Would have personally gone for kojiro style
"Then, for the second, make me capable of using the Mutsu Enmei-ryuu style."
Anime & Comics · AB_NANI
Kazuki Fuwa, a third-year student at Kuoh Academy, muttered to himself as he stared up at the crimson full moon on his way home from a part-time job.
Anime & Comics · AB_NANI
Pokémon Egg: I’m Blowing Up!
Video Games · michaeI
Was anyone gonna explain what this thing actually was?
Video Games · michaeI
Details: This fruit allows the user to manipulate machinery, generate minor electricity, and visualize blueprints. More to be discovered.
Anime & Comics · GravityWrites
Eh I prefer the Smooth Criminal myself
He smiled as he saw 12 views after a while, his eyes looked down at the recommendation bar and saw a video of a guy called Gentle Criminal, he rolled his eyes and clicked not interested.
Anime & Comics · Holy_Gamer
[Editor note: Check para comment here. Thompson Submachine gun.]
Anime & Comics · BingeFics
"YES! YES!!!" I said loudly, imitating Bison.
Anime & Comics · ZPrime
Gurren Laggan
Looking ahead of them they all saw 5 blue turtles with Brown shells with a yellow underbelly, each of them with sunglasses, 4 round and 1 much different than the rest.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Funny thing is I don’t remember the anime I remember watching it but for the life of me can’t remember the name
John was flying toward him, foot outstretched in a powerful kick that landed squarely on Sirius's midsection.
Hogwarts' John Wick
Book&Literature · Dragonel23