De huir por tu seguridad e inscribirte en una escuela llena de psicópatas... ¿a ser reclamado por un desquiciado príncipe alfa? Sí, estarías mejor muerto. • . • La vida de Jules era perfecta hasta que toda su familia fue asesinada de repente, siendo él el único superviviente. Un salvador apareció porque aún estaba en inmenso peligro, y eso llevó a Jules a adoptar una nueva identidad y convertirse en una persona completamente diferente de la noche a la mañana —e inscribirse en Carnavales, una prestigiosa escuela solo para chicos para todos los seres sobrenaturales. En Carnavales, los monstruos acechan los oscuros pasillos y los fuertes se aprovechan de los débiles. O te conviertes en un depredador o en una presa... y de una mirada a Jules —un chico demasiado bonito para su propio bien, con una figura esbelta y delicada, era obvio que iba a ser devorado vivo por los depredadores. Aquí viene Blaze, un lobo que envía escalofríos por la espina dorsal de cada depredador en la escuela, un Alfa increíblemente atractivo que era tan peligroso y desquiciado como los rumores afirmaban. Él echó un vistazo a Jules y decidió ahí mismo que Jules le pertenecía. *** Me fui hacia atrás, los ojos aún más abiertos mientras me centraba en la sonrisa que tiraba de la comisura de sus labios. Blaze nunca sonreía, y cuando lo hacía, nunca significaba nada bueno. Mi corazón latía más rápido mientras me agitaba hacia atrás aún más, el aliento interrumpido cuando él comenzó a reducir la distancia entre nosotros. En poco tiempo, mi espalda estaba pegada contra la fría pared y fue entonces cuando me golpeó en el pecho que estaba acorralado y atrapado, como una auténtica presa... por nadie más que Blaze, cuando pensé que mi vida no podía empeorar. Se erguía sobre mí sin esfuerzo, emitiendo tanta dominancia que tuve que inclinar mi cabeza hacia atrás para poder encontrarme con sus oscuros ojos, y mi aliento se cortó cuando nuestras miradas se encontraron. Se inclinó y mis ojos se cerraron de golpe en cuanto contuve la respiración, esperando a que él atacara. He oído todos los horribles, interminables rumores acerca de él. Era un Príncipe Alfa cuya presencia alguien como yo nunca debería estar. Cuando sentí la punta de su fría nariz deslizarse a lo largo de mi cuello, mi boca se abrió para soltar un gáspido sorprendido. Aspiró larga y audiblemente y sentí un escalofrío recorrer mi espina dorsal mientras me ponía aún más rígido, la confusión nublando mi mente. ¿Qué estaba pasando? ¿Por qué estaba haciendo esto de repente? ¡Dios mío... realmente era un alfa desquiciado como todos dicen! *** ¡ESTE LIBRO ESTÁ CLASIFICADO PARA MAYORES DE 18 AÑOS! Contiene contenido maduro tal como: - Acoso escolar. - Consumo de drogas. - Contenido sexual [mucho de él.] - Violencia. - Harén [no entre los personajes principales.] Así que... procede con precaución, ¡has sido advertido! *¡No tengo los derechos de la portada!
"Como una princesa que no podía manejar la magia, el único valor de la Princesa Dafne para su reino era su matrimonio concertado. La tarea era simple, pero cuando Dafne es secuestrada y llevada a las frías montañas de Vramid, se da cuenta de que la situación la supera. Había oído hablar antes de estas montañas malditas: terreno rocoso, temperaturas heladas, y la tierra estaba gobernada por un hombre temido por muchos en el continente. El Rey Ático Heinvres, el cruel gobernante del Norte. Aunque nunca lo había conocido antes, se contaban historias de la implacabilidad del Rey Ático. Algunos decían que era un monstruo, otros afirmaban que era el propio diablo, pero, sea cual fuera la historia, todo el mundo sabía del hombre que tenía poderes más allá de la imaginación de cualquiera. Podría derribar ejércitos y destruir naciones con solo un movimiento de mano, ayudado por lo que otros rumoreaban que era un anillo de obsidiana maldito. Nadie fuera de Vramid había conocido nunca al temible rey. No, hasta Dafne. Sin embargo, al encontrarse con el formidable hombre, Dafne descubrió que el rey quizás no era realmente el monstruo que los demás habían afirmado que era. De hecho, lo que estaba oculto bajo ese escudo de obsidiana podría ser simplemente un diamante en bruto. [Extracto] —Ahora… ¿dónde debería ponerlos a ambos? —preguntó casualmente—, sin esperar una respuesta. —Es lamentable que solo tenga un candelabro. —¿Debajo de mi cama? No, no, demasiado sucio. Mis conejitos de polvo no se merecen esto. —se dijo Ático a sí mismo—. ¿La repisa de la chimenea? ¿Qué tal el tocador? Supongo que si les corto una de sus cabezas podría colocarla encima… Esposa, ¿qué cabeza quieres mirar mientras te peinas? —¡Ático! —gritó Dafne—. ¡No quiero cabezas! Déjalos ir. —Está bien. —Ático encogió los hombros y movió sus dedos. Se oyeron dos crujidos idénticos cuando ambos cuellos se rompieron de golpe. Dafne soltó un grito, horrorizada. Este hombre, su esposo, acababa de matar a dos hombres con un movimiento de sus dedos, como si estuviera apagando velas. —¡Te dije que los soltaras! —gritó Dafne. —Sí, los dejé ir —dijo Ático—. —Luego, sus ojos se oscurecieron—. Para recibir el juicio divino de los cielos. Servidor de Discord:"
"You are alive!?!" She asked with a shocked expression. Chasina was forced to come to this blind date with her family. But she didn't expect to meet her ex, who was a known terrorist. She was the one who killed him for betraying her and her country. She didn't feel any remorse for doing that. She is a civil servant and loyal to her country. She will do anything to protect her motherland and her citizens. But she didn't expect to see him here on the blind date. She decided to annoy him and make him leave. Now things are different. She turned her heels and left without looking back. But will he let her leave just like that? Nope. He lost her once but he won't let it happen twice. He explained himself to her but that only made her feel betrayed for the second time. But a few months later, he made her fall for him for the second time. He melted her icy heart again. **** On their wedding day…. Chasina Rosella stood in the aisle as she started at his disappearing back. He left her without marrying because of his so-called duties with a bunch of people. She wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. She is not weak, she will not let them fall. Instead, she smiled. Her smile blinded the people who are present at the wedding. She smiled and turned her wedding into a party. The bride turned herself into a host. She stepped onto the stage and took the microphone from the emcee. "Since the wedding is canceled, I would like to announce that we will turn this wedding into a party. Let's enjoy, " she said with a smile. Everyone dumbfounded at her announcement. If it was another woman, she would cry until her lungs gave way. She was the only woman, capable of smiling until her jaw hurt. Some pitied her. Others admired her. But she didn't care. Because her heart turned numb from his betrayal for the third time. She will never believe in love ever again! ____ Some years later… Chasina Rosella has become the most respected woman in the country. Wherever Chasina goes, everyone bows to her. She is a woman, who is considered a role model for every woman in the country. She is respected by every citizen of the country. But is loved by the first citizen of the country. Can she accept his love? _________ For advance chapters please join the discord. You can read chapters for free. _________________________________________ The cover photo doesn't belong to me. All the credits and appreciation goes to the original artist. The editing and changes to the cover photo are done by me. If anybody doesn't want me to use the cover, please let me know. I will remove it. __________ Other works: 1. EMPRESS OF BUSINESS WORLD 2. MY NEW LOVER IS A PRESIDENT. 3. CEO DADDY, LET'S GET MOMMY 4. TEMPTING MY RENTED BOYFRIEND 5. THE WEREWOLF SEEKING THE SUN 6. HER TRUE SOULMATE. 7. VAMPIRE KING'S WEREWOLF BRIDE [Coming on this platform soon!] _______ join Discord: Facebook: Ms_Anonymous Twitter: Ms_Anonymous012 Instagram: priyabolagani Happy reading o(〃^▽^〃)oHe is the king and there was nowhere I could hide from him in this world. I was dragged into a world of strange yet familiar desires and I don't know if it is okay for me to give in to the overwhelming pleasure. If it all turns to love . . . What will happen to me? I have to return to my mother but how will I escape? Well, that is for you to find out. Slowly but surely. In this story, I will let you in on my deepest secrets after my transmigration. It was only for a while and I might return home perhaps those thoughts gave me the boldness to give in to the physical attraction I felt toward him. If I ever return home, will I be able to hide from the feelings he engraved in my soul? Perhaps we might meet and I don't know what my reaction would be. And what about my dark longings? Warning: *The MC gets to discover the darkest part of himself. *Don't try to rationalize this (๑•﹏•)(◠‿・)—☆ /^\ ಠ_ಠ Disclaimer: No event, place, character, or religion depicted in this story is real. This is a work of pure fiction and imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, religion or actual events is purely coincidental. (↼_↼) Picture from Pinterest Thanks.
ジャスミンは偉大なアルファ・ベイルの最初の娘である。 彼女は庶子であるため、床を磨き、父、継母、異母兄弟、そして群れ全体の世話をする虐げられた生活を送っている。 しかし、彼女の人生は、父の正当な娘の代わりにハンサムで冷酷なアルファ・ザデンとの結婚のために送られることで劇的に変わる。 ザデンは、ジャスミンが父親とは全く異なるにもかかわらず、彼の家族全員を虐殺した父親の罪のために彼女を罰しようと決意している。 憎しみはゆっくりと欲望に変わり、激しい情熱になり、最終的には愛に変わる。 しかし、ザデンがジャスミンが彼の没落をもたらすためのスパイとして送り込まれた存在であり、実際には約束された元の王女ではないことを発見したとき、どうなるのか?
O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
Zina gave everything—her heart, her trust, and two years of her life—to the mate who betrayed her. Pregnant and shattered, she cast him out of her life, vowing never to let him hurt her again. Years later, Zina has rebuilt herself, rising as a respected doctor in her pack. But her quiet life unravels when she discovers a hidden power within her—one that marks her as more than just an ordinary wolf. Just as she begins to embrace her new identity, Xaden, the mate who broke her, returns—begging for forgiveness and a second chance. To make matters worse, Zina finds herself fated to not one but two mates, pulling her into a dangerous web of love, deceit, and power struggles. With old wounds reopening and new threats emerging, Zina must decide whether to risk her heart again—or protect herself and the child she swore to keep safe.
#Forbidden love #Enemiestolovers #Slowburn #Betratyal #Revenge **** Carol Davis is your fiercely independent nineteen-year-old with an unwavering passion for the captivating realm of billionaire romances. She has always dismissed the allure of fantasy, firmly believing that true love is defined by kindness, care, and unwavering devotion. What she craves is a partner who embodies these traits to the fullest. Everything changes when she crosses paths with her enigmatic teacher—a brooding man, mysterious and cold. Their chemistry is electric, igniting a spark that propels them into a forbidden relationship that defies all expectations. As Carol dives headfirst into this intense connection, she discovers that her teacher holds the potential to fulfill her deepest desires. Together, they navigate the exhilarating highs and daunting lows of their budding romance. But just as they begin to carve out their own space in a world that seeks to keep them apart, the truth is revealed, and they are forced to part ways in the most heart-wrenching way ever. However, will they reunite? Would they be willing to pursue their love even after everything? #Dragons #Draconians #Earthworms #The silentum This novel has three volumes: His dragon heart: Forbidden love The mad king and the White-haired: Forbidden love The prince and slave: Forbidden love Note: This book contains mature content, so if you're not up for it, please don't read. Also, this cover doesn't belong to me. If the creator doesn't want it there, please send a message and I'll take it down ASAP.Er ist eine Bedrohung für ihre Existenz. König Malachi, ein heißblütiger Drache von königlichem Blut, wird von den Menschen, die er so sehr verachtet, als Geisel genommen. Seiner Freiheit beraubt, wird er in einer dunklen Höhle gefangen gehalten, wobei seine Wut mit jedem Tag der Folter und Demütigung wächst. Das einzige Licht, das er sieht, kommt in Form einer Menschenfrau, die ihm ihre Fürsorge anbietet. Eine Frau, die ihn gleichermaßen mit Wut und Verlangen erfüllt. Eine Frau, die keinen Platz in seinem Herzen oder Verstand hat, denn nur ein Gedanke hält ihn aufrecht. Rache! Und selbst wenn ihre Freundlichkeit sein Herz erweicht und ihre Berührung seinen Körper in Flammen setzt, wird sie nicht von seinem Zorn verschont bleiben. Denn sobald er die Ketten der Sklaverei sprengt, wird er ihre ganze Welt niederbrennen. Sie ist der Schlüssel zu seiner Freiheit. Die kaltherzige Prinzessin Ravina ist eine Frau mit einer Mission. Die Ausrottung der Drachenrasse vom Angesicht der Erde. Aber als sie herausfindet, dass die Kreaturen, die ihre Eltern getötet haben, auch ihre Schwester entführt haben könnten, hat sie keine andere Wahl, als ihre Pläne zu ändern. Um ihre Schwester zu finden, muss sie sich der Kreatur nähern, die sie verachtet. Aber die Dinge laufen nicht immer wie geplant, und schon bald findet Ravina mehr, als sie erwartet hat. Gefangen in einem Kampf zwischen Menschen und Drachen, Liebe und Hass, Vertrauen und Verrat, muss Ravina jede Entscheidung mit Bedacht treffen. Und mit jedem Schritt, den sie der feurigen Bestie näher kommt, riskiert sie, dass das Eis, das ihr Herz umgibt, schmilzt und von den Flammen der Wut und Leidenschaft verzehrt wird.
A phoenix's blood is priceless. One taste transforms into a drug, a cure, and, unfortunately, an addiction that can unleash the ferocious and wild sides of even the purest being. The creatures of the night decimated half of the population of the phoenixes until the strongest declared war on them, which eventually led to a compromise and a sacrifice. In a secluded life, Eleanor Dankworth grew up with a rebellious spirit. However, her peaceful existence ended when her entire family was brutally massacred in front of her on her eighteenth birthday. Just as she thought things couldn't get worse, her betrothed, arrived to claim her. Ares Mazitzis. His very presence could lead one to believe he was the devil. And despite his title as the emperor's illegitimate son, deceitful, malicious, and apathetic entities bow to him. Feared by his people and his family because of the darkness within him, Ares main goal is to find and claim his betrothed, as she was nothing more than a sacrificial lamb. What happens he finds warmth and love from the lamb? What happens when all he wants to do is protect her from the looming darkness and himself? A creature of the night and a phoenix of light... It is a love that shocked and perilously struck the world.
Book 1 of the Brides of Darkness Series For hundreds of years, Calaren Town had been offering virgin maidens to fulfill their part on the treaty they made with the Court of Shadows to keep their small town under their protection. To be chosen meant death to the townsfolk, as there was no turning back to becoming a human again. Upon realizing that her younger sister was chosen as one of the maidens to be sacrificed by their impoverished town to the thirteen demon lords who once ruled their land, Iris Scarborough volunteered to take her place instead to save her. There was nothing exceptional about Iris, except for the secret she was keeping from everyone. However, even before she was taken away, Iris had already caught the eye of one of the demon lords. Rumors say that Lord Kieran Fleurnoir was the personification of death. His mere presence was enough to suck the life essence out of those around him. He was also known to be one of the strongest demons of all time, who possesses extremely dangerous and powerful magic. Taken to Asnar, a place filled with magical beings and monsters, Iris found herself enthralled and captivated not only by the place and its residents, but also by the cold and enigmatic demon lord, Lord Kieran. Once there, Iris realized that Asnar and Lord Kieran himself were different from what humans thought them to be. Loosely based on the tales of ‘Hades and Persephone’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Tags: Faeries, Elves, Demons, Magi, Dragons, Saints, Undead, Nymphs, Female Protagonist, Kingdoms, and Empires. --- Brides of Darkness Series 1. Bride of the Demon Lord 2. Bound to the Unseelie King 3. Mated to the Dark Lord 4. The Vampire Queen's Pet --- Editor/proofreader: ninaviews Warning for future r18 scenes and themes not appropriate for young audience. Copyright2022 anjeerikuWas passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
Ten cuidado con las traiciones del destino. —Los llameantes ojos rojos de Sterling taladran la aterrorizada mirada de Faye. —Pequeña mariposa, ¿no entiendes? Una vez que un dragón recibe algo precioso, nunca lo dejará ir. Faye Montgomery es una joven noble de bajo rango atrapada en un juego de traición imperial y muerte. Poco después del inoportuno fallecimiento de su madre, a Faye le informa su padrastro alcohólico y depravado que, a cambio de las crecientes deudas de su familia, ella será vendida en un matrimonio de contrato. Su nuevo esposo es el más celebrado y temible comandante de caballeros en el Imperio Eastcarin... el Duque Evan Sterling Thayer de Lago Stanhall. En su primer encuentro con el severo y glacial guerrero, Faye comprende que su situación es mucho peor de lo que originalmente pensaba. Se da cuenta de que ha encontrado al Duque en el pasado. La joven novia ahora cree que la muerte habría sido preferible antes que ser vendida a esta despiadada unión con el antiguo adversario de su familia y el hombre responsable de sus actuales desafortunadas circunstancias. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, incluso mientras lucha por liberarse de este abominable hombre, Faye descubre que sus rojos hilos del destino están más íntimamente entrelazados de lo que una vez imaginó. Ambos se han convertido en marionetas involuntarias del imperio. Con las muchas agendas ocultas y secretos de aquellos en el poder que los rodean, tendrán que dejar de lado sus diferencias y formar una alianza si desean sobrevivir. ¡Esta novela fue mi entrada en el Concurso WPC de julio de 2023! El apoyo que todos han mostrado es muy agradecido. ¡La historia está llena de giros inesperados que seguro disfrutarás! ... {ADVERTENCIA: Material de contenido maduro R-18} EL CONTENIDO SEXUAL COMIENZA DESPUÉS DEL CAPÍTULO TREINTA. Aviso legal: ESTO ES UNA OBRA DE FICCIÓN. TODOS LOS NOMBRES, PERSONAJES, ORGANIZACIONES, LUGARES Y EVENTOS SON PRODUCTO DE LA IMAGINACIÓN DEL AUTOR O USADOS DE MANERA FICTICIA. El arte de la portada es mío, así que no lo uses. correo electrónico:
He’s dangerous and he plotted it all along , to catch me in a compromising situation where I would be left with no choice but to marry him . He’s the city’s bad boy , men feared him , women wanted him , parents warned their children to stay away from him . He was from the bad side of town and I , the good . They didn’t have any rules to follow , we did . I was the good girl , followed every single rule my parents gave to me , I was their pride and joy but all that changed the moment Dante Clarke entered my life . ...................... Dante Clarke was a wanted man , the sexy bad boy that women threw themselves at and swooned over . His family was widely feared , no one went against them ... no one except the Palmers , they were the rich and elite group that followed the rules ,the complete opposite of the Clarkes. The Clarkes were fed up of the Palmers threats about the way they went about their lives and so they wanted a way to shut their mouths for good . When Dante’s father sets his eyes on their daughter Kyomi , he thinks of the perfect plan , make Kyomi Palmer marry his son and force the Palmers to finally submit to them .Ele é uma ameaça à sua existência. Um dragão de sangue real e sangue quente, o Rei Malachi é feito refém pelos humanos que ele tanto despreza. Privado de sua liberdade, ele é aprisionado em uma caverna escura, sua raiva crescendo a cada dia de tortura e humilhação. A única luz que ele vê vem na forma de uma mulher humana, oferecendo seus cuidados. Uma mulher que o faz arder com igual fúria e desejo. Uma mulher que não tem lugar em seu coração ou mente, pois apenas um pensamento o sustenta. Vingança! E mesmo que a bondade dela amoleça seu coração e seu toque incendeie seu corpo, ela não será poupada de sua ira. Porque uma vez que ele quebre as correntes da escravidão, ele incendiará todo o seu mundo. Ela é a chave para sua liberdade. A princesa de coração frio Ravina é uma mulher com uma missão. Erradicar a raça de dragões da face da terra. Mas quando descobre que as mesmas criaturas que mataram seus pais também podem ser as que sequestraram sua irmã, ela não tem escolha senão mudar seus planos. Para encontrar sua irmã, ela deve se aproximar da criatura que tanto despreza. Mas as coisas nem sempre saem como planejado e logo Ravina acaba encontrando mais do que barganhou. Presa em uma batalha entre humanos e dragões, amor e ódio, confiança e traição, Ravina deve fazer cada escolha com cautela. E a cada passo que dá mais perto da besta ardente, ela arrisca derreter o gelo ao redor de seu coração e ser consumida pelas chamas da fúria e da paixão.
After getting caught up in an accident, Li Xin transmigrated into a fantasy novel called 'The Rise of the Heavenly Demon' and became the ultimate villain, Chen Zoe. Arriving fifteen years prior to the original plot, he decides to change his dark destiny and distance himself from the protagonist at any cost. However, his plans were ruined when the protagonist becomes his disciple, a twist that wasn't even part of the original novel. To escape from this situation, Chen Zoe tries every method to make the protagonist leave his side, but nothing works; in fact, it brings them even closer. They start to develop feelings for each other, but they never expect that their love will bring disaster to the entire world.
Among the approximately two million middle school students who took the exam, only the top 100 scorers of the entrance examination are offered a scholarship in the most prestigious school in the country, Chen Academy. One of the students who were offered a scholarship was Uriel Delavin, a seemingly narcissistic omega who grew up in the countryside and was showered with endless compliments from those around him. Breathtakingly beautiful and blessed with intellect, everybody in his hometown looks up to him and envies him. The reigning king of the school of the elites, Theodore Greene, is an arrogant alpha who grew up pampered and spoiled by his parents. Devilishly handsome, charismatic, smart, and filthy rich, there was no doubt that he was branded as the man who was at the top of their school. What will happen when these two people meet? With their incompatible personalities, how will their love story unfold? __________ "Where did it all go wrong?" That was the question I had inside my head for so long. Perhaps, I knew the answer all along but just chose to ignore it. You're my biggest mistake. You're my destruction. You're the only person who has ever led me to my downfall. You make me so vulnerable. Seeing how you ignore me as if we're perfect strangers finally made me realize my mistakes and opened my eyes to see the answer to my question. 'Where did it all go wrong?' I can now answer this question after pondering about it for the longest time. It all went wrong from the very first time I met you. It all went wrong from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. It all went wrong from the very first time I spoke to you. It all went wrong because... ... you're you. Because you're Uriel Delavin, my favorite mistake, my most beautiful destruction, and my sweetest downfall. ----- *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. I do not own the art. The book cover's credits go to the rightful owner. (I'm sorry, I don't know who the artist is.) I will be updating whenever I can during my free time. :)
(Matured Content) "You belong to me." He said in a husky voice, one that left me shivering in both fear and anticipation. "I belong to no one!" I force out. "You're no one to me." I glare at him. "Not when I'm through. When I'm through with you, you'll know you belong to me, and no one else." He advanced towards me, his intention clear by the glint in his eyes. "I am the predator, and you're the prey." * Being born as a prince have its perks but not when your life have already being planned out before your birth. Promised to the devil himself when he was still in the womb, Grys is expected to dutifully accept his fate, but he's too headstrong. Determined to fight the devil all the way, Grys asked for a duel. Should he win the duel, he gets to terminate the deal, but should the devil win, he'll dutifully follow him as his bride. The duet determines the outcome. But is Grys ready to give up his life and future for the devil should he lose?
I am a Snow Owl-Leopard Griffin and I do not have much to complain about my life, I have a great yet odd mother, live on floating fairytale islands filled with other flying creatures, magic and mysteries, but how did I end up in the arms of this rascal of a demon?! When chased away from my homeland I have to grow strong fast or perish on the way before I can even learn how to fly properly, but thankfully destiny traces my way into the world of cultivating as I grow obsessed with the power pursuing such knowledge gives me. Especially because I have people to save… and those to take revenge upon. *Thinks cool phare while staring at the horizon, the wind brushing his clothes and hair, all serene and determination oozing off from his cool demeanor… except for the glimmering eyed demon staring at his side with yet another gift for his cold beauty.* …I don’t have time for anything else, so take your gifts away you rogue demon! ~~~~ ML: Cold beauty, I bought you flowers! MC: Uhum…*doesn’t take any* ML: I bought us matching outfits lovely beauty! MC: Uhum… *doesn’t change clothes” ML: My king, I brought you to our chambers. MC:Uhu- Wait, what? Daring rascal, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. Enjoy~~ ~,^ PS. This is the second book of the series Reincarneted into a … but it can be read as a StandAlone.
***Completed*** It all started with revenge. And it was going to end with death. But fate intervened. A new chapter began... Viviana Mattias had only one passion—the destruction of the Kastello family. She wanted revenge for what that mafia family did to her. They took her every happiness and in turn, she took something valuable from them. She gave them a big blow. She knew they won’t recover and that marks the end of the Kastello family. She succeeded in her revenge. She wanted to perish before falling into the hands of the guardian of the Kastello family—Leander Kastello, the youngest of the Kastellos. True to the meaning of his name, he's a “lion man”. He is a beast, a savage to anyone who is against his family. And handsome, like the devil. But she was a moment late and had to face him. The encounter that she never prepared herself for, changed her life forever. ----- Leander Kastello is dangerous. He is lethal to anyone who hurts even a single hair of his family members. Anyone and everyone who even bothers to think badly about his family would have a taste of his bullets. Anyone…Everyone… Except, for that woman, whom he met on the ledge. That woman… He rushed to save her. And not just once. Why? What’s wrong with him? Why can’t he hurt her even when she stood in front of him, soaked in his brother’s blood? Why can’t he see her in danger? What does she have in her eyes that makes him do things he normally wouldn’t do? ------ After learning that the one who saved her is the guardian of the family she wishes to destroy, what will Vivian do? When she saw the little spark that she kindled in that well-defended family burning uncontrollably as she very much hoped for, why did she feel sad for the guy who only knew to protect? Why does her heart hurt to see him in pain? Will she let him burn in the fire as she originally hoped for? Or will she return the favor and become his guardian and lead him to safety? Hello guys, This book will be a slow burn. But there will be a lot of sweet moments and interactions between the leads right from the start. The female lead will hate the male lead in the beginning while the male lead tries to figure out his feelings towards her. They would want to not care for the other, but fate is stronger than their will. Hope you will enjoy the ride with me. Updates will be at least one chapter per day. And depending on the summoning pens, PSs, and GTs, mass releases will be scheduled. Please support this book. Kindly vote, comment and write reviews so that I will know where to improve. Thank you.