Especially when Podry was FREE, he vowed to NEVER go hollow as his father had in the end.
Movies · Daddy
Much of that perception had to do with the show's host. Jennifer 'Yeni' Valez was a pretty little thing. She was petite, often almost comically dwarfed by the desk she sat behind on set. Her face was round and adorable, usually with a soft, pouty expression for her guests and audience. She kept her hair dyed shock-white and so short it didn't even cover her ears. More than any other descriptor, the hostess of Late Night With Chooms was a loveable little pixie.
Movies · Daddy
Much of that perception had to do with the show's host. Jennifer 'Yeni' Valez was a pretty little thing. She was petite, often almost comically dwarfed by the desk she sat behind on set. Her face was round and adorable, usually with a soft, pouty expression for her guests and audience. She kept her hair dyed shock-white and so short it didn't even cover her ears. More than any other descriptor, the hostess of Late Night With Chooms was a loveable little pixie.
Movies · Daddy
Another vehicle joined up on our other side, a trucked-up speeder with the windows down. The driver of that one — I'll admit — made me blink. Just for a moment but she was fucking gorgeous. Dusky-skinned like the guy, dark and soulful eyes, hair in a bun, and with curves that wouldn't quit. S-tier scrap bunny tomboy. 10 out of 10, no comments or critiques.
Movies · Daddy
Another vehicle joined up on our other side, a trucked-up speeder with the windows down. The driver of that one — I'll admit — made me blink. Just for a moment but she was fucking gorgeous. Dusky-skinned like the guy, dark and soulful eyes, hair in a bun, and with curves that wouldn't quit. S-tier scrap bunny tomboy. 10 out of 10, no comments or critiques.
Movies · Daddy
Another vehicle joined up on our other side, a trucked-up speeder with the windows down. The driver of that one — I'll admit — made me blink. Just for a moment but she was fucking gorgeous. Dusky-skinned like the guy, dark and soulful eyes, hair in a bun, and with curves that wouldn't quit. S-tier scrap bunny tomboy. 10 out of 10, no comments or critiques.
Movies · Daddy
I have a tendency towards monologue to 'get into' the POV character's head -- both for myself as a writer and for the readers. I perfectly understand why you might find it tedious, but I don't think it's unnecessary. I'll try to be more aware of getting carried away with it going forward, though. Good criticism!
She didn't let the slight blush at how utterly hopeless she was at romantic endeavors show on her face, simply answering Atom's question with a bowing nod of her head.
Movies · Daddy
Once more, the partition parted. A tall, curvy, and ethereally elegant woman entered. She seemed practically untouchable to the world around her. As if reality itself wouldn't dare. Elven ears peeked out from beneath almost glowing golden hair. And those curves were damn-near holy. No other word could do them justice.
Movies · Daddy
OC slave folklore. The name is just a powerful coincidence (or maybe Anakin - a former slave - wanted to name his daughter after a deity of hope in canon...)
"Slaves are never alone," Tya whispered, and Podry later repeated. "Someone is always with us, even when we cannot see and cannot hear them. We can always feel. All slaves have a sister. Mighty Leia went through all of our woes once, and still, she remains. Watching. Commiserating. Shouldering a bit of our burden.
KYBER-PUNK 22BBY [Inspired Inventor+]
Movies · Daddy