[ Ding! You have successfully obtained the fiftieth Triling Ring ] [ You now have access to enter the Mystic Cave guarded by the Nine Dragons ] [ New Quest: Vampires approaching. Stop them from invading the Mystic Cave by ordering the dragons to protect you and your men. You have one week before the vampires reach the foot of the cave. Learn how to tame and control the nine dragons before they arrive] [ Failure to do so will lead to your demise and all the fifty rings you've gathered will be a waste. The magical world will be destroyed and vampires will take over the land. You will be reborn in the next 250 years and would have to start gathering the fifty rings once again ] ***** Rejected, due to being an human in the land of elves, Kevin was banished and casted into the river the very day he was born. But fate said he would live as he was rescued by the very person who casted him into the river. Every mage when they reach the age sixteen were told to attend the mage academy and Kevin, the abandoned human who had overheard the conversation of some students, got excited to attend this academy. He asked from his guardian if he could attend the academy but unfortunately, he was denied, all because of him being an human and not an Elf. At that moment, he became angry and had locked himself up in his guardian's workshop, that was a room full of all types of magical items. But while in the room, Kevin had spotted a golden ring that instantly glowed as soon as it touched his bloody fingers. Surprisingly, he was given a system that granted him the opportunity to be an Elf. But what he discovered was that, he wasn't just an elf but a fairy and also a human.Já haviam se passado centenas de anos desde que a humanidade e suas aliadas Bruxas foram forçadas a recuar para as cidades-fortaleza após a desastrosa guerra para eliminar os Clãs Magi. Armas nucleares queimaram os céus, e a Grande Magia afundou continentes inteiros sob os mares antes do fim, mas a vitória foi assegurada, nenhum Magi restou vivo no mundo que lentamente se recuperava. Ou assim eles pensavam. Wolfe Noxus nasceu nos níveis inferiores de uma cidade-fortaleza governada pela Convenção Morgana, criado sob o brilho de luzes mágicas, com magia e tecnologia entrelaçadas em cada aspecto de sua vida. Mas após seu décimo oitavo aniversário, quando um esquema de enriquecimento rápido o levou à habilidade proibida de usar os poderes dos Magi, toda a sua vida mudaria. A herança proibida dos Magi era dele. Tudo o que ele tinha que fazer era viver o suficiente para aceitá-la. Encontre meu discord em discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN
"Grant me infinite knowledge, and I shall be as a fulcrum, to move the endless world!" ... Sorcerer Continent—a world where sorcerers exist. Wielders of arcane knowledge. Masters of all elements. Sovereigns of space and time. These sorcerers governed the world with their unrivaled prowess. One day, a young man awakened into this world with his past forgotten and no place to call home. Follow along as Grimm, by relying on his luck and wit, tries to survive and advance in this unforgiving world. Entangled within the machinations of fate, political schemes, power struggles, and wars, he forges his own path and creates a place for himself.What kind of impact would it have if we imported the potion to Earth? ~ + ~ +~ +~ +~ +~ + Wataru, one day, accidentally discovered that he could travel back and forth between another world and Japan. Weird, right? But that's not the end of it. As he gazed upon a town on the other side of the gate, which still had many undeveloped aspects compared to modern civilization, he realized the potential to make a huge profit. By bringing sugar, spices, coffee, and hygiene products to the other world, Wataru earned a fortune. However, when he noticed the potions being sold in the other world, he had an epiphany: "Wait, isn't this actually better than what we have on Earth?" He brought these potions, which could heal wounds in an instant, back to Earth. When he made a fortune just from these potions, the fattest grin appeared on his face.
Coming to my senses... I find myself a desperado. In the depths of azure, black sails flutter. Treasure gleams, blades ring out. Pillage, slaughter, irreverence towards the gods. Youth fades swiftly, all but meat and wine for pleasures. [Slice of Life][Romance Simulation][Business Simulation]
Hunderte von Jahren waren vergangen, seit sich die Menschen und ihre Hexenverbündeten nach dem verheerenden Krieg zur Vernichtung der Magi-Clans in die Festungsstädte zurückziehen mussten. Atomwaffen hatten den Himmel verbrannt, und die Große Magie hatte ganze Kontinente vor dem Ende unter das Meer gezogen, aber der Sieg war gesichert, und kein Magi war mehr am Leben in ihrer sich langsam erholenden Welt. Zumindest dachten sie das. Wolfe Noxus wurde in den unteren Etagen einer vom Morgana-Zirkel geführten Festungsstadt geboren und wuchs im Schein magischer Lichter auf. Doch nach seinem achtzehnten Geburtstag, als er durch einen Schnellschuss die verbotene Fähigkeit erlangte, die Kräfte der Magier zu nutzen, sollte sich sein ganzes Leben ändern. Das verbotene Erbe der Magier gehörte ihm. Er musste nur lange genug leben, um es anzunehmen. Finde meinen Discord unter discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN
In an era when knowledge was banned, the physician Lyle had to be extremely cautious even in academic research, an invitation from the Andrei Academy materialized before his eyes. The Andrei Academy of Cassandale? Lyle peered closely at the tombstone before him, hissing, "Ah, the scholars here really know how to pick a spot."
Slave… Trash… Unwanted… Hundreds of words had been hurled at Asher in his short life. He was greatly familiar with them and knew to ignore them for his own worth. His mother had told him find the good in people and look past their masks. But even a saint had a limit. And when Asher hit his limit, he also hit the limit of the overseer. Getting banished from his mine, Asher was left jobless and also became target of denigration. But when the demons poured out from the earth, and invaded his world, what was Asher to do? Especially when even the divine immortals, the most sacred and holy, deemed him as a heretic; Asher had little to do other than run. How could someone rejected and hated by all survive in the harsh Three Fold World? Only by overcoming all odds and eradicating those that opposed him would Asher rise to the top of the world. Humans, Demons, and Immortals... All shall kneel before the Empyrean of the Three Fold World
When I died I didn't expect to wake up with dark beings of immeasurable power looming over me. I didn't expect to be given new life in a brand new world. Now, armed with a powerful system that makes me stronger after every fight, I might be the last thing standing between the multiverse and absolute annihilation. As I complete quests, defeat foes and become stronger, I still don't know if I'll be able to save this world, my old world and all the worlds in between. "And below... the MAW beckoned..." Come check out the discord to speak to the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/BEJgcRVVevTraditional exorcism: holy water, a priest's useless babble, and the need to know the demon's true name—it's just too much hassle. The innovated exorcism: ["You demon spawn, eat my laser weapon!"] ["Flagship, do you see that demon?"] ["Main star-annihilating cannon, charge up!"] ["Fire the cannon, and let it blast the hell out of them!"] "Oh? Who said all Exorcists were pushovers?"]
"Kothar had left fear behind long ago, he knew that to become truly powerful, he would have to walk into the very jaws of death, again and again, until either he died, or overcame the limits of mortality. " A struggle through endless planes, obliterated by the Devourer. Kothar, a cyborg reincarnated into a world of magic, embarks on a journey of new knowledge, fierce battles and an ever-increasing need to become stronger. Combining the technology of his past with the magic he learns, Kothar seeks to become powerful beyond comprehension, to exact revenge on the Devourer. Follow Kothar as he fights against all manner of strange beings, explores exotic worlds and meets the oddest characters as he journeys through the myriad planes, hoping to find his way back to the Galactic Alliance, or whatever remains of it. Updates twice daily! Discord: https://discord.gg/9V7Umgvy3p Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/very_yellow_newt4.83
Novels brought Gray where he wouldn’t have gone with a gun. Bad Neighborhood? Worse... Transmigration! But that's not all. The Region’s all-powerful Duke wants him dead, his current body/soul are utterly crippled, and his backing is non-existent. He's in for a LOT of trouble! But amidst an existential crisis, opportunity arises… [Unlocked Library of Heavens Souls!] Watch Gray become the wind of change he was always meant to be! Teach as a cover? Sure! Uncover his lost past? Why not? Grow Stronger? That’s a given! Mistakenly Crush Countless Worlds? YES!… Wait, what?! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Initial concept inspired by LoHP 'cause I felt nostalgic. As for where this will all go... May the gods have mercy on my poor readers' souls! Update Schedule: Every Day! (Blame Raj) Discord: https://discord.gg/wQ54ABEF3M *PS: Yes, it's called Waifu Party: LoHS ^_^vDer legendäre Spieler Marvin transmigrierte an den Vorabend der Großen Kalamität. Es war das Ende der vierten Ära, alle Götter hatten sich zusammengetan, um den Magischen Pool des Universums zu zerstören. Die vierte Schicksalstafel begann zu reifen, und alle Götter, Dämonen, Legenden, Teufel, Liches, Drachen und andere legendäre Kreaturen tauchten nacheinander auf. Um seine Liebsten zu beschützen, bleibt Marvin nichts anderes übrig, als in die Schatten einzutauchen. Dies ist die Geschichte eines jungen Waldläufers, der zum Herrscher der Nacht in der Ära des Chaos heranwächst. _________________________ TL: Nachdem er in einen schwachen adligen Körper übergetreten war, entdeckte Marvin, dass er mit der Welt vertraut war, dass dies das Spiel war, das er in seinem früheren Leben gespielt hatte und... Verdammt! Er hatte nur noch sechs Monate bis zur großen Katastrophe! Als ehemaliger Spitzenspieler würde er natürlich kämpfen, um die Welt zu retten... Ja, nein. Es ist Zeit, zu planen und sich auf die kommenden Ereignisse vorzubereiten. Es ist besser, dieses Wissen zu nutzen, um weiterzukommen, als mit den Göttern zu kämpfen. Folge Marvins Reise durch diese neue Welt.
Do you believe in Luck? If so, what is it actually? Hmm, Luck always follows the principle of probability... I mean, that's what a math teacher would say. But in fantasy, Luck might have some power to manipulate something. This is a story of a 'Lucky' soul who got a second chance because of a random artifact, traveled back in time, and tried to change his future using his knowledge. No, not only did he try to change his future, but he also defied the Gods, Devils, and Demons and tried to change the law of the Universe. Did he succeed? Or did he fail? Let me take you on a miraculous adventure and present you with a unique story. Warning! It's a slow-paced novel. [Author's Note: This is an edited version of the Rebirth of Abium novel. You guys can skip the book if you have already read it.]Kent adalah seorang penyihir biasa di sekolah penyihir keluarga Sky, dan istrinya Thea juga bekerja sebagai penatua di sekolah yang sama. Ketika Thea pindah ke barak penatua, dia mengusir Kent dari rumah dan menjual rumah itu. “Kamu hanyalah seonggok sampah yang tidak bisa menghasilkan perak.” Kata-kata terakhir Thea masih tertanam dalam jiwa Kent. (Bukan berarti Kent malas belajar. Sebagian besar meridian Kent terkunci oleh sebuah kutukan.) Tiba-tiba, pada hari yang sama, Kent menerima sebuah Raven dari bibi dari pihak ibu. “Apakah kamu benar-benar bibiku?” tanya Kent dengan pandangan ragu. “Ya, Kent… Aku telah mengirim 5000 emas dan Heavenly elixir untuk menghilangkan kutukan meridianmu. Jangan ragu untuk meminta lebih banyak uang. Ibumu meninggalkan harta besar untukmu.” Sejak saat itu, kehidupan Kent berubah ketika dia membeli hewan peliharaan baru yang setara dengan murid inti, senjata baru, vila, makanan mewah, dan banyak lagi. Segera, kekuatannya melonjak dan dia menjadi Supreme Arch Magus. Discord: https://discord.gg/nMYbb23h
Le joueur légendaire Marvin a été transmigré à la veille de la Grande Calamité. C'était la fin de la quatrième ère, tous les dieux s'étaient unis pour détruire le Bassin Magique de l'Univers. La quatrième Tablette du Destin commençait à arriver à maturité et tous les dieux, démons, légendes, diables, liches, dragons et autres créatures légendaires apparaissaient les uns après les autres. Afin de protéger ses proches, Marvin n'a pas d'autre choix que de se plonger dans les ombres. Ceci est l'histoire d'un jeune ranger qui devient le Maître de la Nuit pendant l'Ère du Chaos. _________________________ TL : Après avoir transmigré dans un corps de noble faible, Marvin découvrit qu'il connaissait le monde, c'était le jeu auquel il avait joué dans sa vie antérieure et... Mince ! Il ne disposait que de six mois avant la Grande Calamité ! En tant qu'ancien joueur d'élite, il se battrait évidemment pour sauver le monde... Ouais, non. Il est temps de planifier et de se préparer pour les événements à venir, autant utiliser cette connaissance pour prendre de l'avance plutôt que de se battre avec les dieux. Suivez le périple de Marvin à travers ce nouveau monde.
A universe of elemental magic and beasts. Toz is born with the power to acquire the same element as a cat he establishes a bond with. On a journey to explore the universe, Toz picks up cats and enemies while treading on the path to becoming a peerless elemental mage. Who also happens to use a sword. The story begins with Toz setting out for adventure and exploration with his first two cats, Nil and Lucy. And then stuff happens. *** Disclaimers: MC is pretty nonchalant about people he doesn't know. Close to being coldhearted but not a complete psychopath. The main story only acts in the background in the beginning and isn't even mentioned in the synopsis, but it plays a major role later on. Kind of. A bunch of chapters at the beginning of the novel are pretty rough, but it gets better.
Templar Markos Louvel is sworn to slay demons and eliminate the elven magic corrupting the world. But when his quest through the untamed wilds of Drassin reveals a dark conspiracy festering within his own sacred Order, his faith is shaken to its core. In a land where love between humans and magic wielders is punishable by death, what will he do when his heart defies the very laws he’s bound to uphold? Cover Art by Nicoy Guevarra (https://www.nguevarrart.com) With additional art by Kim_Lei and Nicoy Guevarra. Discord: https://discord.gg/Y79vUr4mrf Ko-fi: https://www.ko-fi.com/studiohnh
Will she hunt him or will he hunt her? Kitty is a demon with powers beyond belief. She goes through life alone and has suffered many losses but nothing could prepare her for falling for someone who is meant to hunt and kill her kind. Leo a hunter sworn to change the paths of the hunter association must make the choice of hunting the one whom has captured his heart or turning his back on his way of life. Neither of them expected that the one night they spent together would change both their lives forever. From attraction to the desperate desire of want, this unlikely couple will face all obstacles to fight the systems in place for centuries. The forbidden love of a hunter and his prey. Will Leo and Kitty be able to protect what is theirs or will they lose it all?4.27
Austin arrives in a world of magic but realizes that he has no talent for magic and cannot establish a foothold in this world. However, at this moment, he activates a system. His abilities are simple—every cell in his body can evolve independently. When Austin’s cells are accidentally scalded by flames, the cells evolve and produce Fire Resistance Lv1 and Fire Control Lv1. When Austin misses a foothold and falls into a lake, the cells evolve the ability to breathe underwater. When Austin is bitten by a fire ant, his cells evolve to give him 100 times his original strength! When Austin’s cells come into contact with a void monster, they evolve the ability to pass through the void and devour the energy of the stars! Just like that, even though Austin does not want to put in any work, he becomes extremely powerful despite him only eating and drinking every day, all because his cells are too powerful!!!