5.4% [Blood Moon] Twilight / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 (Revised)

章 1: Chapter 1 (Revised)

(A/N) I swear to god, do not comment about how he is 12 and a tortured soul. I have seen the comments. Please do not ask about a mate. Keep reading. Don't read too much into the logical stuff. Too much will hurt your head. This is not scientific research, so just some little things are not rational, Okay? If you have questions, please read the latest chapter and put your question right there.


As Stephen gets up from his bed, he grabs his cane, it's an ordinary cane, but the handle is in the shape of a dragon talon. He gets up, goes to his bathroom, throws on a black hoodie that is much bigger than him, puts on some tan shorts, and looks into the mirror.

Stephen Tine is 4'10; he has short white hair inherited from his grandfather, he was about 71 pounds, he had pale-ish skin he got mainly from never leaving his house. He has bright blue eyes like his mother and has bags under them. He left his bathroom, went into his kitchen, grabbed his keys and a pack of cigars, and noticed they were empty.

"Damn, I thought I at least had two left. Must of smoked em last night while I was on the computer; well, I'll text Emma that ill come to the store to get some," he said

As Stephen entered his Livingroom, he looked at a framed picture of his family and shook his head, and whispered to himself.

'God, I miss them.'


A family was looking at their vehicle, wondering what was wrong with it and why it was leaking liquids. One of the women said, " I know what is wrong, but the parts that I would need to replace are hard to find." She said

They all huffed, then one of the boys looked over to a person on a bike coming down from a trailer park and commented on his bike.

"That's a nice ass bike. What do you think, Rose? He said

"Yeah, it's a 2003 Yamaha. I'd have to see more of it to tell you about it, Emmett." She said, Impressed by the bike.


Stephen saw the family looking at their vehicle and thought to stop and help them, but he needed to meet with Emma, it was early in the morning, and he could only get his cigars in the morning because she works mornings. He also noticed something about them while he parked his motorcycle.

"Why the hell are they wearing like long coats and hats, I mean, I am, but I have my reasons. They must be out of town; in Wyoming, in the dead of summer, it can get up to like 90 here." He said intriguingly

He was about 70 feet from them, from a cross the road, and he saw them laughing. He was confused because their vehicle was down. What was there to be laughing about? He shook his head and walked into the store and saw Emma, the store was empty, and there were no cameras. She just put a bag on the counter, and Stephen put $60 on the counter and walked away.

He got outside, opened one of the cartons and a pack, and lit one of the cigars. He put on his helmet, opened the face screen, and returned to his bike.

He looks back over to the family and then shakes his head.

'Fuck it, let's do my one kind thing for a year.'

He started his bike and drove crossed the road, it gathered the attention of the family, and they looked at the bike and its rider. He got off his bike, took his cigar out of his mouth, took his helmet off, and pulled his hood off.


The oldest, the father he had to be, looked at his family and introduced himself to the rider, who was younger than they thought, had white hair, pale-ish skin, and a bright blue eye; he also noticed that he had an eye patch on.

"How are you doing, friend?" he asked

"I am alright; looks like y'all could use some help." the boy said in a quiet voice

If not for his good hearing, he would have had to ask him to repeat himself. He told him that the vehicle was leaking and needed parts, but the vehicle parts are hard to come by.

"I can get you the parts, I work on vehicles up at my house, and I help some of the neighbors with their cars and trucks," he said

He looked at his family, and they just shook their heads. One of them said they would have bad luck with a local, and then going around to different shops, the man asked for the stranger's name.

"My name is Stephen, Stephen Tine." he said in a soft tone " What are yours?" he asked


Stephen looked at the man as he went down the list of his children.

'The one with an ice-cold look on her face was named Rosalie Hale. She was 5'9, had pale blond hair, and had Golden eyes.'

'The one that looked like he took steroids was Emmett Cullen. He was a giant at 6'5, had Dark brown hair that could have been mistaken for black, and had gold eye color.'

'The other brother was Jasper Hale, who looked like he was like holding himself back. He was 6'3, with honey blond hair and gold eyes.'

'The last child was small like she was my height, he name was Alice Cullen, and she had Black hair and gold eyes.'

While listening to Carlisle say his children's names, he introduced him and his wife.

'His name is Carlisle Cullen. He was their father, and he was 6'2, had blond hair, and golden eyes. He then said his wife was Esme, and she was 5'6, with Caramel hair and gold eyes.'

They all got back into their car. Other than hair color and height, they all looked the same. Like they were like a copy and pasted when they were born. He told them that he lived in that trailer park and that they should follow him. And Stephen was on his bike, and they followed him.

Stephen was guiding their cars onto some ramps. They saw that he had another car in his driveway, a 1969 SS Camaro.

"You have all the fun toys don't you," Rose said while staring at the vehicle.

Stephen then smiled and told her it was his father's car he gave to him. Then they saw him grab a cane, and he guided them inside.

Esme looked at Carlisle and was saddened by seeing a small boy with a cane. Carlisle put his hand on her and smiled warmly.

"This is quite a lovely house. Where are your parents?" she asked softly

Stephen stopped walking and then looked at his family photo.

"They're gone." He said sadly

They all got the hint and didn't question it, Stephen asked if they were thirsty or hungry, and he saw Jasper flinch when he asked, but he just disregarded it; they declined his offer. They told him if he was hungry to eat something and thanked him for his hospitality. They were all sitting, and then Rose spoke up.

"Where are these parts you said you had," she said coldly

"Rose, be nice; he is helping us," Esme said, giving her a glare

Stephen looked at her. "Do you know what part you need," he said

"Yes, I do. I work on most of our vehicles in our house," she said

Stephen just smiled " Okay, tell me what the part is, and ill print it." he said with a smirk

"Print it." Rose was lost in her mind when he said that. Carlisle interrupted, " Did you say print it, but how."

Stephen explained that he made a machine called a 3-D printer, which he uses to create a model in a computer program and then prints it out with unique plastic material. He took them to his workshop room and explained it better; then, he and Rose tracked down the part, modeled it in his program, and then let it print. They all went back into the Livingroom.

"That print is going to take a couple of hours. I could take you guys around my town and show you the few things this town has to offer, but they politely declined. He then sat in a chair, grabbed a tv remote, and asked if anyone wanted to watch anything. Emmett wondered if there were any sports on.

"There is a baseball game on. Do you want to watch it? I was going to watch this today either way," he said. Emmett asked him if he liked baseball.

"Yeah, I love baseball, never got the concept of other sports, but I love baseball," he said energetically.

Stephen then grabbed an ashtray and then lit a cigar. Esme looks sad at this.

"You know those ain't healthy for you; those kill many people a year," she said

Stephen ashed his cigar and replied, "Yeah, I know, but you don't live forever."

They all looked at each other and tried to hold in a laugh, Emmett was on the breaking point of bursting out laughing, but Rose elbowed him then Carlisle replied softly, "No, I guess you are right, but as a doctor, I wouldn't recommend smoking at such a young age."

It went quiet, then Alice looked around the room and saw diplomas in different fields; she started a conversation with Stephen. "Are those real, Stephen." he nodded, and he replied, "Yes, those are real. I don't have them up there for show." Emmett chuckled

This piqued Carlisle's interest, and he started to ask questions. "How old are you, Stephen?"

Stephen thought for a moment and replied, " I am almost 13. I turn 13 in September."

Carlisle's face was impressed, "Are you a prodigy, Stephen." Stephen nodded, " Yes, the last time I checked my IQ, it was around 400 something, but I forget." he said as he looked back to the game.

Everyone's face dropped, and where shocked, Carlisle asked, " How has a government not kidnaped you or something you would be an asset to any country."

Stephen ashed his cigar, " Well, I keep to myself; I rarely leave my house; I don't have any friends, so no one truly knows me, and besides, mostly everyone is afraid of me."

They all looked like of puzzled at that response. Carlisle was the first to speak up, " What do you mean by afraid?" He asked seriously

Stephen put his cigar in the ashtray. "I am cursed (putting his fingers up in air quotes); how do I put this, so I don't sound crazy."

Alice looked at him and smiled " Just tell us, we won't judge."

Stephen felt better after she spoke, and he started feeling calmer. He muted the tv and cleared his throat.

"So, as you can see, I have a limp and an eye patch; my family is also gone. It wasn't always like this; around two years ago, my family and I were relaxing in our house and getting ready for bed. My mother came in to tuck me in, she was a wonderful woman, with bright blue eyes and golden blond hair, she was my only friend, but she was also a very sick person, so she was always homesick or she would stay in her bed all day or to get up to cook for my siblings. My mother and father knew I was smart, but they never bragged about it because they never wanted attention; they just wanted to watch their son grow up. My siblings and I were never close, so my memories get foggy when I think about them. I was young when the accident happened. This one night, two strangers broke into around house and gathered us into our Living Room, and they...." he stopped.

Esme looked worried, "You can stop if you want?" Stephen shook his head, "No, just need a breather." he sniffled

"They bit into their necks, and after they were done with my parents, they went to my siblings; by the time they got to me, I guess they weren't thirsty anymore. But I heard them talking about what to do to me, the women suggested taking me with them and a snack, but the male said he wanted to have fun with me. I, of course, thought he was going to r*pe me but he didn't, he took his leg and stomped on my leg, breaking it, the woman laughed and then she took her cold hands and ripped my right eye out, they beat me for a while, but then they decide they had their fun and they left. The next thing I knew, I woke up in my town's hospital a month later; some cops came by and told me what happened." He stopped and looked at Carlisle

"What kind of fucked up humans drinks that amount of blood." Carlisle swallowed " There are a lot of bad people out, the sick people, people that can not be helped."

Stephen cleared some tears. "Yeah, your right. After the accident, people avoided me and were scared because I was the only survivor, my family members cut contact with me, and I have been alone for the last two years."

The room went silent for a while, then Esme got up and started to hug Stephen, telling him she was sorry for what he had been through. She patted him on his hair, then his stomach growled. Esme looked at him, " Are you hungry?" she smiled. The silence that was there disappeared and was exchanged with a few laughs.

Stephen embarrassedly nodded; he looked down. Esme got up and walked into the kitchen, "I'll cook you something." she opened the cabinets and fridge, " You are stocked up on food; why are you hungry." she said

Embarrassed, Stephen started playing with his fingers, " I forget sometimes eating is a requirement to living."

Emmett laughed, "Requirement...what are you, a child." It had utterly slipped him that he was a child. Rose elbowed him," Apologies," she said with a firey look.

Emmett apologized and then went back to the game, which Stephen unmuted. For a while, Stephen and Alice started to talk about different topics. Esme had finished cooking, then she handed Stephen a plate, and Stephen began to eat.

"Esme, this food is great. I mean, I haven't had food like this in a long time," he said as he looked back to when his mother cooked food for everyone.

Esme thanked him for the compliment, and Alice and Stephen started discussing education.

"So what all kinds of degrees do you have." she asked Stephen, putting the now empty plate on the table; he had a smirk on his face, "I have a few master's degrees in Robotic, Engineering, Computer Science, (he paused to take a breath) I have a few others but the just minor subjects right now, I am looking into going into medicine."

When Carlisle heard him say that he was intrigued, "So, you want to go into medicine there, Stephen?"

Stephen smiled, " Yeah, I get bored in this house, so a lot of my time goes into studying different subjects and taking online classes from home. I just have them send my diploma to me." he chuckled.

Then Stephen and Carlisle start to talk about Medicine, asking him what he already knew and what he needed to do to pass, and some tips he knew. Stephen smacked his lips, looking at the table to see if he had to grab anything to drink. Carlisle saw this and offered to get him something to drink. Carlisle got up, and Alice soon followed.


Carlisle was looking and Alice, and he whispered to her," What's wrong? What did you see?" he asked.

Alice looked happy and excited, "That boy, I saw him in a vision. He will come to Forks at some point." Carlisle was shocked, " How does this happen?"

She whisperers, " In the few paths I saw today, you invite him to come with us, but only after he gets his degree. You offer him an internship with you in Forks." Carlisle took a second to think, " What if I don't offer him an internship?" Alice smiled, " If you don't, he moves to Forks, he gets too lonely, and then he looks you up in his computers, and then he moves there. This future I saw was unavoidable."

Carlisle argued, " But the future can change your visions are subjective they change." Alice frowned, " Well, this vision only has a few paths, and I can't see any changes. It happens regardless of the choice you can make today."

Carlisle thought for a second, " Well, if it is going to happen, we might as well control it so we don't just stumble upon him one day in Forks; I'll offer him the internship." Alice gave quiet golf clap

Carlisle finished talking with Alice and got Stephen some water. He took it back to him and sat back down with Esme. He stared at Stephen for a few then looked at Alice, who had a massive smile on her face.

"Stephen, I have a question for you?" Stephen nodded, " Yes, what is it?"

Carlisle took a breath, " How about when you finish and get your degree, you come to where I live, and I'll give you an internship? You can shadow me and learn hands-on experience."

Everyone in the room looked shocked like Carlisle knew Stephen would be shocked, but his family was more shocked. Rose stood up angrily," Why none of us knew of this; this is a decision the whole family should make." She then saw Alice giving her a wink and sat back down.

Stephen replied, " No, she has a point. This is a big offer." Carlisle smiled and looked at Esme, who was at this point hugging Carlisle tightly, " Because as young as you are and your past, a new start would be nice. With your intelligence, you could do more if you had the right people in your life. Take that 3-D printer you have, and you could patient and sell it to the public and make good money."

Stephen thought for a moment, " Sure, that sounds fun." with an innocent look.


The rest of the time, they each ask Stephen questions about him, and he asks questions about them, like how Carlisle met Esme. They had a good time after a few hours, the sun was starting to set, and Stephen checked on the print, which had been done for a while; Stephen handed the part to Rose.

"Why don't you put on? You made it; you should have the honor ." She said

Stephen smiled and then taped his leg with his cane. She was immediately embarrassed. "Sorry, my fault."

Rose got up and put her coat back on, and went outside. She put the part in and started the vehicle; nothing was leaking. She came back inside and told her family the car was ready. They all got up and thanked Stephen for his help and started to say goodbye, but not like I won't see you again goodbye but more like see you soon. Esme got up and hugged Stephen, and then she kissed his forehead and went outside. Carlisle was the last to leave. He gave Stephen his information and told him the moment he got that diploma to call him, he and his kids would come to get him. Stephen smiled, "I'll be ready in about three months; that's about as long as it should take.

Stephen waved them goodbye and then closed his door. He walks into his workshop and sits in his chair, and starts to open a few encrypted folders; once he opens the main file, there are four folders in it they are labeled as "Vampires," "Shapeshifters," " Children of the Moon," and lastly "The Volturi." He smiles and opens the Volturi folder, in which he has reported on most of the members, "Aro," "Marcus," "Caius," "Felix," "Demetri," and "Heidi." He looks at each of the files on each of them, all the research he had found on them to build each report. Next, he went to the shapeshifter folder and another file labeled "Quileute tribe" he went into it and saw elders, the ones he knew for sure were "Bonnie Black and Harry Clearwater." At this point, he was happy looking at his reports on everyone. He returned to the screen with the four main folders and added a new one Labeled "Vegetarian Vampires(Cullen's)." He started to build a report on each of them. He didn't do any research or make a file for each member so he could work towards building it up as he did his study. After a few minutes, Stephen gets up from his computer, walks toward the door, turns off the light, and smiles.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


