Todo el mundo sabía que después de que la joven señorita Shen fue abandonada por un hombre salvaje, se volvió indulgente y quedó embarazada sin casarse. Después de ser expulsada de su casa, cayó en un estado de desesperación. Sin embargo, la infame Shen Ruojing apareció en el banquete de cumpleaños de la anciana señora de la familia Chu. Todos se burlaron de ella. —Los que envían millones en dinero de regalo se sientan en una mesa, mientras que los que envían decenas de millones en dinero de regalo se sientan en la otra. —Señorita Shen, ¿cuánto dio? La multitud esperaba que hiciera el ridículo, pero Shen Ruojing sacó de detrás de ella a un adorable niño pequeño y dijo: —Perdón, señora, ¿en qué mesa se sentará su nieto mayor? *** Tanto la madre como el hijo fueron llevados a la familia Chu, y Shen Ruojing quería pasar sus días holgazaneando, pero se encontró con el rechazo de la familia de diversas formas. —Tenemos hackers de primera clase, maestros de música, expertos en tecnología... Todos son conocidos en esta familia. ¿Qué aportas? Shen Ruojing se frotó la barbilla. —Bueno, todas esas cosas que mencionaron... Sé un poco de todo». Sus tres adorables bebés estaban a su lado y asintieron al unísono: —¡Podemos testificar que mamá sí sabe un poco de todo!
Todo mundo sabia que depois que a jovem Senhorita Shen foi abandonada por um homem selvagem, ela se tornou autoindulgente e engravidou sem se casar. Depois de ser expulsa de casa, ela caiu em desespero. A infame Shen Ruojing, no entanto, apareceu no banquete de aniversário da velha senhora da família Chu. Todos zombavam dela. "Os que enviam milhões em dinheiro de presente sentam-se em uma mesa, enquanto aqueles que enviam dezenas de milhões em dinheiro de presente sentam-se na outra." "Senhorita Shen, quanto você deu?" A multidão esperava que ela fizesse papel de boba, mas Shen Ruojing tirou um adorável menininho de trás de si e disse, "Com licença, Senhora, em qual mesa seu neto mais velho vai sentar?" *** Mãe e filho foram levados para a família Chu, e Shen Ruojing queria passar seus dias preguiçando, mas foi recebida com rejeição pela família de várias maneiras. "Temos hackers de primeira classe, mestres em música, especialistas em tecnologia... Todos são conhecidos nesta família. O que você traz?" Shen Ruojing coçou o queixo. "Bem, todas essas coisas que você mencionou... Eu sei um pouquinho de cada uma." Seus três adoráveis bebês ficaram ao seu lado e assentiram em uníssono, "Podemos testemunhar que a Mamãe realmente sabe um pouquinho de tudo!"
Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »
"Erst die Pflicht, dann das Herz", antwortete Ashleigh entschieden. "Was soll das denn heißen?" "Es bedeutet, dass ich meinen Job machen werde. Aber Caleb ist nur meine Pflicht, du bist mein Herz." *** Zwei Männer, zwei unterschiedliche Gefühle von Anziehung und Vertrauen. Ashleigh kämpft darum, die Gefühle in ihrem Herzen zu verstehen. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen dem Mann, den sie seit zwei Jahren liebt, und dem kalten Alpha eines feindlichen Rudels, kann Ashleigh herausfinden, mit welchem der beiden Männer sie sich wirklich paaren will? Hat sie wirklich eine Wahl? Sie ist die Tochter von Alpha Wyatt von Winter, dem größten der vier Werwolfsrudel. Seit zwei Jahren wartet sie sehnsüchtig auf ihren achtzehnten Geburtstag, damit sie endlich verheiratet und mit ihrer Liebe Granger gepaart werden kann. Doch kurz vor diesem magischen Tag stößt sie auf ein großes Problem: Sie ist an einen anderen Wolf gebunden. Ihr Schicksalsbruder ist zufällig Alpha Caleb of Summer, der Mann, dessen Vater angeblich von einem ihrer eigenen Wölfe ermordet wurde. Als ob das nicht schon genug wäre, meldet jedes Rudel plötzlich Angriffe von abtrünnigen Wölfen. Nun sieht sich Ashleigh nicht nur mit einem Krieg in ihrem Herzen konfrontiert, sondern auch mit einem im echten Leben. Werden sie es schaffen, zusammenzuarbeiten und all ihren Herzschmerz beiseite zu schieben, um ihre Rudel vor dem Feind zu schützen, der sie alle bedroht? Oder wird ihnen diese Liebe schließlich zum Verhängnis werden? **Anmerkung der Autorin** 1. Dies ist ein langsames Brennen für FL und ML 2. Triggerwarnungen rundherum. Missbrauch, Trauma, Gaslighting und Manipulation. Diese Themen sind im ganzen Buch auf unterschiedliche Weise präsent. 3. In diesem Buch geht es nicht nur um FL und ML, die Charaktere und Nebencharaktere haben eine reichhaltige Hintergrundgeschichte und ihre eigenen Kapitel, die in die Haupthandlung der Geschichte hineinspielen. 4. FL ist jung, sie ist fehlerhaft und sie wird dich verärgern. Wir alle brauchen Zeit und Erfahrung, um erwachsen zu werden. Tritt meinem Discord-Server bei:
Liu Shimei, who died suddenly in an experimental lab in the previous lifetime, was forced to get engaged to the second prince. Her fiance was mentally handicapped, obedient yet clingy, and gentle yet fierce at the same time. He wanted her care and affection every single day! When her stepmother and stepsister plotted against her, he punished them! When her father didn't show her affection, he criticized him! Although she was a retired doctor and a teacher to many, none of her concoctions worked on her fiance! One day, she caught her fiance pouring her concoction into the drain. Only then did it hit her. "You were acting all along!" She exclaimed. How far had he taken advantage of her by using his Oscar-winning acting skills? Now that she'd seen through his act, the smile on his handsome face froze. "Honey, let me explain!"4.1
Shi Qian opened her eyes and looked at the man's gorgeous face. "You're responsible." The two-faced demon smiled half-heartedly. Ever since then, Demon King Mr. Zhan found himself a new demon in the house! He became infatuated with her and pampered her beyond reason. Someone said, "All she has going for her is her looks! Mr. Zhan will leave her sooner or later!" Not long after that... It turned out that the legendary being was actually that demon! Why does the bigshot behind a military hacker look a little like her? The creator of a successful online game also looked like her, and so did the woman who beat everyone in an ancient martial arts competition... She's the bigshot! Everyone, on your knees!Vampires and werewolves have been at war for centuries. In an attempt to make peace, Alessandra, the vampire princess, is wed to the Alpha Emperor of the werewolves, Xavier. All her life, Alessandra has grown up learning that the werewolves are barbaric in nature, a far cry from the elegant vampires. What happens, though, when Alessandra realizes that this is far from the truth? Their relationship starts off rocky with misunderstandings about each other, but through time, a bond slowly builds as they encounter and overcome obstacles together as king and queen, alpha and luna, husband and wife! When a cult started by an ancient vampire attempts to sow discord between two kingdoms, can Alessandra and Xavier maintain peace between both races? Or will their kingdoms fall into war and ruin, dragging their budding love down with it? — [Excerpt] When the guards declared the groom's entrance, everyone's attention turned to the door. I felt a hammer on my chest. Here comes the barbarian, I thought. I was looking away, lowering my gaze. The man entered the wedding hall. I felt like my intestine would come out of my mouth. The sudden gulps of the guests were not going unnoticed in my ears. What caused the guests to respond like that? Was the man that hideous? I lost my zeal to look at him. With a heavy heart, I kept looking away until he stood in front of me. Slowly, I glanced at the man standing in front of me. My heart was pounding so hard that I felt like it would burst. I gasped. There was no way he was the alpha lord and the groom of tonight's wedding. The phenomenally handsome man from earlier was standing right in front of me. Up close, he was multiple times more attractive. Barbaric man? Who? He was radiating such royal energy that even the noblest vampires were intimidated when he entered. My husband-to-be.
Jeder wusste, dass die junge Frau Shen, nachdem sie von einem wilden Mann verlassen worden war, selbstsüchtig wurde und schwanger wurde, ohne zu heiraten. Nachdem sie aus ihrem Haus vertrieben worden war, verfiel sie in einen Zustand der Verzweiflung. Die berüchtigte Shen Ruojing erschien jedoch auf dem Geburtstagsbankett der alten Madam der Familie Chu. Alle verhöhnten sie. "Diejenigen, die Millionen an Geschenken schicken, sitzen an einem Tisch, während diejenigen, die Dutzende Millionen an Geschenken schicken, am anderen sitzen." "Frau Shen, wie viel haben Sie gegeben?" Die Menge wartete darauf, dass sie sich lächerlich machen würde, aber Shen Ruojing zog einen entzückenden kleinen Jungen hinter sich hervor und sagte: "Entschuldigen Sie, Madam, an welchem Tisch wird Ihr ältester Enkel sitzen?" *** Shen Ruojing wollte ihre Zeit mit Faulenzen verbringen, stieß aber bei der Familie auf unterschiedliche Weise auf Ablehnung. "Wir haben erstklassige Hacker, Musikmeister, Technikexperten... Jeder ist in dieser Familie bekannt. Was bringst du mit?" Shen Ruojing rieb sich das Kinn. "Nun, all die Dinge, die du erwähnt hast ... Ich kenne mich mit allem ein bisschen aus." Ihre drei bezaubernden Kinder standen neben ihr und nickten unisono: "Wir können bezeugen, dass Mama wirklich von allem ein bisschen weiß!"
Clarisse was betrayed and dethroned as the pack's Luna! Everything went downhill for Clarisse the moment her husband’s Fated Mate arrived at their doorsteps. Dethroned from her position and poisoned to death, she was curiously reborn weeks earlier from her demise. Vowing to never make the same mistakes again, she made up her mind to divorce her husband and seek help. Luke Morgenstein, the Crown Prince she didn’t plan to team up with, was an enigma. He ignored her at first, then decided to help but insulted her. To add confusion to the problem, he even kissed her at their first meeting! The insult and the kiss didn’t bother her much, but why did her heart seem to explode every time she thought of him? Clarisse couldn’t get a hold of what Luke truly wanted with her, but his help was essential for her plans to move forward. She had no choice but to play along, for she planned to rise and defeat the other Luna that invaded her beloved pack— by becoming an Alpha herself! EXCERPT: “Who might you be and why are you here?” Clarisse did her best not to roll her eyes and said, “You called for me, Your Highness. Konrard said you changed your mind and decided to help?” “Clarisse Howlet?” “Yes,” she replied with her head bowed down. “Would you need any more assistance?” Luke shook his head and mumbled, “You smell…” “I what?!” Clarisse couldn’t believe he would insult her like that. She was wearing her most expensive designer perfume. She took hygiene with utmost diligence! The Crown Prince stood up from his hunched position and Clarisse yelped in surprise. Why was he butt naked underneath the blanket? Was he jerking off while he suddenly went into the rut phase? In a flash of seconds, Clarisse felt warm lips crash into hers.
Can I kiss you?” He asked lightly, looking up from her lips into her eyes. “If you don’t kiss me right now, I think I may go mad,” she said, nodding her head quickly. He gave her a bright smile, and then his lips were on hers in a gentle caress. *** Richard Washington - a powerful and wealthy billionaire who can control nearly everything in his life, but he failed to control his love for Samantha Williams. Samantha Williams has spent years trying to move on, but she knows she is still hopelessly in love with him, no matter how hard she pushes him away... *** Samantha stared up at Richard. ‘Sh*t,’ Richard swore to himself. “Samantha,” he said softly. He wanted to hold her. He wanted to ask her if she was alright, to wipe the blood and tears from her face. But the way she recoiled into someone else’s arms and hid her face from him made him freeze in time. “Make him go away.” My Billionaire Ex-Lover is created by Bella Gold, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Tempting my mate was never a good thing. Before I knew it, he moved towards me faster than anything I had ever seen. His hand gripped the back of my neck as he brought my lips only inches from his. “You’re playing with fire, Clara,” he whispered. I couldn’t help but smile, licking my bottom lip. “So burn me.” When Clara was young, war broke out over the moonstones—artifacts of incredible power. That war killed her family and scattered her pack, forcing them to live as rogues. Now, at long last, she will destroy the people behind it. But as her plan falls into place, she encounters a problem. Her worst enemy… is also her mate. Which will burn stronger—their passion, or the fires of revenge? “Clara, please…” He called out again. I looked back at him. I wanted to run into his arms—but instead, I turned and vanished into the darkness. “In time… I will allow myself to love you,” I whispered. Rogue Luna's Revenge is created by Lila Evans, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.
After an accidental rebirth, Qin Yi turned from the king of mercenaries into a wealthy, wasteful young man who everyone spurned. Qin Yi: “I was reborn as a man?!” Just when Qin Yi was so excited as she thought she could finally be a true man, she felt her chest a little tight. She looked down and realized… Oh, those were chest bindings. Qin Yi’s wish to be a real man was dashed, but the person she was reborn as pretended to be a man for special reasons. Qin Yi: “Great! This is something I’m familiar with!” Her classmates mocked her for being a sissy and unmanly, and Qin Yi easily turned it against them and said, “Come on, say it again!” When the teacher was being dodgy and said that Qin Yi couldn’t study well and that it would be difficult to be a capable person, Qin Yi slapped a test paper with full marks on the table and said, “Isn’t it just studying? What’s so hard about it?” “There is nothing in this world that can defeat the king of mercenaries!” Qin Yi built her career up slowly, from being a bullied kid, to a scholarly tyrant, to a Prince Charming highly sought after by thousands of people in the entertainment industry for both her looks and acting skills. She was flamboyant and reckless in public, taking both men and women into her arms and accidentally provoked Lan Baiyuan, the most powerful man in the country! When Lan Baiyuan confessed to Qin Yi one day, Qin Yi, who rarely lost her temper, shouted, “I’m a man! A man!” Lan Baiyuan smirked arrogantly, “So what?” Qin Yi: “...” Oh, so it turns out that the most powerful man in the country liked men. To get rid of getting involved with Lan Baiyuan, Qin Yi didn’t hesitate to expose herself, “I forgot to tell you. I’m actually a woman.” Lan Baiyuan smirked viciously. “I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman, as long as I’m on top.” He liked Qin Yi as a person. He didn’t care about her gender, he liked her anyway! But his position in bed will never change!Ashleigh berjuang untuk memahami perasaan di dalam hatinya. Terbelah antara pria yang telah dicintainya selama dua tahun dan Alpha dingin dari pak musuh, dapatkah Ashleigh menentukan pria mana yang sebenarnya ingin dia jadikan pasangan? Apakah dia benar-benar memiliki pilihan? Dia adalah putri dari Alpha Wyatt dari Winter, yang terbesar dari empat Pak Serigala. Selama dua tahun dia telah dengan sabar menantikan ulang tahunnya yang ke-18 agar dia bisa menikah dan dipasangkan dengan cintanya, Granger. Tetapi justu sebelum hari ajaib itu, ia menemui masalah yang signifikan: dia mendapati dirinya terikat dengan serigala lain. Ikatan takdirnya adalah dengan Alpha Caleb dari Summer, pria yang ayahnya diduga dibunuh oleh salah satu dari kaumnya sendiri. Seolah itu belum cukup, setiap pak mulai melaporkan serangan dari serigala buangan. Kini Ashleigh dihadapkan tidak hanya dengan perang di dalam hatinya, tetapi juga perang dalam kehidupan nyata. Apakah mereka akan mampu bekerja bersama, melepaskan semua sakit hati dan penderitaan mereka untuk menjaga pak mereka aman dari musuh yang mengancam mereka semua? Atau akankah cinta ini pada akhirnya menjadi kehancuran mereka?
Lin Ran, a military doctor, transmigrated to ancient times and became peasant girl. She thought she was a poor orphan, but it turned out her family consisted of big shots who adored her. "Ran, you went through a lot of hardships growing up. You can spend the money I give you on anything you want, and you can go anywhere you like," her mother said. "It's all my fault for not protecting you well enough. You had to grow up in a peasant's household. Here, take this prized sword of mine. You can use it against foolish kings and scheming ministers," her father said. "Sis, if anyone bullies you in the future, I'll give them hell," her brother said. Lin Ran thought she was a winner in life, but somebody was envious of her and tried to sabotage her. However, Lin Ran was so lucky that those who tried to harm her ended up harming themselves and ruining their own reputations. After finding out that Lin Ran had been bullied, a certain someone came from thousands of miles away and held her hand. "Ran, I would like to make you my wife. What do you say? I'll destroy anyone who tries to hurt you!" From then on, he became her guardian! He'd love her and adore her through life and death, and he'd never abandon her!4.79
“Our fangs are meant to bite against each other. Our love is a threat to start a war. We are ill-fitted but we are fate bonded.” *** Blair Whitfield’s life should have been easy if she had only done what had been expected of her. Do her responsibility as an Alpha's daughter. Marry a strong wolf arranged for her. That was what was planned for her since young. However, for the first time in her life, she went against her kind. She refused to be a pawn in their power struggle. Escaping the grasp of her family, Blair realized that while she didn’t feel an attraction to her betrothed, she could feel the spark with someone that was not one of her kind. Instead, it was with the Vampire prince, Lucien Bardot, the wild card of vampire royalty. To say it was bizarre would be an understatement. It was downright chaos. Would their love survive with all the odds they have to face? Would it be their strength or their weakness? *** "Please don't stop," she said in a shallow, begging voice. "I won't," Lucien replied with his half-closed eyes. She could feel that he, too, was feeling the same euphoria and desire she felt.4.7
The Xia family was a family of the Hua race. Xia Yunshu, the eldest daughter of the Xia family, woke up from her comatose state five years after she fell from a building. She was 18 years old when she woke up. She returned to her country and stayed at her father's old friend's house. … Xia Yunshu died when she fell off the building at the age of 13. However, since her body was not transferred to where her original home was, her soul floated to a mysterious place. She stayed there for nearly ten years and picked up a set of skills. On the third day after her plunge, she returned. She would wake up occasionally during the five years of her vegetative life, but no one knew. She used the time she occasionally woke up to establish The Seven Tyrants of Yutian. The Tyrants accepted all kinds of missions. On the higher end, they accepted missions from getting rid of enemies for people to becoming bodyguards for bigshots. On the lower end, they helped their customers from catching mistresses to doing their homework. They charged every task at least a million. … The Qi family was the number one family in Yu City. The young master of the Qi family was a prominent figure in Yu City. After graduating from university and taking over the family business, his name had spread throughout the business world within less than a year. He was decisive and ruthless, and everyone would keep a respectful distance from him. … The first time he met Xia Yunshu, Young Master Qi only knew that she was his father's old friend's daughter. She returned to the country to study and stayed with the Qi family temporarily. He asked him to take care of her. He was used to being ruthless. How would he know how to take care of others? It would be good enough if he did not chase her away. In the end, Young Master Qi gave himself a gigantic face slap. He was convinced that this little girl from a prominent family was always gentle and adorable. He wanted to treat her well. One day, he suddenly realised that this little girl was not just any typical docile girl, but the famous leader of the Tyrants. In terms of ruthlessness, she was not inferior to him. Currently, she was wrapped up in his embrace...3.99
Thirteen years ago, Guan Tong's parents passed away, and her parents' company was taken over by her uncle and aunt. From then on, Guan Tong was stripped off of her family property and lived with her grandmother. For her grandmother's sake, Guan Tong promised her aunt that she would marry the man who was rumored to be in a comatose state in her cousin's place—the Young Master of the Lu family. Legend had it that the Young Master of the Lu family was in a vegetative state, and he murdered all four of his wives in the past. All four of these women died on their wedding night! Now, Guan Tong had become the fifth woman. It turned out that after her uncle and aunt seized the company that belonged to Guan Tong's family, they were facing bankruptcy due to poor management. At this time, the Lu family came looking for them and said that their daughter's fate was very compatible with Young Master Lu's, and they were willing to pay 100 million as a betrothal gift for her to marry their son. Her uncle and aunt could not bear to part with this sum of money, nor could they bear to part with their daughter, so they forced Guan Tong to become the stand-in. Everyone was waiting for the news of the bride's death on their wedding night, only to receive the shocking news of Young Master Lu's awakening! Later on, Young Master Lu even doted on the ugly Guan Tong to the heavens. People said that Young Master Lu had a peculiar taste and was actually willing to love such an ugly woman. Little did they know that when the layers of her multiple identities were uncovered, they realized that Guan Tong was a beautiful as an angel and a medical genius! All the bigshots in the business world and the top celebrities in showbiz begged her to give them medical treatment. Even her uncle and aunt's family, who persecuted her in the past, had no choice but to come to her for treatment.4.95
“But he—” “Patience, Tati,” Zhuri cooed. “All in good time. You know it yourself,” she reminded, “you’ve waited for centuries. What’s another night more?” *** For centuries, Tatiana has watched the love of her life die and be born again. Each time, their love would be cut short by the ravages of time. However, time was never something that could dull her love for him. If need be, she would spend her entire immortal life looking for the man she loves. However, what will happen to that love when he is reborn as a werewolf— the natural enemy to her vampirism? Bound by destiny yet cursed by society, Tatiana must convince the love of her life, Xander, that their love is stronger than centuries of war and hatred. But in a world where wolves and vampires hate each other, in a world where their union is an anomaly, will she choose love or will she give up? Will she fight for her love, or will she let destiny’s curse prevail again? *** [EXCERPT] "What did you do to them, vampire?" Xander said disgustedly. Gritting her teeth, Tatiana wondered how she hadn’t heard nor smelled him entering her house. She should’ve. After all, her senses weren’t that much worse than a werewolf’s. Furthermore, it was Xander of all people. Tatiana could recognize his scent anywhere. "What's wrong with you?” Tatiana asked angrily as she struggled under Xavier. “Do you now break and enter strangers’ houses just to assault them in your free time?” "I said,” Xander growled. “What. Did. You. Do to my wolves?"4.74
# 1V1 # PRETENDTOBEAFOOL Yun Ran, the Pavilion Master, was proficient in medicine, poison, and martial arts. She lived her days like a divine deity, but when she was struck by lightning, her soul transmigrated into the body of the eldest lady of the Shangshu Mansion, who was often bullied. From then on, her days were no better than a dog’s…Trying to avoid a marriage she didn’t want, Yun Ran’s stepsister had someone knock Yun Ran unconscious and threw her into the sedan to take her place. She married a man who was rumored to suffer from various conditions from head to toe. On their wedding night, Nangong Mo told her, “I’m blind, and I’ll have a short life. I don’t want a beautiful woman like you to make a mistake. You may divorce me and find someone else.”Yun Ran affectionately replied, “People often say that when a couple marries, there would be no doubt about their love. Since we’re married, we should stay together. I’ll accompany you till the last moment of your life.” However, Nangong Mo could hear her inner thoughts. Divorce? Why would I do that? I’ll stay at your house and spend your money. When you kick the bucket, I’ll dig a hole and bury you, then I’ll inherit the rest of your wealth and land. Isn’t that wonderful? Nangong Mo gritted his teeth and slowly said, “Heh… Very wonderful!”4.9
# FOLLOWERS # 1V1 # ESCAPEFAMINE Cheng Ling, a descendant of modern martial arts, transmigrated to ancient times during a war. She took her family and escaped from the famine and started farming, practicing medicine, and doing business…She worked hard for a better tomorrow just to get a place to live in this strange era, so that she would have a stable life and be able to stand with dignity instead of kneeling and begging for her life. Unexpectedly, her crossdressing was so successful that her good name was spread everywhere in the new dynasty. Young Master in the Hou Manor: “Young Master Cheng is very talented. What he says casually are words that can rule the world. I must recommend him to the prince!” A senior official in the academy: “Little Cheng has a beautiful mind. He will make a name for himself once the examination reopens. If he can’t take first place, I’ll hit my head against the pillar and die.” The eldest daughter from the Prime Minister's Manor: “Doctor Sheng is a genius, but he’s a noble character and not interested in fame and fortune. I respect and love him. Even if we’re not fated to be together, I should still ask my cousin, the prince, to give him status.”Shili Pavilion’s Flower Queen: “If someone like you doesn’t wear white anymore, who else is worthy of wearing it? Do they treat you well in court?” An aggrieved sigh was her answer.***As for the prince, who was always only mentioned in the passing, had already stroked his chin in thought early on. Prince: “He’s my brother and confidant. Do I even need you guys to tell me about how great he is?” Cheng Ling: “...”