thrusting in and out like a maniac. Jungkook was taken aback, gagged, bobbing his head,unable to breath as the huge shaft was relentlessly hitting his throat. The first tears appeared in his eyes, venting on the bed and his tongue ,with extreme difficulty, twirled around the pulsating cock, creating an impeccable sensation to the man.

He was being mouthfucked for ten minutes, feeling his resistance deteriorating. Hands grabbed Taehyung 's hips pushing him forward, toes curled and cock throbbing, humping his ass in frenzy. There goes control!

" FUCK! FUCK!  You take me so good..so fucken good.."

The man's urge to cum became a profound need so pulling out and plunging in a couple of times he exploded , shooting inside Jungkook 's mouth as earsplitting groans and moans disturbed probably the entire floor.

" Take it all in.. swallow it..feel it rushing through your veins.. becoming one with your blood.." he squealed,pumping his cock and Jungkook gorged every drop.

" Clean it." Another order the younger gladly obeyed, using his tongue to wipe the cum from the tip and slurping his balls." You enjoy sucking my dick, don't you?"

Jungkook's voice sounded harsh and squeaky." Maybe..Do I look like a good whore with your cock in my mouth?" He licked his lips on purpose gathering the remaining drops.

" The best!I will enjoy breaking you, baby!"

" Good luck with that, baby!" Even mocking him was a turn on for both of them. Stimulating their senses. Taking their carnal pleasure to a higher level.

Taehyung moved backwards, situated between the younger 's legs , spreading them." Got any lube?"

" I won't be needing it. You're gonna take me raw." Once he said it, he instantly regretted it, imagining how painful it would be.

" It will hurt Jungkook." Now he sounded serious and worried." You don't have to prove anything."

" My terms remember? I want you to be rough. Fuck me like a slut. Break me. Don't like.. there's the door." he stated sassily pointing his head to the exit.

Taehyung huffed, weighing his options. He definitely wanted to fuck him, that he knew for sure, but not hurt him. It seemed Jungkook had other plans involving rough, hardcore,romping sex..Was he willing to miss out the opportunity of having him every way possible? Would he deny he indeed longed to fuck him like that? Hell no! He had spent  the last seven years thinking only that.

" You asked for it so don't regret it later." He bend down , catching his lips, kissing him sloppily and hungrily and aggressively,tasting his own cun in the process. His tongue then moved straight to his nipples taking turns in lapping, whipping and bitting them till they became hard, red and swollen.

Lifting up his ass,bending his head to reach him, his fingers opened his asscheeks and the sight of his pink, tight entrance made him grunt." I'm gonna  give you the best fuck of your life!" His tongue slobber over the twitching hole, without  rushing,Jungkook moaning uncontrollably, pushing his body to feel him. The rimming was by far the most pleasurable experience leading him to oblivion.

" Put it in..your tongue.. push it in." he growled, gripping tight on his hair, fingers clutching refusing to let go.

He screamed when the tongue penetrated his anus, thrusting in and out, fucking him as hard as he desired. He didn't know if it was the intense pleasure, his need or the tongue performing magic but his release came for the second time in massive waves, leaving him breathless and drained.

" You already came twice..I must be doing a very good job." he observed smirking like the devil, smacking his left asscheek. Jungkook made no sound, still recovering from cumming.

The younger despite got his senses back and seemed a bit mad." Who the fuck told you to stop? Use your fingers to stretch me. You want to fuck me, don't you?"

' God have mercy on me!'   Taehyung thought, shaking his head and smacking his ass again, he placed Jungkook 's legs on each of his shoulders ,lubed his fingers with saliva and gently rubbed the impatient hole. One finger entered, one grant left Jungkook's wobbly lips. Moving slowly at first ,out of fear of hurting him, he speed up when Jungkook whimpered,  slammed his ass forward and enveloped his feet on the man's neck.

" Need a second one.." And Taehyung reluctantly obeyed , entering a second finger. He was so scared of harming him and messing  his given chance.

Jungkook bit his lips so hard blood drops spilt in his mouth, careful not to make a sound, showing how painful it was. It stung like hell giving him pain and pleasure on the brink of  wanting to scream his lungs out! His body quavering, muscles tensed and eyes constantly blinking.

Taehyung 's fingers were scissoring his anus, adding a third finger, pushing as deep as possible, smashing his prostate. That was when Jungkook arched his back and released a shrieking shout, his orgasm approaching in heatwaves.

" Cumming again? You're on fire baby! Don't  hold back..Let it out.."

And he did! He came loads on his stomach,wailing and snarling nonstop. He felt giddy and tipsy , satisfied and starved, on the verge of losing control and surrendering.

For a brief moment,their eyes were hungrily devouring eachother, expressing their unspoken emotions. Taehyung 's fingers gently caressed the younger 's flustered cheek, trembling. When they reached his lips, Jungkook took the middle finger and started sucking it, swirling his tongue around it.

" Want another round of sucking my dick?" he whispered seductively, eyes burning the younger.

" I'll pass..I prefer your cock inside me.." Removing his legs from his shoulders, placing them on the mattress and spreading them , he rubbed the twitching hole, moaning in pure ecstasy.

The man knew it was now or never.

He grabbed his cock giving it a few strokes before the drenched tip touched the younger 's hole, rubbing it slowly. Spitting on his cock he slammed half of it in and stopped giving him time to adjust the pain of penetration.

Jungkook immediately shut his eyes, breathing deeply and steadily through his nose to control the heartening pain crashing his inner self, feeling parts of him detached from his body , and a mist swathing his senses. Tears flooded his eyes streaming down his cheeks but he refused to scream.

Taehyung wasn't a complete idiot. He understood the pain his baby was experiencing,sudden pangs and spasms covered his body as if it was his first time. Shaking, crying, hands digging in his flesh. It was weird, come to think about it. It always hurts when having sex after a period of time but not like this. Shaking his thoughts away he concentrated on the man under him. He moved slowly and carefully until he was all in and loud screams vented Jungkook 's mouth. Screams of pain not pleasure, he could tell.

He leaned forward, hugging him lovingly, spreading kisses on his face." I'm sorry baby..I hurt you.. I'm so sorry..." He attempted  to pull out and Jungkook stopped him, growling.

Jungkook resented his sympathy. He didn't want his pity. He hated being treated as weak.Only the passion and roughness and longing were meant for him! His hands pushed him away, his eyes opened ,adjusting to the pain tormenting his lower part.

" What are you doing? I told you to fuck me hard..like a whore..like your whore.. don't go soft on me now!" He growled rotating his body, gritting his teeth due to pain, got in all fours, lifting his ass up and waiting." Thrust in. Hard. Deep. No mercy. I won't break!"

The older was left speechless, dumbfounded, blown away, staring like a bloody fool. He tried to speak. Words failed him. Even his brain had stopped. Of course he admired his passion and determination, his lust and desire but Taehyung was baffled. Didn't know what to do. How to handle him. Fucking him mercilessly and aggressively, wrecking him, giving him the best fuck of his life was his true desire , however he hated the thought of hurting him. Jungkook 's words gave him the answer he was looking for.

" I asked you to fuck me like a whore! Do it!"

Taehyung gripped his right hand on his neck, choking him." As you wish..Fucking you like the whore you are will be my pleasure.." He slapped his ass and Jungkook moaned in delight, so he kept smacking him on both asscheeks and the younger was in heaven. Eyes rolling to the back. Fingers digging in the sheets. Mouth widely opened, drooling.

" More..want more..please.." he whimpered letting out blissful moans.

And the man gave it to him. Hurling like a maniac , his hand imprinted on his butt cheeks , savouring the affect he had on the younger. The kinky pleasure he was giving him. The pure satisfaction of his twisted desires finding the rightful percipient. A man as pervert as him. To break and rip apart. To wreck and breed.

To conquer and dominate.


While begging for more, Taehyung snagged his messy hair, pulling  him back and slammed his cock in one go , causing the younger to howl like a wounded animal, as the thrusts became sharper and deeper. The sight of the pinkish, provocative entrance made him once again drool and grunt and whimper.He has done it!

He was in.

All he could think about, apart from the psychedelic awareness whipping him, was that he was finally inside him!

The sound of their bodies colliding, Taehyung 's cock hammering the tight hole, his sack balls smashing Jungkook's ass generated primitive instincts noone knew where they would lead them.

Holding onto the bedsheets, he could no longer find support on his hands as they were hurting and stretched them, burying his head in the mattress and teeth sinking in the white sheets. His body went numbed, his muffled cries of pain blended with his moans of pleasure.

While Taehyung was thrusting the pain gradually vanished and bliss took over. The man's hands were now gripping his hips to set the pace and at the same time leaning forward to kiss, lap and bite the younger 's neck creating a fabulous sight of marks and bites.

" You're mine.. I've marked you.. claimed you..you belong to me..my little whore.."  His hands grabbed Jungkook's wrists, pulling his arms using them as leverage and the younger 's upper body bend to the back and continued to be battered vigorously.

" Harder..faster..pound me faster.. use me Taehyung.. keep fucking me like that!" he screamed. His dick was so painful hard he needed to find his release before losing his mind.

" God you're so fucken tight..it drives me crazy.. gonna wreck you..ruin you..no other man will be able to satisfy you.. "

Jungkook's mind was locked up somewhere, having no touch with reality and his surroundings. He was somebody else..Horny and ditzy and scatterbrained.

" Pull my hair.." An odd request from his part but the younger felt needy, greedy and hard up.

Jungkook wanted more. Needed more. Needed to break.Scatter to pieces and put together again.Feel the extent of the pleasure he was recieving." Harder! Make me cum..make me break..show me how badly you want me.. Do me faster.." he blantantly urged him wanting to reach the level of ultimate bliss.

The man's thrust turned rougher, more aggressive and hostile and sizzling incensed while Jungkook clenched around his throbbing cock turning the older deranged. He was hyperventilating, his fingers tangled to Jungkook's hair , pulling them back,not certain how much force he used till the younger fizzed and clenched harder around the pulsating cock and started moaning, whimpering, mumbling and begging for more..

" Do it again!" he ordered in a gruffy tone and Jungkook repeated the action , groaning because his prostate was being battered ruthlessly., and totally bottomed out he could feel Taehyung's monster cock reaching as far as his bellybutton.

Taehyung gave him one sharp thrust then pulled out. Then plunged back in, pulled out, pushed in again. Jungkook was attacked by constant, powerful and aggressive thrusts , lashing his sensitive spot and one last final plunge and a grating howl from Taehyung led to an eruption inside him.

He felt the forceful explosion, the warmth and wetness of his seed filling him with severity.

The man kept cumming, his cum now leaking out of the swollen, red hole, dripping down the back of his legs onto the bed and the sensation made Jungkook explode in response.

" Fuck! Cumming..Oh fuck.."

Taehyung panting heavily,leaned forward to kiss him passionately with their tongues wrestling ,as if they were battling for dominance. Without pulling out, he flipped him over , devouring every facial expression of the boy he dreamt for years and was now at his mercy.

" Sex with you is like a drug and I think I'm addicted. Hearing you moan and groan and shout when I make you cum is so fucken satisfying." the older enticingly hushed, pulling Jungkook's hair and running his tongue along his neck where he had left his marks.

" Are you ready for your next fix?" He grabbed his asscheek, pushing him closer.

" What do you have in mind?" Taehyung plunged deeper and that popping sound coming from his flooded hole ,aroused them.

Jungkook's face filled with a nasty grin as he tugged him, crawled out of bed , ignoring the searing pain in his lower abdominal from the leg shaking climax. Walking over to the other side of the room, between the window and the dressing table, he knelt, back stuck on the wall and opened his legs.

" Come to me."

Taehyung although baffled with what he had in mind, did as he was ordered and stood in front of him. His throbbing cock at the same level as the younger 's face, waiting for instructions.

Jungkook fisted the hard on, giving it slow , gentle strokes then released it." Slap me."

It was the man's turn to grip his cock and smack his face, smearing it with precum and cum. He was so horny it was impossible to put his thoughts in order ,driven by the carnal sensation of their kinky game.

" I want to see you jerk yourself off and cover my body in cum..your cum.." Jungkook had no clue where he found tne boldness to ask things like that. But he was certain he wanted the night to last longer.

The man felt the need to cum on the spot. Jungkook was a revelation! So fierce and dominant and powerful and submissive.

" God I love this side of you! It makes me wanna stuff my cock in your mouth and ass  and fuck the shit out of you! "he growled, taking a hold of his twitching cock ,pumping it up and down.

The younger blinked his eyes watching the sharp movements and stuck out his tongue licking the moist tip and then sucking the man's swollen balls. His smell was intoxicating . Musky and sweaty and so manly!

Taehyung continued to jerk off, his knees felt weak and mussy, his head spin, eyes bulged out ,seeking support on the wall with his left hand.

Jungkook's tongue lapping the head, pushing the tip while moaning in pleasure, urging him to go faster and faster was undeniably, brutally erotic.

" Cum all over my face.. give it to me..make a mess.." he whispered- moaned, humping his body on the floor.

Taehyung had no strength left. Forced to shoot his load on Jungkook's juicy lips and flustered cheeks, letting moans and whimpers escape his gritted teeth, giving him the best facial!

" Had.. enough?"he huffed panting from the climax scattering his body to small pieces. Jungkook's horny features aggravated his condition. How many times can a man cum a night? He was trembling from the constant orgasms, drained and tired but deep inside he craved for more. Wanted to drive his baby to the edge. Take all he was willing to give him. Offer him every bit of the  stifled longing he was holding back for years.

The younger licked a few drops of cum from his lips and smirked." My body isn't covered in your cum.. need more..now!"

" You are a fucken whore, baby.."

" Then treat me like one..use me.. don't hold back.." He gulped and groaned and moaned as his face was lashed with the pulsating hard on." Yes..yes.. I've been a really bad boy..punish me.."

Taehyung seized the back of the younger 's head forcing his cock in his mouth, plunging deep, gagging and choking, hitting his throat until Jungkook coughed ,tears reappeared and the fog in his eyes nearly blinded him.

" Is this how much you want to be used? Ha? Do you enjoy being punished?"

" Yes..oh God yes! I'm..your.. whore.. Taehyung.." His hand trailed his pounding chest, biceps reaching his panging cock. Loads of precum was flushing out so he used them to jack off and finally cum. This game was eating him. Testing his boundaries.

The man pulled out his cock making a sloppy popping sound and started jerking. More intensely. More assertively. He smashed his hand on the wall, sensing his climax approaching in massive waves. Bending his knees , his fist going faster and faster ,he was ready to shoot. Jungkook arched his back waiting for Taehyung's orgasm.

Spurts of semen landed on the younger 's chest , dripping down his stomach, ending on his cock and at the same time found his own release, screaming his name in pure ecstasy.

" TAEHYUNG...OH FUCK! TAEHYUNG!" He tossed his sweaty head on the wall, feeling the satisfaction of having his body smeared in cum. " Taehyung.."

" What is it babe?" The husky , hoarse voice echoing from a distance, drifted Jungkook to oblivion.

" Fuck..me..again."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


