Max hat sich schon immer ein aufregenderes Leben gewünscht, und nachdem er in der fernen Zukunft in einer Galaxie wiedergeboren wurde, in der ständig Krieg herrscht, wurde sein Wunsch erfüllt. Da man bei ihm eine hohe Kompatibilität mit dem technologischen System seiner neuen Welt feststellte, wurde er als Kind zur Ausbildung zu einem ihrer Elite-Mechapiloten eingezogen, den Helden des Königreichs, die selbst die mächtigsten Bedrohungen aus dem Inneren riesiger Mechas heraus bekämpfen und dabei die mächtigsten Waffen einsetzen, die die Menschheit kennt. Alles, was er tun muss, ist, sich als würdig zu erweisen.
Welcome to Eteliria, the Kingdom above the floating clouds. Let us push open the Gateway, pick up our staffs, and the adventure will begin from here— Through the hills of clouds and seas, like floating grass, the shallow rivers gleam; Across the meadows flowing with gold and honey, filled with laughter, beneath Rodell's cottages, a gentle song drifts. Through Egon's ancient forests, where dark vines grow rampant and whispers linger; Over ridges and between Chongshan peaks, shadows stir in the Underground World, danger lurks at every turn, and swords reflect light. The tale of a boy chasing his dreams, above the sky and cloud ridges, the Giant Dragon's Shadow, soaring with outstretched wings. And after time has been sealed away, the hearth fire still burns bright.
In the future, living forever is no longer just a dream. But it is a reality only for the wealthy. Karl Hampton is one of those one-percenters, and he is offered his chance, at 85 years old, to start living a never-ending life. Phoenix Co., a newcomer in the industry of life expansion with a brand new patented method, pitches their offer to him, and he accepts. With a scan of his mind and a sleep of 20 years, the time needed for their clones to grow, he's all set. But nothing ever goes as planned in life. Waking up in a body that isn't his, in an era way past his own, Karl soon realizes that his mind is no longer just his and that his unsuspected brain buddy is here to stay. Which will come in handy, as war is on humanity's doorstep. Come witness The Rise of the Human God of War. Also, I have a discord established already. So, if you want to join up with like-minded friends, please feel free to join. The link is:
Destruction and chaos spread on the once-vibrant Green Star, its surroundings plagued by the incessant noise of impending doom. An ominous darkness, akin to locusts, relentlessly devoured the land. "Why is this happening? Why?" A few melting figures glared at the impending doom of darkness above. A colossal shadow cast its veil over the Green Star, declaring an impending cataclysm. Above, a green pillar of light flickered intermittently, each appearance marking the vanishing of another source of life. Silence draped the star as both light and vitality were snuffed out. Everything became devoid of life, light, and silence spreading across the whole star along with darkness. Thousands of light years away, in the vast expanse of deep space, ripples distorted the fabric of the cosmos. A colossal shadow materialized, observing the distant spectacle of a supernova's explosive demise. Amidst cryptic symbols, a message emerged: "~~" "~~~" "~~~~~" Deciphering, "Not Found," "Erasure is Complete," "Proceeding to the next target."
Exo-Armor donning Fighters, the pinnacle of humankind, are the main fighting force of human societies who are genetically modified to attain extraordinary abilities. To become these warriors is the lifelong dream of every passionate young man in this interstellar age. But not for - Crey Morgan, A lazy student who is forced to seek entrance into one of Earth's best military academies to become an Exo-Warrior. But his dubious past and lethargic personality don't quite match the ideals of the academy. Crey is not a normal young man, apparent from his weird personality and seemingly extraordinary fighting capabilities. The secret is that he is an assassin who had walked out of the darkest society towards the world in light. An Assassin of the past who wants to leave his horrible history behind. Would Crey be able to gain admission into Terra Military college to become an Ex-warrior as his Uncle wanted? Or his listless attitude will spell trouble where ever he goes. Also, Crey thought he would be the top gun here due to his uncharacteristic past but his hopes shattered as soon as he took an entrance exam. The seemingly best military academy is not built on boastful claims and every character here has thier brilliance and if he had to survive he had to do more than his best. P.S- the cover art is not mine, The credit and copyright go to Wojciech Wilk. If you have any problems, you can contact me through comments. Update Rate - 1chap/dayThe setup for a new book by a failing online novel writer was chosen by a higher-dimensional, greater life force. Thus, the "Spirit Live Streaming Room", initially adrift in the depths of the internet, was born. Gathering the wishes of all beings, it materialized countless fantasy worlds and live-streamed their mysteries and brilliance, dazzling and drawing in billions of captivated souls... This is a bizarre anchor's growth diary to the God of Creation, live streaming the world in an incredibly direct, high-profile, and trendy way.
[Silver Prize Winner Of WPC #210] "Reality is my domain. Most can't accept reality. Some chose to accept reality. Few go against reality. But, none can escape reality!" ~Realius Regulus~ Manipulator's Academy- an academy that specializes in handling the strongest in every world and enrolling them as a student. One must have the ability to manipulate at least one element to enter such prestige academy. Realius Regulus happened to wake up from his slumber with a digital huge clock beside him that has 691,169, years on it. Confused, Realius decided to deal with it and he found out that he wasn't wearing any clothes. There were a group of girls in an expedition and those group of girls was the one who woke Realius from his slumber. To find out more about it, read this novel about the life of Realius Regulus, the reality bender, the ruler of reality, or whatever you mortals call him as he attempts to transcend his origin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written By: ShadowKatake The cover Is not mine so if the artist of that artwork wants me to remove it, then please talk to me on Discord. --- Author: ShadowKatake Discord server: --- If you are reading this on sites other than , then this novel is pirated! The author mainly publishes this on webnovel but other free chapters posted in other sites are likely published by the author. But if paid chapters are included, then that site pirated the author's work.In a universe where Gods rule over, born on the Earth, Leon. In this universe, everyone living under the Gods' rule has to obey their absolute decrees. The primary and foremost rule is to be present at the Goddess's Statue during prayer day, no matter what. This is what the Absolute Ones ruling over them demand from their people in exchange for knowledge, power, and technology. The universe has a myriad of intelligent races; Zetas, the gray aliens and Reptilians, lizard-like humanoid people, were just two of the many races strolling the streets with them. This was Leon's normal. However, his normal crumbled to dust on one fateful day, casting a shadow over his heart. This is the story of a boy taking over the sword of vengeance and freedom against the Divine Ones along with his comrades. -------- ---Slow paced--- [Disclaimer: The system will appear in the 10th chapter.] [Disclaimer 2: The Gods will appear later in the novel.]
``` Em um mundo onde a era interestelar trouxe tanto promessas quanto decepções, Michael Fang sonha em se tornar um Senhor no misterioso reino. Ele anseia por explorar ruínas antigas de civilizações caídas e construir um território amado e apoiado por seus súditos. Mas suas aspirações são destruídas quando ele percebe que não é nada especial e apenas um garoto comum em um mundo cheio de prodígios celestiais. Isso é, até que ele tropeça no Portão que leva à Expansão Origem, um reino misterioso que promete mudar tudo que ele pensava saber sobre si mesmo e seu destino. Com um novo poder e determinação inabalável, Michael jura transformar sua má sorte em oportunidade, não importa quão perigoso seja o caminho. "Assistam e testemunhem enquanto eu extraio tudo!" Acompanhe Michael Fang em sua jornada pela Expansão Origem enquanto ele luta através de obstáculos e inimigos para alcançar seus sonhos e se tornar o Senhor Supremo que sempre foi destinado a ser. ** Discord: ```
If you had Super Powers, would you be a hero? Would you try to become a God? What if the God's were afraid of Humans? The Super-Apocalypse destroyed cities, leveled mountains, and killed billions. Now the small enclaves of Humanity are organized into Empires under the remaing Supers. Earth entered an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity, but it was a peace bought by the near extinction of Humanity. Shin is a 15 year old boy attending a Military Academy, trying to do well in his studies and focus on his future as a Space Force Specialist. He lives in a world obsessed with becoming stronger, and people can! The talented earn the right to unlock their genetic potential, and enter the elite brotherhood of the Augmented. Why do the Supers push humans to become stronger? What dark secrets do they hold about Earth's place in the Meta-Verse? Can Supers protect the Earth from the dark gods hunting for it, or will it be up to the humans they are desperately augmenting? Shin doesn't know it, but his potential is 0, so it will be tough. Will he uncover the secret to Killing Gods?
A man with a unique name, Ue (spelling; Yu), decides to accept an offer to join a program called 'Into The Hole' because he is bored with his life. The program requires someone to be flown and enter a Black Hole which for thousands of years has always been a mystery to scientists. This program is sponsored by Hidetoshi Akimura, who spent his entire life dedicated to studying a Black Hole which they named the Black Eye, somewhere in the Norma Arm, Milky Way. While Ue is on his mission to the Black Eye, there is chaos on Earth, a catastrophe that nearly wipes out humanity. The disaster was caused by the Healer serum, a serum previously touted as a miracle serum and highly revered by the public, now become a deadly serum that wipes out more than two-thirds of the Earth's population. Can Ue complete his mission? And what about the fate of the remaining human beings on Earth? Find the answer in this novel.
What is the most awsome thing you have ever experienced in your life? Some say finding money, love, again money... But for Alex, his unluckiest thing became the luckiest. Transmigrated into a different universe ruled by the pantheon of Gods, Alex someone that hates to be in danger, was thrown here with just one cheat. Mythological Simulation System. System that lets him to simulate his future lives, moments and abilities. "Wait, there is a 8 % chance i am gonna get attacked when i go out, lets stay inside for few more years." "Awsome i just got Zeus'es thunderbolt from the system, he must be angry right now" "Zeus has been fighting Poseidon for few years now, lets simulate how this fight ends and get the rewards from the end." "YOOO, POSAIDON'S TRIDENT" "Oh no!!! Artemis noticed me and now he wants to kill me, lets stay inside for 1000 years and get stronger from simulating." Will Alex be able to defeat all those gods that wish to kill him. Will Alex get his one mission done, to return to Earth. Or will his cowardn--- "HEY I AM NOT A COWARD, I AM JUST CAUtious.." Cough... or will his cautiosness be the one that will finally end his mission. -- Sorry for my english, i am not english. Cover: AI. Text On Cover: AI Cover Art: AI.
Dans un monde où l'ère interstellaire a apporté autant de promesses que de déceptions, Michael Fang rêve de devenir un Seigneur dans le mystérieux royaume. Il désire explorer les ruines anciennes de civilisations déchues et bâtir un territoire aimé et soutenu par ses sujets. Mais ses aspirations volent en éclats lorsqu'il réalise qu'il n'a rien de spécial et qu'il n'est qu'un garçon ordinaire dans un monde rempli de prodiges célestes. Jusqu'à ce qu'il tombe par hasard sur la Porte menant à l'Étendue d'Origine, un royaume mystérieux qui promet de changer tout ce qu'il croyait savoir sur lui-même et sur son destin. Avec un nouveau pouvoir et une détermination inébranlable, Michael fait le serment de transformer sa malchance en opportunité, peu importe combien le chemin est périlleux. "Regardez, et soyez témoins pendant que j'extrais tout !" Suivez Michael Fang dans son périple à travers l'Étendue d'Origine alors qu'il affronte obstacles et ennemis pour atteindre ses rêves et devenir le Seigneur Suprême qu'il était toujours destiné à être. ** Discord :
[Adult Content - Please Choose Your Reading Wisely] In the future, the population surge will reach its limit. The competition for life destroys the Earth itself. One by one the elites left Mother Earth, they were looking for life on other planets. And those who are unlucky, are forced to live lives no better than street dogs. Aldi is one of them. However, with all his efforts, Aldi tries to survive, even hijacking the spaceship of one of the rulers. Of course, he did that with the help of others. Thus, begins Aldi's adventures on Earth and also in outer space.
``` Max sempre quis uma vida mais emocionante, e após ser reencarnado em um futuro distante e uma Galáxia em guerra constante, seu desejo foi atendido. Descoberto como altamente compatível com o Sistema Tecnológico do seu novo mundo, foi recrutado ainda criança para treinamento a fim de se tornar um dos elite Pilotos de Mecha, os heróis do Reino que enfrentam até as ameaças mais poderosas de dentro de Mechas gigantes, empunhando as mais poderosas armas conhecidas pela humanidade. Tudo o que ele tem a fazer é provar seu valor. ```
"Raaaah!" Jacob let out a blood-curdling scream as he released the planet from his hand. Jacob Shepherd of the Shepherd Family. Hailed as the fated Genius of their family when he achieved the gene core stage at the young age of 14 years old. As Jacob fell on a tragic mission, everyone turned against his family, overthrowing them while he was left to die. Though, things weren't as bad as they seemed, when a special being gave him a second chance. Or did it? ==== Authors note - The first couple of chapters are foreshadowing. It gets better toward the end of the volume and more of the plot comes out. Volume 2 will be a lot more action. Recommend diving into the first volume. (I made it free). NO R-18 yet, however, it's guaranteed. ==== BONUS CHAPTERS(calculated at the end of the week): 200 Power Stones -> +1 Chapter at the end of the week 400 Power Stones -> +2 Chapter at the end of the week 600 Power Stones -> +3 Chapter at the end of the week 800+ Power Stones -> +4 Chapter at the end of the week ==== Premium Chapter length - 1.2k/1.5kThe universe was a vast, infinite place with innumerous mysteries and wonders. But also tragedy and loss. It can be incredibly beautiful, and incredibly brutal. Mares had everything taken from him, his home, his family, and even his humanity, through a process that would have destroyed the minds and souls of countless beings and, although he survived it, becoming something unique in the end, it was the meeting with the spirit of a kind and lovely white-haired girl named Esen that saved his mind. Thrown in a foreign world to grow through battle he would take his life and destiny back into his own hands, reconquer his freedom, and repay those that destroyed his and Esen's lives. With powers and a body unique throughout the entirety universe, he would make the universe itself tremble.
*Bronze Prize Winner of WPC 282: Sci-fi!* It all started when the first contact with intelligent life off human conquered space was established. The aliens had reacted in a much more violent manner than what humanity had suspected. The first waves of alien invaders came like a swarm of locusts, attacking the human colonies on the peripheral planets of humanity. When they were finally taken care of, humanity was already pushed back to only Earth and Mars. Humanity's greatest scientists studied the technologies of the fallen alien spaceships and other devices, and were able to make many more ground breaking innovations. The most recent innovation came in the form of the Paladins. The Paladins were highly advanced creations of science that had come about through a more radical experiment by one of humanity's leading scientists, Doctor Harvard Stewart. Moses Magair is a young, but promising soldier that has caught the eyes of his superiors. He has been selected to be the latest Paladin that will protect humanity against the alien invaders. Follow his journey through the ranks and through outer space as he takes the fight to the alien invaders!
In a futuristic Earth where space exploration has become possible, a young girl dreams of becoming the greatest scientist in the world. However, her world is threatened by an unknown enemy, causing her to become fearful but determined to defend her planet. One unique aspect of this girl is that she is able to find research answers in her sleep, which initially seems like a lucky coincidence. However, as she rapidly develops new technologies, she begins to question why she is able to do this and realizes that there may be something strange about her abilities. To uncover the truth behind her unusual powers, she sets her sights on becoming the greatest scientist in the entire universe. Along the way, she will encounter many challenges and must confront her fears to save her world from destruction. [-------------Notice-----------] This is my first time writing a novel, english is not my main language, so if you have some advices, i will be happy to hear it.
Max a toujours voulu une vie plus palpitante, et après avoir été réincarné dans un futur lointain et une Galaxie en guerre perpétuelle, son vœu fut exaucé. Reconnu pour sa haute compatibilité avec le Système Technologique de son nouveau monde, il fut recruté enfant pour s'entraîner à devenir l'un de leurs Pilotes de Mecha d'élite, les héros du Royaume qui affrontent les plus grandes menaces à bord de Mechas géants, maniant les armes les plus puissantes connues de l'humanité. Tout ce qu'il doit faire, c'est se prouver digne.